Trabajo de Ingles

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En Chile, existe una gran desigualdad en la educacin porque no todas las personas tienen
los mismos recursos. Por lo tanto, yo pienso que todos los nios deberan tener una
educacin buena y gratis con el objeto de mejorar el futuro de ellos

In Chile, there is great inequality in education because not everyone has the same resources. So, I
think that all children should have a good and free education in order to improve their future.

Actualmente, existen muchos nios en casas de adopciones que hay una alta tasa de embarazos
adolescentes en el pas. Mi opinin es que no deberan abandonar a los nios. Deberan educar a
los adolescentes para tener una maternidad responsable.

2. Now, there are many children in foster homes because there is a high rate of teenage
pregnancies in the country. In my opinion, mother shouldnt leave their children. The
government hould educate teens to have a responsible motherhood.

3. Today in Chile, there are many suburbs made by poor people but also there are many
cities very well-off. In my opinion, this shouldnt be, because everybody have the right to
be the same.

4. Today, there are a lot of assaults in the neighborhood and the people are very scared. This
shouldnt be, because we all need to be safe in our neighborhood.

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