Dees Usf Resume Good One

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Deanne M.

I am a charismatic, driven, and hard-working nurse graduate with a background in professional acting and TV news seeking an
opportunity to work with a healthcare team that shares my enthusiasm for impacting peoples lives through outstanding care.
University of outh !lorida, Tampa, !lorida August !14
Bachelo"#s of $cience in %u"sing
"#$% &.'(
&ducation Decembe" !!'
University of outh !lorida, Tampa, !lorida
Bachelo"#s of A"ts in () %e*s
"#$% &.)*
+linical &,-e"ience
+edical urgical I% outh !lorida ,aptist -ospital- (./ hours
+edical urgical II% t. 0osephs -ospital- (./ hours
1ommunity -ealth% t. $nthonys -ospital, 2utpatient 2ncology 1enter- (3/ hours
#sychiatric 4ursing% t. 0osephs -ospital, ,ehavioral -ealth 1enter- (./ hours
5abor 6 7elivery% t. 0osephs 8omens -ospital- )/ hours
#ediatrics% t. 0osephs 1hildrens -ospital- )/ hours
#receptorship% t. 0osephs -ospital, &9 1ardiac:Telemetry- ('; hours
$imulation &,-e"ience
$emeste" 1 . /undamentals
-igh takes% (/-+inute $ssessment
-ead-to-Toe% *;-+inute $ssessment
$emeste" - Medical0$u"gical 1
7iabetic <etoacidosis, #ost 1ardiac 1atheteri=ation, 12#7
$emeste" 3 - Medical0$u"gical
$naphylactic >eaction
"I ,leed
ubdural -ematoma
+ock 1ode
$emeste" 4 . 1ediat"ics02B034% 5 1s6chiat"ic %u"sing
#ediatric >espiratory 7istress
$ssessing:Triaging 6 4atural ,irth, 4ewborn $ssessment
#ost-#artum -emorrhage
#ost-Traumatic tress 7isorder ?#T7@, Virtual -allucinations
1ommunity imulation% 7isaster #reparedness and Tele-ealth
7o"8 &,-e"ience
$e"9e" 5 ("aine": (he ;ac8 $ushi Ba" 5 Billia"d#s <ounge: B"andon: /< /eb"ua"6 !1-/eb"ua"6 !14
#rovided eAcellent customer service, served food and drinks, open and closing shift organi=er, trained new associates
#rioriti=ed time and helped supervise the floor, making sure to keep a safe and well-managed environment for guests
and associates
$ales 1e"son: )ans $8ate $ho-: B"andon: /< =anua"6 !11-/eb"ua"6 !1
Informed and sold shoes, apparel, and skating accessories to guests
-andled money, assisted with associate schedule, opening and closing shift duties
+ashie" 5 ("aine": 1ane"a B"ead: B"andon: /< =anua"6 !!>-Ma"ch !1
#rovided top-notch service to guests regarding our restaurant and bakery, opening shift supervisor, trained new
-andled money, helped provide a clean, comfortable, and safe casual dining eAperience for guests
+e"tifications 5 ("aining
,5 1ertified 3/(3 6 3/(*
44$ member 3/(3-present
Trained in operation of 1erner 9+> system

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