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Contact Us

Brian Cone & Family

Skype 817-717-5653
Mailing Address:
1791 Supalai Ville
Khet Bangna, Kwang Bangna,
Bangkok, Thailand 10260

Joshua Baptist Church
P.O. Box 1210
Joshua,TX 76058

P.O. Box 9215
Chattanooga, TN 37412
Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,

This past month I was able to start a new Sunday School class at
Grace Baptist. We call it the Professionals Class, because it is made up of
college graduates who are in or beginning their careers. I have had a
wonderful time teaching. They are a great group of young people who are
passionate about our God.

The English class my wife has the privilege of teaching had 11 in
attendance just a few weeks ago. None of them have attended church yet
but they always listen intently to the Bible study and recite verses in
English. My wife has also began teaching a children's English class on
Saturday's, please pray as it is a good tool to reach the parents. She began
with just 1 student and in 2 weeks she already has 3 students arriving
Saturday at 9 am for class and then from 10:30 am to12 pm they have
bible time and games. Faith and Hudson enjoy going to English class and
assisting their teachers and fellow students. They too are building

We have paid the money for our religious visas and are patiently
waiting on the processing. When they become available for us to pick up
we will have to fly out of Thailand to another country were the visas will be
waiting for us.

We are onto our next module in our language class by passing our
reading and writing test. The two of us are very excited to begin the
speaking module which means more vocabulary, and more speaking
opportunities with the Thai people.

The military coup is still in effect and we continue to remain safe.
This is actually a praise.

Please pray for souls to be saved and lives to be changed in the
different ministries we are involved in.

Expenses for our religious visas ($2,500)
Funds for a vehicle ($10,000 remaining to raise)
Students in our classes
People in our community

Serving the Savior,
Brian P. Cone
Missionary to Thailand June 2014

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