Defining Relative Clauses

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1. Fill in the blanks with: who, whom,

which, whose, where or when.
1. an !o" #i$e me back the mone!
%%%% I lent !o" last month&
'. This is the resta"rant %%%%%%
we "se( to eat when we li$e( in
*. +ark has sent me an e,mail
%%%%% I ha$en-t re.lie( !et.
/. 0ho-s the .erson %%%%% is
sittin# ne1t to Nanc!&
2. The! com.laine( abo"t the wron#
#oo(s %%%% were sent to them.
3. This is 4"san %%%%%% h"sban(
works in the sales (e.artment.
5. an(! is wearin# a new (ress
%%%%% she bo"#ht in the s"mmer
6. +on(a! is the (a! %%%%% bills
ha$e to be .ai(.
7. The secretar! showe( me the 8lin#
cabinet %%%%% im.ortant
(oc"ments are 8le(.
19. Do !o" like the bo! %%%%%
+ar! is talkin# to&
11. 0e en:o!e( the .art! %%%%%%
;eter an( ;am ha( to celebrate
1'. Are !o" the .erson %%%%%
a..lie( <or a :ob as a rece.tionist&
1*. Is this the ."b %%%%%% !o"
meet !o"r <rien(s&
1/. =o" ha$e to (elete the sheet
%%%%%% is re.eate(.
12. is the month %%%%%% we
ha$e Easter holi(a! in 4.ain.
13. The a($ice %%%%% 4am #a$e
me was >"ite senseless.
15. ?a$e !o" bo"#ht the <oo(
%%%%%% I aske( !o"&
16. ;hone +rs 4mith %%%%%% !o"
will ha$e to talk to tomorrow.
17. Let-s $isit the .ark %%%%% we
.la!e( a<ter school.
'9. elebrities recei$e lots o<
in$itations %%%%%% the! (on-t
'1. Di( !o" re<"se the o@er %%%%%
the! ma(e !o"&
'. Aoin the sentences to make (e8nin#
relati$e cla"ses. +ake the necessar!
1. ;ass me the (ictionar!. I ."t it on the
'. 0ill !o" hel. me to (o the e1ercises& I
(on-t "n(erstan( the e1ercises.
*. 0e ha$en-t met +r 4mith !et. ?is
(a"#hter st"(ies with ;a"l.
/. 0e won-t <or#et the (a!. 0e went to
A"stin )eaber-s concert that (a!.
2. ;eter has rea( the book. I recommen(e(
the book to him.
3. The! sent me a .ostcar( o< the hotel.
The! sta!e( there on holi(a!.
5. This is m! best <rien(. I met her at school
ten !ears a#o.
6. Is this the man& This man acc"se( !o" o<
stealin# his wallet.
7. ;eter ma(e a lemon cake. It is his
19. I want !o" to intro("ce !o" to +rs )lack.
?er h"sban( is an en#ineer.
11. an !o" show me the room& +eetin#s
are hel( in that room.
1. an !o" #i$e me back the mone!
0?I? I lent !o" last month&
'. This is the resta"rant 0?ERE we
"se( to eat when we li$e( in )oston.
*. +ark has sent me an e,mail 0?I? I
ha$en-t re.lie( !et.
/. 0ho-s the .erson 0?B is sittin#
ne1t to Nanc!&
2. The! com.laine( abo"t the wron#
#oo(s 0?I? were sent to them.
3. This is 4"san 0?B4E h"sban(
works in the sales (e.artment.
5. an(! is wearin# a new (ress
0?I? she bo"#ht in the s"mmer
6. +on(a! is the (a! 0?EN bills ha$e
to be .ai(.
7. The secretar! showe( me the 8lin#
cabinet 0?ERE im.ortant (oc"ments
are 8le(.
19. Do !o" like the bo! 0?B+ +ar! is
talkin# to&C to 0?B+ +ar! is talkin#.
11. 0e en:o!e( the .art! 0?I? ;eter
an( ;am ha( to celebrate hristmas.
1'. Are !o" the .erson 0?B a..lie(
<or a :ob as a rece.tionist&
1*. Is this the ."b 0?ERE !o" meet
!o"r <rien(s&
1/. =o" ha$e to (elete the sheet
0?I? is re.eate(.
12. is the month 0?EN we ha$e
Easter holi(a! in 4.ain.
13. The a($ice 0?I? 4am #a$e me
was >"ite senseless.
15. ?a$e !o" bo"#ht the <oo( 0?I? I
aske( !o"&
16. ;hone +rs 4mith 0?B+ !o" will
ha$e to talk to tomorrowC to 0?B+
!o" will ha$e to talk tomorrow.
17. Let-s $isit the .ark 0?ERE we
.la!e( a<ter school.
'9. elebrities recei$e lots o<
in$itations 0?I? the! (on-t acce.t.
'1. Di( !o" re<"se the o@er 0?I? the
1. ;ass me the (ictionar! 0?I? I ."t on the
'. 0ill !o" hel. me to (o the e1ercises 0?I?
I (on-t "n(erstan(&
*. 0e ha$en-t met +r 4mith !et 0?B4E
(a"#hter st"(ies with ;a"l.
/. 0e won-t <or#et the (a! 0?EN we went to
A"stin )eaber-s concert.
2. ;eter has rea( the book 0?I? I
recommen(e( him.
3. The! sent me a .ostcar( o< the hotel
0?ERE the! sta!e( on holi(a!.
5. This is m! best <rien( 0?BD+E I met at
school ten !ears a#o.
6. Is this the man 0?B acc"se( !o" o<
stealin# his wallet&
7. ;eter ma(e a lemon cake 0?I? is his
19. I want !o" to intro("ce !o" to +rs )lack
0?B4E h"sban( is an en#ineer.
11. an !o" show me the room 0?ERE
meetin#s are hel(&
1'. I (on-t know the man 0?B 4"e is (ancin#
withC with 0?B+ 4"e is (ancin#.
1*. 0e last saw +ar! on hristmas Da! 0?EN
4he came to o"r .art!.
1/. =o" ha$e to correct the mistakes 0?I?
!o"F$e ma(e in the letter.

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