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NHHS Class of `89 Reunion Sponsor Form

Can it be possible that we have been out of high school for almost 20 years? Where does the time go? The
reunion committee formed this summer and has been hard at work planning the 20 year bash for 2009. We
know that everyone does not have time to join the committee but several people have asked what else they can
do to contribute. The committee put on their thinking caps and came up with a great idea! We are offering
everyone the opportunity to be a Reunion Sponsor. To be a Reunion Sponsor we ask that you make a minimum
donation of $25. In return your name or business will appear in the reunion program, slide show and on the website (you may also remain anonymous). If you make a donation of $250 dollars or more
you will also receive two tickets for the reunion.
If you want to be a Reunion Sponsor please send a check payable to NHHS Class of `89 to:
Jennifer Edgell Garay
Re: NHHS Class of 89
310 N 22nd Street
Wilmington, NC 28405

Donation Information: Amount: $________ Do you wish to remain anonymous? Yes ____ No ____

Please provide the information you would like to be displayed in the program, slide show and website.

Sponsor Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Contact information: ___________________________________________________________________

If you have a logo you would like to include please send it in JPEG format to along with a
copy of this form.

Contact Charlotte Fort-Findley with questions. 910-799-2473

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