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he mass strike by
1.5 million workers on
10 July shows the
potential power to beat
Camerons austerity coalition.
There is a discussion across
the unions about more strikes
in the autumn. We also want
a huge turnout on the TUC
Britain needs a pay rise
demonstration on 18 October.
Alongside the battle over
public sector pay and pensions,
zero hours contracts, the
attacks on union rights, low
pay and the scapegoating of
claimants and migrant workers
are all key issues affecting
The Striking together
organising to win event will
discuss how the fight against
austerity can develop.
We want to debate how

we can build on 10 July and

see more and even bigger
strikes to beat back the
We want to highlight the
role unions can play in the fight
against attacks on the NHS,
public services, benefits and
the rights of disabled people.
And we want to discuss the
possibility of building union
organisation today both in
the public and private sectors.
Speakers include:
Ian Lawrence
NAPO general secretary
Mandy Brown
Lambeth College UCU
Peter Pinkney RMT president
Jane Aitchison Unite the
Resistance joint secretary
Ian Hodson
BFAWU national president

Book now 6 waged, 3 unwaged

Forums & workshops include

Strategies to win: How do we
beat the austerity agenda?
The fight against zero hours
contracts and organising the
Migrant workers:
part of the union,
part of the solution
Mass strikes and the
movement, the role of strikes
in the fight against austerity
The law and the
Do workers still have power to
beat the bosses?
This is what we want:
demands for the election
campaign and the next

Book online:

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Organising to win conference

Back the strikes, build the unions
Fight austerity and for decent pay
Stop scapegoating claimants and migrants
Saturday 15 November, central London

Tickets: Waged 6

Unwaged 3

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Send this form to: Unite the Resistance, c/o Bookmarks, 1 Bloomsbury St, London WC1B 3QE
Website Twitter @resistunite Facebook uniteresist

Striking cleaners picket SOAS (University of London) Photo: Guy Smallman

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