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! NLP Who's who, John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Robert Dilts, David Gordon!

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Who's Who in NLP
The Originators of NLP
John Grinder
Dr. John Grinder is the co-creator of Neuro-linguistic
Programming. He was an assistant professor of linguistics at
the University of California, Santa Cruz when Bandler first
approached him for assistance in modelling the skills of Fritz
Perls with his partner Carmen Bostic St Clair. Since co-
creating the original models of NLP (the Meta model,
representational systems, eye accessing cues and the Milton
model) John has continued to model new patterns. First he
co-created the NLP new code with Judith DeLozier. Then,
more recently he has created NLP models and applications
for cultural and organisational change in corporations with
his partner Carmen Bostic St Clair. John and Carmen's latest
book "Whispering in the Wind" is a seminal work. It defines
the scope of the field of NLP and specifies the necessary and
sufficient conditions for effective NLP modelling. At the same
time it identifies the intellectual antecedents of NLP and
places the field in its historical context.
Richard Bandler
Richard Bandler is the other co-creator of NLP. Having co-
created the original models of NLP with Grinder, Bandler
produced a series of applications of NLP based on an
elaboration of the sub modalities model. In recent years
Richard has developed his new NLP model, Design Human's_who.htm (1 of 5) [7/20/2002 4:48:34 PM]
! NLP Who's who, John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Robert Dilts, David Gordon!
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Frank Pucelik
Frank Pucelik was the third person involved in the beginning
of NLP. He worked with Richard Bandler in the first attempt
to model the patterns used by Fritz Perls to achieve reliable
success with Gestalt therapy. He remained in the original
research group as a participating member when Bandler and
Grinder teamed up. Frank is best known for co-writing
"Magic Demystified" with Byron Lewis. "Magic" remains an
excellent introduction to NLP.
Contributing Developers to NLP
Leslie Cameron-Bandler
Leslie Cameron-Bandler was in the original Bandler and
Grinder research group in Santa Cruz. Leslie is best known
as the developer of Meta Programs, a content model in NLP.
According to Leslie Cameron-Bandler, "....for ten years I'd
been looking for what's the patterns that tell me about the
person and for a long time I thought it was Meta
Programmes and then it turned out not to be cause[sic.]
they change by context too, so always I'd been looking for
what's the essence, what's the core, because that's what I
want to be able to touch..." From tape 6 side A of
Empowerment: The power that produces success.
She also developed an NLP model for exploring patterns of
organisation of emotions (with Michael Lebeau) and a system
for modelling personality called the Imperative Self. Her
model of the structure of emotions is published in the book
"The Emotional Hostage". She co-developed a description of
modelling called "The Emprint Method" with Michael LeBeau
and David Gordon which is published in a book of the same
name. Leslie's model of the structure of emotions is an
excellent application of NLP for creating emotional choice.
Judith DeLozier
Judith DeLozier was also in the original NLP research group.'s_who.htm (2 of 5) [7/20/2002 4:48:34 PM]
! NLP Who's who, John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Robert Dilts, David Gordon!
She Co-developed the new code of NLP with John Grinder
and together they wrote "Turtles All the Way Down;
Prerequisites to personal genius". Currently she works with
Robert Dilts at Dynamic Learning Center in Santa Cruz,
California. DeLozier and Grinder's new code of NLP is one of
the most significant contributions to establishing the field of
Stephen Gilligan
Dr. Stephen Gilligan was a member of the original research
group with Dr. John Grinder and Richard Bandler when they
were developing NLP at U.C.S.C. Santa Cruz. He was
introduced to Dr. Milton H. Erickson at that time and has the
distinction of being the only person to be invited to train with
Erickson while still an undergraduate.
Over the next five years he spent a substantial amount of
time with Erickson and has become a world leader in
Erickson's therapeutic methods. Today, Gilligan has a Ph.D.
in psychology and is an influential member of the Erickson
Foundation, an organisation of health professionals dedicated
to the furtherance of Erickson's work.
He also teaches Ericksonian hypnosis around the world,
sponsored by members of the Ericksonian Foundation and
selected NLP training institutes. Gilligan is the author of
"Therapeutic Trances; the Co-operation Principle in
Ericksonian Psychotherapy", "Therapeutic Conversations",
"The Courage to Love; Principles and Practices of Self-
Relations Psychotherapy". He edited "Brief Therapy; Myths,
Methods and Metaphors" with Dr. Jeffrey K. Zeig and co-
presented two volumes of "The Syntax of Behavior"tape
series with Dr. John Grinder. Gilligan's latest book, "The
Legacy of Milton Erickson; Selected Papers of Stephen
Gilligan, Ph.D." will be available from N.L.P.U. Press shortly.
David Gordon
David Gordon was another member of the original NLP
research group. His most notable area of contribution to NLP
is the use of metaphors to effect change. He wrote's_who.htm (3 of 5) [7/20/2002 4:48:34 PM]
! NLP Who's who, John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Robert Dilts, David Gordon!
"Therapeutic Metaphors", co-wrote "Phoenix" with Meribeth
Meyers-Anderson and later co-wrote "Know How" and "The
Emprint Method" with Leslie Cameron-Bandler and Michael
LeBeau. In recent years he has developed a model for
modelling called the Experiential Array.
Robert Dilts
Robert has been involved with NLP since meeting John
Grinder while a student at the University of California, Santa
Cruz. He co-authored "Neuro-Linguistic Programming Volume
1" along with John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Judith DeLozier
and Leslie Cameron-Bandler in 1981. Since then he has
written numerous books on NLP and its applications to
health, creativity, education, leadership, business and NLP
modelling. He is well known in the NLP community for his Re-
Imprinting technique as well as other NLP formats and
models. Over the last 20 years Robert has evolved a
description of NLP which he calls Systemic NLP. Currently he
works with Judith DeLozier and Teresa Epstein at NLP
University in Santa Cruz.
Steve and Connirae Andreas
With over 20 years of experience in the discipline of NLP,
Steve and his wife Connirae founded NLP Comprehensive,
one of the first major NLP training institutes in the USA.
Steve Andreas was previously known as John O. Stevens
when he was a significant figure in the Gestalt therapy and
personal development movement. His publishing company,
Real People Press published "Gestalt Therapy Verbatim" by
the creator of Gestalt Therapy, Fritz Perls and Perls'
autobiography, "In and Out the Garbage Pail". Steve himself
wrote "Awareness: Exploring, Experiencing and
Experimenting", a book of group exercise based on Gestalt
Steve and Connirae edited and published many classic NLP
books written by the originators, Richard Bandler and John
Grinder. These include: "Frogs into Princes", "Trance-
formations", "Reframing" and "Using your Brain for a's_who.htm (4 of 5) [7/20/2002 4:48:34 PM]
! NLP Who's who, John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Robert Dilts, David Gordon!
Change". Later they wrote many other books on NLP
including "Virginia Satir, The patterns of her Magic", "Core
Transformation", "Heart of the Mind" and "Change your Mind
and keep the Change".
Steve and Connirae have developed a number of NLP
processes based on their extensive work with sub modalities.
These include the grief and forgiveness patterns and the
original modelling and development of mental timelines in
Christina Hall
Chris is a well-known and respected international trainer and
major contributer to the development of NLP. She began her
NLP training with the Co-developers close to 25 years ago
during the pioneering days (1977), and became a Certified
NLP Trainer in 1980. Having spent five years (1981-1986) in
apprenticeship training with NLP co-creator Richard Bandler.
She has incorporated into her teachings and applications a
unique and singular insider's perspective.
Chris collaborated in producing some of the most
outstanding developments of that time, including sub-
modalities, the swish pattern, the compulsion blow out,
temporal language patterns and verbal swishes, and many of
the Sleight of Mouth Patterns. Focusing on a systems and
wholistic orientation, she has become best known for her
work with the structure of time and her mastery and
innovations in the area of language patterning an approach
which she refers to as "Neuro-Systemic linguistics"

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! What is Neuro Linguisitic Programming NLP FAQ!

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming FAQ
by Chris Collingwood NLP Trainer
1. What is Neuro- Linguistic Programming ( NLP) ?
NLP explores the relationship between how we think (neuro),
how we communicate both verbally and non-verbally
(linguistic) and our patterns of behaviour and emotion
It is both an epistemology, in that it studies how we know
what we know and a methodology for creating practical
descriptions of how we function as human beings. The
purpose of NLP is to study, describe and transfer
models of human excellence. (Modelling).
There are a number of descriptions of what is NLP. The
founders of NLP Dr. John Grinder and Richard Bandler
defined NLP as the study of the structure of subjective
experience (Dilts et al; 1980). Judith DeLozier and John
Grinder (1987) define NLP as "an accelerated learning
strategy for the detection and utilization of patterns in the
world". We think of NLP as a field that explores the patterns
of organisation of effective human intuition (Collingwood &
Collingwood; 2001). Through modelling an expert's intuitive
application of their skill, we can as Neuro-Linguistic
Programmers, have those patterns of organisation for (1 of 6) [7/20/2002 4:48:58 PM]
! What is Neuro Linguisitic Programming NLP FAQ!
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ourselves and / or make them available to others. Modelling
is the core function of NLP, learning to model (self and
others) the core activity of NLP practitioner and NLP master
practitioner certification trainings.
2. How is NLP useful for me?
As NLP offers a window (through modelling) into the way we
function (our neuro-linguistic programmes), it offers (as an
application of NLP methodology) a technology for creating
change. If you want to have more choices about your
behaviour and emotions, to enhance your communication
and relationships and develop new abilities in your thinking,
then NLP can provide you with the technology for
accomplishing that. It generates lasting life skills (one of the
consequences of quality NLP training).
There are now multiple applications of NLP for
psychology and counseling, education, business modelling,
corporate cultural change, management development, sport
performance, personal development and coaching.
3. I n what ways can I explore NLP for my benefit?
Through reading books and articles, through coaching with
an NLP trained coach or through a quality NLP seminar or
training course. Note that you can only learn about NLP
through reading. To learn to use NLP fluently in real time
interactions there is no substitute for live experience.
Reading is an excellent means of researching to help you
decide when or whether you want to learn NLP. Then reading
offers additional descriptions and background to enrich your
live exposure.
Reading: There are over 100 books now written on NLP.
The books range from support material for studying NLP
through to applications of NLP to business communication,
relationship counselling, education, psychotherapy and
general personal development. We have specific
recommendations for Practitioner of NLP level reading and
Master Practitioner of NLP level reading. Also there is a (2 of 6) [7/20/2002 4:48:58 PM]
! What is Neuro Linguisitic Programming NLP FAQ!
section of this site devoted to NLP book reviews.
Coaching: Have a consultation or coaching session with an
NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner or NLP Trainer and
experience using NLP to make a change and achieve an
outcome. If you live in Australia consider visiting an
Inspiritive Life Coach. See the Life Coaching Brochure.
Seminars: Many NLP organisations have short seminars
ranging from 1 day introductions through to 3 to 5 day
application seminars. We have a 1 day introduction called
Gateway to Excellence that is taught every 6 to 8 weeks. We
also have some 3 day application seminars and seminars
with Guest presenters. See Guest Seminars. Please note
that we only invite the world's best in NLP to present
seminars for Inspiritive.
Training in NLP: You could do a professional training
course in NLP. Certification trainings can be completed at the
levels of Practitioner of NLP, Master Practitioner of NLP and
Trainer of NLP. See our brochure for the Accredited
Practitioner of NLP training.
4. What standards should I expect for a Practitioner of
NLP training?
Time: A minimum of 20 days and 130 hours is the
recognised time standard for Practitioner of NLP training for
most NLP Associations. The nationally accredited course in
Practitioner of NLP requires 160 contact hours. Please note
however that some training organisations have created
closed associations for their graduates. These are framed as
broad associations that endorse a lesser time standard
(usually seven days) for Practitioner of NLP certification.
Other associations such as the Association for NLP (UK) or
the National Association for NLP (USA) are open to
practitioners from many training organisations.
Accreditation: In the interest of comprehensive NLP
training and quality standards, we have put our NLP
Practitioner course through government accreditation. (3 of 6) [7/20/2002 4:48:58 PM]
! What is Neuro Linguisitic Programming NLP FAQ!
Please note that the short so called "accelerated" and
"fast track" 7 day NLP trainings do not meet
Australian Accredited Practitioner of NLP standards. As
well as having government accreditation, our trainings also
fulfill the standards of the NLP Trainers Registration Body
Process not Content: The field of NLP makes the
distinction between process and content. NLP is a process
(not content) model. Content models are not NLP! I have
seen books marketed as NLP texts that contain content
rituals under the guise of NLP techniques. Skilled NLP
trainers make the distinction when teaching between process
and pattern and content examples. NLP does not include
mysticism or personality type labelling and training
programmes that include these classes of material are not
teaching pure NLP! NLP does not include content beliefs!
Syllabus: The syllabus for our accredited NLP practitioner
training meets the following - See our standards for
Practitioner of NLP certification.
5. What is the relationship between NLP and
Timelines: and timeline techniques are a part of Neuro-
Lingusitic Programming. Timelines as models in NLP
originated in two forms. Mental timelines where modelled
and described by Steve and Connirae Andreas, physical
timelines by John Grinder and Robert Dilts. Most reputable
NLP organisations teach one or more timeline models as part
of their NLP Practitioner trainings.
6. What is the relationship between NLP and
accelerated learning?
As NLP explores and builds models (modelling) of how we
do what we do (through providing a methodology that
studies the relationship between how we think, communicate
and behave), NLP provides a technology for accelerating
learning. NLP deals in patterns of effective thinking and
communication, so accelerated learning occurs as a (4 of 6) [7/20/2002 4:48:58 PM]
! What is Neuro Linguisitic Programming NLP FAQ!
byproduct of NLP methodology (multi-sensory teaching,
multiple descriptions, pattern detection). NLP provides
accelerated learning in and of itself without using the
'accepted' rituals of 'Accelerated Learning' (background
music, coloured pens, scripted lessons, short activities).
These were designed by Lozanov specifically for learning
languages. They are part of a content description of a
teaching method designed to engage the learners' attention
fully, in all senses and in different mind states. The
engagement of these criteria is found in NLP without the
content ritual of formal 'accelerated learning'.
Link to 25 Good Reasons for choosing Inspiritive for
Practitioner of NLP training
Link to the Accredited Practitioner of NLP brochure
Link to the Accredited Practitioner of NLP FAQ
Link to the State of New South Wales Tourism Board
Collingwood, Julia., Collingwood, Chris. (2001). The NLP
Field Guide; Part 1. A reference manual of Practitioner level
DeLozier, Judith., Grinder, John. (1987). Turtles all the Way
Down; Prerequisites to Personal Genius. Bonny Doon CA:
Grinder, DeLozier and Associates.
Dilts, Robert., Grinder, John., Bandler, Richard., Cameron-
Bandler, Leslie., DeLozier, Judith. (1980). Neuro-Linguistic
Programming Volume 1; The study of the structure of
subjective experience. Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications. (5 of 6) [7/20/2002 4:48:58 PM]

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