SUN Package: 1. System Requirements

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SUN Package

1. System requirements
2. To run
3. The SUN structure
4. How does the SUN work?
5. Brief e!m"#es
$. %ont!ctin& SUN'su""ort
1. System requirements
Operating System
*+ !nd (indows ,ist!
-ny com"uter with o"er!tin& system mentioned !nd with ! &ood s"eed
Memory (RAM)
- minimum of 512 .B memory is needed to run the .-T/-B softw!re0
Hard Drive Space
The s"!ce necess!ry for "ro&r!m fi#es is ne!r 1 .B 1ut 1ec!use the .-T/-B
shou#d 1e run the s"!ce needed to .-T/-B shou#d 1e considered !s we##. +#e!se
refer to .-T/-B softw!re document!tions
.-T/-B 2.4 !nd hi&her is required.
2. To Run
The fo#der 3N.4TH3 c!n 1e 1rowsed in .-T/-B from the 1utton 353 in menu'1!r or the
fo#der6s !ddress is set in the "!th from se#ectin& 3Set +!th 53 su1menu from menu 37i#e3
The "ro&r!m is run 1y ty"in& 3sun3 in front of .-T/-B "rom"t in 3%omm!nd (indow3
3. The SUN Structure
-fter runnin& the SUN0 the fo##owin& window is o"ened !nd th!t is the s!me window when
user w!nts to do the root findin& "ro1#ems.
The structure of windows !#most is simi#!r in !## numeric!# su18ects used in this "!ck!&e. The
u""er "ortion of the window is used for the in"ut d!t! used in com"uteri9ed "ro&r!m !nd the
resu#ts th!t c!n 1e "resented !s ! fi&ure c!n 1e 1rou&ht !t the window6s #ower "ortion. :ndeed
some usefu# inform!tion on "ro&r!m resu#ts !#so !re comin& 1e#ow the "icture shown !t this
#ower "ortion.
3.1. Layout-general
3.1.1. Menu
;New6' - new ;<!t! Set6 c!n 1e cre!ted 1y choosin& this su1menu !nd the o#d
;<!t! Set6 is de#eted if the user !nswers to the question th!t is !sked on de#etin&
the o#d d!t! set.
;S!=e6' The out"ut resu#ts of different "ro&r!ms c!n 1e s!=ed !s ! .m!t fi#e if
se#ectin& ;S!=e6 from the ;7i#e6 menu. This o"er!tion c!n !#so 1e c!rried out 1y
"ushin& the re#!ted key in the menu'1!r.
;S!=e to works"!ce6' se#ectin& this su1menu c!uses the resu#ts of c!#cu#!tions to
s!=e in the .-T/-B works"!ce.
;4it6-The user c!n quit the "ro&r!m 1y choosin& it.
<ifferent numeric!# su18ects !re !=!i#!1#e from se#ectin& su1menus. (ith
choosin& e!ch su1menu !n !""ro"ri!te window is !""e!red th!t the user c!n enter
the "ro1#em in"uts. This menu cont!ins !## different numeric!# su18ects !nd
c!#cu#!tions !s fo##ows
1. >oot findin&
2. /ine!r equ!tions
3. :nter"o#!tion
4. :nte&r!tion
5. ?rdin!ry differenti!# equ!tions @:,+A
$. ?rdin!ry differenti!# equ!tions @B,+A
2. +!rti!# differenti!# equ!tions @+<4A
B. /e!st squ!res method
C. <ifferenti!tion
3.1.2. Tet-!o
- n!me shou#d 1e defined for e!ch d!t! set. :t he#"s when the user needs to o"en
it !&!in. The n!me of d!t! set c!n 1e se#ected !s !n !cce"t!1#e =!ri!1#e n!me in
- function with !cce"t!1#e =!ri!1#es !nd o"er!tors in .-T/-B c!n 1e ty"ed in
the tet1o for methods th!t need the function s"ecific!tions.
- #imit!tion for numeric!# c!#cu#!tions needs to 1e defined for different numeric!#
methods in this "#!ce. The first !nd second 1oes show the #eft !nd ri&ht #imitin&
=!#ues for c!#cu#!tions0 res"ecti=e#y.
- =!#ue @sm!##er th!n the #imit!tions 1rou&ht in the re&ion sectionA !s ! to#er!nce
for numeric!# c!#cu#!tions shou#d 1e considered here. The definition of to#er!nce
w!s defined in the tet1ook th!t c!n 1e referred.
3.1.3. "utton
New Set
Usin& this 1utton he#"s the user to er!se the in"ut d!t! to enter the new ones.
-dd Set0 %re!te Set
Usin& these 1uttons0 the in"ut d!t! !re !cce"ted !nd the n!me se#ected is !dded to
the #ower section of the window in ;<!t! Set6 #ist1o.
+ushin& this 1utton c!uses the current =!ri!1#e inform!tion to 1e de#eted.
3.1.#. List-!o
<ifferent !#&orithms th!t !re used in e!ch numeric!# su18ect !re #isted in this 1o
!nd c!n 1e chosen in different numeric!# methods.
<!t! Set0 Set
By se#ectin& ! n!me from this #ist1o the resu#ts of c!#cu#!tions !s ! fi&ure !nd
inform!tion re#!ted !re re"orted.
3.2. Layout-s$eci%c
3.2.1. Root %n&ing
:n this c!se ! window s!me !s wh!t shown in sect. 3 is o"ened.
7our different methods of 3Bisection30 37!#se "osition30 3Sec!nt3 !nd 3Newton3 c!n 1e
- function 1!sed on .-T/-B comm!nds shou#d 1e written here.
The re&ion shou#d 1e chosen such ! w!y th!t one root wou#d 1e "resented in this
- sm!## =!#ue shou#d 1e entered here.
Se#ect >e&ion Dr!"hic!##y
-fter se#ectin& the re&ion of c!#cu#!tions !nd c#ickin& this 1utton0 the "ro&r!m #et
the user to choose the re&ion usin& the mouse. This 1utton is used when user
doesn6t know !1out the roots !""roim!te#y !nd w!nts to see the "#ot of the
function !nd choose the re&ion with 1etter !ccur!cy.
3.2.2. Linear equations
The 3D!uss30 3D!uss'Seide#3 !nd 3E!co1i3 methods c!n 1e used in so#=in&
simu#t!neous#y !#&e1r!ic #ine!r equ!tions.
- F B
The known coefficients of set of !#&e1r!ic #ine!r equ!tions 1!sed on the
equi=!#ent m!tri form of -*GB shou#d 1e entered the "ro&r!m. (here - !nd B
!re m!trices order of mHm !nd mH10 res"ecti=e#y. Note: The matrices should be
typed based on the MATLAB commands. The m!trices - !nd B c!n 1e se#ected
from the .-T/-B works"!ce !s we## 1y choosin& the m!tri =!ri!1#e n!me from
the #ist1o 1ui#t 1e#ow the tet1oes - !nd B.
(hen choosin& iter!ti=e methods of ;D!uss'Seide#6 or ;E!co1i60 !n initi!# &uess
c!##ed *I needs to 1e entered the "ro&r!m !s ! m!tri order mH1. The &uess
m!tri *I c!n !#so 1e se#ected from the works"!ce !s wh!t mentioned on
m!trices - !nd B.
Num1er of iter!tions is entered the "ro&r!m in methods ;D!uss'Seide#6 !nd
3.2.3. 'nter$olation
Two different methods of 3Newton di=ided difference3 !nd 3/!&r!n&e "o#ynomi!#3
c!n 1e chosen for inter"o#!tion.
*d!t! F Jd!t!
Two =ectors of the s!me si9e !s * !nd J shou#d 1e entered 1!sed on the
.-T/-B #!n&u!&e ru#es. The =ectors c!n 1e se#ected from =!ri!1#es s!=ed in the
works"!ce !s we## #ike wh!t to#d on "re=ious section on - F B m!trices.
This 1utton c!n 1e used when the user w!nts to see * !nd J d!t! &r!"hic!##y.
3.2.#. 'ntegration
The 3Sim"son3 !nd 3Tr!"e9oid!#3 methods !re set to se#ect for inte&r!tion.
:n Sim"son6s method n is !n e=en num1er !nd in the tr!"e9oid!# ru#e it is the
num1er of tr!"e9oids.
3.2.(. )r&inary &i*erential equations +',P-
7our methods of 34u#er30 3>un&e'Kutt! 230 3>un&e'Kutt! 43 !nd"oint3 c!n 1e
used to so#=e the :,+s.
The function f@A shou#d 1e ty"ed 1!sed on the .-T/-B comm!nds !nd the
re#!tion J3Gf@A.
Usin& this 1o the initi!# condition is entered.
3.2... )r&inary &i*erential equations +",P-
+@A0 q@A F r@A
The functions +@A0 q@A !nd r@A !re entered the "ro&r!m 1!sed on the .-T/-B
!0 y@!A0 10 y@1A
The 1ound!ry conditions y@!A !nd y@1A !t =!ri!1#e =!#ues of ! !nd 10
res"ecti=e#y shou#d 1e 1rou&ht in 1oes.
3.2./. Partial &i*erential equations +P01-
Two methods of 37orw!rd'difference30 3%r!nk'Nico#son3 c!n 1e se#ected to so#=e
the he!t equ!tions !nd the 3Hy"er1o#ic3 !nd 3/!"#!ce3 +<4s !#so !re se#ected from
the #ist1o 3-#&orithm3 !s we##.
3.2.2. Least squares metho&
The four forms of 3/ine!r @!LM1A30 3+o#ynomi!#30 34"onenti!# @!Le"@1LAA3 !nd
3hy"er1o#ic @!M1NA3 c!n 1e se#ected to fit ! cur=e throu&h the d!t!.
*d!t! F Jd!t!
The =ectors * !nd J !re entered the "ro&r!m.
Show Set
- cur=e J !s ! function of * is shown for the user to decide on 1etter function
se#ection to fit the d!t!.
3.2.3. 0i*erentiation
The function is entered 1!sed on the .-T/-B comm!nds.
I0 d !nd iter!tion
The "oint th!t the deri=!ti=e shou#d 1e "erformed in there0 is entered 1!sed on the
di=ision0 d.
#. 4o5 &oes the SUN 5ork6
The "ro&r!m SUN cont!ins different m'fi#es th!t e!ch one c!n 1e used for ! cert!in
com"ut!tions. This "!ck!&e w!s de=e#o"ed under .-T/-B softw!re !nd !## in"ut !nd
out"ut d!t! !re in .-T/-B m!trices comm!nds.
(. "rie7 eam$le
'7indin& roots of function f@AG
'1 1y Newton method
?"en the .-T/-B comm!nd window 1y c#ickin& on .-T/-B #o&o on your deskto"
Set the SUN fo#der to the !ddress 1!r
Ty"e ;sun6 in front of .-T/-B "rom"t. Note: It should be entered in small letters.
%hoose ! n!me for d!t! !nd c!#cu#!tions !nd ty"e it in ;N!me6 tet 1o
Ty"e function in .-T/-B comm!nds !s ;O3'O2'16 in ;7unction6 tet 1o
%hoose method ;Newton6 from the ;-#&orithm6 #ist 1o
Ty"e the c!#cu#!tion dom!in !s PI02Q in ;re&ion6 !nd ;to6 tet 1oes
Ty"e the to#er!nce of 1e'4 in the ;To#er!nce6 tet 1o
+ress the 1utton ;Se#ect >e&ion Dr!"hic!##y6 to see the function &r!"hic!##y !nd choose
the c!#cu#!tion re&ion 1y mouse
The re&ion th!t &r!"hic!##y se#ected wi## 1e !""e!red in ;re&ion6 !nd ;to6 1oes
+ress ;-dd Set6 1utton to run the method. So the n!me wi## 1e !""e!red in ;<!t! Set6 #ist
The so#ution is shown in .-T/-B comm!nd window !s ! t!1#e
%hoose n!me se#ected in ;<!t! Set6 #ist 1o. The com"#ete inform!tion of "ro1#em !nd
its fi&ure !re shown
' So#=in& he!t equ!tion 1y forw!rd'difference method
u u
0 I 10 t I

u@0 IA sin 0 u@I0 tA u@10 tA I

= < < >

= = =
<o items 1'3 of the #!st e!m"#e
%hoose ;+!rti!# <ifferenti!# 4qu!tions @+<4A6 from ;Too#s6 menu
%hoose ! n!me for d!t! !nd c!#cu#!tions !nd ty"e it in ;N!me6 1o
Ty"e initi!# condition in ;U@0IA6 1o !s sin@"iLA
Ty"e =!#ue of 1 in ;/en&th6 1o !nd I.1 for ;/en&th inter=!#6
Ty"e I.I25 !nd I.II25 for ;Time6 !nd ;Time inter=!#6 1oes0 res"ecti=e#y
Ty"e 1 for !#"h! !nd enter 1ound!ry conditions in !""ro"ri!te 1oes
+ress the 1utton ;Show the 7unction6 to see ! cur=e of =!ri!1#e ;u6 !s ! function of
+ress the 1utton ;-dd Set6 to run the "ro&r!m. The so#ution is !""e!red in .-T/-B
comm!nd window
%hoose the n!me ty"ed in ;<!t! Set6 #ist 1o. - three dimension!# fi&ure with some
inform!tion on the "ro1#em !re shown in !""ro"ri!te "ositions
.. 8ontacting SUN-Su$$ort
-ny "ro1#ems !nd questions on this "ro&r!m c!n 1e !sked from the fo##owin& !ddresses
(e1siteR htt"RNN1khosh!nd!m.tri"
4'm!i#R 1khosh!nd!mSsemn!n.!
.!i# !ddressR <r. Behn!m Khosh!nd!m
?i#0 D!s !nd %hemic!# 4n&ineerin& <e"t.
Semn!n Uni=ersity

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