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Millicent McFall

Science P6
Gel electrophoresis is a techni!e !se" to separate proteins or #$% &' their si(e. It is calle" )el
electrophoresis &eca!se it re!ires )el an" it re!ires electricit' to pass thro!)h the )el to separate the
&an"s. To create a electrical *iel" 'o! nee" a catho"e+ne)ati,e char)e- an" on the opposite si"e. a
ano"e+positi,e char)e-. The /ells are on the si"e o* the catho"e &eca!se #$% has a nat!ral positi,e
char)e so the /ells p!ll it *ro0 0o,in). 1oth the catho"e an" the ano"e are connecte" to a &atter' an"
the &o2 /ith the )el electrophoresis apparat!s. In or"er *or char)e to *lo/. 'o! ha,e a &!**er that is
!s!all' 0a"e *ro0 "i**erent ions to con"!ct electricit'. It co0pletel' co,ers the )el an" is al/a's there.
In or"er to p!t in the #$%3protein sa0ples. 'o! ta4e a pipette to loa" it an" p!t it in one o* the /ells.
5s!all' 'o! /ant to ha,e a "'e 0i2e" in /ith 'o!r sa0ple so 'o! can see it. %*ter 'o! t!rn on the
electrical *iel" an" let it sit *or a /hile. the #$% /ill split into the *ra)0ents &' their si(e. In or"er to
4no/ the si(e the *ra)0ents. 'o! nee" a #$% la""er to 0eas!re the &ase pairs. The s0allest *ra)0ents
tra,el the *arthest a/a' *ro0 the /ells &eca!se it is s0all an" eas' to p!sh. so the positi,e char)e can
0o,e it easier than &i))er *ra)0ents.

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