For The Year, 2010, The Various Financial Metrics For Wal-Mart Are As Follows

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Chapter 3: Wal-Mart Financials

For the year, 2010, the various financial metrics for Wal-Mart are as follows:

For the year, 2010, the various financial metrics for Amazon are as follows:

1) In looking at these metrics, we can see that Amazon performs better in the Cash-to-Cash (C2C) cycle
and the Property, plant, and equipment turnover (PPET) metrics. While Wal-Mart performs better
in all the others.
2) In reviewing the financial statements of both companies, you can see that Amazon has less invested
in the supply chain drivers of facilities and inventory than Wal-Mart which explains why they
perform better with the C2C and PPET metrics.

3) Wal-Marts announcement to move into urban areas is going to continue to affect the two drivers
they perform worse than Amazon in as they will be increasing physical facilities as well as inventory
levels to support these new stores. We should also see inventory turns go down as well as ROA as
they increase the overall assets needed throughout their supply chain.

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