The French Revolution (1789 - 1815) : Key Events

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The French Revolution (1789 1815)

Key events
- The fall of the Bastille marked the beginning of the French Revolution
- The Committee of Public Safety began the Reign of Terror
- Napoleon Bonaparte created the French Empire
- Allied forces defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
The impact today
The events that occurred during this time period still impact our lives today
- The French Revolution became the model for revolution in the modern world
- The power of nationalism was first experienced during the French Revolution, and it is still
powerful in existing nations and emerging nations today
- The French Revolution spread the principles of liberty and equality, which are held dear by
many nations and individuals today
The French Revolution was important since it began a new age in European political life. The old
political order in France was destroyed. The new order was based on individual rights, representative
institutions, and loyalty to the nation rather than the monarch. The ideals of Liberty, Equality and
Fraternity transformed France, then spread to other European countries and the rest of the world.
Social inequality and economic problems contributed to this revolution.
In 1789, a mob attacked the Bastille, an armory and state prison. Although it contained only seven
prisoners, in the eyes of these angry Parisians it was a glaring symbol of the governments harsh
policies. The armory was defended by the Marquis de Launay, but as he and his men realized they
couldnt hold out much longer they surrendered. De Launay was killed. That lead to revolution.
French society was divided into three states: the clergy, the nobility and the commoners of society
which consisted of the bourgeoisie merchants, bankers, industrialists and professional people-,
skilled craftspeople, shopkeepers, and other wage earners in the cities.
The destruction of the old regime started when the National Assembly, which was held in Versailles,
abolished the rights of landlords, as well as the financial privileges of nobles and clergy.
In 1793, the Committee of Public Safety took control, to defend France from foreign and domestic
threats. The Reign of Terror was established when revolutionary courts were set up to prosecute
internal enemies. Close to 40000 people were killed. 16000 of those people, including Marie
Antoniette and Olympe de Gouges, died under the blade of the guillotine.
Napoleon Bonaparte, in a sense, brought the French Revolution to an end. He rose quickly through
the ranks of the French army, since he was a great strategist. He took part in the coup detat that
overthrew the government of the Directory, proclaiming a new government called the consulate. As
first consul he controlled the entire government. In 1804, he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I. his
downfall was due to the survival of Great Britain and the force of nationalism. As Britain ruled the
seas, it was invulnerable to military attack. In fact, the British navys decisive defeat of a combined
French-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar in 1805 destroyed any thought of an invasion. Napoleon then turned
to his Continental System to defeat Britain as its aim was to stop British goods from reaching the
European continent to be sold there. New markets in the West Indies and in Latin America gave
Britain new outlets for its goods. Another factor in the defeat of Napoleon was nationalism, which was
the unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols.
The invasion of Russia failed leading to Napoleons downfall. Finally, at Waterloo in Belgium in 1815,
Napoleon was defeated by Wellingtons army and the allies nations, being exiled to the island of St.
Helena in the South Atlantic.

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