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Jorge Gaibor

JULY 4th

The complains about how people were force to pay taxes to England's King George
III without any representation in British parlament, was the main cause that motivate 13
colonies to independisation .
On June 11, 1776, the colonies' Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and
formed a committee whose express purpose was drafting a document that would formally
sever their ties with Great Britain. The committee included Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin
Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. Jefferson, who was
considered the strongest and most eloquent writer, crafted the original draft document
A total of 86 changes were made to his draft and the Continental Congress officially
adopted the final version on July 4, 1776.
From that 4th of July till the present, every year United States celebrates the
Independence Day as the principal and most traditional holiday in all the nation. This year
marks the 200th birthday of the country.
In this day is normal to see a parade in any street, but The Americas National
Independence Day Parade in Washington DC, which features marching bands from all over
the country, military and specialty units, patriotic floats and VIPs is the biggest one.
Almost all the families met to see concerts, festivals, also make picnics in the parks, play
some games and sports, or just get away from the cities to lake houses or to the
highlands, in the night fireworks are like a rule, you can see the biggest shows of these
around all the country.

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