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"hich o# the #ollowin$ is not a #unction o# HRM%
&elect correct option:
None o# the a*ove
"hich one state'ent is true a*out internal e+uity in co'pensation syste'%
&elect correct option:
(his 'eans that as ,o* rates are set- they are .eter'ine. on such .i'ensions As s/ills- ,o* responsi*ilities- e##ort an. accounta*ility
0nternal e+uity not shows the #airness o# pay structure
0nternal e+uity 'eans co'parin$ e'ployees with each other *y their personal characteristics
None o# $iven options
Best (rainin$ pro$ra' is the one that:
&elect correct option:
Has #ul#ille. all the steps o# trainin$ process
(hat leaves aca.e'ic i'pact on participants
(hat leaves a per'anent i'pact on participants
None o# the $iven
"ho is responsi*le to ta/e corrective actions in response to un#oreseen pro*le's%
&elect correct option:
"hich o# the' is 'ost vali. interview #or' #or pre.ictin$ ,o* per#or'ance%
0n#or'al interview
Unstructure. interview
&tructure. interview
All o# the'
(he invisi*le *arrier that *loc/s #e'ales 5 'inorities #ro' ascen.in$ into upper levels o# an or$ani!ation- is ter'e. as:
6en.er .iscri'ination
6lass ceilin$
A##ir'ative action
4ollowin$ are the sta$es o# sociali!ation process- 78C7)(:
)re3arrival sta$e
7ncounter sta$e
Meta'orphosis sta$e
Co'pletion sta$e
How .o co'panies #acilitate wor/#orce .iversity%
By relyin$ on e9ternal support syste's #or 'inority wor/ers
By encoura$in$ e'ployees to challen$e *elie#s an. values o# other e'ployees
By or$ani!in$ social activities
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By rein#orcin$ tra.itional values
"hich o# the #ollowin$ ter' #ocuses on the .i##erences an. si'ilarities a'on$ the wor/#orce%
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is a #orecastin$ techni+ue that involves e9peri'entin$ a real3worl. situation throu$h a 'athe'atical 'o.el%
0n.ivi.ual's *ehavior co'prises o#:
All o# the $iven options
Question : ; o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<>:>? AM @ (otal M 3 ;
(he process *y which people ac+uire s/ills 5 a*ilities re+uire. to per#or' ,o*s at han.- is /nown as:
&elect correct option:
Nee. analysis
Question : A o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<>:<> AM @ (otal M 3 ;
Br$ani!ation- where e'ployees are provi.e. with the opportunity to learn on continuous *asis is /nown as:
&elect correct option:
Question : C o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<;:CD AM @ (otal M 3 ;
Eo* evaluation is con.ucte. to .evelop:
&elect correct option:
Co'pensation pac/a$es
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(rainin$ 'o.ules
Br$ani!ational $rapevine
Rules 5 policies
Question : F o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<A:AF AM @ (otal M 3 ;
(he invisi*le *arrier that *loc/s #e'ales 5 'inorities #ro' ascen.in$ into upper levels o# an or$ani!ation- is ter'e. as:
&elect correct option:
6en.er .iscri'ination
6lass ceilin$
A##ir'ative action
Question : < o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<A:<; AM @ (otal M 3 ;
(he process throu$h which so'eone *eco'es aware o# personal s/ills- interests- /nowle.$e- 'otivationsG ac+uires in#or'ation a*out
opportunitiesG i.enti#ies career $oalsG an. esta*lishes action plans to attain those $oals is calle.___
&elect correct option:
Br$ani!ational .evelop'ent
Career 'ana$e'ent
Career .evelop'ent
Career plannin$
Question : H o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<C:F< AM @ (otal M 3 ;
(he proce.ure o# initiatin$ a .ocu'ent that speci#ies ,o* title- .epart'ent- the .ate the e'ployee is nee.e. #or wor/- an. other
.etails- is /nown as:
&elect correct option:
7'ployee re+uest
7'ployee appropriation
7'ployee re+uisition
7'ployee .e'an.
Question : D o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<F:<> AM @ (otal M 3 ;
"ho is the pri'ary person responsi*le #or .oin$ the actual appraisin$ o# an e'ployeeIs per#or'ance%
&elect correct option:
(he e'ployeeIs .irect supervisor
(he co'pany appraiser
(he hu'an resource 'ana$er
(he 77B contact person
Question : J o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<<:;F AM @ (otal M 3 ;
&ociali!ation process o# newly hire. e'ployees is usually con.ucte. *y:
&elect correct option:
Mar/etin$ .epart'ent
HR .epart'ent
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Accounts .epart'ent
All o# the $iven options
Question : ? o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<<:CF AM @ (otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ ter' is sai. to *e a part o# Br$ani!ational &tructure%
&elect correct option:
6oal attain'ent
Hierarchy level
)er#or'ance stan.ar.s
&upportin$ sta##
Question : ;> o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<<:<J AM @ (otal M 3 ;
HR responsi*ilities o# sta## 'ana$ers inclu.e
&elect correct option:
assistance in hirin$
rewar.in$- counselin$
assistance in pro'otiion
all $iven option
Question : ;; o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<H:;C AM @ (otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ .e#ines the process o# 'Recruit'ent'%
&elect correct option:
4orecastin$ the .e'an. o# hu'an resources
4orecastin$ the supply o# hu'an resources
2iscoverin$ potential ,o* can.i.ates #or a particular position
Ma/in$ a KhireL or Kno hireL .ecisions
Question : ;A o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<H:<< AM @ (otal M 3 ;
Charis'atic lea.ers are those who have the a*ility to:
&elect correct option:
Resolve every pro*le' prevailin$ in the or$ani!ation
0n#luence others in a .esire. 'anner
Co''an. over lar$er nu'*er o# e'ployees
&trictly i'pose the set rules
Question : ;C o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<D:FA AM @ (otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ ter' is use. #or locatin$ the +uali#ie. can.i.ates%
&elect correct option:
Recruit'ent sources
Recruit'ent lea.s
Recruit'ent pools
Recruit'ent personnels
Question : ;F o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<J:CC AM @ (otal M 3 ;
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0'pact o# in.ivi.uals' *ehavior in an or$ani!ation is stu.ie. un.er:
&elect correct option:
Br$ani!ational culture
Br$ani!ational nor's
Br$ani!ational *ehavior
Br$ani!ational rules
Question : ;< o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;>:<J:<> AM @ (otal M 3 ;
(he li#elon$ series o# activities that contri*ute to a personIs career e9ploration- esta*lish'ent- success- an. #ul#ill'ent is calle.:
&elect correct option:
Br$ani!ational .evelop'ent
Career 'ana$e'ent
Career .evelop'ent
Career plannin$
Question : ; o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:>;:;> AM @ (otal M 3 ;
Br$ani!ation- where e'ployees are provi.e. with the opportunity to learn on continuous *asis is /nown as:
&elect correct option:
Question : A o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:>A:>A AM @ (otal M 3 ;
)rovi.in$ ti'ely per#or'ance #ee.*ac/- .evelop'ent assi$n'ents- an. support are all part o# the MMMMMIs role in career
&elect correct option:
Hu'an resource specialist
Question : C o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:>C:AF AM @ (otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ .e#ines the process o# 'Recruit'ent'%
&elect correct option:
4orecastin$ the .e'an. o# hu'an resources
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4orecastin$ the supply o# hu'an resources
2iscoverin$ potential ,o* can.i.ates #or a particular position
Ma/in$ a KhireL or Kno hireL .ecisions
Question : F o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:>F:AA AM @ (otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ practice involves the sellin$ o## portions o# the co'pany an. 'a/in$ severe sta## re.uctions%
&elect correct option:
Br$ani!ational .esi$nin$
Question : < o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:>F:<J AM @ (otal M 3 ;
Authority is classi#ie. a'on$______________levels o# cate$ories
&elect correct option:
Question : H o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:><:<D AM @ (otal M 3 ;
)eople within a $roup who initiate the wor/- $ive new i.eas an. also collect in#or'ation a*out the tas/- are actually per#or'in$:
&elect correct option:
0n#or'ation collector roles
(as/ oriente. roles
Relationship oriente. roles
0n.ivi.ual roles
Question : D o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:>H:F? AM @ (otal M 3 ;
several #actors ra.ically chan$e. attitu.es towar.s hu'an resource in#or'ation syste's .urin$
&elect correct option:
2urin$ the ;?H>s an. ;?D>s
2urin$ the ;?D>s an. ;?J>s
2urin$ the ;??>s an. A>>>s
2urin$ the ;?<>s an. ;?H>s
Question : J o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:>J:>> AM @ (otal M 3 ;
&yste' use. to collect- recor.- store- analy!e- 5 retrieve .ata relate. to an or$ani!ation- is ter'e. as:
&elect correct option:
0& =0n#or'ation &yste'@
M0& =Mana$e'ent 0n#or'ation &yste'@
HR0& =Hu'an Resource 0n#or'ation &yste'@
2BM& =2ata Base Mana$e'ent &yste'@
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Question : ? o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:>J:F? AM @ (otal M 3 ;
4or the selection o# pilot- )0AIs 'ana$e'ent too/ the written test *ase. on the un.erstan.in$ 5 application o# aeronautical
en$ineerin$G un.er which cate$ory this test will #all%
&elect correct option:
Relia*le test
Content3vali. test
Criterion3vali. test
4ace3vali. test
Question : ;> o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:;>:>; AM @ (otal M 3 ;
7'ployees +uit the or$ani!ations at their own choice throu$h
&elect correct option:
Butplace'ent- restructurin$
2ischar$in$- layo##
(rans#er- .e'otion
Resi$nin$- retire'ent
Question : ;; o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:;;:>F AM @ (otal M 3 ;
(he inner .rive that .irects a personIs *ehavior towar.s $oal attain'ent is /nown as:
&elect correct option:
Question : ;A o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:;;:<C AM @ (otal M 3 ;
Metho.s o# Collectin$ Eo* Analysis 0n#or'ation inclu.e
&elect correct option:
all o# $iven option
Question : ;C o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:;A:AF AM @ (otal M 3 ;
As *ein$ part o# an or$ani!ation- it is an e'ployeeIs__________to ali$n his/her actions accor.in$ to the set rules 5 policies
&elect correct option:
Contractual ri$ht
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Question : ;F o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:;C:;F AM @ (otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ s/ill/s is/are re+uire. #or an e##ective tea'%
&elect correct option:
)ro*le'3solvin$ s/ills
(echnical s/ills
0nterpersonal s/ills
All o# the $iven options
Question : ;< o# ;< = &tart ti'e: ;;:;C:<> AM @ (otal M 3 ;
(he physical or psycholo$ical con.ition in.uce. in wor/ers *y overwor/ or overe9posure to stress in the wor/place- is /nown as:
&elect correct option:
&elect correct option:
0nterpersonal role
2ecisional role
0n#or'ational role
&upportive role
Question : H o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CA:>J AM @
(he e'i$ration o# traine. an. talente. in.ivi.uals to other nations .ue to lac/ o# opportunity or other reasons is /nown as
&elect correct option:
Eo* 0nsecurity
"or/#orce .iversity
Brain 2rain
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Question : D o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CA:<> AM @
(otal M 3 ;
&ta##in$ is a process o# hirin$ +uali#ie. e'ployees at the ri$ht place an. at the ri$ht ti'e- to achieve MMMMMMMMMM
&elect correct option:
(ar$ete. sales $oals
0n.ivi.ual career $oals
Return on invest'ent
Br$ani!ational o*,ectives
Question : J o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CC:C? AM @
(otal M 3 ;
Manu#acturin$ was the 'ain concern o# personnel .epart'ent .urin$:
&elect correct option:
Mechanistic perio.
Catalytic perio.
Br$anistic perio.
&trate$ic perio.
Question : ? o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CF:>D AM @
(otal M 3 ;
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is achieve. *y co'*inin$ capital- raw 'aterial 5 hu'an resource *y an or$ani!ation
&elect correct option:
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Question : ;> o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CF:AD AM @
(otal M 3 ;
&upervisors #all into the:
&elect correct option:
4irst3line level
79ecutive level
Question : ;; o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CF:FA AM @
(otal M 3 ;
HRM is associate. with the 'ana$e'ent o#:
&elect correct option:
6eneral people
1a*ors only
Br$ani!ational people
7'ployers only
Question : ;A o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CF:<J AM @
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(otal M 3 ;
A practice use. *y .i##erent co'panies to re.uce costs *y trans#errin$ portions o# wor/ to outsi.e provi.er rather than co'pletin$ it
internally is ter'e. as:
&elect correct option:
Question : ;C o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:C<:AJ AM @
(otal M 3 ;
(he co$nitive co'ponent consists o# a personIs:
&elect correct option:
Question : ;F o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CH:>D AM @
(otal M 3 ;
Reactive approach to overco'e the in#luence o# .iscri'inatory practices occurre. in the past is re#erre. as:
&elect correct option:
7+ual e'ploy'ent opportunity
A##ir'ative action
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HR plannin$
1iti$ation process
Question : ;< o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CH:A? AM @
(otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ ter'inolo$y .escri*es the le$al le$islation in which ,o* applicant shoul. not *e re,ecte. on the *asis o#
.iscri'inatory practices%
&elect correct option:
A##ir'ative action
1e$al co'pliance
7+ual e'ploy'ent opportunity
Question : ;H o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CD:FH AM @
(otal M 3 ;
An or$ani!ation operates in:
&elect correct option:
An isolate. syste'
A close. syste'
A clo$$e. syste'
An open syste'
Question : ;D o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CJ:;D AM @
(otal M 3 ;
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MMMMMMMM re#ers to a set o# e9pecte. *ehavior patterns attri*ute. to so'eone who occupies a $iven position in a social unit
&elect correct option:
Question : ;J o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:CJ:FF AM @
(otal M 3 ;
)eople can *e 'ore pro.uctive while wor/in$ in:
&elect correct option:
None o# the $iven options
Question : ;? o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:C?:>A AM @
(otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ co'ponent consists o# a personIs *elie#s- opinions- /nowle.$e- an. in#or'ation%
&elect correct option:
A##ective co'ponent
Co$nitive co'ponent
Behavioral co'ponent
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B*,ective co'ponent
Question : A> o# A> = &tart ti'e: >;:C?:<; AM @
(otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ involves hol.in$ *elie#s a*out people that place the' in cate$ories #or reco$ni!in$ an. acceptin$ .i##erences%
&elect correct option:
; "hich o# the #ollowin$ personality characteristics are associate. with people who are li/ely to e9hi*it violent *ehavior on the ,o*%
a Neurotic
* Bpti'istic
c 79traverte.
. (ype A
A "hich o# these su$$estions is an e##ective way to .eal with stress%
a Me.itation
* 79ercise
c (al/in$ with others
. All o# the $iven options
C 0n 'ost lar$e #acilities- who is responsi*le #or re.ucin$ unsa#e wor/in$ con.itions an. re.ucin$ unsa#e acts *y e'ployees%
a Chie# e9ecutive o##icer
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* Chie# sa#ety o##icer
c Bccupational sa#ety an. health o##icer
. Chie# operations o##icer
F "ho .istin$uishe. *etween intrinsic 'otivation an. e9trinsic 'otivation%
a 4re.eric/ (aylor
* 4re.eric/ Her!*er$
c 2avi. McClellan.
. 7.war. 2eci
< "hich o# the #ollowin$ is cate$ori!e. as an in.irect pay'ent portion o# e'ployee co'pensation%
a "a$es
* &alaries
c 7'ployer3pai. insurance
. Co''issions
H &tress can a##ect not only your health- *ut also other aspects o# your li#e "hat else can *e a##ecte. *y stress%
a 4a'ily relationships
* "or/ per#or'ance
c Nour attention to sa#ety
. All o# the $iven options
D Une'ploy'ent *ene#its are typically a*out MMMMMMMMMM percent o# a person's earnin$s an. last #orMMMMMMMMMM
a <>G AH wee/s
* D<G ; year
c ;>>G A years
. A<G F wee/s
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J Unsa#e acts can *e re.uce. throu$h all o# the #ollowin$ 'etho.s e9cept:
a Eo* rotation
* &creenin$
c (rainin$
. 0ncentive pro$ra's
? "hich o# these is the 'ost co''on type o# retire'ent plan%
a 2e#ine. *ene#it
* 7R0&A
c 2e#ine. contri*ution
. Money purchase plan
;> "hich one o# the #ollowin$ state'ents is correct in relation to 'onetary rewar.s in accor.ance with Her!*er$Is (wo34actor
a )ay increases are a power#ul lon$3ter' 'otivator
* 0na.e+uate 'onetary rewar.s are a power#ul .issatis#ier
c Monetary rewar.s are 'ore i'portant than non3'onetary rewar.s
. )ay can never *e use. as a 'otivator
;; "hich pattern o# co''unication is the +uic/est way to sen. a 'essa$e%
a (he circle
* (he chain
c (he N
. (he wheel
;A Chronic stress is the stress that wears at people .ay a#ter .ay "hich o# these is an e9a'ple o# chronic stress%
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a An unhappy 'arria$e
* Bn$oin$ 'oney pro*le's
c 2issatis#action with a ,o*
. All o# the $iven options
;C (he relative position o# an or$ani!ation's pay incentives co'pare. to other co'panies in the sa'e in.ustry is /nown as:
a )ay structure
* )ay appraisal
c )ay level
. )ay #ee.*ac/
;F )oor +uality lateral co''unication will result in which o# the #ollowin$%
a 1ac/ o# .irection
* 1ac/ o# coor.ination
c 1ac/ o# .ele$ation
. 1ac/ o# control
;< "hich o# the #ollowin$ is a health ha!ar. in the wor/ place%
a Uncollecte. waste paper
* Heavy o*,ect
c 4raye. crypt
. All o# the $iven options
;H Mana$ers can 'otivate people to avoi. per#or'in$ .ys#unctional *ehaviors *y usin$:
0 79tinction
00 )unish'ent
000 Ne$ative rein#orce'ent
a 0- 00- 000
* 0 an. 000
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c 00 an. 000
. 0 an. 00
;D "or/ers' co'pensation *ene#its #all into all o# these 'a,or cate$ories e9cept:
a Me.ical care
* Retire'ent *ene#its
c 2isa*ility inco'e
. 2eath *ene#its
;J 79pectancy theory #ocuses on the relationships *etween which three #actors%
a Nee.s- e##ort an. persistence
* Nee.s- per#or'ance an. inputs
c 0nputs- per#or'ance an. outco'es
. Nee.s- per#or'ance an. outco'es
;? A hori!ontal e9tension o# the o*,ect to increase tas/ variety is calle.:
a Eo* evaluation
* Eo* enrich'ent
c Eo* enlar$e'ent
. Eo* rotation
A> Co''unication *etween two 'e'*ers o# a pro,ect tea' #ro' .i##erent #unction- *ut the sa'e level o# authority is MMMMMMMM
a U) war.
* 2ownwar.
c 1ateral
. 2ia$onal
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;@ Appraisal o# a wor/erIs per#or'ance can *e .escri*e. as:
a@ )lannin$ Activity
*@ Br$ani!in$ Activity
c@ Controllin$ Activity
.@ 1ea.in$ Activity
A@Hawthornestu.ies .epict the e##ects o# wor/ environ'ent on:
a@ Hu'an Behavior
*@ Hu'an )er#or'ance
c@ Hu'an &atis#action
.@ All the $iven options
C@ )rocess o# wor/in$ with .i##erent resources to acco'plish or$ani!ational $oals is /nown as:
a@ &trate$ic 'ana$e'ent
*@ Hu'an Resource 'ana$e'ent
c@ Mana$e'ent
.@ (ea' wor/
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F@ (he concept o# how a person *ehaves in a $roup can *e attri*ute. to:
a@ (her'o.yna'ics
*@ 6roup 2yna'ics
c@ MBB =Mana$e'ent *y o*,ectives@
.@ 6roup Behavior
<@ (he stu.y o# Br$ani!ational Behavior is closely relate. to:
a@ Hu'an )sycholo$y
*@ Hu'an Behavior in $eneral
c@ Hu'an Behavior at wor/
.@ Hu'an3Machine 0nteraction
H@ 7ssential co'ponent o# an or$ani!ation is:
a@ (ea'
*@ &tructure
c@ 0n.ivi.ual
.@ None o# the $iven options
D@ (he whole is $reater than the su' o# its parts is /nown as:
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a@ 7##iciency
*@ 7##ectiveness
c@ )ro.uctivity
.@ &yner$y
J@ Virtual tea's can contri*ute to *etter coor.ination a'on$ the tea' 'e'*ers *ecause:
a@ (echnolo$y *rin$s the' to$ether on a #oru'
*@ (ea' 'e'*ers 'eet physically with each other
c@ (ea' 'e'*ers share views a'on$ the'selves via co''unication lin/s
.@ (ea' 'e'*ers have the real ti'e environ'ent #or interaction
?@ &ettin$ stan.ar.s shoul. *e le#t to the e'ployee rather than or$ani!ation lea.s to sel# controllin$ *ecause:
a@ 0t #ollows the 'ana$e'ent *y o*,ective approach
*@ 0t increases the pro.uctivity o# the wor/er
c@ 0t increases the con#i.ence o# wor/ers
.@ "or/ers co'e up to the hi$h stan.ar. since they have no pressure #ro' his superiors
;>@ "hich one is not *asic co'ponent o#BB=Br$ani!ational Behavior@ Mo.el%
a@ Br$ani!ation
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*@ 6roup
c@ (ea'
.@ 0n.ivi.ual
Q3;: Eo* postin$ is:
;0nternal a.vertise'ent *y an or$ani!ation to attract can.i.ates #ro' the e9istin$ e'ployees- a$ainst a vacancy
A(he syste' o# trans#errin$ e9istin$ e'ployees to co'para*le new ,o*s availa*le in the or$ani!ation
CAn arran$e'ent o# in house trainin$ o# e'ployees #or career a.vance'ent
F6roupin$ to$ether o# a #a'ily o# si'ilar ,o*s- un.er a sin$le title to esta*lish uni#or'ity o# stan.ar.s in controls an. co'pensations
Q3A: Realistic ,o* preview is a:
;(echni+ue #or listin$ ele'ents o# ,o* *e#ore selectin$ so'eone to per#or' it
A)er#or'ance appraisal techni+ue
CA selection .evice that ena*les the can.i.ates to learn *oth the ne$ative an. positive in#or'ation a*out the ,o* an. or$ani!ation
F None o# the $iven options
Q3C: Eo* analysis can *e per#or'e. in all o# the #ollowin$ ways e9cept:
B*servin$ hourly wor/
Reviewin$ interviews con.ucte. with .epartin$ e'ployees
&tu.yin$ .iaries or .aily ,ournals that 'ana$er /ept over a three3'onth perio.
6ivin$ wor/ers chec/lists to in.icate which tas/s on the list are per#or'e. .urin$ ,o* e9ecution
Q3F: Consi.erin$ continuous process i'prove'ent activities in or$ani!ations-
&houl. KOero .e#ectsL really *e a $oal%
;Nes per#ection is reasona*le $oal
ANo- >; percent errors can *e correcte. 'uch 'ore e##iciently than they can *e prevente.
CNes 'ost in.ustries #in. this an attaina*le $oal
F&o'eti'es- #or so'e 'ista/es- cost *ene#its can not *e calculate.
Q3<: Br$ani!ational e##iciency is e9presse. as:
;)lannin$ #or lon$3run $oals
AMa/in$ the *est use o# scarce resources
C6oal attain'ent
FMeetin$ .ea.lines
3H: 6oal settin$ is:
;(op .own process
ABotto' up process
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
CA process o# top .own support an. *otto' up .evelop'ent
FA #unction o# senior 'ana$e'ent
Q3D: "hen the #ir' chan$es the way it operates- the process is /nown as:
; 2ownsi!in$
A Brain .rain
C Restructurin$
F Butsourcin$
Q3J: "hich one is not inclu.e. in the hirin$ process%
FEo* speci#ication
Q3?: 7##ectiveness is 33333333333
; 2o ri$ht thin$s
A 2o thin$s ri$ht
C )ro.uctivity
F All o# the $iven options
Q3;>: 79tents o# in.ivi.ual #ree.o' an. .iscretion e'ployees have in per#or'in$
their ,o*s is Known as
A 4le9ti'e
"hich o# the #ollowin$ 'easures are ta/en to assess the intensity o#
e'ployeesI satis#action an. their attitu.e towar. the trainin$
&elect correct option:
P Continuous #ee.*ac/
P )ro#ita*ility rate
P Mar/et share
P )ro.uctivity levels
Question : < o# ;> = &tart ti'e: ;>:<J:CF AM @ (otal M 3 ;
Br$ani!ation- where e'ployees are provi.e. with the opportunity to
learn on continuous *asis is /nown as:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
&elect correct option:
P 4or'al
P 0n#or'al
P Bureaucratic
P 1earnin$
Question : H o# ;> = &tart ti'e: ;>:<?:>; AM @ (otal M 3 ;
Un.er which o# the #ollowin$ no screenin$ o# applicant pool is
con.ucte. *e#ore 'a/in$ #inal selection%
&elect correct option:
P "al/3in applicants
P 7'ployee re#errals
P 7'ploy'ent a$ency
P &chool place'ent
Question : D o# ;> = &tart ti'e: ;>:<?:F? AM @ (otal M 3 ;
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is NB( a concern o# Hu'an Resource 2evelop'ent
&elect correct option:
P 7'ployee trainin$
P 7'ployee orientation
P 7'ployee ri$hts
P 7'ployee appraisals
Question : J o# ;> = &tart ti'e: ;;:>>:<? AM @ (otal M 3 ;=&olution courtesy Marina Khan@
7'ployee co''it'ent has su##ere. in recent years *ecause o#:
&elect correct option:
P 2ownsi!in$
P (rainin$ issues
P Appraisals
P )er#or'ance stan.ar.s
Question : ? o# ;> = &tart ti'e: ;;:>;:CF AM @ (otal M 3 ; =&olution courtesy Marina Khan@
(he process throu$h which so'eone *eco'es aware o# personal s/ills-
interests- /nowle.$e- 'otivationsG ac+uires in#or'ation a*out
opportunitiesG i.enti#ies career $oalsG an. esta*lishes action plans
to attain those $oals is calle. MMMMM
&elect correct option:
P Br$ani!ational .evelop'ent
P Career 'ana$e'ent
P Career .evelop'ent
P Career plannin$
Question : ;> o# ;> = &tart ti'e: ;;:>C:>F AM @ (otal M 3
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4ollowin$ are the sta$es o# sociali!ation process- 78C7)(:
&elect correct option:
P )re3arrival sta$e
P 7ncounter sta$e
P Meta'orphosis sta$e
P Co'pletion sta$e

"hich per#or'ance appraisal techni+ue lists traits an. a ran$e o# per#or'ance%
&elect correct option:
Alternation ran/in$
6raphic ratin$ scale
Mana$e'ent By B*,ective
)aire. co'parison
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is part o# an e'ployeeIs role in his or her own career .evelop'ent%
&elect correct option:
)rovi.in$ ti'ely per#or'ance #ee.*ac/
)articipatin$ in career .evelop'ent .iscussions
7sta*lishin$ $oals an. career plans
B##erin$ a variety o# career options
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is achieve. *y co'*inin$ capital- raw 'aterial 5 hu'an resource *y an or$ani!ation
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
2ecision re$ar.in$ the .elivery 'e.iu' #or trainin$ is 'a.e prior to which o# the #ollowin$ step%
&elect correct option:
7valuatin$ the trainin$ pro$ra'
2esi$nin$ the contents o# trainin$ to *e .elivere.
0.enti#yin$ whether the trainin$ is re+uire. or not
Con.uctin$ nee. assess'ent to i.enti#y issues
Uno##icial part o# an or$ani!ation #or'e. on the *asis o# co''on interests is /nown as:
&elect correct option:
4or'al or$ani!ation
0n#or'al or$ani!ation
Bureaucratic or$ani!ation
Virtual or$ani!ation
(he re3arran$e'ent o# or$ani!ational structure 5 chan$e in or$ani!ational culture is acco'plishe. .urin$:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
&elect correct option:
(as/ analysis
Br$ani!ational analysis
)erson analysis
Mana$e'ent analysis
"hich o# the #ollowin$ state'ent re#lects the 'A$e 2iscri'ination Act' #or wor/ers%
&elect correct option:
At the a$e o# F> to D>- wor/ers can not *e retire. *y #orce
At the a$e *elow ;J- wor/ers can never *e hire.
Havin$ ;> years o# e9perience- wor/ers shoul. *e pro'ote.
"or/ers can never *e rehire. i# retire. once
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is a process o# attractin$ in.ivi.uals on ti'ely *asis- in su##icient nu'*ers an. with appropriate +uali#ications-
to apply #or ,o*s with an or$ani!ation%
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
)rovi.in$ trainin$ 5 .evelop'ent opportunities- an. career in#or'ation 5 pro$ra's- are all part o# the MMMMMIs role in career
&elect correct option:
"hich o# the #ollowin$ 'etho. inclu.es the e9chan$e o# in#or'ation *etween or$ani!ational 'e'*er 5 the applicant throu$h a $oal3
oriente. conversation%
&elect correct option:
Counselin$ si'ulations
Vocational interest test
Role playin$
7'ploy'ent interview
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is an o*li$ation to per#or' certain tas/s/activities
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
0# the wor/#orce o# an or$ani!ation represents true proportion o# the co''unity sectors in all its ,o* classi#ications- it represents the
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM o# its a##ir'ative action
&elect correct option:
&tu.yin$ or$ani!ational *ehavior helps 'ana$ers:
&elect correct option:
(o see the value o# wor/#orce .iversity
(o analy!e the e##iciency o# or$ani!ation
(o analy!e the e##iciency o# or$ani!ation
(o *eco'e 'ore e##ective in society
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
0# a co'pany is e'ployin$ the #resh $ra.uates as well as the pro#essional e9perts- the 'ana$e'ent is sai. to *e enhancin$
&elect correct option:
(he co$nitive co'ponent consists o# a personIs:
&elect correct option:
"hich o# the $iven ter' is use. to represent the se$'ents o# ,o*s hel. *y an in.ivi.ual throu$hout his/her li#e ti'e%
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
"hich o# the #ollowin$ in#or'ation is NB( collecte. throu$h o*servation 'etho. while con.uctin$ ,o* analysis%
&elect correct option:
"ho is 'onitorin$ the tas/%
"hat tas/ has .one%
How tas/ has .one%
How lon$ a tas/ has ta/en to co'plete%
(he co$nitive co'ponent consists o# a personIs:
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
"hat is another ter' use. #or CH>3.e$ree #ee.*ac/%
&elect correct option:
4ee.*ac/ loop
Multi3source assess'ent
Upwar. reportin$
Roun. co''unication
"hich one o# the #ollowin$ is an outco'e o# 'or$ani!in$' #unction o# 'ana$e'ent
&elect correct option:
Br$ani!ationIs strate$y
Motivation 5 co''it'ent
Br$ani!ationIs structure
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
)er#or'ance 'easure'ent
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is a state. outco'e o# 'Eo* Analysis'%
&elect correct option:
Eo* .escription
Eo* speci#ication
Eo* evaluation
All o# the $iven options
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is MB&( i'portant to 'ana$e wor/#orce .iversity%
&elect correct option:
1ower cohesiveness
&upport $roup
(op3level co''it'ent
Resistance to chan$e
(rainin$ to the raters o# per#or'ance appraisal is an i'portant responsi*ility o#:
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
(op 'ana$e'ent
HR .epart'ent
1ine 'ana$ers
)ro.uction .epart'ent
6raphic ratin$ scales are su*,ecte. to all o# the #ollowin$ pro*le's- 78C7)(:
&elect correct option:
Halo e##ects
Central ten.ency
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is responsi*le #or i'ple'entin$ the .evelope. strate$ies%
&elect correct option:
Hu'an resource
)hysical resource
Rules 5 policies
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
0nstalle. e+uip'ent
0n which o# the #ollowin$ area or$ani!ations are le$ally *oun. to 'aintain consistency in HR policies%
&elect correct option:
Co'pensation syste'
(rainin$ 5 .evelop'ent
&a#ety 'easures
None o# the $iven options
How can co'panies provi.e career counselin$- .evelop'ent a.vice- an. therapy #or e'ployees see/in$ to $row in
their careers%
&elect correct option:
)rovi.e career coaches
7ncoura$e role reversal
7sta*lish a corporate ca'pus
B##er online career centers
"hich BN7 o# the #ollowin$ is not a part o# Hu'an Resource 2evelop'ent%
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
&elect correct option:
"hat type o# screenin$ 'o.e is use. to re.uce a*senteeis' an. esta*lish a *aseline #or #uture insurance clai's%
&elect correct option:
)hysical e9a'inations
)ersonality tests
)oly$raph tests
&u*stance a*use screenin$
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is part o# the or$ani!ationIs role in an e'ployeeIs career .evelop'ent%
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
Co''unicatin$ the 'ission- policies- an. proce.ures
)rovi.in$ ti'ely per#or'ance #ee.*ac/
)articipatin$ in career .evelop'ent .iscussions
&ee/in$ out career in#or'ation
"hich o# the #ollowin$ ter' is sai. to *e a part o# Br$ani!ational &tructure%
&elect correct option:
6oal attain'ent
Hierarchy level
)er#or'ance stan.ar.s
&upportin$ sta##
KBn $oin$ process o# evaluatin$ 5 'ana$in$ *oth the *ehavior 5 outco'es in the wor/placeL is /nown asG
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
(rainin$ 5 .evelop'ent
)er#or'ance appraisal
Co'pensation 'ana$e'ent
Eo* analysis
"hich per#or'ance appraisal techni+ue lists traits an. a ran$e o# per#or'ance%
&elect correct option:
Alternation ran/in$
6raphic ratin$ scale
Mana$e'ent By B*,ective
)aire. co'parison
HR0& helps 'ana$ers to per#or' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 'ore e##ectively 5 syste'atically
&elect correct option:
Mana$e'ent #unctions
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
Controllin$ #unctions
)lannin$ #unctions
HR #unctions
Q3;:Eo* postin$ is:
;0nternal a.vertise'ent *y an or$ani!ation to attract can.i.ates #ro' the e9istin$
e'ployees- a$ainst a vacancy
A(he syste' o# trans#errin$ e9istin$ e'ployees to co'para*le new ,o*s availa*le in the or$ani!ation
CAn arran$e'ent o# in house trainin$ o# e'ployees #or career a.vance'ent
F6roupin$ to$ether o# a #a'ily o# si'ilar ,o*s- un.er a sin$le title to esta*lish uni#or'ity o# stan.ar.s in controls an.
Q3A:Realistic ,o* preview is a:
;(echni+ue #or listin$ ele'ents o# ,o* *e#ore selectin$ so'eone to per#or' it
A)er#or'ance appraisal techni+ue
CA selection .evice that ena*les the can.i.ates to learn *oth the ne$ative an.
positive in#or'ation a*out the ,o* an. or$ani!ation.
FNone o# the $iven options
Q3C:Eo* analysis can *e per#or'e. in all o# the #ollowin$ ways e9cept:
;B*servin$ hourly wor/
;Reviewin$ interviews con.ucte. with .epartin$ e'ployees
A&tu.yin$ .iaries or .aily ,ournals that 'ana$er /ept over a three3'onth perio.
C6ivin$ wor/ers chec/lists to in.icate which tas/s on the list are per#or'e. .urin$ ,o* e9ecution
Q3F:Consi.erin$ continuous process i'prove'ent activities in or$ani!ations-
&houl. KOero .e#ectsL really *e a $oal%
;Nes per#ection is reasona*le $oal
ANo- >; percent errors can *e correcte. 'uch 'ore e##iciently than they can *eprevente.
CNes 'ost in.ustries #in. this an attaina*le $oal
F&o'eti'es- #or so'e 'ista/es- cost *ene#its can not *e calculate.
Q3<:Br$ani!ational e##iciency is e9presse. as:
;)lannin$ #or lon$3run $oals
AMa/in$ the *est use o# scarce resources
C6oal attain'ent
FMeetin$ .ea.lines
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
Q3H:6oal settin$ is:
;(op .own process
ABotto' up process
CA process o# top .own support an. *otto' up .evelop'ent
FA #unction o# senior 'ana$e'ent
Q3D: "hen the #ir' chan$es the way it operates- the process is /nown as:
ABrain .rain
Q3J: "hich one is not inclu.e. in the hirin$ process%
FEo* speci#ication
Q3?: 7##ectiveness is 33333333333
;2o ri$ht thin$s
A2o thin$s ri$ht
FAll o# the $iven options
Q3;>:79tents o# in.ivi.ual #ree.o' an. .iscretion e'ployees have in per#or'in$
their ,o*s is Known as
"hich per#or'ance appraisal techni+ue lists traits an. a ran$e o# per#or'ance%
&elect correct option:
;Alternation ran/in$
A6raphic ratin$ scale
CMana$e'ent By B*,ective
F)aire. co'parison
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is part o# an e'ployeeIs role in his or her own career .evelop'ent%
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
;)rovi.in$ ti'ely per#or'ance #ee.*ac/
A)articipatin$ in career .evelop'ent .iscussions
C7sta*lishin$ $oals an. career plans
FB##erin$ a variety o# career options
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is achieve. *y co'*inin$ capital- raw 'aterial 5 hu'an resource *y an
&elect correct option:
2ecision re$ar.in$ the .elivery 'e.iu' #or trainin$ is 'a.e prior to which o# the #ollowin$ step%
&elect correct option:
;7valuatin$ the trainin$ pro$ra'
A2esi$nin$ the contents o# trainin$ to *e .elivere.
C0.enti#yin$ whether the trainin$ is re+uire. or not
FCon.uctin$ nee. assess'ent to i.enti#y issues
Uno##icial part o# an or$ani!ation #or'e. on the *asis o# co''on interests is /nown as:
&elect correct option:
;4or'al or$ani!ation
A0n#or'al or$ani!ation
CBureaucratic or$ani!ation
FVirtual or$ani!ation
(he re3arran$e'ent o# or$ani!ational structure 5 chan$e in or$ani!ational culture is acco'plishe.
&elect correct option:
;(as/ analysis
ABr$ani!ational analysis
C)erson analysis
FMana$e'ent analysis
"hich o# the #ollowin$ state'ent re#lects the 'A$e 2iscri'ination Act' #or wor/ers%
&elect correct option:
;At the a$e o# F> to D>- wor/ers can not *e retire. *y #orce
AAt the a$e *elow ;J- wor/ers can never *e hire.
CHavin$ ;> years o# e9perience- wor/ers shoul. *e pro'ote.
F"or/ers can never *e rehire. i# retire. once
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is a process o# attractin$ in.ivi.uals on ti'ely *asis- in su##icient nu'*ers
an. with appropriate +uali#ications- to apply #or ,o*s with an or$ani!ation%
&elect correct option:
)rovi.in$ trainin$ 5 .evelop'ent opportunities- an. career in#or'ation 5 pro$ra's- are all part o#
the MMMMMIs role in career .evelop'ent
&elect correct option:
"hich o# the #ollowin$ 'etho. inclu.es the e9chan$e o# in#or'ation *etween or$ani!ational
'e'*er 5 the applicant throu$h a $oal3oriente. conversation%
&elect correct option:
;Counselin$ si'ulations
AVocational interest test
CRole playin$
F7'ploy'ent interview
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is an o*li$ation to per#or' certain tas/s/activities
&elect correct option:
0# the wor/#orce o# an or$ani!ation represents true proportion o# the co''unity sectors in all its ,o*
classi#ications- it represents the MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM o# its a##ir'ative action
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
&tu.yin$ or$ani!ational *ehavior helps 'ana$ers:
&elect correct option:
;(o see the value o# wor/#orce .iversity
A(o analy!e the e##iciency o# or$ani!ation
C(o analy!e the e##iciency o# or$ani!ation
F(o *eco'e 'ore e##ective in society
0# a co'pany is e'ployin$ the #resh $ra.uates as well as the pro#essional e9perts- the 'ana$e'ent
is sai. to *e enhancin$ MMMMMMMMMMMMM
&elect correct option:
(he co$nitive co'ponent consists o# a personIs:
&elect correct option:
"hich o# the $iven ter' is use. to represent the se$'ents o# ,o*s hel. *y an in.ivi.ual throu$hout his/her li#e ti'e%
&elect correct option:
"hich o# the #ollowin$ in#or'ation is NB( collecte. throu$h o*servation 'etho. while con.uctin$ ,o* analysis%
&elect correct option:
;"ho is 'onitorin$ the tas/%
A"hat tas/ has .one%
CHow tas/ has .one%
FHow lon$ a tas/ has ta/en to co'plete%
(he co$nitive co'ponent consists o# a personIs:
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
"hat is another ter' use. #or CH>3.e$ree #ee.*ac/%
&elect correct option:
;4ee.*ac/ loop
AMulti3source assess'ent
CUpwar. reportin$
FRoun. co''unication
"hich one o# the #ollowin$ is an outco'e o# 'or$ani!in$' #unction o# 'ana$e'ent%
&elect correct option:
;Br$ani!ationIs strate$y
AMotivation 5 co''it'ent
CBr$ani!ationIs structure
F)er#or'ance 'easure'ent
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is a state. outco'e o# 'Eo* Analysis'%
&elect correct option:
;Eo* .escription
AEo* speci#ication
CEo* evaluation
FAll o# the $iven options
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is MB&( i'portant to 'ana$e wor/#orce .iversity%
&elect correct option:
;1ower cohesiveness
A&upport $roup
C(op3level co''it'ent
FResistance to chan$e
(rainin$ to the raters o# per#or'ance appraisal is an i'portant responsi*ility o#:
&elect correct option:
;(op 'ana$e'ent
AHR .epart'ent
C1ine 'ana$ers
F)ro.uction .epart'ent
6raphic ratin$ scales are su*,ecte. to all o# the #ollowin$ pro*le's- 78C7)(:
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
;Halo e##ects
CCentral ten.ency
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is responsi*le #or i'ple'entin$ the .evelope. strate$ies%
&elect correct option:
;Hu'an resource
A)hysical resource
CRules 5 policies
F0nstalle. e+uip'ent
0n which o# the #ollowin$ area or$ani!ations are le$ally *oun. to 'aintain consistency in HR policies%
&elect correct option:
;Co'pensation syste'
A(rainin$ 5 .evelop'ent
C&a#ety 'easures
FNone o# the $iven options
How can co'panies provi.e career counselin$- .evelop'ent a.vice- an. therapy #or e'ployees see/in$ to $row in
their careers%
&elect correct option:
;)rovi.e career coaches
A7ncoura$e role reversal
C7sta*lish a corporate ca'pus
FB##er online career centers
"hich BN7 o# the #ollowin$ is not a part o# Hu'an Resource 2evelop'ent%
&elect correct option:
"hat type o# screenin$ 'o.e is use. to re.uce a*senteeis' an. esta*lish a *aseline #or #uture insurance clai's%
&elect correct option:
;)hysical e9a'inations
A)ersonality tests
C)oly$raph tests
F&u*stance a*use screenin$
"hich o# the #ollowin$ is part o# the or$ani!ationIs role in an e'ployeeIs career .evelop'ent%
&elect correct option:
find more materials at www.educationobserver.com/forum
;Co''unicatin$ the 'ission- policies- an. proce.ures
A)rovi.in$ ti'ely per#or'ance #ee.*ac/
C)articipatin$ in career .evelop'ent .iscussions
F&ee/in$ out career in#or'ation
"hich o# the #ollowin$ ter' is sai. to *e a part o# Br$ani!ational &tructure%
&elect correct option:
;6oal attain'ent
AHierarchy level
C)er#or'ance stan.ar.s
F&upportin$ sta##
KBn $oin$ process o# evaluatin$ 5 'ana$in$ *oth the *ehavior 5 outco'es in the wor/placeL is /nown asG
&elect correct option:
;(rainin$ 5 .evelop'ent
A)er#or'ance appraisal
CCo'pensation 'ana$e'ent
FEo* analysis
"hich per#or'ance appraisal techni+ue lists traits an. a ran$e o# per#or'ance%
&elect correct option:
;Alternation ran/in$
A6raphic ratin$ scale
CMana$e'ent By B*,ective
F)aire. co'parison
HR0& helps 'ana$ers to per#or' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 'ore e##ectively 5 syste'atically
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;Mana$e'ent #unctions
AControllin$ #unctions
C)lannin$ #unctions
FHR #unctions
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