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Institute of Petroleum Technology, Gandhinagar

Proposal for Course

Course No. :
Course title: Application of Ichnology
Credits: L-T-D-P-[C] 2-0-1-1 [3]
Semester: Third
Department/IDP: IPTG/Earth Science
ac!"t#$s%: Dr& 'ha(anisin)h G& Desai
C*!rse *+,ecti-es:
1% Ichn*"*)ica" app"icati*ns in n*n destr!cti-e c*re ana"#sis .*r ded!cin) Pa"ae*en-ir*nment and reser-*ir
2% /pp"icati*n *. ichn*"*)# in Pr*d!cti*n )e*"*)#&
De"i-era+"es: 0is!a"i1in)2 ana"#1in) and interpretatin) s3i""s aimed at reser-*ir st!dies&
C*!rse c*ntents:
1% 'asics *. Ichn*"*)#4 In-erte+rate trac3 (a#s2 t!nne"s s#stem2 +!rr*(s2 restin) traces4
'!rr*(s *. strip-mines2 pr*+es2 .armers4
2% +i*)enica""# enhanced permea+i"it#4
3% /pp"icati*ns in Pa"ae*en-ir*nment2 Pa"ae*cean*)raphic and Dep*siti*na" en-ir*nment2
5% /pp"icati*ns in Se6!ence strati)raph#2 E7p"*rati*n2 8eser-*ir descripti*n and pr*d!cti*n
C*!rse d!rati*n:
T*pics and hrs in detai" c*-erin) semester: The .*""*(in) +i.!rcati*n is estimated2 ma# -ar# (hi"e disc!ssin) and
interpretin) the app"icati*ns *. Ichn*"*)# in petr*"e!m st!dies&
T*pic 9*& 1 : 1;< *. the semester
T*pic 9* 3 : 3;< *. the semester
T*pic n* 2 =5 :;0< *. the semester
>eth*d *. e-a"!ati*n:
Standard >eth*d (ith a c*m+inati*n *. c"*sed +**3 and *pen +**3 e7ams&
C*ntri+!ti*ns t* pr*.essi*na" c*mp*nents:
It (i"" he"p in e-a"!atin) the *ri)in and dep*siti*na" aspect *. the *. reser-*ir r*c3s (ith speci.ic
re.erence t* +asina" st!dies&
8e"ati*nship *. C*!rse t* Pr*)ram ?!tc*mes:
8ec*mmended +**3s:
1& Bromley, R. G, $1@@A% Trace .*ssi"s: 'i*"*)#2 Taph*n*m# and /pp"icati*ns2 Chapman and Ba""&
2& Pemberton, . G, et al !eds"#$$%& Ichn*"*)# and Sediment*"*)# *. Sha""*( t* mar)ina" marine
s#stems2 Sh*rt c*!rse n*tes 1;2 G/C//GC p!+"ished
3& eilacher, 'dolf !#$$(& Trace .*ssi"s ana"#sis2 Sprin)er
5& )iller, *. III !#$$(& Trace .*ssi"s: C*ncepts2 pr*+"ems and pr*spects2 E"se-ier
Estimated st!dent enr*"ment:
Greater than 10 st!dents +!t Less than 5; st!dents per +atch&
Departments t* (hich the pr*p*sed c*!rse (i"" +e *. interest:
?ther .ac!"t# mem+ers interested in teachin) the pr*p*sed c*!rse: 9IL
/n# *ther remar3s:

>arch 200C
Pr*p*ser: Dr& 'ha(anisin)h G desai

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