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Structure 1

Sentence Completion 2
1. Work in parapsychology,____________, has attracted a relatively
small number of scientists.
1. is a very controversial field
2. which a very controversial field is
3. a very controversial field
4. a field very controversial which
3 a very controversial field
Work has attracted
Noun phrase relative clause 3 ( 2
which is a very controversial field )
2. Writing pens are made in _________ of shapes, sizes, and colors.
1. endless variety an almost
2. variety an almost endless
3. an almost endless variety
4. almost variety endless
3 an almost endless variety

Noun phrase variety almost
endless Adjective
3. Because air is highly compressible, ___________ to define a clear
upper boundary of the atmosphere.
1. it is impossible
2. impossible is
3. so the impossibility
4. is the impossibility
1 it is impossible
Conjunction it is impossible

4. ___________ initial recognition while still quite young.
1. Most famous scientists achieved
2. That most famous scientists achieved
3. Most famous scientists who achieved
4. For most famous scientists to achieve
1 Most famous scientists achieved
while initial
recognition +

5. In order to remain in existence, ___________ must, in the long run,

produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.
1. a profit-making organization
2. a profit-making organization which
3. therefore a profit-making organization
4. whichever a profit-making organization
1 a profit-making organization

6. If an act is rewarded many times, immediately and with strong
reinforces, it will rapidly become __________.
1. a habit
2. into a habit
3. that which a habit
4. a habit can be
1 a habit
7. Orchestral instruments _________ under the following types: string,
woodwind, brass and percussion.
1. grouped
2. can be grouped
3. can group
4. to be grouped

2 can be grouped
2 Passive voice
8. Often the design of a scholarly investigation _________ by the
question it is addressing.
1. to affect
2. affects
3. affected
4. will be affected
4 will be affected
(the design)
by 4 Passive voice

9. A historical novels may do more than mirror history;_________

future events.
1. even influencing
2. it may even influence
3. may even influence
4. that it may even influence
2 it may even influence
Semicolon (;)
+ ;

10. Giant pandas resemble bears in shape and in _________.

1. it is slow, clumsy way to walk
2. the slow, clumsy way to walk
3. they walk in a slow, clumsy way
4. their slow walk is clumsy
2 the slow, clumsy way to walk
in -ing
2 way they walk

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