Natalie Bodily-Midterm

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Natalie Bodily

Travel vs. Vaction
Recently I traveled to Panama. It was my irst time visitin! and w"en I let I elt a
distinction #etween a travel tri$ and a vacation tri$. I came away decidin! vacation elt
more rela%in!& w"ereas travel eels like it is more o an immersion into t"e c'lt're.
('rin! t"is tri$ I elt like we were always on t"e !o and t"ere was so m'c" to see.
Travelin! to Panama was a tr'e travel e%$erience #eca'se o t"e ada$tin! to t"e c'lt're&
movin! t"ro'!"o't most o t"e co'ntry& and interaction wit" t"e locals.
)"en we irst arrived we *'ickly "ad to ada$t to t"e c'lt're. +'r li!"t landed
late at ni!"t and it took *'ite aw"ile to move t"ro'!" c'stoms and immi!ration. +nce
t"ro'!" we "ad t"e da'ntin! task o "a!!lin! wit" ta%i divers to !et a air $rice on
trans$ortation to o'r "otel. I do not s$eak S$anis" l'ently& #'t l'ckily one o o'r travel
com$anions did. , dierent lan!'a!e is always a "ard t"in! to ada$t to w"en o'tside o
t"e co'ntry. It-s oten a #arrier t"at makes travel a little "arder and a little r'stratin!.
+nce t"e $rice was decided we were on o'r way. Payin! or o'r ride was easy. Panama
'ses a mi%t're o /S c'rrency and coins minted #y t"eir !overnment. T"is "el$ed t"in!s
a #it. ,s o'r tri$ $ro!ressed a ew ot"er t"in!s were t"rown at 's t"at we needed to learn
to ada$t to. , ew o t"ese t"in!s were cra0y drivers& limited $'#lic restrooms& and no
conce$t o lines. I slowly ca'!"t on t"at t"ere was no s'c" t"in! as a 1line2 w"en waitin!
to $'rc"ase t"in!s only to "ave $eo$le 3'm$ in ront o me and !et w"at t"ey needed irst.
I *'ickly #ecame a little more a!!ressive in t"ese sit'ations. I never really con*'ered t"e
#at"room sit'ation& #'t I soon 3'm$ed at t"e o$$ort'nity to 'se t"e #at"room w"enever
Bodily 1
we saw one knowin! I mi!"t #e 'll o re!ret later i I didn-t. I "ad #een to ot"er
co'ntries #eore w"ere t"e drivers were a little less t"an sae& #'t a ew times I tr'ly
eared o'r ta%i rides. Es$ecially t"e one time o'r driver decided to "'rry and inis" "is
#eer #eore takin! 's to o'r location.
+n t"is tri$ I traveled #y $lane& #'s& #oat& #ike& car and oot. /s'ally w"en I t"ink
o a vacation I t"ink o !ettin! a little rest and rela%ation. T"at was ar rom w"at
"a$$ened on t"is tri$. T"ere was so m'c" to see t"at t"e travelin! was 'navoida#le. Eac"
mode o trans$ortation took 's to dierent $laces. T"e #'s took 's to t"e co'ntryside
w"ere we were a#le to en3oy t"e #eac" and a little town o t"e coast. T"e #oat took 's
t"ro'!" t"e canal. "ere we !ot to travel t"ro'!" t"e 3'n!le and even eed monkeys. )e
rode #ikes down t"e ca'seway. T"e cars took 's t"ro'!" t"e city. )e walked aro'nd
t"ro'!" 1+ld Panama2 and 1New Panama2 allowin! 's to visit all o t"e sites t"e cities
"ad to oer and en3oy t"e c'lt're and locals a little more reely.
Interactin! wit" t"e locals and t"e c'lt're is always my avorite t"in! a#o't
travelin!. )"en 1vacationin!2 I eel I don-t !et to e%$erience all t"at a location "as to
oer #eca'se I am too #'sy layin! in t"e sand somew"ere or I am somew"ere too to'risty
to really en3oy t"e c'lt're. T"e local c'isine is always a 'n t"in! to try and even t"ro'!"
my S$anis" is less t"an ade*'ate I en3oy s$eakin! to t"e locals and learnin! t"eir stories.
I $artic'larly liked meetin! t"e co'$le w"o owned t"e "ostel we stayed at #y t"e #eac"
and t"e to'r !'ide and #oat driver w"o took 's t"ro'!" t"e 3'n!le on t"e canal. 4rom
soccer !ames to is" markets to t"e local $ark I was never disa$$ointed in t"e o$$ort'nity
to en3oy t"e c'lt're and interact wit" t"e locals.
Bodily 5
By ada$tin! t"e c'lt're& travelin! t"ro'!" t"e co'ntry& and interactin! wit" locals
I was a#le to tr'ly e%$erience Panama in way I $ro#a#ly wo'ld not "ave #een a#le to i I
"ad 3'st #een 1vacationin!2. +verall I elt my tri$ was very rewardin!. )"ile vacation is
nice and m'c" needed t"ere really isn-t anyt"in! like a !ood travel e%$erience.
Bodily 6
Natalie Bodily
En!lis" 1010
Visual Analysis Essay
S'#ar' created an advertisement in 5010& t"at was dis$layed in vario's $laces&
s"owin! t"eir ve"icle& t"e +'t#ack& drivin! in t"e !rass on a 'n$aved road in t"e middle
o now"ere. T"e car is on to$ o a "ill. 7o' can-t see w"ere t"e road leads #eca'se it is
!oin! down t"e "ill. T"ere are mo'ntains and clo'ds in t"e #ack!ro'nd wit" t"e s'n
$eakin! o't a little #it. T"e ta! line or t"e ad says 87o'9re !oin! to need a #i!!er ma$8.
T"is ad is claimin! t"at yo' can "ave lie 'll o advent're i yo' $'rc"ase t"e +'t#ack.
T"ere is also a little te%t #o% at t"e #ottom o t"e $a!e w"ic" incl'des more inormation
on t"e car. It $ertains acts s'c" as t"e !as milea!e& t"at it is and all terrain ve"icle and
t"at is was voted #est s$ort 'tility car o 5010. T"is $a$er will descri#e more s$eciically
t"e $oint t"e ad is tryin! to create.
T"e $'r$ose o t"is ad is to inl'ence cons'mers to #'y t"e S'#ar' +'t#ack. T"is
is a very o#vio's o#servation #y t"e way t"e advertisement is set '$. It "as t"e main
$rod'ct eat'red lar!ely on t"e ront o t"e $a!e. T"e #ottom corner it lets t"e cons'mer
know t"at it was t"e 5010 s$ort 'tility car o t"e year. S'#ar' always wants to let t"e
a'dience know t"at t"is ve"icle is made or advent're. T"ey did t"is #y t"eir ta! line and
#y t"e act t"at t"e car is in t"e middle o now"ere drivin! on an 'n$aved road wit"
mo'ntains in t"e #ack!ro'nd.
S'#ar' 'ses t"e $ict're to draw in its a'dience. T"ey know t"at most $eo$le w"o
#'y t"e +'t#ack 'se it as a s$ort 'tility ve"icle. T"e #ackdro$ o t"e $ict're !ives t"e car
an e%tra sense o advent're and !oin! into t"e 'nknown. T"e viewer can only ima!ine
Bodily :
w"ere t"e road leads to w"ic" !ives t"em more to t"ink a#o't. T"ey also 'sed t"e ta! line
to $in$oint t"at a'dience& t"ey also 'sed t"e $ict're to do t"is. T"ey know t"at 3'st #y
!lancin! at t"e $ict're $eo$le will make t"e ass'm$tion t"at t"e car can !o anyw"ere and
draw o't e%citement rom t"ose seekin! advent're. T"ey also add in smaller $rint t"at
t"ose w"o en3oy $'s"in! limits will ind t"is car t"eir $erect matc" and t"at it "as a !o
anyw"ere ca$a#ility.
Since S'#ar' knows its tar!eted a'dience and "as already a$$ealed to t"eir
emotion o wantin! to seek advent're t"ey now need to a$$eal to t"e a'diences lo!ic and
reason. T"is is done in $art #y lettin! t"em know it was voted 5010 #est car o t"e year.
T"is& alon! wit" t"e act t"at is travelin! o road wit"o't any $ro#lems& makes t"e car
so'nd relia#le and d'ra#le. T"ey a$$eal t"e reason #y listin! t"e lowest startin! $rice o
t"e car& w"ic" is a decent $rice or a new car. T"ey also mention t"e !as milea!e and t"at
it all terrain.
+verall S'#ar' com$leted t"e $erect ad #y tar!etin! t"eir a'dience and a$$ealin!
to t"eir lo!ic& reason& and emotion. T"ey created an ad t"at eat'red t"eir car as a relia#le
ve"icle t"at $rovides advent're. T"is was accom$lis"ed #y t"e 'se o t"e $ict're& ta!
line& acts t"at were $rovided& and !eneral layo't o t"e ad.
Bodily ;
Bodily <
)orks =ited
>oe S$it0. 5010 S'#ar' +'t#ack ma!a0ine ad& >'ne 5010. : >'ly
Bodily ?
Natalie Bodily
En!lis" 1010
1I Have a Dream2
@artin L't"er Ain! >r. !ave a s$eec" at Lincoln @emorial d'rin! t"e @arc" on
)as"in!ton or >o#s and 4reedom. T"is s$eec" was !iven in 1B<6 it wo'ld later #e
known as t"e 1I Cave a (ream2 s$eec". T"e to$ic o t"e s$eec" was advocatin! or civil
and economic ri!"ts or ,rican ,mericans. Cis a'dience was t"e ollowers o t"e civil
ri!"ts movement. )"en @artin L't"er Ain! >r. !ave t"is s$eec" se!re!ation was a
$rominent iss'e in t"e co'ntry. Ce was in s'$$ort o $ro$osed le!islation concernin! t"e
civil ri!"ts movement. T"e civil ri!"ts movement came a#o't aro'nd t"e 1B<0-s. T"e
idea was to a#olis" t"e se!re!ation #etween t"e w"ites and #lacks. @artin L't"er Ain!
>r.-s 1I Cave a (ream2 s$eec" was eective in movin! t"e civil ri!"ts movement and
ca'sin! t"e reco!nition or !reater c"an!e.
@artin L't"er Ain! >r.Ds reason or t"is s$eec" is "e elt every ,rican ,merican
deserved t"e 1ric"es o reedom and t"e sec'rity o 3'stice (KingE. Ce elt t"e ,rican
,merican comm'nity "ad #een mistreated. T"is was a reason to stand to!et"er and 'nite
as a comm'nity to o#tain t"e reedom t"at s"o'ld #e allotted to t"em. Ce 'sed an
e%am$le o t"e Emanci$ation Proclamation to remind "is a'dience t"at t"ey were a ree
$eo$le. Ce also reerenced t"e (eclaration o Inde$endence to a$$eal to "is a'dience and
remind t"em were entitled to lie& li#erty& and $'rs'it o "a$$iness alon! wit" all "er
,mericans. Cis s$eciic e%am$les and conviction "el$ed relay "is messa!e to "is
intended a'dience.
Bodily F
Cis s$eec" was written a$$ealin! to t"e emotions& val'es& and #elies o t"e
a'dience. 4reedom and e*'ality were o "i!" im$ortance in t"is s$eec". Ce said "e
dreamed or t"e day t"at $eo$le were not 13'd!ed #y t"e color o t"eir skin #'t #y t"e
content o t"eir c"aracter2 (KingE. Ce dreamed t"at men wo'ld #e e*'al and 3oined
to!et"er as one nation. Ce also 'sed e%am$les o "ow t"e ,rican ,merican comm'nity
"ad #een mistreated #y t"e w"ite men and $olice to a$$eal to t"e emotions o "is
a'dience. Ce was a very inl'ential $erson t"ro'!"o't t"e nation w"ic" "el$ draw a lar!e
a'dience in to "ear t"ese t"in!s.
@artin L't"er Ain! >r. $ortrays "imsel as a civil ri!"t leader and a man o God.
Cis conviction o c"aracter "el$s t"e a'dience relate to "is messa!e. 4'rt"ermore "e "as
a vested interest in t"e matter #eca'se "e and "is loved ones are directly im$acted #y t"e
iss'e. Ce 'ses s$eciic reerences a#o't God and "is ellow men t"ro'!"o't "is s$eec".
T"e 1I "ave a (ream S$eec"2 was eective in movin! t"e civil ri!"ts movement
and ca'sin! t"e reco!nition or !reater c"an!e. Ain! a$$ealed to t"e a'dience 'sin!
lo!ic& val'es& #elies& emotions& and "is credi#ility. )it"o't t"is a$$eal t"e s$eec" wo'ld
not "ave "ad t"e im$act on t"e civil ri!"ts movement and 't're !enerations.
Bodily B
)orks =ited
King, Martin L. "American Rhetoric: Martin Luther King, Jr. - I Have a Dream." American Rhetoric:
The Power of Oratory in the United States. Intellectual Propertie Management, n.!.
"e#. $% Ma& $'((.
Bodily 10
Natalie Bodily
En!lis" 1010
R"etorical Rationale
('rin! t"is co'rse& En!lis" 1010& I "ave written t"ree $a$ers a r"etorical essay&
vis'al essay& and a relection essay. T"e $'r$ose o t"is $a$er is to relect on t"ose t"ree
essays. I will relect on my writin! $rocess& my intended a'dience& w"at I "o$ed to
accom$lis" wit" eac" essay& t"e revisions I made to eac" essay& and my en!a!ement in
t"e $eer reviews or eac" essay. Eac" essay re*'ired r"etoric and wit"o't it my essays
wo'ld not "ave #een comm'nicated clearly.
)"en writin! r"etorically I needed to consider t"e te%t I create to convey my
ideas. T"is was easiest or me w"en my te%t was or!ani0ed. ,t t"e start o eac" essay I
!enerated a *'estion& or a main idea. 4rom t"is I wo'ld create a t"esis. T"is wo'ld
#ecome my introd'ction $ara!ra$". 4rom t"ere I wo'ld narrow my main idea into t"ree
more s$eciic $oints. I wo'ld t"en ind inormation or eac" $oint and create my #ody
$ara!ra$"s. ,ter all my inormation was or!ani0ed
I wo'ld t"en orm'late an ar!'ment and create my concl'sion $ara!ra$". 4or e%am$le in
my relection essay I decided my t"esis wo'ld #e t"at travel was dierent rom vacation.
I 'sed a recent tri$ to Panama to s'$$ort t"is t"esis. I relected on my tri$ and created
t"ree main $oints. @y t"ree main $oints were "ow I interacted wit" t"e locals& my travel
t"ro'!" t"e co'ntry& and ada$tin! to t"e c'lt're. +r!ani0in! eac" $a$er made it easier or
me to write. ,ter I "ad everyt"in! or!ani0ed I wo'ld t"en write to my intended a'dience.
In order to ind my a'dience I needed to t"ink r"etorically. I "ad to decide wit"
w"om I was comm'nicatin!. In my relection essay I was tryin! to a$$eal to an a'dience
Bodily 11
w"o like to travel. @y a'dience or my vis'al essay was or t"ose w"o saw t"e car ad and
were considerin! a car $'rc"ase. @y r"etoric essay was intended or t"ose interested in
@artin L't"er Ain! >r.-s 1I "ave a dream2 s$eec". ,ter I o'nd my a'dience t"e ne%t
r"etorical ste$ was to ind my role as a writer& in ot"er words ind my $'r$ose.
I was tryin! to accom$lis" somet"in! dierent or eac" essay. I 'sed my t"esis in
eac" irst $ara!ra$" to try to make my role clear. T"e t"esis or my relection essay was&
1Travelin! to Panama was a tr'e travel e%$erience #eca'se o t"e ada$tin! to t"e c'lt're&
movin! t"ro'!"o't most o t"e co'ntry& and interaction wit" t"e locals2. @y !oal was to
dierentiate #etween travel and vacation. I did not "ave a t"esis or my vis'al essay #'t
my !oal was to descri#e t"e $oint t"e ad was tryin! to make. T"e t"esis or my r"etoric
essay was 1@artin L't"er Ain! >r.-s 1I Cave a (ream2 s$eec" was eective in movin!
t"e civil ri!"ts movement and ca'sin! t"e reco!nition or !reater c"an!e2. @y !oal was
to #reak t"e r"etoric-s o "is s$eec" down. ,ter eac" $a$er was written t"e ne%t ste$
was revisin! t"e $a$er and s'#mittin! it or a $eer review.
Beore I s'#mitted eac" $a$er I wo'ld read it o't lo'd to make s're everyt"in!
so'nded correct. I wo'ld t"en !o t"ro'!" it and look or s$ellin! errors. I received a !ood
!rade on eac" o my t"ree $a$ers so I didn-t really eel t"e need to revise anyt"in!
aterwards. T"e one t"in! I missed on my irst two $a$ers w"ere t"e $a!e n'm#ers. )"en
'sin! @L, ormat eac" essay s"o'ld incl'de "eaders. I made s're I incl'ded it on my
t"ird essay as well as t"is essay. Beore I s'#mitted my relection essay and r"etorical
essay I s'#mitted t"em or $eer review. I was only reviewed #y a $eer on my relection
essay. I o'nd it "el$'l and took t"e readers t"o'!"ts and s'!!estions into consideration.
Bodily 15
Reviewin! ot"ers essays was a !ood way to review t"e $rocess o writin! a $a$er. I
en3oyed it and it "el$ed me 'nderstand t"e writin! $rocess #etter.
T"is co'rse "el$ed my writin! a#ility immensely. I learned "ow to or!ani0e a
$a$er and 'se r"etoric correctly. )ritin! was never a avorite task or me #'t ater takin!
t"is co'rse and writin! my t"ree essays I eel it "as #ecome easier and less o a c"ore.
Bodily 16

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