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I am going to read

my favourite book,
The Browns enjoy
living on the farm,
We ate popcorn at
the movies
This ballerina will
not be dancing
I am an ecellent
carpenter, _______?
Bill won!t be late
for my party,
"ou wouldn!t
tell anyone about
#over, ______?
$aulo doesn!t like loud
music, __________?
Their duet was
_______ ?
The desert can be
a dangerous place,
%ue has worked at
the ice cream
parlour for years,
Bowling is an
&merican favourite
sport, _______?
'ow they will be in
math class,
(rs) *oseph bakes
the best cakes,
#ay and +ena
won!t be at the
%haron loan $ete her
new laptop______?
,arl didn!t wait at
the bus stop,
%weeping isn!t
hard work,
The movie wasn!t
very eciting,
"ou can deliver the
pi--a by si, ______?
%am is taking
a bath,
& question tag turns a declarative statement or an
imperative into a .uestion by adding an interrogative
fragment) &n eample is a .uestion tag is underlined in the
following sentence) We are going to the movies, arent we?
When the sentence is afrmative, the .uestion tag is
negative) I love pizza, dont I? When the sentence is
negative, the .uestion tag is afrmative. I cant eat this
last slice of pizza, can I?
/eprechauns are

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