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Scary Experience 1

A couple of years back me and two of my friends had to drive up to Ipoh on a Saturday
night to deliver an urgent item for a Ministers meeting. By the time we received the item
from the supplier, it was already .!"pm and by the time we made it to Ipoh it was
already #$am. %hinking that its best we stayed overnight, my friend proceeded to book a
room in &eritage &otel.
%he hotel was pretty fully booked that day as the Ministers entourage also stayed at the
same hotel. 'e were given an end room that was located at the end of a (uiet corridor.
'e didnt think much of it as by then all ! of us were tired. )nce we entered the room, I
felt an uncomfortable feeling overcoming me. %he room felt hot and stuffy but I didnt
mention any of this to my friends.
'e went out for supper and then got back to the hotel to rest for the night. As there were
$ single beds, we *oined both beds to make it a (ueen si+e bed. Me, being the hero, even
though they say never sleep in the middle, chose to sleep in the middle. It was around !,
!.!"am that I first heard strange noises. %he first sound was of our cupboard doors sliding
-they had sliding ones. and the second was of glasses being moved around and thirdly the
tap being turned on.
/ot wanting to scare my friends, I *ust kept (uiet about it. )n of my friends was already
fast asleep. %he other had his back turned, so I wasnt sure whether he was sleeping or
not. After a while, there were sounds of furniture moving as if the neighbour decided to
do renovations that night. It got louder and noisier. But again, both of my friends didnt
move. %he last scary thing that happened came about !"mins later, when I saw a long and
black hand reaching to touch me. I turned to my left and saw a black sinister figure in a
robe of some sort. %hat was when I couldnt take it anymore and screamed out loud. Both
my friends got up then and asked what happened. Again, not wanting to scare them, I told
them that I was dreaming.
It wasnt until the ne0t morning during breakfast that I related my stories to them. In
actual fact, the guy who had his back turned wasnt actually sleeping and he said that he
heard all those noises as well. %he other friend was lucky and was really fast asleep. %ill
today, I still have goosebumps when I think of it.

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