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The Deputy Registrar (Academic),

Indian Institute of Technology - Madras,
Tamil Nadu !!!"
#u$% Issue of Transcripts
Respected #ir,
I, Ra&ee' (umar )andey, Roll no* A+!!!,- Department of Aerospace
+ngineering, passed out of IIT Madras in ,!!. in Dual Degree )rogram* I
ha'e $een /or0ing for I1M India )'t 2td at (ol0ata, 3est 1engal for the past
4*. years*

I need transcripts for applying to 5ni'ersities a$road* )lease find enclosed
/ith this letter a Demand Draft of Rs ,!!!6- (T/o thousand only) in fa'our of
7IIT MADRA#8 (DD no ,9:!:" dated 4;*!:*,!!-)*
Also, 0indly send all the transcripts to the $elo/ address%
Rajeev Kumar Pandey
c/o Mr S S Pandey
Kusum Vihar (Behind Doon Public School, Teresa Block
P! " Koyla #a$ar
Dis%& " Dhanbad
S%a%e " 'harkhand ((#D()
P(# * +,-../
I /ould $e most grateful for your help if you could send me the transcripts at
the earliest*
<ours sincerely
(Ra&ee' (umar )andey)

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