WOTN Occupy and Programme - Invite

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Warwick Organisation Theory Network Dayschool

Occupy and the Politics of Organizing

We are the 99%. This is what democracy looks like. Come and join us.
Wednesday 21
March 2012 11.1! "m to !.#0 "m
Warwick $usiness %chool %carman &oad
'ni(ersity o) Warwick Co(entry '*
Contem"orary "rotest mo(ements are claimin+ that they "re,+ure a new kind o)
"olitics - decentralised anti.hierarchical and multi"le in their demands. /or those
who ha(e assumed that democracy can only o"erate throu+h "arties and
re"resentati(es this is a considera0le challen+e. More +enerally 1ccu"y
"ro(okes us to reconsider 2uestions o) or+ani3ation itsel). Mi+ht it 0e that the
means o) or+ani3in+ are just as im"ortant as the ends4 Could this 0e a moment
when choices a0out how we or+ani3e oursel(es 0ecome "olitical in themsel(es4
5n this dayschool academics and acti(ists will discuss and de0ate these
2uestions as well as attem"tin+ to "ro(ide a s"ace )or considerin+ how the
uni(ersity mi+ht res"ond to 1ccu"y.
&e)reshments will 0e "ro(ided and there is no char+e )or attendance. The dayschool
is 0ein+ s"onsored 0y Organization: The Critical Journal of Organization, Theory and
To register a place, email Racheal.onnington!w"s.ac.uk. #or other $ueries
contact m.parker!warwick.ac.uk, or %uliane.Reinecke!w"s.ac.uk

&& am' co(ee
&&.&) am' Welcome * introduction
Martin Parker and Juliane Reinecke,
Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaiour !IROB", #niersity of
&&.+, am' Origins and de-elopment of Occupy ./0
Ja&ie 'elsey()ry, Occu*y+S,
&1.,,' Panel & 2 The politics of organizing the camp and the political
Ja&ie 'elsey()ry, Occu*y+S,
Tanya Paton, Occu*y+S,
Ti& )litcroft, Occu*y+S,
&.,, pm' lunch
1.,, pm' Panel 1 2 3ow do choices a"out how 4we5 organize oursel-es
"ecome political in themsel-es6
-eorge Barda, Occu*y+S,
Ja&ie Matthe%s, Occu*y+S,
.aid +ey, #niersity of Massachusetts Boston
Juliane Reinecke, IROB, #niersity of $ar%ick
+.+, pm co(ee "reak
7 pm 8eneral 9ssem"ly' 3ow could the uni-ersity respond to Occupy6
/ *ro*osal 0y Stefano 1arney, 2ueen Mary #niersity
) pm' closing comments
Martin Parker, IROB, #niersity of $ar%ick
).+, pm' drinks in pu"

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