Role Play - Negotiator Type - Student Page

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Negotiation Style

Role Play: Which type of negotiator are they?

S: Good morning. How are you? Thank you for coming here today; its great to finally
meet you face to face. I am very excited about what I think we can accomplish for
both WorleyParsons and ACME HRSGs here together today. However, I do know
that you must leave by 10, so I have created an agenda for us to closely follow and
keep us on track. How does it look to you?
D: (quickly breaks eye contact and closely examines the agenda) This looks about right,
however, can I exclude this item? I dont believe this will be relevant to our goals for
today, but could address it at our December 2
S: (never breaking eye contact, leaning forwards, listening) Ok, excellent point- I agree
that would be more appropriate for our next meeting. Done! Lets get to point
number 1 then- why we are here today. Speaking on behalf of the WorleyParsons
team, we feel the overall duct burner fuel management design is sound, however, we
do need you to provide your hazardous area maps.
D: You wanted us to give you assure the electrical devices on the burner management
skid and fuel gas pressure reducing skid are properly classified and that is what was
provided. Look (pulls out design and points), we provided that information here.
What exactly are you asking for?
S: We need the hazardous area maps to assure electrical equipment not supplied by
you, but is adjacent to your equipment, is properly classified. We need you to
identify all of the fuel gas leak sources in your equipment and piping.
D: Ok. I see your concern; however, in order for my team to properly complete, I need
two things from you. ONE, Does WorleyParsons have a standard format for the
hazardous area maps and TWO, this work is going to require a change order.
Questions to participants about what is being brought to the negotiation table?
1. What type of negotiator is each
2. What seems to be the need/emotion of each? How would you recommend dealing
with D and with S to optimize the relationship and support negotiation?

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