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Dates: - August 9

/August 12th
Essential Question: What factors precipitate scarcity and how does scarcity impact economic

SSEF1: The student will explain why limited productive resources and unlimited wants result in
scarcity, opportunity costs, and tradeoffs for individuals, businesses, and governments.
What Assessment Prompts:

WAP#1 Students need to know basic fundamental economic vocabulary (scarcity, opportunity cost,
tradeoffs, factors of production, allocation)

WAP#2 Students need to know how scarcity leads to opportunity cost.

Activating Strategies:

Picture Scenarios students will look at two different pictures, one of a rich neighborhood and one of a poor
neighborhood. Students are given the option of taking a lump sum of money right away or later on. They have to
say why they chose this option based on their living situations & describe how this reflects scarcity.

Video Clip Students will watch short video clip from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapter 5 (from 14:45 to
34:30)During the video clip they will answer the following questions.
1. Describe the scene shown in the clip.
2. There are several different examples in the clip that exemplify scarcity, identify each one and describe
how they represent scarcity.
3. Based on what you saw in the clip, define scarcity in 5 words. Be ready to share with the class.
Students could use their mobile devices to watch the clip individually that way they can watch and
re-watch if needed. The link could be provided to them via my school website.
Teaching Strategies:
Date Aug9th/Aug 12th
HAP#1 In whole group, students can take notes on the basic fundamental definitions. Based on learning style
test done at the beginning of the school year students will then break into small groups that will consist of
students of similar learning styles and do one of the following activities.
Students can take notes on their mobile devices using the Notes App or other word processors their
phones may have.
Visual Learners Students will look at different images that reflect the key words and with their groups
discuss how this picture is related to economics and its basic definition.

Auditory Learners Students will watch different video clips that reflect the key words and with their groups
discuss how the clip is related to economics and its basic definition.

Kinesthetic Learners Students will have different grab bags, activities, physical objects etc that reflect the
key words and with their groups discuss how the clip is related to economics and its basic definition.

After an allotted amount of time students will come back to whole group and a member from each group will

share with the class an aspect of their small group. Students are to share what they discussed in their groups
about one of the key words.

Date Aug 13
/Aug 14

HAP#2 Students will use technology in small groups to come up with different resource allocating practices
going on in todays society. They will follow the guidelines below. Technology used in this activity could be
their mobile devices and their search applications.

Information on assigned resource that is being preserved (what is it, why is it important etc)
Who is working to preserve these resources
What are they doing to preserve the resources
What are their opportunity costs for preserving the resource
How are their efforts working in todays society

Students will create small poster representing their findings and will present to the class in whole group.
Formative Assessments:

HAP#1 & 2 During small group work teacher will facilitate groups and assist where its needed. During small
group presentations teacher will ask questions about their key word at task and allow for students to ask
questions as well.

Summarizing Strategies:

HAP#1 - Numbered heads Students will be assigned a number (1-8). Each number will reflect a key word.
Student will draw a picture that reflects that word and its definition. (totd, sticky notes, etc)

HAP#2 Students will write a quick journal (3-5 sentences) stating why they think allocating our resources
effectively is important to our economy and society. Teacher will call on students randomly to discuss their

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