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Rationality & Reason

Critical Thinking...................2
Epicurean Paradox...............4
Russells Teapot...................!
Pascals "ager....................#
$ogical %allacies...................&
*cienti(ic Theory..................+
*cienti(ic ,ethod...............1-
The .ig .ang.....................11
*tem Cells..........................1#
0alileo 0alilei.....................1&
Charles 'ar1in..................1)
Al2ert Einstein...................1+
Alan Turing........................2-
Richard %eynman...............21
Carl *agan.........................22
*tephen 3a1king...............23
3ealth Care........................2#
3ealth .ene(its..................3&
Anal *ex.............................3+
Lies and Deceit
%emale Priests...................!3
*olar Temple......................!#
3ea/ens 0ate...................!&
$indy 3op...........................#3
Sacred Texts
The .i2le............................#4
The 7uran.........................#!
.ook o( *hado1s...............##
Religious Icons
,other Teresa....................#+
The Pope............................&-
5esus Christ........................&1
6irgin ,ary........................&2
Religious Holidays
Hocus Pocus
3ea/en 8 3ell....................&+
*peaking in Tongues..........)3
.eastly 9um2er.................)#
Destructive Beavior
Child A2use........................+2
0enital ,utilation..............+3
Alexandrian $i2rary............+4
.ook .anning.....................+!
'eath Penalty....................+&
Religion and Politics
Church 8 *tate..................+)
Australian A2originals........++
Catholics 8 9a:is.............1--
,anhattan 'eclaration....1-3
"hat ideas are so dangerous that Catholics 1ant to pre/ent you
(rom reading a2out them; The ideas in this 2ook.
E/ery *unday< hundreds o( millions o( people gather together<
united 2y their 2elie( that their god is the =ne True 0od. They
meet in churches to gi/e thanks and to pray.
The po1er o( the Catholic Church is un>uestiona2le? o/er a 2illion
de/out 2elie/ers en masse. And yet 2elie( can 2e deadly.
@t is paramount that 1e understand ho1 the 1orld really 1orks.
"hat i( astronomers 1ere pre/ented (rom sharing o2ser/ations
they had made 1hile peering through telescopes< 2y penalty o(
death; People 1ould ne/er ha/e 2een told that planets or2it the
*un< or that massi/e rocks on a cataclysmic collision course could
extinguish all li(e on Earth. *ome1here< a rock is headed our 1ay.
"ithout su((icient notice< any asteroid de(lection strategy 1ill (ail.
As time is our most precious commodity< arresting ad/ancement
or dissemination o( kno1ledge is an intolera2le transgression.
@t does not matter ho1 old you are right no1. "hether you are a
teenager or an adult< you al1ays ha/e a choice o( 1hat you 1ant
to do 1ith your li(e. Aou can al1ays choose ho1 you 1ant to
make a positi/e contri2ution to humanity.
@t is important to point out that science does not have all the
answers. The scienti(ic method allo1s us to systematically
examine nature to disco/er ho1 the Bni/erse 1orks. *cience
continually re(ines itsel( 2ased on ne1 (indingsC 1hereas< 2elie(
/ehemently denies ne1 in(ormation to preser/e (aith.
This 2ooklet contains commentary on many topics that religious
people tend to preach out o( ignorance< (aith< or arrogance. This
is not a complete list. There are topics that are not included that
are 4ust as important as the ones that are< 2ut 2ooklets usually
ha/e a 2eginning and an end.
Deep this 2ooklet 1ith youC keep a copy on your laptop. 'istri2ute
it to your (riends. 6isit reddit.comErEde2atereligion i( you need a
kind /oice. Re(er to the 2ooklet 1hen your (riends and (amily
mem2ers ha/e >uestions. Bse it to re(ute the .i2le. Take time to
understand the arguments< learn a2out logical (allacies< and gro1
as a good< kind< and moral (reeFthinking indi/idual.
Reali:e that you are ne/er alone. .y the end o( 2-11 there 1ill 2e
& 2illion people on the planet. All o( 1hom< like yoursel(< need
(ood< lo/e< com(ort< (riendship< education< and support. Take up
ho22ies< make (riends< see the 1orld< learn a (ield o( science and
contri2ute something tangi2ly meaning(ul to humanity.
Aou are acti/ely and strongly encouraged to research e/ery (act
in this 2ooklet (or yoursel(.
Aug 22< 2-11
Rationality & Reason
Atheism is a lack o( 2elie( in any godC no more< no less. Atheistic
morals are dri/en 2y a desire to do good in the 1orld. Atheists
need not 2e threatened into doing good deeds 2y (ictional 2eings.
*o 1hat stops atheists (rom killing people;
"riendsi#$ Treating people 1ith kindness and respect
sets an example. Dilling other people seriously hampers
longFterm (riendships and other relationships.
%indness &eels good$ @( a god told an atheist to sacri(ice
her child< she 1ould tell that god to go (uck itsel( 1ith a
solarFpo1ered chain sa1 1hile standing a >uarterFmile
(rom the *unGs searing sur(ace. Theists 1ould kill the kid.
Deat is &inal$ ,urder de/alues human li(eC socially 1ellF
ad4usted people /alue others due to empathetic responses<
1hich are not the exclusi/e domain o( god 2elie(.
@n stark contrast< religious reasoning has 4usti(ied murder< torture<
genocide< in(anticide< and sla/ery. @( anything< propensity (or
/iolence increases in proportion to the (undamentalism o( a
personGs religious (aith.
Critical Tin'ing
Thinking critically means understanding 1hether an opinion or
argument makes logical sense. There is a di((erence 2et1een
criti>uing the .i2le and applying empirical e/idence to highlight
parts o( the .i2le that are (alse.
Critical thinking re>uires reason o/er emotion< recogni:ing and
ackno1ledging (actual e/idence< (inding the 2est explanation Hnot
necessarily the most com(orta2leI< and asking >uestions. @t also
means changing your opinion 1hen you are sho1n to 2e 1rong.
Al1ays approach su24ects 1ith an openFmind. @( you 2elie/e 1ith
a2solute certainty that you are right< lea/ing no room (or dou2t<
then you ha/e stopped thinking critically. %aithF2ased thinking is
the opposite o( critical thinking? it purges rationality (rom the
mind. "hen you 2elie/e something on (aith alone< you ha/e
closed your mind to other possi2ilities.
The statement< Jthere is no godK is not closedFminded. @t is
simply a shorter 1ay o( saying< Jthere is neither empirical
e/idence nor any logical reason to 2elie/e any gods exist.K
%acts must ha/e independent con(irmationC encourage de2ateC
a/oid arguing (rom authorityC consider many ideasC >uanti(yC
e/ery step o( an argument must 1orkC i( t1o ideas are nearly
e>ui/alent< pick the simplerC and theories must 2e (alsi(ia2le.
This Fology is the philosophical study o( kno1ledge that asks
some (airly pro(ound >uestions?
"hat is kno1ledge;
3o1 do 1e ac>uire kno1ledge;
3o1 do 1e kno1 1hat 1e kno1;
"ithout understanding ho1 kno1ledge is o2tained< ho1 our
senses ser/e us< and ho1 1e (ormulate concepts< our thoughts
1ill ha/e no coherent path.
The de2ate 2et1een atheists and people 1ho 2elie/e in (aeries
Hor godsI hinges on criteria (or truth. The atheist (a/ors logical
consistency< coherence< and o2ser/a2le e/idence as truthC the
theist stands upon custom< (aith< re/elation< and intuition. The
atheist sees the 1orld as nature presents itC the theist t1ists the
natural 1orld 1ith ideas that are inconsistent 1ith reality.
(#icurean Paradox
The pro2lem o( e/il< posed 2y Philosoraptor Epicurus< states?
If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able to
Then He is not omnipotent.
If He is able, but not willing
Then He is malevolent.
If He is both able and willing
Then whence cometh evil?
If He is neither able nor willing
Then why call Him God?
And yet Philosoraptor $actantius argues that gods are allF
po1er(ul< he insists that an allFgood god does not exist. 3e says
that gods are distant and unin/ol/ed 1ith the concerns o(
humanityC gods are neither our (riends nor enemies.
Then 1hy 1aste time thinking a2out them; @( 1e cannot pro/e
that they 1ill inter/ene to help us< then 1e must a2andon them
to sa/e oursel/es. @( gods exist and they are 2ene/olent< they 1ill
understand completely.
A simpler ans1er as to 1hy e/il exists in the 1orld is that socially
malad4usted people do stupid< malicious things Hsometimes (or
religious reasonsI. Plus< there are no gods to stop them.
Russell)s Tea#ot
.ertrand Russell< 1ho 1as intentionally raised agnostic< 1as
strongly in(luenced 2y Exodus 23?2? JAou shall not (ollo1 the
masses in doing e/il.K The passage concludes< Jnor shall you
testi(y in a dispute so as to turn aside a(ter a multitude in order
to per/ert 4ustice.K
"ould that e/eryone 1holly su2scri2e to such tenetsL *adly such
2i2lical diamonds are lost 2et1ixt the mire o( passages such as
,atthe1 1-?34? J'o not suppose that @ ha/e come to 2ring peace
to the earth. @ did not come to 2ring peace< 2ut a s1ord.K
%ortunately< Russell su2scri2ed to a positi/e< enriching 1orld
/ie1. @n 1+!2< Russell 1rote a passage similar to the (ollo1ing?
If I were to suggest that orbiting the Sun between the Earth and ars
there e!ists a remar"ably tiny comet containing a pin" sapphire vein,
nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were to add
that the comet is too small to be detected even by our most powerful
telescopes. #ut if I were to insist that, since my assertion cannot be
disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason
to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be tal"ing nonsense. If,
however, the e!istence of such a comet were affirmed in ancient boo"s,
taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of
children, hesitation to believe in its e!istence would be deemed
eccentric and the doubter, undoubtedly, ushered into psychiatric care.
.e 1ary o( the lure o( 1idespread 2elie( (or it easily ensnares.
Pascal)s *ager
.laise Pascal argued the (ollo1ing?
If you erroneously believe in God, you lose nothing$ whereas, if you
correctly believe in God, you gain everything. #ut if you correctly
disbelieve in God, you gain nothing$ whereas, if you erroneously
disbelieve in God, you lose everything.
The AtheistGs "ager retorts?
In your life, try to improve the world, whether you believe in god or not.
If no god e!ists, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by
people whose lives you touched. If there is a benevolent god, he will
%udge you on your merits and not your belief in him.
Either 1ay< this (aery tale has no happy ending?
1. The set o( all possi2le gods and the su2set o( 1rath(ul
gods are in(initeC 1rath(ul gods punish dis2elie/ers
2. The odds o( 1orshipping the =ne True 0od approach
:ero as the num2er o( possi2le H1rath(ulI gods approaches
3. There(ore< e/en i( some gods exist that grant entrance to
hea/en< the pro2a2ility o( 2eing accepted 2y those that do
is essentially :ero< regardless o( your religion.
"rassle out o( that logic.
Logical "allacies
"hen people discuss religion creationism< the .i2le< and
miracles< they lean on (allacious arguments. $ogical (allacies do
not support an argument and must 2e discounted immediately.
!##eal to !utority$ The Pope sanctioned child
molesting< there(ore it must 2e okay.
!##eal to te Peo#le$ Almost e/ery Christian 2elie/es
the Earth is (lat< there(ore the Earth is (lat.
!necdotal (vidence$ "oahL *he turned me into a ne1tL
HA newt;I @ got 2etter.
!d Hominem$ 'ar1in 1as a 2ad person< there(ore natural
selection and e/olution must 2e 1rong.
Circular Reasoning$ 0od created the .i2le 2ecause the
.i2le said 0od created it.
Mcitation neededN
"alse Dicotomy$ There is only 3ea/en or 3ell. H=r
neither exist< or you 1ill 2e resurrected< etc.I
Sli##ery Slo#e$ Aou en4oy sex< thus you 1ill rape cats.
There many others Htoo many (or one pageI< and all o( them
demonstrate incorrect reasoning< independently o( spiritual (aith.
*ome common Catholic Church Hand ma(iaI customs include?
Hear+ see+ and s#ea' no evil$ 9e/er discuss e/idence.
Deny everyting$ Pretend the e/ent ne/er happened.
Invo'e enigmas$ *tate that the situation< num2er o(
people in/ol/ed< and circumstances make the truth
impossi2le to disco/er.
Internal a&&airs$ Church situations are a2o/e the la1 and
should 2e resol/ed 1ithout impartial police in/estigations.
"all,bac'. 'ont admit to child a2useC admit to 2eing
alone 1ith the child< instead.
Silence critics$ Bse (inancial might to arrest< detain< or
2lackmail people 1ho oppose your /ie1s.
De&ame critics$ Bse (inancial might to destroy a critics
physical health< (inances< or emotions.
Lie$ @ntroduce ne1 in(ormation designed to mislead others.
-anis$ @( someone has crucial in(ormation< ha/e them
J/acationK some1here remote.
Scienti&ic Teory
*cienti(ic Theory< hypothesis< and theory are closely related
terms< 2ut sometimes get con(used. The 1ord 2lue< (or example<
can mean either sad or a color. @( @ said my eyes 1ere 2lue<
unless you en4oyed puns< you pro2a2ly 1ould not think that my
eyes 1ere sad. ,ixing t1o de(initions is called e&uivocation.
E>ui/ocation can 2e di((icult to notice. %or example< (aith that a
chair 1ill support 1eight is using the 1ord faith in the sense o(<
J.ased on my kno1ledge o( physics and my pre/ious
experiences< @ 2elie/e ...KC 1hereas< the 1ord faith can also mean<
JE/en though there is no e/idence< and @Gm lying through my
teeth< @ 2elie/e ...K 'o not con(use the t1o de(initions. 3a/ing
J(aith in the physical attri2utes o( a chairK and J(aith in a godJ
are not e>ui/alent de(initions o( (aith.
A *cienti(ic Theory< such as the Theory o( E/olution< is di((erent
than a theory that is a hunch or a guess. A *cienti(ic Theory has
2een tested< o(ten many times Hin many 1aysI 2y many di((erent
people< and o2ser/ations ha/e 2een consistently /eri(ied.
*cienti(ic Theories are also re/ie1ed 2y peers to make sure that
scientists are accurately reporting their results and that their
experiments are conducted using scienti(ically /alid methods.
Scienti&ic Metod
A2solute proo( is not a re>uirement (or science. @( it 1ere< your
laptop 1ould ne/er ha/e 2een 2uilt. @nstead< >uestions are asked<
hypothesis are (ormed< experiments are tried< results are noted<
conclusions made< and (urther tests are proposed to disco/er the
hypothesis that most closely descri2es reality. An example o( the
*cienti(ic ,ethod might go like this?
.uestion/ "hat happens 1hen hands are dunked into
li>uid nitrogen;
Hy#otesis/ The hands 1ill (ree:e and then shatter.
(x#eriment/ 'ip a roomFtemperature hand replica into
li>uid nitrogen (or a 1-
o( a second.
0bservation/ Temperature di((erences caused the li>uid
to 2oil< (orming a (leshFprotecting air 2arrier.
Conclusion/ @t is possi2le to rapidly dip a hand into li>uid
nitrogen 1ithout it (ree:ing. .ut donGt? itGs dangerous.
*cientists a/oid 2ias 2y trying to pro/e their theories incorrect. @(
they cannot sho1 that the hypothesis is incorrect< then they ha/e
demonstrated that their idea is true. The experiments must 2e
repeata2le so that scientists can test each others claims. This
helps ensure no mistakes Hdeli2erate or other1iseI are made.
Te Big Bang
The .ig .ang is an e/ent o( epic proportions that 2egan the
instant our Bni/erse came into existence. E/idence supporting
the .ig .ang is staggeringly o/er1helming. .e(ore the .ig .ang
neither time nor space existed. *o 1hat caused it;
A Bni/erse 1ithout cause is an uncom(orta2le idea. E/en i( 1e
attri2ute the cause to a god< 1e must ask? "hat created that
god; @( the god had no cause< then the uncom(orta2le idea
remains. *o 1hy not sa/e a step and remo/e that god;
Perhaps nothing started the .ig .ang. Perhaps the .ig .ang
2egan (rom a >uantum process. ,ay2e this Bni/erse is only one
o( many. =r may2e the .ig .ang 1as the ine/ita2le conse>uence
o( the la1s o( physics;
"eGre ali/e in an expanding Bni/erse 1ith /ast num2ers o( stars<
untold galaxies< 2reathtaking 2eauty< and unimagina2le 1onders.
As time tallies (orth< galaxies continue to speed a1ay (rom each
other. E/entually distant galaxies 1ill spread out (aster than the
speed o( light< disappearing (rom /ie1 (ore/er.
All o2ser/a2le e/idence (or the .ig .ang 1ill 2e gone.
The Earth is a2out 1$21 billion years old.
.ritish naturalist< "illiam *mith< reali:ed that t1o layers o( rock
1ith similar (ossils are pro2a2ly the same age. 3is nephe1< 5ohn
Phillips< used this reali:ation to conclude that the Earth 1as at
least 34 million years old.
9ext up< "illiam Thomson calculated ho1 long the Earth 1ould
ha/e taken to cool to its current temperature. 3is calculations
yielded an age 2et1een 56 and 566 million years old< 2ut
neither Thomson nor any2ody else kne1 a2out radioacti/ity.
Radioacti/ity 1as disco/ered in 1)+#< and soon it 1as (ound that
radioacti/ity gi/es o(( heat. This meant that the Earth could stay
1arm long a(ter its (ormation. *cientists ha/e since con(irmed
that much o( Earths internal heat comes (rom radioacti/e decay.
Radioacti/e decay also led to another 1ay to measure age. "hen
an element Hsuch as uraniumI undergoes radioacti/e decay< it
2ecomes a di((erent element Hsuch as leadI< 1hich is called the
daughter element. .y measuring the amounts o( the radioacti/e
element compared to the amounts o( its daughter element< 1e
can determine the age o( rocks. This process is called radiometric
dating and has 2een used to determine the Earths age.
"e can also apply radiometric dating to meteorites.
The *un 2urns hydrogen< (using it into helium through nuclear
(usion. "e can use the ratio o( hydrogen to helium to determine
the age o( the *un. 9ot surprisingly< the *un is a2out 1$27
billion years old? only slightly older than the Earth. There are
other 1ays 1e can determine the age o( the *un.
That the age o( the Earth and *un are chronologically consistent
H1ith cosmological theories and actual o2ser/ations o( solar
system (ormationOthe 3u22le *pace Telescope has taken
pictures o( protoplanetary disksI gi/es us con(idence that?
the age estimate is correctC
radiometric dating is accurate.
Creationists misinterpret e/olution. They think presentFday
species e/ol/ed (rom one another. They spe1 statements like?
If evolution states we evolved from mon"eys, why are they still around?
E/olution states that 1e share a common ancestor 1ith monkeys.
"e didnt e/ol/e (rom monkeys and monkeys didnt e/ol/e (rom
humans. 3umans and great apes Hchimpan:ees< 2ono2os< and
gorillasI are more like relati/es 1ith common greatFgreatFgreatF
greatFgreatFgreatFgreat grandparents. E/en though those ancient
ancestors are no longer around< their o((spring thri/e today.
A(ter its pu2lication in 2--&< the chimpan:ee genetic code 1as
compared 1ith the human genome. 3umans< it 1as disco/ered<
ha/e t1o (e1er chromosome pairs H4#I than the great apes H4)I.
There(ore< the common ancestor o( humans and great apes must
ha/e had either 4) or 4# chromosomes. *ince there are three
types o( great apes and only one type o( human< 1e presume the
ancestor had 4). This means that< in humans< one pair must ha/e
3uman chromosome num2er t1o 1as disco/ered to 2e (used
1ith its neigh2or. E/olution (or the 1in. Again.
The terrible li'ards 1ere animals that dominated the Earth (or
o/er 1#- million years. Around #! million years ago< they 1ent
extinct. Their extinction let mammals di/ersi(y >uite >uickly<
leading to humans. 3umans ne/er coFexisted 1ith dinosaurs.
Also around #! million years ago< a giant asteroid slammed into
Earth. ,ost scientists agree that the asteroid that exterminated
the dinosaurs le(t its mark as the Chicxulu2 impact crater in the
Aucatan Peninsula< ,exico.
*cientists ha/e e/en measured the craterGs gra/itational data to
study the angle o( impact. 0enius.
@n the Bnited *tates< the Creation ,useum< 1hich depicts a
(ictional< i( not imaginati/e< telling o( the .i2lical account o(
0enesisOin all its re(uta2le gloryOcost P2& million to 2uild. The
museum displays a literal interpretation o( 0enesis< 1ith humans
and dinosaurs (rolicking together.
That 1as 2& million dollars spent on the acti/e promotion o( lies.
"hat a heartF1renching 1aste o( time and resources. That
money should ha/e 2een spent sheltering the homeless< (eeding
the less (ortunate< ad/ancing medicine< or any num2er o( 1ays to
impro/e our plight< not aggra/ate it.
Stem Cells
Em2ryonic stem cells are unspeciali:ed cells (rom 1hich all other
cells Hskin cells< 2lood cells< etc.I in our 2ody de/elop. *tem cells
are o2tained (rom 2lastocysts< a2orted (etuses< um2ilical cords<
placentas< and genetically re#rogrammed adult cells HiP*CsI.
Research into ho1 stem cells 1ork 1ill gi/e us insights into ho1
to cure diseases and (ix the human 2ody. A (e1 rare diseases that
could ha/e their secrets unlocked include?
.anning stem cell research is another 1ay the Catholic Church
has suppressed the ad/ancement o( kno1ledge. *tem cells are
not special< nor are 2lastocysts. =pponents o( stem cell research
rallied against it< saying that the research 1as unethical 2ecause
it re>uired cells (rom a2orted (etuses. There are other 1ays to
o2tain stem cells< yet opponents continue to use the same tired<
ignorant< and in/alid arguments.
8alileo 8alilei
@n 1#33< 0alileo 1as sentenced to house arrest H(or the remainder
o( his li(eI 2y the Catholic Church (or daring to suggest an idea.
Aes< an idea. An idea that the Church didnt like? that the Earth
re/ol/es around the *un. This idea is called heliocentrism. They
locked him up and 2anned reprinting his 1orksC they (orced him
to recant his position or (ace execution. The Catholic Church
suppresses in(ormation 2ecause it leads people to conclude that
their teachings are (alse.
@n 1&41< the Pope graciously allo1ed pu2lication o( 0alileos
complete scienti(ic 1orks. That they had to get permission is
appalling. .y 1)3!< o((icial opposition to heliocentrism 1as
dropped. Through 0alileoGs 1ork< rationality and reason 1ere
thrust into pu2lic consciousness once more.
The Catholic Church made a hal(Fassed apology in late 1++2.
The Ponti(ical Academy e/en planned to 2uild a statue o( 0alileo
1ithin the 6atican. A month later the plans 1ere halted. Pro2a2ly
2ecause they needed the money to shuttle (iddly priests around<
or perhaps to 2uy 2igger hardFdri/es (or their child pr-n stash.
Carles Dar9in
This mans /isage is on .ritish currency. 3is ideas o( natural
selection and e/olution in(luenced the direction o( modern
medicine< reshaped ho1 1e think o( oursel/es< and helped
expunge the 2ack1ards literal .i2le interpretations (rom modern
Aou ha/e pro2a2ly heard the rumor that 'ar1in recanted
e/olution on his death2ed. E/en i( this 1as true?
@t changes nothing. @( 5ane 0oodall< (or example< changed
her mind a2out chimps using tools< it 1ould not alter the
(act that they do.
"hen a person is dying< their mental state is uncertain. A
dying 2rain is likely to hallucinate< or 2ecome clouded.
9oting his 1ords in such a state 1ould 2e like noting his
1ords 1hile he 1as trippinG on Gshrooms.
The story 1as (a2ricated 2y $ady 3ope< 1ho 1as not 1ith 'ar1in
1hen he died. Accounts o( his death< as 1ritten 2y those 1ho
1ere actually present< do not mention recanting. 3is children<
1ho 1ere there< re(uted the recantation and con/ersion story.
3o1e/er< 'ar1in did mistakenly think that Christianity 1as good
(or common (olk< 1hile he correctly 2elie/ed it 1as not (or
educated men. Elitism is not cool< 'ar1in. *hame shameL
!lbert (instein
Al2ert Einstein proposed a re/olutionary idea a2out space< time<
and light. 3e 1as also rather outspoken on religious matters. 3e
e/en hammered on intolerant atheists.
3e once 1rote?
( man who is convinced of the truth of his religion is indeed never
tolerant. (t the least, he is to feel pity for the adherent of another
religion but usually it does not stop there. The faithful adherent of a
religion will try first of all to convince those that believe in another
religion and usually he goes on to hatred if he is not successful.
However, hatred then leads to persecution when the might of the
ma%ority is behind it.
3e also 1rote?
I was bar"ed at by numerous dogs who are earning their food guarding
ignorance and superstition for the benefit of those who profit from it.
Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is of the same
"ind as the intolerance of the religious fanatics and comes from the
same source. They are li"e slaves who are still feeling the weight of their
chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle.
And he 1rote?
I am convinced that some political and social activities and practices of
the )atholic organi'ations are detrimental and even dangerous for the
community as a whole, here and everywhere. I mention here only the
fight against birth control at a time when overpopulation in various
countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a
grave obstacle to any attempt to organi'e peace on this planet.
!lan Turing
Alan Turing 1as instrumental in sa/ing the .ritish (rom the
0ermans. 3e 1as the %ather o( computer science< a code2reaker<
a mathematician< and the /ictim o( religious pre4udice (or 2eing
homosexual. @t is 2itterly un4ust that a man so important to the
(reedom o( his (ello1 citi:ens should ha/e had their la1s used
against him.
*uch is the po1er o( religious propaganda and dogma. Religion
teaches that there is no middle ground? no room (or exceptions.
This strict regime o( right /ersus 1rong is too in(lexi2le< too
archaic (or a progressi/e ci/ili:ation. *tealing is usually 1rong
Hlike taking money (rom your parents 1ithout their express
permissionI< 2ut sometimes stealing can 2e the only action Hlike
li(ting documents (rom a priests o((ice that pro/ide e/idence o(
rampant corruption and child a2useI.
Turing 1as gi/en a choice? go to 4ail or su((er chemical castration.
3e chose the latter< to his physical detriment. T1o years a(ter his
sentence< Turing 1as (ound dead (rom cyanide poisoning< most
likely ha/ing taken his o1n li(e 2y 2iting into a poisoned apple.
The Prime ,inister apologi:ed in 2--+. A sym2olic gesture not (or
Alan Turing< 2ut to admit that the religionFin(luenced society 1as
1rong in persecuting homosexuals.
Ricard "eynman
Richard %eynman har2ored an immense guilt (or his contri2utions
to 2uilding the atomic 2om2. 3e helped 2uild the de/ice 2ecause
he 2elie/ed in the li2erating (orces (ighting (or (reedomC he
2elie/ed that i( the Allies created massi/ely destructi/e 1eapons<
they 1ould stand against oppression< sla/ery< and genocide.
*ome people un4ustly link atheism and communism. Atheists lack
a god 2elie( 2ecause there is no empirical e/idenceC the scienti(ic
method re>uires empirical e/idence.
=n the relationship 2et1een atheism< communism< and
democracy< Richard %eynman spoke out on ,ay 2< 1+!#?
I would li"e to remar", in passing, since the word *atheism+ is so closely
connected with *communism,+ that the communist views are the
antithesis of the scientific, in the sense that in communism the answers
are given to all the &uestions,political &uestions as well as moral ones
,without discussion and without doubt.
The scientific viewpoint is the e!act opposite of this$ that is, all
&uestions must be doubted and discussed$ we must argue everything
out,observe things, chec" them, and so change them. The democratic
government is much closer to this idea, because there is discussion and
a chance of modification.
3e took great 4oy in (inding things out.
Carl Sagan
"e are (ortunate that this reno1n astronomer li/ed in an era
1here he could (reely express his ideas 1ithout (ear o( 2eing
2urned ali/e. 3is poignant 1ords ha/e the cold< sharp< re(reshing
splash o( clarity and honest insight?
( celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress
any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.
In Italy, the In&uisition was condemning people to death until the end of
the eighteenth century, and in&uisitional torture was not abolished in
the )atholic )hurch until -.-/. The last bastion of support for the reality
of witchcraft and the necessity of punishment has been the )hristian
Thin" of how many religions attempt to validate themselves with
prophecy. Thin" of how many people rely on these prophecies, however
vague, however unfulfilled, to support or prop up their beliefs. 0et has
there ever been a religion with the prophetic accuracy and reliability of
1ne of the saddest lessons of history is this2 If we3ve been bamboo'led
long enough, we tend to re%ect any evidence of the bamboo'le. 4e3re no
longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboo'le has captured
us. it is simply too painful to ac"nowledge,even to ourselves,that
we3ve been so credulous. 5So the old bamboo'les tend to persist as the
new bamboo'les rise.6
Ste#en Ha9'ing
*tephen 3a1king has 2een misrepresented to support the
2aseless position that certain gods exist. E/en though this is an
Appeal to Authority (allacy< his 2ook The 0rand 'esign clari(ies
that he does not 2elie/e in a personal god. 3a1king also regards
3ea/en as mythical?
I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 78 years. I3m
not afraid of death, but I3m in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to
do first. I regard the brain as a computer which will stop wor"ing when
its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for bro"en down
computers$ that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dar".
@n 2-1-< 3a1king contrasted religion and science 2y noting their
(undamental di((erences. Religion is 2ased on authority Himposed
dogma and (aithI< 1hile science is 2ased on o2ser/ation
Hrationality and reasonI. *cience 1ill trounce religion< he
declared< 2ecause it 1orks.
"ithout medical science< 3a1king 1ould ha/e died (rom
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis< also kno1n as $ou 0ehrigGs disease.
And yet countless num2ers o( people ha/e died (rom disease.
3o1 many o( those people could ha/e reshaped the 1orld (or the
2etter had they li/ed a (ull li(e; 9o1 consider ho1 much money is
1asted on religious propaganda that could 2e used to ad/ance
medical science.
Religion a((ronts all o( humanity in many 1ays.
"here/er< 1hene/er< and 1hoe/er you are< you ha/e the right to?
(orm your o1n opinionsC
say 1hat you 2elie/e H1ithout promoting hatredIC
li/e 1ithout religious 2elie(sC
pursue your o1n path in li(eC
control 1hat happens to your 2odyC
name 1home/er causes you harmC and
seek help (rom trusted sources.
Aou may not impede the rights o( others.
Deep a card listing your countrys legal rights on you at all times.
.e /igilant and /ocal 1hen standing up (or your rights< as
go/ernments ha/e little incenti/e to monitor or de(end them.
The expression J@/e got nothing to hideK is deeply encum2ered
1ith (la1ed reasoning. The expression presumes that pri/acy is
a2out hiding a 1rong< 2ut pri/acy is not a2out hiding illegal acts.
Pri/acy is a2out declining installation o( a pu2lic /ideo camera
a2o/e your 2athtu2. =r not re/ealing 2irthday present purchases.
The correct curt retort to Ji( you ha/e nothing to hide...K is
J...thats none o( your 2usiness.K @nclude the ellipsis i( you like.
"ithout pri/acy< go/ernments 1ill a2use kno1ledge< rather than
ser/e its people. The nothing to hide argument in/ites?
Surveillance$ Pri/acy erosion gi/es go/ernments the
a2ility to learn anything a2out us.
!ggregation$ Tid2its o( in(ormation (orm a 2igger picture.
(xclusion$ "ho may audit ho1 the in(ormation is used;
(x#loitation$ "ill in(ormation collected (or one purpose
2e used (or another purpose H1ithout permissionI;
Distortion$ "ho guarantees the data 1ill not 2e changed;
Corru#tion$ 6indicti/e< mal(easant politicians retaliate.
Healt Care
%ree health care must 2e a glo2al priority.
@n 2-11< the Royal *ociety o( ,edicine pu2lished a scathing
report o( the Bnited *tates health care system. The report sho1s
that the B.*. system is one o( the least costFe((ecti/e Hone o( the
most ine((icientI systems in the entire 1orld.
%ree health care means more than de(ending 2ank accounts
during sickness or accidents. Pu2lic health care li(ts a 1eight o(
1orry (rom the shoulders o( adultsO(or themsel/es and (or their
children. @t is this 1orry that Bnited *tates corporations and
2usinesses le/erage to entrap employees through contractual
health care co/erage< similar to legali:ed sla/ery.
Applying taxes to o((set medical costs is not a communistic
concept< nor does it necessitate a2olishing pri/ately (unded
health care. @t does< ho1e/er< mean that some money de/oted to
other causes Hsuch as 1arI might ha/e to 2e redirected to a/ail
proper and expedient care to citi:ens.
Tithing money to churches gro1s the reach and in(luence o( an
organi:ation that can (inance its o1n nation state< yet (inds it
necessary to pass around a collection plate< 2egging (or more.
*tart sa/ing your hardFearned coin and in/est in your o1n (uture<
secure your o1n (inancial security. .e your o1n 2oss. @( Hor
1henLI (inancial hardship hits< you 1ill ha/e your o1n (oresight to
A 1-Q tithe e>uates to a2out :566 a 9ee' (or the a/erage
person. "hen in/esting that same amount at a moderate interest
rate o( !Q< a 22Fyear sa/ings account 1ill e>ual approximately
:;61+666. And P)+<--- o( that is money the 2ank payed you.
9o1 22 years is a long time< 2ut i( you start in/esting at 1)< you
1ill ha/e a golden nestFegg ready to hatch 2y 4-.
Churches 1ill s>uander your money lo22ying go/ernment to
(urther their o1n agenda 1hile paying no tax. @nstead o( donating
money to a church H1hich then 1ill gi/e some percentage o( your
money to 1orthy causes and spend the rest proselyti:ing the
1ord o( some deranged deityI< gi/e directly to secular and
humanitarian groups. *ome nota2le groups include?
'octors "ithout .orders Halso 9decins Sans :ronti;resI
The 9ature Conser/atory and "orld "ildli(e %und
Amnesty @nternational
Bnited 9ations ChildrenGs %und
9o matter ho1 you choose to spend your money< a/oid gi/ing it
to churches or anyone else 1ith an expensi/e administrati/e
process. Encourage your parents to read a2out other no2le
causes and support those instead. "here possi2le< donate
directly to the people 1ho need help. *ometimes you need look
no (urther than your o1n neigh2orhood.
9ot (acts< per se< 2ut golden guidelines (or handling money?
9e/er lend large sums o( money to strangers.
Those 1ho ask (or money do not ha/e your 2est interests
in mind.
3a/e a la1yer read contracts that in/ol/e large sums o(
money 2e(ore you sign anything.
Bse signed contracts 1hen dealing 1ith large sums o(
9either a 2orro1er< nor a lender 2eC (or loan o(t loses 2oth
itsel( and (riend.
9e/er 1ire large sums o( money o/erseas.
"ithout a direct 1ay to 1ire money< there is no direct 1ay
to get that money 2ack.
Anything that promises o/er 2-Q return is likely a scam.
%ind other 1ays to make or in/est your money.
$isten to a trusted (riends ad/ice 2e(ore making large
monetary decisions.
A (orFpro(it 2ank does not al1ays ha/e your 2est interests at
heart. A (inancial institution that must return pro(its to its
shareholders 1ill try to maximi:e the amount o( money it makes.
.y de(inition< this means it 1ill try to minimi:e the amount o(
1ealth you can accumulate through it.
@n the Bnited *tates< (orFpro(it 2anks lo22y (or deregulation. They
o((er poor (inancial trades as they le/erage your mortgages<
loans< or sa/ings.
Credit Bnions are generally smaller institutions o(ten esta2lished
2y its clients. E/ery credit union mem2er recei/es a /oting share
and may ha/e their concerns heard at pu2lic general meetings.
Credit unions o(ten ha/e special perks< such as higher sa/ings
interest rates (or long term account holders.
Chugging too much alcohol is (atal. "hen someone sips too much
Ethanol Entertainment< call emergency ser/ices immediately. @t is
no rumor that adults pre(er meeting stomachFpumped teenagers
in the hospital than dead ones on their kitchen (loor.
Clues 1hen someone needs a ride in the meatF1agon?
/ector spe1ingC
/iolent< or dangerous angerC
skin changes? pale< 2lue tinge< or cold and clammyC
sei:ures Hma4or or minor uncontrolled trem2lingIC and
shallo1 2reathing H(e1er than 12 2reaths per minuteI.
*hortFterm alcohol e((ects can cause (etal damage during
pregnancy. $ongFterm toxic e((ects o( excessi/e alcohol a2use
include disease< strokes< sleep disorders< 1eight gain< kidney
stones< dia2etes< arthritis< osteoporosis< and higher suscepti2ility
to in(ection< colds< and cancer.
Random cigarette (acts?
Brea< the main su2stance in urine< is added (or (la/or.
*moking 1hile aroused remo/es 2lood (rom the penis.
9icotine might reduce arousal in 1omen.
*moking takes 51 years o(( your li(e< on a/erage.
4.! trillion cigarette 2utts 2ecome litter e/ery year.
1.1 2illion people smoke cigarettes.
$ike alcohol< smoking cigarettes 1hile pregnant causes 2irth
de(ects such as mental and physical disa2ility< slo1er gro1th<
and increases the chance o( miscarriages.
Aeah< yeah< you already kno1 all this crap. And you dont care.
@( you must light up< respect that other people do not 1ant their
health to deteriorate 2ecause o( secondFhand smoke. Deep your
distance< and a/oid smoking anything 1hile near children.
,ari4uana is also called canna2is< 42-< grass< hash< her2< 1eed<
1acky ta2acky< pot< dank< dope< doo2ie< killer< El dia2lo< ,ary
5ane< rainy day 1omen< s1ag< 2uds< trees< and t1eeds.
@t is a psychoacti/e drug and used (or medicinal purposes. @t is
great (or pain relie(< and counters the nauseating e((ects o(
To 2e clear? it is stupid to smoke or ingest mari4uana 2e(ore or
1hile operating hea/y machinery. 'itto (or alcohol.
To 2e e/en more clear? smo'ing anyting< 2e it mari4uana or
cigarettes< is orri&ically bad &or your lungs.
There are no kno1n cases o( death (rom a mari4uana o/erdose.
Cocaine< heroin< crack< meth< R< and other drugs are highly
addicti/e and 1ill< statistically speaking< cut your li&e sort. @(
you 1ant to experiment 1ith hard drugs H1hich is stupid 2ecause
they ha/e detrimental longFterm e((ects on your 2rainI< only do
so 1ith someone you trust 1ho has pre/ious experience.
'onGt do drugs alone< n--2.
Catholic missionaries 1anted to pre/ent pagans (rom 1orshipping
other gods< so they suppressed the use o( mushrooms. ,ostly
2ecause the *panish Catholics 2elie/ed mushrooms allo1ed
A:tecs to communicate 1ith de/ils. Pro2a2ly a translation error.
@n con/erting people to Catholicism< the *panish in(luenced
people to s1itch (rom shrooms to eating sym2olic 5esusF(leshF
%rom the *hroomery Han un2iased source< o2/iouslyI?
There are no "nown long term physical effects from ingestion of
mushrooms containing psilocybin and psilocin.
,ushrooms Hthe magic /arietyI are (ungi that< a(ter consumption<
cause a person to experience illusions through the senses.
Common hallucinogens include psilocy2e cu2ensis< psilocy2e
su2aeruginascens< and amanita muscaria. The acti/e chemicals
in psilocy2in mushrooms are psilocy2in and psilocin< 1hile the
acti/e chemical in the amanita muscaria is muscimol. These (ungi
are considered po1er(ul hallucinogens capa2le o( creating li(eF
altering mental experiences.
"hen Tamarins and Domondors color out neapolitan %araday
cages< 1alk length1ays as /acuums next ontological mayhem
mourning. TrampFoFsmear< trampFoFsmear< kingsailL =ooh...
,astur2ation is gi/ing yoursel( physical pleasure< o(ten H2ut not
al1aysI to achie/e orgasm.
%or males?
*troke your penis.
%or (emales?
Ru2 your clitoris.
=ther than taking up your time Hdoing something (unI< there are
(e1 dra12acks to mastur2ation. Aou palms 1ill not gro1 hairy<
you 1ill not go 2lind< nor 1ill any other ridiculous claims occur.
,astur2ation is per(ectly healthy H2ut not to excessI.
9ope< there is nothing 1rong 1ith mastur2ation. .e 2ack later.
9ote? =riginally< this page perpetuated an outdated< inaccurate
stereotype a2out (emale arousal. "hile intended as humorous
sarcasm< it promoted a sexist attitude.
@n 2--#< a ,c0ill Bni/ersity study measured the sexual arousal
rates o( 2oth men and 1omen. =n a/erage< men and 1omen take
a2out 1- minutes to reach maximum arousal.
Pornography Halso shortened to porn or pr-nI is /isual material<
such as streaming /ideo< that illustrates sexual acti/ity.
ProFtip? Bse your 1e2 2ro1serGs pri/ate 2ro1sing (eature.
9o1 1hile there is nothing 1rong 1ith most pornography< 2e
a1are that the actors you see in pornography are portraying
(ictional situations. They may also ha/e prepared their 2odies (or
certain sexual acts prior to 2eing (ilmed Hsee also? anal sexI.
.e(ore attempting any o( the sexual acts 1ith your partner that
you ha/e seen on the @nternet< al1ays ask (or your partnerGs
permission. @( they say no< then respect that decision. HPerhaps
ask (or oral sex< instead.I
Never coerce or manipulate someone into doing something that
they are not com(orta2le doing. 9onFconsensual sex is rape<
punisha2le 2y 4ail time. Aou may 1ithdra1 consent anytime. %alse
accusations o( rape are e>ually as immoral and unethical as rape.
Too long; 'idnGt read;
'o not use alcohol to lo1er a personGs inhi2itions.
'o not secretly place drugs in another personGs drink.
=nly accuse someone o( rape i( you did not gi/e consent.
Healt Bene&its
*exual intercourse o((ers more than 1eight loss and healthy
teeth. A (e1 great reasons not to a2stain?
Longevity$ T1o orgasms per 1eek lo1ers risk o( death.
(motions$ A2sor2ed semen is a natural antidepressant.
Re<uvenation$ =rgasmic oxytocin helps cell regeneration.
Con&idence$ ,ore lo/e e>uates to higher sel(Festeem.
Cancer$ *ex reduces prostate and 2reast cancer risk.
Pain relie&$ Endorphins and morphine are close cousins.
(strogen$ The more she has sex< the more she 1ants it.
Slee#$ %all asleep (aster and deeperC a1ake re(reshed.
A 1ideFa1ake< 1ellFrounded< emotionally steady< con(ident
indi/idual 2usting 1ith :eal is :ero 2ad. 3a/e (re>uent sex< 2ut 2e
responsi2le? use condoms and contrace#tives.
@( you ha/e sex 1ith multiple partners< get checked (or sexually
transmitted diseases on a regular 2asis.
Contrary to ,onty Pythons earF1orming tune< not e/ery sperm is
sacred. Condoms< 1hen used properly< signi(icantly reduce the
chances that a man 1ill impregnate a 1oman 1hile they are
ha/ing /aginal intercourse. They also reduce the risk o( gi/ing or
recei/ing sexually transmitted diseases.
The Catholic Church incorrectly 2elie/es that the indiscriminate
use o( condoms encourages promiscuity< and does not endorse
their use to com2at A@'*. "e already kno1 that people are going
to 2e promiscuous 1ith or 1ithout condoms 2ecause orgasms
(eel greatL Condom use encourages people to plan pregnancies<
(orm deeper 2onds through more acts o( intimacy< and allo1s sex
to 2e much more pleasura2le 1ithout the 1orry o( pregnancy Hor
spreading diseaseI hanging o/er the lo/ers.
@( you cannot a((ord condoms< or the idea o( (ree condoms sounds
2etter than paying (or protected sex< /isit any o( these locations?
pregnancy planning centresC
*T@ and *T' health clinicsC
county health departmentsC and
campus health centres.
!nal Sex
Anal sex< also called sodomy< is a disgusting< morally 2ere(t act
per(ormed 2y Catholic priests on little children against their 1ill.
.et1een t1o consenting adults< ho1e/er< anal sex can 2e a
pleasura2le sexual experience< an expression o( trust< and a little
2it kinky. H.utt once in the stink< keep it out o( the pinkLI
"hen improperly per(ormed< anal sex can 2e dangerous. A ripped
rectum is a rather em2arrassing 1ay to 2e hospitali:ed and can
lead to serious 2acterial in(ections. @nside tips to get you going?
Be clean$ *ho1er or 2athe 2e(ore getting dirty.
Lube it$ *mear 1aterF2ased lu2ricant on the anus. Bse
more lu2e than you think is necessary. And a 2it more.
Suit u#$ Put on a condom. 0aspL
Stretc$ .e(ore inserting anything 2ig into a 2utt< insert
something small< such as a (inger. This 1ill help relax the
sphincter and gi/e you a stinky (inger.
Sto#= @( the person recei/ing 1hispers< says< moans< or
screams (or you to stop< you stop. Exit slo1ly. Respect.
"arning? There might 2e some poop 1hen exiting the exit.
Em2ryogenesis is the name gi/en to the process that 2egins 1ith
sperm 2umping into an egg and ends 1hen a (etus is (ormed.
There are many o2ser/a2le stages to em2ryogenesis? day 1 is
(ertilisation< day 2 is clea/age< day 3 is compaction< day 4 is
di((erentiation< day ! is ca/itation< and so on.
Catholics 2elie/e that human li(e gets a soul at conception.
Except (or 1hen *aint Alphonsus $iguori< in the 1)th century<
pulled (rom his derriere the idea that a (etus recei/es a soul
around 4- days a(ter conception< and thus a2ortion 1as
accepta2le 1ithin during that period.
"hen exactly does a 2lastocyst< :ygote< or (etus recei/e a soul;
=ne can easily state human li(e 2egins at conception< or the soul
is 2esto1ed sometime in the (irst 4- days< or 2a2ies are assigned
a soul at 2irth. To the in>uisiti/e< rational mind the >uestion o(
when is imperati/e. The Catholic Church 1ill not< and argua2ly
can not< 2e speci(ic a2out 1hen the soul is 2esto1ed.
E/en i( Catholics (ingered the soulF2esto1ing moment during
pregnancy< the soul is metaphysical mo4o< and con/eniently said
to 2e 2eyond scienti(ic inspection.
$i(e has no intrinsic meaning or purpose.
*o (ar as 1e kno1< our genetics urge us to meet< greet< and hit
the sack. This is true (or donkeys< pigs< Christians< and sane
humans 1ho understand that religion is naught 2ut (aery tales
and (an (iction.
3o1e/er< li(e is not all storm clouds and metal mu((ins. "e make
our o1n purpose. "e can choose to make more happiness in the
1orldC choose to contri2ute to humanitys progress. "e can look
at morality in terms o( ho1 much happiness 1e create< or ho1
much pain and su((ering 1e can o2li/iate.
This set o( ethics< philosophy< and morality is called *ecular
3umanism. *ecular humanists act in 1ays that promote the
happiness and 1ellF2eing o( e/eryone. They 2elie/e that there is
no god to sa/e humanity< so humanity must sa/e itsel(.
9o1 that is a no2le purpose (or all mankind.
,orals are the concepts< standards< and rules 1e choose to
(ollo1. ,orals depend on ho1 a person interprets 1hat it means
to 2e a decent< 1ellFrounded< and good indi/idual. The notion o(
decency< or JgoodnessK< is in(luenced 2y experience< parents<
peers< culture< and society.
This means that e/ery2ody has di((erent moral standards. Aet< to
(unction as a 4ust< rational< and decent society< most people
adhere to a (e1 common morals?
respect the li/es< li2erties< and /alues o( othersC and
treat all people e>ually< regardless o( di((erences.
,odern research indicates that no single part o( the 2rain is
responsi2le (or moral decisions. ,oral 4udgements stem (rom
di((erent parts o( the 2rain colla2orating together.
"hen societies learn morality (rom 2i2lical texts that extol
torture< persecution< and genocide< the resulting population /eers
to1ards 1ar< exploitation< sla/ery< (amine< and ine>uality.
Ethics Hmoral philosophyI concerns categori:ing< discussing< and
o((ering ideas a2out accepta2le and unaccepta2le 2eha/ior.
Btilitarianism holds that correct Hor JgoodKI actions maximi:e
happiness. Ethics includes metaFethics< normati/e ethics< and
applied ethics. 7uestions to help clari(y their di((erences?
Meta,etics/ "hat does good mean;
>ormative etics/ "hat actions should 1e take;
!##lied etics/ Are gods necessary (or o24ecti/e morality;
Theists argue that morality is meaningless 1ithout a god and<
conse>uently< atheists ha/e no moral (oundation. E/en i( 1e
pretend that gods do exist< that position is craptacular. ,orals
can 2e asserted through contractarianism many 1ays< including?
*el(Fde(ense needs neither rationali:ation nor 4usti(ication.
Community de(enses and 2ene(its surpass nomadic exile.
Agreeing to societal rules re1ards communal pri/ileges.
%urther< societal rules de(ined 2y secular ethics impro/e o/er
timeC 1hereas< morality 2ased on 2i2lical texts does not.
Aou cannot change anyone 1ho does not 1ant to change. Aour
o1n sa(ety< or the sa(ety o( those (or 1hom you are responsi2le<
must 2e< generally speaking< your (irst priority.
People like to say< J%orgi/e and (orget.K
People should say< J%orgi/e and make some ne1 (riends.K
E/ery2ody has their o1n ideas on accepta2le 2eha/ior< and 1hat
they 1ill (orgi/e. 3ere are some things that you should not
(orgi/e< (or your o1n sa(ety and 1ellF2eing?
Physical< emotional< or sexual a2use.
Threats o( physical /iolence.
,a4or the(t o( personal property.
,ost other things can 2e (orgi/en< 2ut do not (orget. *omeone
1ho lies to you on se/eral occasions can 2e (orgi/en< 2ut is not
someone you should keep as a close (riend or con(idante.
*omeone 1ho manipulates others can 2e (orgi/en< 2ut is 2est not
Put yoursel( and your lo/ed ones (irst? it is natural.
Lies and Deceit
=( the thousands o( gods that humans ha/e in/ented< 1hy must
the Christian 0od exist 1hile gods o( other societies do not;
0ods are so culturally per/asi/e due to societal cohesion< rather
than scripture.
Early societies had t1o main threats? internal la1lessness and
external 1ar(are. Religion moti/ated indi/iduals to put societal
needs (irst< including sel(Fsacri(ice (or the greater good. The idea
that religion e/ol/ed 2ecause it 1as use(ul (or social structure
hinges on natural selection (or groups as 1ell as indi/idualsOa
contro/ersial concept.
Around 1&!- .CE< the (irst kno1n creation myth< EnSma EliT< 1as
car/ed into stone ta2lets 2y .a2ylonians< using cuni(orm 1riting.
Their mythology tells o( our origins in tales o( ApsS and Tiamat<
1hich predates 2i2lical origins tales 2y !-- years or so.
Pro/ing that ApsS does not exist is the same as pro/ing that 0od
does not exist. %ortunately< pro/ing the existence o( either 0od or
ApsS is the 2urden o( those 1ho say they exist.
An a2ortion is a pregnancy that is terminated 2e(ore the (etus
can sur/i/e outside the 1om2. %or a large part o( its history< the
Catholic Church did not regard early term a2ortions as sin(ul.
@n the 2ook :rea"onomics< the authors sho1ed that gi/ing 1omen
the a2ility to choose 1hen to 2ring a 2a2y into the 1orld results
in lo1er crime rates. The reason is that young adults Hin their
t1entiesI in lo1er socioeconomic classes are more likely to
commit crimes. "hen 1omen o( this class ha/e a2ortions< they
reduce the num2er o( potential criminals. T1enty years a(ter the
legali:ation o( a2ortion< crime 1a/es that 1ere predicted ne/er
*ome religious people claim a2ortions are unaccepta2le (or
2i2lical reasonsC some religions preach that miscarriages are
a2ortions. @n 2oth cases< rational thought and reason is ignored in
(a/or o( superstition and (allicious appeals to tradition. Consider
these circumstances?
Ra#e$ A 1oman 1ho is raped should not 2e (orced to carry
the rapistGs spa1n to term. H"omen get raped 2y 2oth
strangers and people they kno1< including (amily.I
8enetic disorders$ @( the :ygote sho1s signs o( genetic
de(ormity< it seems cruel to pre/ent a 1oman (rom ending
the pregnancy. Dinder to allo1 her to attempt to concei/e
a healthier< /ia2le o((spring. H*ometimes< though< de(ects
cannot 2e detected until too (ar into the pregnancy.I
Sa&ety$ Criminali:ing a2ortion 1ill not pre/ent 1omen
(rom getting a2ortions. @t 1ill make a2ortions more
Com#lications$ Pregnancies can endanger the 1omanGs
li(eC sometimes the only 1ay to sa/e her is 2y terminating
the pregnancy.
As o( 2-1-< statistically speaking< 24 1eeks is the earliest age a
(etus (rom a preterm 2irth has a greater than !-Q chance o(
sur/i/al. An in(ant 2orn in the 23
or 24
1eek o( gestation has a
1#Q chance o( sur/i/al and #4Q chance o( serious disa2ility
Hsuch as 2rain damage and 2lindnessI.
Amillia Taylor is reported as 2eing 2orn Hon =cto2er 24
< 2--#I
a(ter 21 1eeks and # days. 3o1e/er< 1hen her gestation period
is calculated using the more common methodOher motherGs last
menstrual periodOshe is no longer a statistical anomaly. Amillia
1as 2orn a(ter 23 1eeks and # days o( gestationC she is healthy.
The earliest premature 2a2y in the 1orld 1as 2orn a(ter 21 1eeks
and ! days in gestation. 5ames Elgin 0ill sur/i/ed and is healthy.
Amillia and 5ames 1ere exceptional 2a2ies.
A2stinence means< among other things< choosing to a/oid sexual
intercourse. @t is the assertion that the only 1ay to protect
yoursel( (rom sexually transmitted in(ections H*T@sI and
pregnancy is to re(rain (rom sex. $i(e has risk< 2ut risks can 2e
Proponents o( a2stinence argue a2staining (rom /aginal
intercourse. As a result< many Catholic teens experiment 1ith
e/erything except /aginal intercourse? oral sex< anal sex< mutual
mastur2ation< dry humping< burtreynolds< and other sexual acts.
Sexual acts can result in the transmission of diseases.
A2stinenceFonly education incorrectly teaches that condoms and
contracepti/es do not 1ork< or increase risk. This makes it easier
to 4usti(y the dangerously misguided /ie1 that a2stinence is the
only solution. Erroneously teaching that contracepti/es and
condoms are JriskyK results in people not properly protecting
themsel/es (rom exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.
@t is natural and expected that people 1ill ha/e sex. "ithout
practical sex education< 1omen are at risk o( 2ecoming pregnant<
and 2oth partners risk contracting *T@s. $earn a2out condoms
and contracepti/es. Bse them as instructed 1hen ha/ing sexual
intercourse or sexual relations.
3omosexuality is the emotional< romantic< or sexual attraction
1ith a person Hor peopleI o( the same physical sex. "hen a
1oman is primarily attracted to other 1omen< she is considered a
les2ian. ,ost men get sexually aroused 1atching t1o 1omen
make out. "hen a man is attracted to other men< he is
considered gay< although sometimes gay can re(er to les2ians<
too. @n the past< the 1ord JgayK meant happy or 4oy(ul. *traight
1omen are e>ually aroused 2y all human sexual acti/ity< and
sometimes 2y 1atching monkey sex.
3omosexuality is as much a choice as 2eing 2orn 1ith red hair is
the 2a2yGs choice. 3omosexuality is 2iological? any discrimination
must 2e considered and denounced as 2igotry and hate speech.
@n $e/iticus< the .i2le states that shrimp and homosexuality are
a2ominations< the latter 1orthy o( death?
i( a man also lie 1ith mankind... 2oth o( them ha/e
committed a2omination H$e/iticus 2-?13IC
shrimp is an a2omination H$e/iticus 11?+F12IC and
insects ha/e (our legs H$e/iticus 11?21I.
.i2les can 2e destructi/e sources o( morality 2ecause they are
contradictory< unethical< hypocritical< and promote ignorance.
Creationism is the 2elie( that an omnipotent 2eing is responsi2le
(or setting into motion the e/ents that directed humanity< or e/en
li(e itsel(< to 1here it is today.
Creationists pretend that their 2elie(s are /alid 2y 1rapping them
in a thin /eil o( pseudoFscienti(ic nonsense and attempt to pass it
o(( as /alid scienti(ic theory. They no1 call it Intelligent <esign
and< >uite loosely< it states that complex things Hsuch as the
human eyeI cannot 2e explained 2y natural selection 2ecause all
the parts that make up this (ully 1orking complex thing need to
2e in place at the same time. Complexity and design are not the
same thing. The 9ike Js1ooshK logo is simple< and designed<
1hile a 1inding ri/er path is complex 2ut not designed.
The only true part is that e/olution does not create all the parts
o( complex things simultaneously and instantaneously. E/olution
recycles existing parts 2y adapting them (or ne1 purposes.
*ometimes these parts 2ecome slightly more complex in their
ne1 role.
The 'esigner o( Intelligent <esign is not necessarily a god 2ut
could 2e an ad/anced alien ci/ili:ation. This then raises the
in(inite regression< J"hat designed the designer;K
Christian Apologetics attempt to rationali:e and de(end Christian
(aith and the .i2le. 0i/en that it is morally 1rong to?
deli2erately slaughter men< 1omen< and childrenC
hold 1omen capti/e (or sla/ery< sex< or 2othC
(orce people to canni2ali:e (riends and (amilyC
practice any kind o( human sacri(iceC and
torture people 2ecause o( their 2elie(s.
Then 1home/er claims to ha/e committed such atrocities Hgod or
humanI is as reprehensi2le as the acts themsel/es. Consider?
8enesis 7/;?$ E/ery li/ing thing on the (ace o( the Earth 1as 1iped out.
>umbers ?5/57,5@$ *a/e (or yoursel/es e/ery girl 1ho has ne/er slept
1ith a man.
Aeremia 53/3$ @ 1ill make them eat the (lesh o( their sons and
Audges 55/?6,?3$ @ 1ill sacri(ice Mmy daughterN as a 2urnt o((ering.
Revelation 51/56,55$ They 1ill 2e tormented 1ith 2urning sulphur...
'e(ending these acts demands calling into >uestion the morals o(
the de(enders.
Religious sins are supposedly unchanging< uni/ersal rules
dictated 2y gods. Aet these in(lexi2le rules ha/e (lexed o/er time.
H%or example< it used to 2e a sin to not raise a child as Catholic.
.ar(.I The concept o( sin must there(ore 2e 2ased on human
ad/ancement and adapting< rather than godly pronouncement.
The se/en deadly sins are said to 2e?
Lust$ *cratch this o(( the list. 3umans are animals< animals
ha/e a natural desire (or sex. ThoughtFsex is healthy.
8luttony$ @tGs okay to indulge e/ery once in a 1hile< 2ut
try not to 2e 1aste(ul.
8reed$ "ealthy Catholics< anyone;
Slot$ *ome people sleep in 2ecause they are up late.
*rat$ E/en ,ister Rogers said that itGs okay to 2e angry.
(nvy$ Rarely accomplishes anything positi/eC 2reathe
deep< mo/e on.
Pride$ .oasting is some1hat arrogant< 2ut i( you think you
created something 1orth1hile< thereGs no harm in smiling.
"emale Priests
Corinthians 14?34F3! reads< J$et your 1omen keep silent in the
churches< (or they are not permitted to speakC 2ut they are to 2e
su2missi/e< as the la1 also says. And i( they 1ant to learn
something< let them ask their o1n hus2ands at homeC (or it is
shame(ul (or 1omen to speak in church.K
This progressi/e attitude and traditional interpretation o( the
.i2le has kept 1omen out o( priesthood (or centuries. *ome
people still think that 1omen are not permitted to 2e priests Hor
ministersI 2ecause< according to 0enesis< they 1ere not created
(or that purpose. =thers insist that it should not happen 2ecause
it has not yet happened. Try to 1rap your mind around that
illogical 2uckshot. Perhaps they 1ere smoking 1eed 1hen coming
up 1ith such ironFclad reasoning.
=r perhaps the Catholic Church is a male dominated patriarchy
un1illing to yield its (inancial po1er to the gender that 1ould 2e
most likely to protect youth (rom harm; Thats not to say that all
men 1ant to molest little children and all 1omen are pure o(
heart. There are male ordained Catholic priests 1ho 2elie/e all
(orms o( child a2use should 2e stopped. @t 1ould certainly 2e nice
i( more o( them shared the names o( kno1n child rapists 1ith the
policeC and nicer still i( 1home/er is appointed to protect the
children 1asnGt also guilty o( manu(acturing child pornography.
9ext to the Catholic Church< this is perhaps the 2iggest s1indle in
the entire 1orld< possi2ly the galaxy. =peration Clam2ake notes?
The )hurch of Scientology is a vicious and dangerous cult that
mas&uerades as a religion. Its purpose is to ma"e money. It practices a
variety of mind=control techni&ues on people lured into its midst to gain
control over their money and their lives. Its aim is to ta"e from them
every penny that they have and can ever borrow and to also enslave
them to further its wic"ed ends.
The Church o( *cientology must 2e stopped< dismantled< and
(orgotten. HThe people perpetuating its crimes are also its
/ictims.I !##roac Scientologists 9it caution and distrust$
They 1ill lie a2out you< (rame you (or crimes< lock your (inances
up in arti(icial legal 2attles< 2ri2e or coerce police o((icers and
4udges< turn your (amily and (riends against you< listen in on your
telephone calls< spy on you< commit (raud< steal pri/ate
documents< 2lackmail you< threaten your li(e< and possi2ly kill
you. They ha/e mastered manipulation and 2rain1ashing.
Read a2out Paulette CooperGs experience (or details.
Cult and religious #o9er must be restricted or eliminated$
The Peoples Temple< (ounded in 1+!! 2y an @ndianapolis
preacher named 5ames "arren 5ones H1ho lacked (ormal
theological training and thought himsel( a prophetI asked his
congregation to mo/e 1ith him to 0uyana< in *outh America. .y
1+&&< his cult o( 12-- people li/ed under his socioFcommunistic
regime in 5onesto1n.
Concerned cult mem2er relati/es asked the Bnited *tates
go/ernment to in/estigate and inter/ene.
@n late 1+&)< B.*. Congressman $eo Ryan /isited 5onesto1n< 2ut
/iolent threats ended his trip early. "hile 2oarding the plane<
5onesto1n guards shot at Ryan< killing him and (our othersC a (e1
people escaped the slaughter. =nce 5ones learned o( the escape<
he con/inced cult mem2ers that the go/ernment 1ould retaliate
2y taking a1ay and then torturing their children and seniors.
5ones J(oresa1K they had no recourse 2ut suicide.
Parents su2se>uently (ed their children a mix o( tran>uili:ers<
sedati/es< and cyanide. ,ost adults (ollo1ed suit< concluding 1ith
35@ deats< including those 1ho 1ere shot.
Cult and religious #o9er must be restricted or eliminated$
Solar Tem#le
The mentally deranged 5oseph 'i ,am2ro 1anted to help
humanity prepare (or the second coming o( 5esus< the solar godF
king. The cult mem2ers com2ined Protestant Christianity< 9e1
Age philosphy< and adapted %reemason rituals.
@n =cto2er o( 1++4< three month old Emmanuel 'utoit 1as
sta22ed to death 1ith a 1ooden stake. The murder is thought to
ha/e 2een ordered 2ecause 'i ,am2ro identi(ied the 2a2y as the
2i2lical AntiFChrist.
*hortly therea(ter< the suicides and murders o( cult mem2ers
2egan. .et1een 1++4 and 1++&< around 71 deats took place.
%are1ell letters stated that through death the /ictims 1ould
escape (rom hypocrisy and oppression. =h< and 5oseph< lunatic
that he 1as< someho1 managed to con/ince those 1hom he
2rain1ashed that their (inal destination 1as *irusOthe nights
2rightest star.
Cult and religious #o9er must be restricted or eliminated$
Heaven)s 8ate
,arshall Apple1hite 2elie/ed himsel( to 2e directly related to
5esus. 3e and his cult mem2ers 1ere con/inced that the Earth
1as a2out to 2e recycled< and that the only 1ay to sur/i/e 1as to
lea/e it immediately. Aou can (ind recordings o( their nutty
psycho2a22le sa/ed on AouTu2e.
Apple1hite claimed that a space cra(t 1as trailing comet 3aleF
.opp. @n late ,arch o( 1++&< he urged his (ollo1ers to commit
suicide so that their souls could 2oard the cra(t. They 1ere truly
2rain1ashed into 2elie/ing they had to lea/e Earth as >uickly as
@ncluding Apple1hites< ?3 deats 1ere counted< poisoned 2y
cyanide and arsenic.
Cult and religious #o9er must be restricted or eliminated$
.uddhism is not actually a religion as you may ha/e heard< and
has some good things going (or it. *iddhUrtha 0autama H.uddhaI
reputedly said do not 2elie/e in anything simply 2ecause?
it is o(ten repeated< as in oral traditionC
it is tradition< handed do1n (or many generationsC
it is in scripture Hthe .i2le< 7uran< or .uddhist textsIC
it is con4ecture< like a guess or estimateC
it appears to 2e common senseC or
it has 2een taught to us 2y a teacher.
Rather< .uddha suggested that 1hen you (ind anything that
agrees 1ith reason and is conduci/e to the 2ene(it o( one and all<
then accept it and li/e up to it. "hether you prescri2e to the rest
o( .uddhism< or not< these principles are sound.
.uddhism declares that part o( li(e is su((ering< and all su((ering
can 2e o/ercome through the mind. .uddhism encourages
constant e/aluation and de/elopment o( morality< (ocus< and
1isdomOthat li(eGs struggles can 2e o/ercome.
Catholicism is (ounded on (ear. The pulpits support indoctrinated
preachers as they threaten congregations 1ith eternal damnation
(or sin. There are some pro2lems 1ith this?
*in is hog1ash.
There is no 3ell< no 3ea/en< and no Purgatory.
3umans ha/e no soul that can 2e damned (or all eternity.
Threatening people is morally and ethically 1rong.
Thousands o( Catholic priests rape< 2eat< (ondle< manipulate< and
scar children. Then the Pope< 1ith his audacious< arrogant< and
hypocritical pro1ess has seen to it that the 6atican remain
unhelp(ul during child a2use in/estigations.
This is not a religion. @t is a scandalous cult intent on controlling
the masses to ser/e its o1n dia2olical< per/erse desires. @t is a
repulsi/e< 1rath(ul< acrimonious< chronic< a2horrent< detesta2le<
scatological< callous< and endemic immoral atrocity that e/okes
/isions o( 3olocaust 2rutality.
An in/estigati/e report is a/aila2le online?
All Christians 2uy into the idea o( eternal su((ering< 1hich keeps
adherents docile and o2edient. "orse< Christianity terrori:es
children 1ith horrors that a1ait them a(ter death. Dno1ingly lying
to children ranks among the most deplora2le acts< (ourth in line
a(ter sexual< physical< and emotional a2use.
Dindergarten children should 2e told the truth< instead?
>esus loves me? Some say so.
4here3s the proof? 4ell, I don3t "now?
Teaching children through a song,
#rainwashing sung all day long?
)hrist is dated, don3t you "now?
y young mind3s empirical.
1nce was blind, but now I see2
:aith is priestly fantasy.
Toss religion, it3s no good,
@et3s e!plore your neighborhood?
Twin"ling starlight, I am glad,
:or the time that we have had.
@ight I see from you today,
Travelled such a long, long way.
4e all have one life to live,
4hile the Sun has heat to give.
1n the Earth, from far and wide,
Evolution3s on your side.
Stardust starts where life begins,
Gravity pulls it all in.
Alanets form, it ta"es no s"ill.
Bature3s rules are &uite a thrill.
(steroids are hard to see,
4hen they stri"e they are deadly.
4e don3t need to ever pray,
4asting time is not the way.
Science wor"s, it sets us free
To research reality.
Egotistical is the 2elie( that the creator o( the uni/erse is /itally
concerned 1ith your sex li(e. (rrogant is the 2elie( that a god
created the entire uni/erse (or one religious a((iliation o( one
species out o( millions on one planet out o( 2illions.
5eho/ah "itnesses engage in detrimental 2eha/iors?
!nti,Homosexuality$ Alan Turing. G9u(( said.
(nd Times$ @( the 1orld 1ill end soon< 1hy recycle;
Te !nointed$ .elie/ing societal la1s can 2e trumped 2y
the 1ord o( 0od places 2elie/ers 2eyond criti>ue.
!nti,!bortion$ "omen must ha/e the right to decide
1hen it is appropriate to 2ring a ne1 li(e into the 1orld.
!nti,Masturbation$ "omen can learn to orgasm 2y
mastur2atingC mastur2ation helps control premature
e4aculation in men. .oth lead to healthy sex li/es.
!bor Bnnatural Sex$ =ral sex< anal sex< mutual
mastur2ation< #+< doggyFstyle< re/erse co1girl< 3a1aiian
muscle ru2s< 2ondage play< and other sexual acti/ities are
per(ectly normal. As long as the act is mutually accepta2le<
and does no permanent physical or psychological harm<
1ho cares 1hat goes on 2ehind closed doors;
$ike most religions< 2elie( that the .i2le 1as handed do1n 2y an
in/isi2le< omnipotent entity< leads people to ignore o2ser/ation<
reason< and (act.
$ouisiana 6oodoo Hor 9e1 =rleans 6oodooI is an underground
religion that under1ent a partial mind meld 1ith Catholicism.
$ouisiana 6oodoo ga/e 3olly1ood a plot de/ice? prick an e((igy in
doll (orm 1ith a pin and the human target (linches. 9ot
surprisingly< 3olly1ood t1isted the truth? 6oodoo dolls are not
used (or curses. The 1ord 6oodoo comes (rom /udu< a physicsF
de(ying immaterial (orce that can inter(ere in the dayFtoFday
acti/ities o( mere mortals.
$ike most religions< 6oodoo has its o1n special 2rand o( sexism?
Having a woman visit you the first thing on onday mornings is bad luc"
for the rest of the wee".
Thank(ully< 6oodoo is a dying religion. Though< people still cough
up cash at tourist traps in 9e1 =rleans on 6oodoo mum2o 4um2o
$ike all religions< the /oodoo that some do is more pooFpoo than
Lindy Ho#
@n the 2eginning Hthe late 1+2-sI< there 1as a man named
%rankie ,anning. %rankie said unto his (riends? dance. 5a:: music
had s1ung through the Bnited *tates. The $indy 3op 1as the
2u:: o( the to1ns. People 1ere happy< except (or one thing...
At the large dance halls< such as the *a/oy .allroom< there 1ere
ropes that di/ided the 2lack dancers (rom the 1hite dancers. The
trou2le 1ith dancers is that they are o(ten young and re2ellious.
The 1hite 1omen 1anted to dance 1ith e/eryone. *tuds. The
2lack men 1anted to dance 1ith e/eryone. *luts. The 1hite men
couldnt dance. The 2lack 1omen stood around looking hot. The
trou2le 1as that these people didnt see ethnicity. They heard
only the musicC in their hearts they only 1anted to s1ingFout 1ith
another person. *kin color didnt matterC so 1hy the ropes;
7uite >uickly< the ropes 1ere 4umped. .lack and 1hite people
danced 1ith one another? the 1alls o( segregation started to
splinter. *ince then< $indy 3op has enli/ened social scenes<
introduced prospecti/e lo/ers< (inancially supported musicians<
gi/en people a (un reason to exercise< (ormed compassionate
communities< taught humility< put smiles on (aces around the
1orld< and held (undraisers (or 1orthy causes. $indy 3oppers also
re2elled against 9a:is.
Sacred Texts
Te Bible
The 9e1 Testament remains a shame(ully immoral upgrade (rom
the =ld Testament. @t ad/ocates sla/ery< murder o( children< 1ar<
sel(Fmutilation< and is antiFhomosexual. @gnoring these morality
issues< the .i2le is o(ten used Hin(ormallyI to pro/e 0ods
existence. *uch proo( o(ten resem2les?
1. 0od exists 2ecause it is 1ritten in the .i2le.
2. The .i2le is the in(alli2le 1ord o( 0od.
3. There(ore< 0od exists.
This is kno1n as circular reasoning Halso kno1n as trollingI. @t is
e>ui/alent to stating< JThe 2alls are 2lue 2ecause they are 2lue.K
Those 1ho study 0od and religious 2elie( are cle/er enough to
a/oid 2eing so 2latantly illogical. The .i2le alone cannot 2e used
as e/idence (or the existence o( a supernatural 2eing. *uch
reasoning incorrectly assumes that 0od already exists. To pro/e
that the .i2le is the in(alli2le 1ord o( 0od< e/idence other than
the .i2le is necessary.
Te .ur)an
This 2ook< the primary religious literature o( @slam< is 2lindly
2elie/ed 2y ,uslims to 2e the incontro/erti2le 1ord o( 0od.
The 7uran does not explicitly condemn sla/ery nor does it o((er
help(ul suggestions o( a2olish it. ,oreo/er< the 2ook declares that
sexual relations are permitted 2et1een masters and their sla/es.
'e(enders o( this trite 1ill note that the contempti2le 2eha/ior
1as 1idely accepta2le practise among early ,uslims. The 7uran
also gi/es permission (or men to keep (emale concu2ineFsla/es.
That millions o( people could not see a gra/e in4ustice does not
mean 0odF1ritten rights o( sla/ery 1ere e/er a correct moral
choice. Religious myopia is the gate1ay to immoral actions.
3ere are glaring pro2lems?
1. @slamic (aith is so socially entrenched that 2elie/ers are
uncom(orta2le e/en addressing the a2erration o( sla/ery. @(
sla/ery is 1rong it means that their god passed along a
contro/erti2le oopsie.
2. ,oral lessons (rom an omniscient 2eing should ha/e
predicted emancipation and explicitly ad/ocated (or it.
The 7uran is no more 0odGs 1ord than this 2ooklet.
Boo' o& Sado9s
Around 1+!-< the (irst .ook o( *hado1s 1as 1ritten 2y a "iccan.
The 2ook contains religious text and magic ritual instructions.
Traditionally< each group o( 1itches has their o1n .ook o(
*hado1s. =( pinnacle importance is the "iccan Rede Had/ice (or
1itchcra(tI< 1hich states?
(n it harm none, do what ye will.
Translated into *1edish Che(Fspeak?
<u vhetefer yuoo vunt, es lung es yuoo coose=a nu herm.
Translated into concise English?
Harm nothing$ en%oy life.
"icca is harmless (antasy 1hen not taken seriously. Aet< like
other cults and religions< the potential (or 2ad conse>uences
a2ounds. "iccans 2elie/e magic can a((ect >uantum pro2a2ilities
and other nonsense. "hen 4o2 hunting< someone could con4ure
an intricate spell to impro/e the likelihood o( (inding 1ork. Time
spent casting the spell 1ould 2e 2etter spent looking else1here
(or 4o2s 2ecause incantations 1ill ha/e no e((ect.
A 1oman might try to decrease her chances o( getting pregnant
through special enchantments. The results could 2e a trip to the
a2ortion clinic or 1) years o( doting on an unplanned child.
,agic has no e((ect on reality< no matter ho1 (un it is to 2elie/e.
Religious Icons
"ith much re/ulsion and contempt< the Catholic Church has
pro/ided the most a2omina2le example o( religions incongruity
and hypocrisy. *odomy is called a sin Hpro2a2ly o1ing to its
homosexual implicationsI< yet hundreds o( Catholic priests ha/e
2een o2ser/ed to per(orm it on children.
Think care(ully. "here 1as 0od in all this; "here 1as the 0od
1ho is angry at homosexuals 2ut allo1s priests to sodomi:e
underFaged 2oys until those children 2leed;
=r ho1 a2out expecting children to eat their o1n /omit< mixed
1ith mould; =r neglecting children until star/ation dri/es them to
eat ointment used (or treating 2oils; =r supplying nought 2ut
ne1spaper and rags (or girls during menstruation; =r (orcing
child la2or under 2rutal conditions; =r 2rain1ashing them 1ith
religious 2ullshit to the detriment o( a 1ellFrounded education;
E/ery time religious propaganda is taught to children< precious
time is taken (rom their education a2out the real< natural 1orld.
Those (uckers must expect 1rath 1hen an organi:ation claims to
2e a moral authority< yet is (ound to ha/e in(licted un(athoma2le
amounts o( a2use< su((ering< and mental stagnation on children.
%rom the C@CA Report 6ol. @@@ Con(idential Committee?
"orm o& Sexual !buse Re#orts
@nappropriate (ondling 1-2
En(orced nakedness !2
6aginal rape 2&
%orced mastur2ation 22
Attempted rape 1!
Dissing 14
6aginal penetration 2y o24ects 1-
'igital penetration )
=ralEgenital contact &
@ndecent exposure #
Anal rape 3
=ther )
Total ;71
Table -2 :orms C Deported :re&uency of Deported :emale Se!ual (buse
"orm o& Sexual !buse Re#orts
@nappropriate (ondling 1)3
,astur2ation o( a2user 2y child )+
Bse o( /iolence ))
Anal rape #)
,astur2ation o( child 2y a2user !-
=ralEgenital contact 3-
9onFcontact a2use 2!
Attempted rape 14
Dissing 12
'igital penetration #
Total 242
Table E2 :orms C Deported :re&uency of Deported ale Se!ual (buse
Moter Teresa
@n her 1+&+ 9o2el Peace Pri:e acceptance speech< Agnes
.o4axhiu said?
These are things that brea" peace, but I feel the greatest destroyer of
peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct "illing = direct
murder by the mother herself.
(nd also, we are doing another thing which is very beautiful = we are
teaching our beggars, our leprosy patients, our slum dwellers, our
people of the street, natural family planning.
The 3ome (or 'ying 'estitutes in Calcutta< @ndia does not
attempt to sa/e li/es. @t is a morose ha/en (or the sick to su((er
and die according to rules in/ented 2y the Catholic Church. 9o
doctors< no nurses< and no (riends are permitted entry. =nly
untrained nuns and those 1ho su((er may enter.
Agnes genuinely 1anted to alle/iate su((ering< yet at the same
time 2elie/ed that su((ering 1as necessary. These are polar
agendas. Agnes 1anted people to li/e in impo/erished conditions
so that she could identi(y 1ith them. 3er ultimate goal< there(ore<
1as not to alle/iate po/erty< 2ut to encourage it. =ne such
encouragement 1as to condemn condoms.
*preading su((ering is no more saintly than it is moral and ethical.
E/en 1itches declare that harming others is a noFno.
Te Po#e
5oseph Rat:ingers day 4o2 is to shelter and de(end kno1n child
a2users. 'uring the e/ening< he likes to pre/ent condom use in
A(rica< 1here A@'* is pandemic. Around 2!Q o( all A@'* care in
the 1orld is pro/ided 2y Catholics< 1hose spiritual leader
discourages condoms. And yet< the "orld 3ealth =rgani:ation
has sho1n< statistically< that condoms reduce the spread o( A@'*.
5oe is a smart guy. 3e pro2a2ly e/en understands statistics. @n
the past< the Catholic Church has shi(ted its /ie1s on su24ects as
contro/ersial as e/olution Hand soon the Bni/erseGs creationI.
"hy< then< does it continue to teach lies a2out condom use;
3eres a chilling theory? the A@'* epidemic is a money machine
(or donations. %unds are split 2et1een Jchurch operationsK and
actual care. "hat 2etter 1ay to ask people (or money than to
sho1 pictures o( emasculated A(rican A@'* /ictims; Eliminate the
epidemic and a su2stantial cash (lo1 1ill /anish. *ince condoms
play a key role in pre/ention< preaching an a2stinenceFonly
society ensures that in 2- years there 1ill still 2e donations to
(ight A@'* H1ithout any scienti(ic disco/ery and cureI.
"hy ardently ignore the reality o( concrete< statistical e/idence;
Aesus Crist
The 9e1 Testament is myth< legend< internal contradictions< and
historical irregularities. @t contains so many (alsehoods that no
meaning(ul /eri(ication a2out 5esus o( 9a:areth Hincluding his
existenceI can 2e extracted (rom the texts. 9early all 2i2lical
scholars agree he existed. Aet the idea that 5esus ne/er existed
has 2een long ignored 2y such scholars due to con(licting
theological interests and lack o( incenti/e.
The only kno1n accounts o( 5esusG 2irth are in the .i2le gospels o(
,atthe1 and $uke. The texts disagree 1ith the actual date.
The gospels 1ere 1ritten around &- A.'. .e(ore &- A.'.< no
single mention o( a 5esus o( 9a:areth exists in the 1orks o(
contemporary historians and 1riters. Also< the (irst copies o( the
gospel o( ,ark didnGt include the resurrection? it 1as added much
E/en i( 5esus existed< he did not preach or stand (or anything the
Catholic Church currently represents. 9othing. The scriptures
sho1 that 5esus 1as more like ,ohandas 0andhi< preaching nonF
/iolent ci/il diso2edience and lo/e.
E((ecti/ely< 5esus is descri2ed as a re/olutionist.
-irgin Mary
3ere is 1hat one 2ook has to say a2out aryFm?
4hile weGll never be perfect li"e ary, our pursuit of )hrist should lead
us to saintliness li"e hers2 rooted in humility, trust, service and love.
There is no such thing as a per(ect human. The idea o( per(ection
is like the notion o( 2eauty. E/eryone has opinions a2out 1hat is
2eauti(ul. A per(ect human 1ould li/e (or ten thousand years
1ithout serious ailment or in4ury< ace e/ery school test e/er
gi/en< 2e physically symmetrical (rom head to toe< and ha/e six
(ully (unctional (ingers on 2oth hands and six (ully (unctional toes
on 2oth (eet. The concept o( per(ection is itsel( (la1ed.
.eyond 2i2lical accounts< and a (e1 other early Christian sources<
there is no independently /eri(ia2le in(ormation a2out any aspect
o( her li(e.
The story o( ,arys per(ection Hher humility< trust< ser/ice< and
lo/eI is /ulgar. ,ary 1as impregnated< possi2ly against her 1ill<
and 1as praised 2ecause she accepted and endured her (ate 1ith
humility. 3earken< ye 1omen? accept 2eing raped (or it is the 1ill
o( 0od. 'ou2le 2ar(.
Religious Holidays
Pagans en4oyed 1inter solstice. The Christians thought that the
Pagans should 1orship Christ< instead. *o Christians 2orro1ed
(rom Pagan (esti/als< re1rote some history 2ooks< and then
con/erted many Pagans to Christianity. Pro2a2ly under threat o(
persecution< purgatory< or threat o( 2eing 2urnt ali/e.
%undamentally< 1inter cele2rations are (ri/olous (un. People are
(ree to 2elie/e 1hate/er they like Hso long as it does no harmI.
The trou2le starts 1hen go/ernments gi/e pre(erential treatment
to one religion o/er another. This means that neither Christmas
decor nor any other religious arti(acts may 2e put on go/ernment
This is a di((icult idea (or (undamentalist Christians to accept
2ecause it in/ol/es t1o concepts. The (irst is called J(airnessK
and the second is called Jpre(erential treatmentK. That is< to 2e
e>uita2le< no religion may 2e gi/en special attention.
Easter is yet another Christian the(t o( ideas (rom other cultures
to ease indoctrinating nonFChristians. The 1ord Easter is actually
linked to the Pagan goddess Eostre< and the cele2ration o( 1arm
sunshine and ne12orn 2a2ies. =riginally< ra22its and hares 1ere
a sym2ol o( (ertility< due to ho1 >uickly they reproduced. Thus
the Easter .unny 1as concei/ed.
There 1as no resurrection. ,iracles ha/e ne/er 2een pro/en
under any scienti(ic test< and 2reak the la1s o( kno1n physics.
Apologetics argue that miracles are the 1ork o( 0od< 2ut that
presupposes that 0od exists. There is insu((icient e/idence that
any gods exist. ,iracles cannot 2e used as e/idence 2ecause it
leads to a circular argument? 0od creates miraclesC miracles
pro/e 0od exists. And 2lue 2alls are 2lue 2ecause they are 2lue.
The history o( Easter eggs extends 2ack to the ancient Egyptians
and Persians< 1ho also en4oyed coloring and then eating eggs
during spring. Christians thought they 1ould make a mar/ellous
representation o( Christs tom2.
Easter itsel( is only mentioned in the Ding 5ames translation o(
The 3oly .i2le HActs 12?4I< 1hich is a mistranslation o( Passo/er.
$ent 2egins a Catholic holiday that allo1s adherents to (orget the
horri2le actions they took during the pre/ious year 2y a2staining
(rom something (or (orty days. %or example< Catholics could gi/e
up che1ing 2u22le gum< or not 1atch tele/ision. @t 1as inspired
2y the (orty days 5esus allegedly spent (asting in the desert<
1here neither che1ing gum nor tele/ision 1ere a/aila2le.
%rustrated Catholics could e/en gi/e up mastur2ation (or $ent.
Ash "ednesday is the (irst day o( lent 1here people (oolishly
smear ashes on their (orehead. .i2lical cherryFpicking allo1s
them to keep the sym2olic ash part< 2ut ignore dressing up in
sackcloth. Priests Hor ministersI also taint the session 1ith
negati/e thinking?
Demember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return.
The human 2ody is a complex chemical machine. *ome people
around the 1orld H(oundations like ,ethuselahI do not see
returning to dust as thy only conclusion. Rather< they see death
as a disease to 2e cured.
The eight candles lit (or 3anukkah are said to represent miracles<
the most nota2le 2eing a2out some longFlasting oil. The royal
3asmonean (amily 1anted to cele2rate the ,acca2ean /ictory 2y
lighting a menorah. They had enough oil to last only one day.
Allegedly< and miraculously< eight days later< the oil (inally ran
.ollocks and 2allyhoo.
=ne rational explanation (or longer lasting candle light is slo1er
2urning 1icks. Another is that there 1as actually more oil than
the tale tells. Aet another explanation is that they did not let the
candles 2urn all night. =ne more solution is that ra22is lied.
The military success and glori(ication o( the ,acca2eans posed a
threat to Roman rule Hthink riotsI. .y making up a miracle< pu2lic
attention 1as shi(ted (rom ra22le rousing to piety.
"hen ignorant Dansas *tate .oard o( Education mem2ers
mandated e>ual teaching time (or e/olution and intelligent
design< .o22y 3enderson 1rote the .oard a satirical letter
suggesting that his theory o( the %lying *paghetti ,onster H%*,I
also recei/e e>ual educational time. 3is interpretation o( li(eGs
origins ga/e rise to %*, 1orshippers< 1hom call themsel/es
Pasta(arians cele2rate the 1inter holiday season 1ith a holiday
called Holiday. "ithout a speci(ic date or speci(ic re>uirements<
Holiday allo1s each Pasta(arian to cele2rate it 1hen and ho1e/er
desired. H*ome e/en cele2rate Pasto/er and Ramendan.I
The nonFdenominational greeting o( J3appy 3olidaysK that is
>uickly replacing nonFsecular greetings in popular culture gi/es
1eight and credence to the Pasta(arian mo/ement.
=nce touched 2y 3is 9oodly Appendage< you 1ill understand.
Hocus Pocus
There is no such thing as the soul in the sense o( an a2stract<
metaphysical concept. .elie/ers 1ill note that the soul is
immaterial? its existence is not su24ect to empirical methods.
H=ther1ise< it is tempting to ask? Exactly 1hen during e/olution
1ere humans 2esto1ed a soul;I
@( an immaterial soul in(luences Hor is someho1 intert1ined 1ithI
our 2odies< it must exhi2it a change in the electrons that
comprise us Hother1ise it cannot a((ect us and 1e should discard
the concept o( souls altogetherI. The 'irac E>uation descri2es
ho1 electrons 2eha/e at normal energy le/els and has 2een
/eri(ied in e/ery related experiment. @( souls exist< then the
e>uation is 1rong and 1e must thro1 our kno1ledge o( physics
out the 1indo1. H"ho needs cell phones and satellites< any1ay;I
The soul introduces complexity? 3o1 does the soul physically
in(luence us; 'o its interactions preser/e conser/ation o(
in(ormation; "hat is its relationship to $orent: in/ariance; These
are (or theists to ans1er< (or they posit the existence o( the soul.
=ckhams ra:or suggests 1e should lean to1ards simplicity. The
natural 1orld is simpler to descri2e 1ithout metaphysical souls.
Heaven & Hell
There are no such things as 3ea/en and 3ell. They are religious
in/entions to keep people indoctrinated.
Aou can moti/ate donkeys to mo/e 2y dangling a carrot in (ront
o( them< or hitting their rump 1ith a stick. 3ea/en is the ultimate
carrot and 3ell is the supreme stick.
These ideas allo1 religious leaders to in(luence people 1ho re4ect
their teachings< re1ard those 1ho (ollo1 them< and lend the
illusion o( importance to their teachings. The promise o( 3ea/en
and the threat o( 3ell is ho1 (ollo1ers are retained. ,any
religions 2ase morality entirely around acceptance o( and
entrance to 3ea/en.
@n contrast< secularism prompts people to help others 1ith the
goal o( reducing su((ering.
There is no such thing as a miracle in the sense o( a surprising
e/ent considered the 1ork o( a di/ine agency Has opposed to an
e/ent explica2le 2y natural or scienti(ic la1sI.
,iracles are (alsehoods< co/ered in a transparent layer o(
misconception and ignorance< recounted to glori(y religious
tenets. ,iracles can also 2e pranks Hsuch as (aith healingI< or
tricks< to (ool Hor (rightenI people into o2edience through threat
o( supernatural po1ers. E/en though our uni/erse is (illed 1ith
mysteries< 1e should neither accept those mysteries as miracles<
nor end >uestioning the origins o( those mysteries. E/ery mystery
humans ha/e e/er sol/ed has 2een sho1n to 2e go/erned 2y
natural< scienti(ic la1s.
"hen 1e in/estigate the real cause to a mystery< 1e learn
something astounding a2out this spectacular uni/erse. $eaps in
kno1ledge are not preceded 1ith 2om2astic exclamations o(
Eure"a? 2ut 1ith interro2anged headFscratches partnered to the
immemorial phrase 4hat the fuc"H
Attri2uting e/ents to di/ine inter/ention retards humanity. 'uh.
The =x(ord Concise English 'ictionary de(ines (aith as (ollo1s?
1. complete trust or con(idenceC and
2. strong 2elie( in a religion 2ased on spiritual con/iction rather
than proo(.
*cientists trust empirical e/idenceC the t1o de(initions are exact
opposites. $umping e/idenceF2ased 2elie( 1ith 2elie(s 2ased on
spiritual con/iction together as (aithF2ased is dishonest.
'is2elie( in supernatural entities is not an act o( (aith. @t is a
rational position held 2y the extensi/e e/idence that natural
(orces created the uni/erse. "e cannot pro/e the Earth 1ill
continue to rotate tomorro1< 2ut the historical< empirical< and
statistical e/idence 4usti(ies the 2elie( that it 1ill.
Accepting ideas on (aith curtails important >uestions< dissuades
people (rom dissecting the uni/erse< and can in(luence people to
take actions they other1ise 1ould not. The *alem "itch Trials
in/ol/ed people 1ho accepted 1itchcra(t accusations as true<
rather than demanding su2stantiated empirical e/idence that
supported those accusations.
%aith is no more a /irtue than lies and threats are /irtues.
Praying is a 1orthless acti/ity that makes the person praying (eel
good a2out ha/ing accomplished something< 2ut< outside o( the
personGs mind< has no measura2le e((ect on reality 1hatsoe/er.
The e((icacy o( prayer has ne/er 2een demonstrated to any
standard 1orth holding up< and yet millions around the 1orld
2elie/e that only prayers can change the 1orld around us.
Praying does ha/e one measura2le e((ect? it 1astes time.
@t 1astes time that you could 2e using to understand ho1 the
1orld 1orks. Aou could 2e exercising your 2ody. Aou could 2e
exchanging interesting ideas 1ith (riends. Aou could 2e studying
(or school< or (inishing home1ork. Aou could help people 2uild a
home< or /olunteer at a homeless shelter. Aou could read a
scienti(ic study on the empirically pro/en uselessness o( prayer.
"hen 5apan 1as hit 2y a tsunami< many people thought it 1ould
2e a good idea to pray (or them. That 1as the most la:y<
inconsiderate< sel(ish< (utile< ignorant< insulting< and in(antile
response. @nstead o( a (i/e minute prayer< a P! donation (or
reconstruction< (ood< or shelter 1ould ha/e 2een (ar more
practical and appropriate. @t is not too late? Aou can still organi:e
an e/ent to raise money (or the 5apanese Red CrossL
S#ea'ing in Tongues
$anguages let you express your thoughts so that other people
can understand you. Read the (ollo1ing sentence aloud?
1ur universe e!ists without meddling, omnipotent, omniscient entities.
9o1 read it aloud again. Putting aside that repetition is a (orm o(
2rain1ashing< chances are that you made /ery similar sounds
2oth times. "hen a person speaks in tongues< the phrase< J=ur
uni/erse exists 1ithout meddling< omnipotent< omniscient
entities<K in their supposedly supernatural language 1ont sound
the same t1ice. The reason is 2ecause they are making it up< 4ust
like e/eryone else 1ho claims to talk in meaning(ul gi22erish.
Try it? record them on your cell phone and play it 2ack.
Peer pressure is interesting. @( e/ery2ody around you is doing
something< it 2ecomes socially a1k1ard to 2uck the trend. The
EmperorGs 9e1 Clothes is a great tale o( such an incident. @t took
a young 2oy to courageously tell the Emperor o( the tailorGs 4oke?
the Emperor 1as riding completely nude through the city streets.
At that point< e/eryone started laughing and pointing at the
Emperor. H9ot a nice thing to do< mind youLI
*peaking in tongues is a lie to yoursel( and a lie to others.
Transu2stantiation is a longer spelling o( J(ictionK.
*ome people 2elie/e that the delicacies consumed during the
communion ritual are not merely a sym2olic representation o( the
2ody and 2lood o( 5esus< 2ut literally Hand magicallyLI trans(orm
into his 2ody parts upon ingestion.
Empirical e/idence supports the (act that no change 1hatsoe/er
takes place. *urprised; The shape< color< (la/or< odor< texture<
and constitution o( the goodies ne/er literally change to the 2ody
and 2lood o( anything.
Also< Penn and Teller ha/e turned 1ater into 1ine< 1ithout di/ine
Theologians mo/ed the goalpost to suggest that the 1ords 1ere
spoken (igurati/ely. A(ter si(ting through the .i2le H5ohn #?3! and
#?!3I< it is clari(ied that eating his skin means coming to him< and
sipping his 4uices means 2elie/ing in him. A(ter all< empirically
testing transu2stantiation means opinions 1ould ha/e to change
i( it turned out to 2e scienti(ically impossi2le H1hich it isI.
The Roman Catholic Church is the 2utt o( 4okes. They still possess
ritual 2ooks to expel e/il spirits (rom a possessed person< place<
or thing. 1oga=booga=boo?
The case o( the duti(ully Catholic Anneliese ,ichel is one that
Catholics 1ould like to 2ury. 3er story 2ecame the plot (or a (e1
mo/ies a2out exorcisms. ,ichel su((ered (rom epileptic sei:ures
and hallucinations< 1hich meant *atan possessed her< o( course.
*he died on 5uly 1< 1+&# (rom malnutrition and dehydration< a(ter
ha/ing endured around ten months o( partialFstar/ation 1hile the
exorcism 1as per(ormed. At least one doctor claimed medical
inter/ention could ha/e spared her li(e up to a 1eek 2e(ore her
untimely death.
3er parents 1ere (ound guilty o( manslaughter. @t is interesting to
note that a Carmelite nun< 2ased on a /ision< told the parents
that their daughters 2ody 1as still intact? proo( o( supernatural
meddling. The undisputed o((icial reports stated the 2ody< upon
exhumation< 2ore signs o( consistent deterioration.
Aour mo/e< *atan.
Beastly >umber
9um2ers ha/e neither inherent meaning nor are they the domain
o( any immaterial mythical creature Hsuch as the Antichrist or the
'e/ilI. Consider these tasty morsels (rom "ikipedia?
>ehovah3s 4itnesses believe that The #east for which /// stands
symboli'es many unified governments, harmoni'ing with the symbolic
depiction of past governments 5denoted as I"ingsI6 in the #oo" of
<aniel as wild beasts.
Some researchers have reportedly found the number of the #east in the
Gree" word aometis.
Some Arotestant #ible commentators and some Arotestant Deformers
have e&uated the IbeastI of Develation chapter -J with the Aapacy.
Some scholars contend that the number /// is a code for the Doman
Emperor Bero.
In the 1ld Testament, both - Kings -L2-7 and E )hronicles 82-J state
that Solomon collected Isi! hundred threescore and si!I talents of gold
each year.
The num2er ### pro2a2ly re(ers to &?-#pm< though< 1hich is the
2est time to eat rice pudding? right a(ter an early supper. @ts
de(inition hinges on mainstream social a1areness. *ince humans
ga/e it meaning< humans can rede(ine its meaning.
3ence(orth< ### means puddinG time?
,odern pu2lic practice o( *atanism 2egan in 1+##< 1hen the
Church o( *atan 1as (ounded 2y 3o1ard *tanton $e/ey Hlater
Anton $a6eyI. *urprisingly< the t1o ma4or trends 1ere Theistic
and Atheistic *atanism. "e can chuckle at Theistic *atanists (or
their 1orship o( *atan as a real supernatural deity. The Atheistic
(la/ors idoli:e *atan in a sym2olic sense.
$a6eyan *atanism< the most 1ellFkno1n 1orship< is 2ased on
indi/idualism< sel(Fcontrol< and re/enge mentality. Adherents
consider themsel/es truthFseekers< skeptics< and ad/ersaries o(
religion. Peter 0ilmore< a Church o( *atan leader< notes?
Satanists do not believe in the supernatural, in neither God nor the
<evil. To the Satanist, he is his own God. M...N Satan is not a conscious
entity to be worshipped, rather a reservoir of power inside each human
to be tapped at will. Thus any concept of sacrifice is re%ected as a
)hristian aberration,in Satanism thereGs no deity to which one can
They also 2elie/e in magic< 1hich seats them decisi/ely on the
couch o( hypocritical loopyFloos.
Purgatory is a scare tactic used 2y the Catholic Church to
encourage o2edience in its disciples< congregations< and young
adults. 9either the concept nor place o( purgatory ha/e any
merit. Rather than de2unk it (or the insipid poppycock that it is<
here are some practical tips to sa/e the en/ironment and money?
-inegar$ ,ix one part /inegar to one part 1ater and you
ha/e a general purpose cleaner. @t is an inexpensi/e
disin(ectant and deodori:er. 0reat (or 2athrooms and
kitchens. Deep it a1ay (rom grout and mar2le.
Lemon <uice$ This natural acid dissol/es soap scum< gi/es
shine to 2rass and copper< remo/es hard 1ater deposits
H2athtu2 ringsLI< smells great< and can clear up gar2age
disposal indigestion.
Ba'ing soda$ Ding o( the deodori:ers< great a2rasi/e
cleaner< and makes /olcanoes 1hen mixed 1ith /inegar.
Purgatory cannot compare to the cleansing po1er o( /inegar.
Angels< or (aeries< do not exist.
Angels are said to 2e spirits 1ithout a physical (orm. *trange that
people 1ho 2elie/e in angels manage to depict or descri2e them
any1ay. "orse< adults 1ill tell children that a guardian angel
Hperhaps e/en a dead relati/eI 1atches o/er them.
"e2sters dictionary de(ines this scenario as (ollo1s?
Hypocrisy (noun)
1. :eigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not$
especially the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion
2. @ying to children about guardian angels to encourage honesty and
Religious (aith is a choice< 2ut manipulation through deceit is a
de2ase controlling tactic. "hen the child learns that angels do
not exist H(or example< 2y reading this 2ookletI< they 1ill disco/er
that their parents lied to them. *ame goes (or *anta Claus.
Encourage honesty and honor 2y being honest and honora2le.
'emons< or de/ils< do not exist.
,ale/olent supernatural 2eings causing catastrophe is a (ailFsa(e
the pious crutch upon to discourage in/estigation into anything
that might re/eal (la1s< or inconsistencies< in dogmatic religious
drama. 'emons< like angels< are a la:y 1ay to hide the truth or
deter >uestions< 1hich can ha/e deadly conse>uences Hsuch as
human sacri(ices< canni2alism< and 2urning (aggotsI.
@t is incredulous that in modern times people still 2elie/e in the
de/il. There is a 1e2 page that states?
Satan is not a mere force, a symbolic figure of evil, or the figment of
MtheN imagination. He is a real personage. There is no evidence
whatsoever that we should understand him as some sort of illusion or
symbol of evil.
*uch (aulty logic Hshi(ting the 2urden o( proo( onto those 1ho
claim *atan does not existI is an em2arrassment to the idea o(
e/idence< and laughs in the (ace o( rational thought. .eyond our
o/erly acti/e imaginations< there is no e/idence (or the existence
o( demons< de/ils< spiritually possessed aard/arks< or creatures
that lurk in dark closets.
The homeopathy scam is the snake oil o( modern day snake oils.
,edicine 1orks 2y allo1ing 2ene(icial molecular compounds to
interact 1ith and change cells in your 2ody. 3omeopathy is the
delusion that 2y mixing (e1er help(ul molecules into li>uid< it
someho1 makes the remedy more e((ecti/e. A recommended
dilution (or homeopathic JremediesK is 1-
help(ul molecules (or
each litre o( 1ater. $earn a2out A/ogadroGs num2er to disco/er
1hy such a ratio means that the medicine 1ill ha/e no e((ect on
anything 1hatsoe/er.
Proponents claim that e/en 1hen the last help(ul molecule is
gone< a JmemoryK o( the su2stance is retained. @( true< e/ery
su2stance encountered 2y a 1ater molecule might impart an
JessenceK that 1ould ha/e potent Hand possi2ly dangerousI
medicinal e((ects 1hen ingested. Plus< it 1ould mean that 1ater
Jremem2ersK (ish poop. Charming< 2ut completely untrue.
3omeopathy is stupid< ine((ecti/e< and a 1astes money in t1o
1ays. %irst< the money paid 2y consumers to support the
ne(arious industryC second< the money spent (a2ricating
homeopathic solutions.
@t is incomprehensi2le that la1s do not pre/ent homeopathic
shams. %or your o1n sa(ety< donGt 2uy any o( it.
Destructive Beavior
Cild !buse
Child a2use is the emotional< physical< or sexual mistreatment o(
children. This could include neglect or improper care.
Catholic priests< (or example< are kno1n to molest children< yet
rather than admit to it and seek pro(essional psychiatric care
H2ecause rape< unlike homosexuality< is morally and ethically
1rongI< those reprehensi2le priests ask the Pope to co/er up their
despica2le< deplora2le actions. %or a time< the papacy instituted
a policy o( reporting incidents to secular authorities< ho1e/er this
1as almost ne/er (ollo1ed in practice.
Popes ha/e an impecca2le record o( not reporting child a2use<
o(ten only reporting the a2use years a(ter1ards< and generally
only i( it is 2elie/ed that the rapist 1ill other1ise 2e exposed. This
makes the PopeOand anyone else 1ho has har2ored or helped
assailants escape legal prosecutionOe>ui/alent to child a2user
2y association. As guilty and spineless as rapists themsel/es.
9e/er trust anyone 1ho 2elongs to a community that hides the
truth a2out such (oul< harm(ul< menacing deeds. @( they can hide
the truth a2out these heinous o( crimes< ho1 easy 1ould it 2e (or
them to lie a2out other< lesser matters;
8enital Mutilation
%or guys< the tip Hor JheadKI o( the penis is the hot spot o( male
pleasure< 1ith many sensiti/e ner/e endings cra/ing attention.
*timulate the penis< especially the head< and an orgasm results.
Then sleep. 9early all males are 2orn 1ith the head o( their penis
surrounded 2y protecti/e (lesh called the (oreskin. "hen aroused<
the (oreskin pulls 2ack< exposing the tip o( the penis.
%or gals< the clitoris Hor JclitKI is the hot spot o( (emale pleasure<
1ith many< many sensiti/e ner/e endings desiring attention.
*timulate the clitoris and an orgasm o(ten results. Then cuddling.
The end o( the clitoris is usually tiny Hcri22age pegFsi:edI< 1hich
can make it di((icult to (ind at (irst. 9early all (emales are 2orn
1ith the clitoris co/ered 2y the clitoral hood H(or protectionI.
Arousal tends to poke the clitoris a little 2it 2eyond its hood.
=rgasms are ama:ing 2ecause humans e/ol/ed that 1ay. @( sex
1as extremely pain(ul or damaging< 1e 1ouldnt do it as o(ten.
$ess sex means (e1er pregnancies< 1hich leads to extinction.
*ome religions re>uire slicing o(( the (oreskin at 2irthC other
religions re>uire cutting o(( the clitoris at 2irth. Remo/ing the
clitoris makes it practically impossi2le (or a 1oman to experience
sexual pleasure through orgasms. Remo/ing the (oreskin makes
the head o( the penis less sensiti/e. .oth o( these actions are
(orms o( genital mutilation.
!lexandrian Library
$i2raries em2ody architecture and composition? they physically
represent the idea that attaining kno1ledge leads to
enlightenment< e>uality< and ethics. The ashen destruction o( the
0reat $i2rary o( Alexandria 1as a terri2le strike against progress<
1ith the suspects including a Roman H5ulius CaesarI< a Christian
HTheophilus o( AlexandriaI< and a ,oslem HCaliph =marI. .ooks<
kno1ledge< and (reedom o( communication are tools o( the
oppressed. Regardless o( 1hat transpired so long ago< li2raries
remain 1ith us today.
The @nternet and "orld "ide "e2 ha/e 2ecome the sym2olic
successors to the 0reat $i2rary o( Alexandria? ha/ens o( logic and
reason (or those 1ho seek it. $ike Alexandria< people oppose the
electronic 1orld< seeking to su((ocate< su2/ert< and silence its
spread o( kno1ledge< idealism< 4ustice< and reality.
*uch opposition must not spread. "hen a go/ernment censors
the @nternet< or sei:es 1e2 pages< it in(ringes upon the rights o(
its citi:ens< and is a (utile assault on the practical application o( a
distri2uted glo2al net1ork.
"here rationality and reason prosper< there 1ill al1ays 2e re(uge
(or kno1ledge and the (reedom o( in(ormation.
Boo' Banning
*ometimes religious :ealots 2an 2ooks. Common reasons to 2an
2ooks include?
they contain ideas a community (earsC
a community misinterprets the contentC or
they are inked 1ith 1orthless hate speech.
=( these reasons< 2anning a 2ook 2ecause o( hate speech is a
good idea< as "orld "ar @@ exempli(ied. "hen a 2ook is 2anned<
ho1e/er< there should 2e open discourse and a pu2lic re/ie1 o(
the discussion that led to the 2anning decision. 7uote passages
(rom the 2ook to highlight the rationale.
.anning 2ooks 2ecause they contain ideas or situations that are
uncom(orta2le to hear< or disagree 1ith your un(ounded< ignorant
spiritual 2elie(s< on the other hand< are 1oe(ully insu((icient
@n our in(ormation age< anything that the authorities 1ant to keep
suppressed tends to 2ecome more (amous or 1idespread. @t is
hoped that (anatics 1ill pre/ent people (rom reading this 2ooklet.
9igger chink 1hore 2uggerF2reath 1hale chalk nickel.
Christian terrorism< rallied 2y the pope and enacted 2y kings<
1ere campaigns the Roman Catholics (ought against ,uslims<
*la/s< .alts< ,ongols< and Christian heretics. ,ostly they 1anted
to control land they thought had religious signi(icance. The result
1as that o/er one million people died. 'uring the Crusades< many
innocent people 1ere tortured and executed in the name o(
Add to this list o( religious extermination the :rench 4ars of
Deligion< the Thirty 0earsG 4ar< and the Second Sudanese )ivil
4ar. Then look at %irst "orld "ar.
A 2rutal< shocking< and ghastly 1! million casualties Hthough
likely much higherI 1as a pain(ul result (rom the %irst "orld "ar<
1herein the 0ermans< upon attacking< 1ould cry the credo
em2ossed on their helms?
Gott mit uns?
@n English< this translates to?
God with us?
The Russians had the same motto.
Deat Penalty
Texas is 2ig< religious< and has go/ernmentFsanctioned death.
.i2les descri2e situations 1here taking a personGs li(e is 4ust
punishment. "hen communities glean morality (rom a 2ook that
glori(ies re/enge< they 2ecome indiscriminate< amoral :om2ies.
@n 1++1< Todd "illingham< not the most honora2le man< 1as
sentenced to die (or 2urning his house and three children.
Critically< in 2--4< 4ust (our days 2e(ore "illinghams scheduled
death 2y in4ection< reno1n arson expert and chemist 'r. 0erald
3urst su2mitted a report regarding the e/idence?
The fire investigation report of the Te!as State :ire arshalGs 1ffice in
this case is a remar"able document. 1n first reading, a contemporary
fire origin and cause analyst might well wonder how anyone could ma"e
so many critical errors in interpreting the evidence. However, when the
report is loo"ed at in the conte!t of its time and in light of a few "ey
advances that have been made in the fire investigation field in the last
do'en years, it becomes obvious that the report more or less simply
reflects the shortcomings in the state of the art prior to the beginning of
serious efforts to introduce standards and to test old theories that had
previously been accepted on faith.
The original e/idence (or arson 1as in/alid. Todd "illingham 1as
innocent. Aet 0o/ernor Rick Perry denied a stay o( execution. At
#?2-pm on %e2ruary 1&th< 2--4< the Bnited *tates go/ernment
and the Texas 0o/ernor kno1ingly authori:ed the murder o( an
innocent man. =n (aith and superstition.
Religion and Politics
Curc & State
*eparation o( Church and *tate re(ers to la1s that speci(ically
prohi2it the esta2lishment o( any go/ernmentFsponsored religion
or imposing a speci(ic religion upon the mem2ers o( that country.
Religious campaigners /igorously insist that the ma4ority should
ha/e pri/ileged access to dra(t la1s or in&luence government.
They also decry go/ernment attempts to regulate or in(luence
religious policies. The *eparation o( Church and *tate protects
2oth sides (rom each other? the go/ernment cannot meddle in
pri/ate religious a((airs< and the populationGs minority is
protected (rom religionGs anti>uated 2elie( systems.
9ota2le la1(ul statements a2out separation include?
The )ommonwealth shall not ma"e any law for establishing any religion,
or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free
e!ercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be re&uired as a
&ualification for any office or public trust under the )ommonwealth.
(s the Government of the Onited States of (merica is not, in any sense,
founded on the )hristian religion,,as it has in itself no character of
enmity against the laws, religion, or tran&uility, of ussulmen,,and as
the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any
ahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no prete!t arising
from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the
harmony e!isting between the two countries.
!ustralian !boriginals
,em2ers (rom church organi:ations and Christians stole
A2original children (rom their (amilies. "ith no end o( charm in
sight< they indoctrinated the children into Christianity. The
children are kno1n as the *tolen 0enerations. The kidnapping
occurred 2et1een approximately 1)#+ and 1+#+ although in
some places children 1ere still 2eing taken in the 1+&-s.
The policy o( separating A2original children and their parents 1as
partially 2ased on the notions that ci/ili:ations could 2e (orced
into segregated hierarchies. @t hinged on the erroneous idea that
northern Europeans 1ere someho1 superior to A2origines. Those
northerners 2elie/ed< 1ithout any supporting empirical e/idence<
that mixedFdescent children Hcalled hal(FcastesI 1ould threaten
the sta2ility o( their ci/ili:ation< or to its heritage.
=n %e2ruary 13< 2--) a (ormal apology 1as made.
Catolics & >aCis
The Catholic Church is not all 2ad. "hile the Catholic Church has
2een accused o( encouraging antisemitism< prominent mem2ers
o( the 5e1ish community ha/e contradicted these criticisms. *till
other 5e1ish historians (ound that the Catholic Church ga/e
millions o( dollars to assist 5e1s during "orld "ar @@.
3istorian 5ohn Toland noted?
The )hurch, under the AopeGs guidance... saved the lives of more >ews
than all other churches, religious institutions and rescue organi'ations
A set o( magni(icent< inspiring< and no2le actions? a sparkling
reminder o( ho1 people ought to 2eha/e. A s1ord and shield set
upon the dark dragon o( genocide and persecution. "hile
tempting to note that such rare gems are (ound in a ri/er o( (ilth<
corruption< dishonesty< temporal 1aste< and moral decrepitude<
let us re(rain.
A good deed is a good deed and truly stands alone.
The Christian Right are (undamentally misin(ormed on su24ects
such as education< creationism< e/olution< sex< separation o(
Church and *tate< a2ortion< stem cell research< and the (ounding
o( the Bnited *tates o( America as a Christian 9ation.
%undamentalists are a pristine example o( people 1ho choose to
ignore the (indings that the scienti(ic method has allo1ed us to
disco/er a2out the natural 1orld. %or example< some 4-Q o(
Americans 2elie/e Earth is less than 1-<--- years old.
%or irre(uta2le e/idence that the Earth is older than 1-<--- years<
look up on a clear night sky. Re/el in the stars and the light o( the
,ilky "ay galaxy.
$ight (rom the nearest galaxy takes 1ell o/er t1o million years to
reach Earth. @( 0od created the uni/erse 1ith light already in
transit< then the Catholic 0od is deceit(ul Hsee Romans 1?2-< and
3?4I. E/ery other argument (undamentalists or creationists use to
explain the distant starlight problem has 2een re(uted.
%rom the Princess .ride?
awwiage. awwiage is what bwings us togethaw today. awwiage,
that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam... Then wove,
twue wove, will follow you fowever...
,arriage is a sanctimonious religious institution and the Church
can keep it.
A Ci/il Bnion 2et1een people< 1hether they are homosexual<
heterosexual< transsexual< 2isexual< or o/ertly dolphinF(riendly< is
not something any progressi/e state< country< or person dressed
up in a Du Dlux Dlan out(it should ha/e the right to deny.
=nce Ci/il Bnions ha/e 2een esta2lished throughout the 1orld<
1e can pro/oke the ire o( religious (undamentalists 2y using the
1ord JmarriageK to re(er to any Ci/il Bnion. ,arriage is< a(ter all<
t1o sylla2les shorter.
Manattan Declaration
9early !--<--- signed the ,anhattan 'eclaration< released in
2--+. The 'eclaration o((ers a 2rash misrepresentation o( reality?
)hristian women stood at the vanguard of the suffrage movement.
"omens rights acti/ist (liCabat Cady Stanton 1as a skeptical
1oman< (ollo1ed more (or her logic than religion. Lucretia Mott
opposed historic Christian doctrine and 2e(riended atheists.
Margaret "uller 1as a Protestant transcendentalist 1ho (ought
(or 1omens rights on re2ellious< not religious grounds. Lucy
Stone said o( Christianity? JA 1all o( .i2le< 2rimstone< church<
and corruption has hitherto hemmed 1omen into nothingness.K
Matilda Aoslyn 8age pu2lished a 2ook a2out ho1 Christianity
oppresses 1omen. .y the 1))-s< Susan Bro9nell !ntony<
chastised 2y Christian religious groups< 2ecame agnostic.
(rnestine Rose< a ma4or 1omens rights ad/ocate< 1as an
atheist 1ho >uestioned 0od at the age o( (i/e.
"omens *u((rage /anguards (ound Christianity contempti2le.
The ,anhattan 'eclaration promotes omo#obia HJcall on the
entire Christian community to resist sexual immoralityKI<
arrogance HJhuman 2eings created in the di/ine imageKI< and
bigotry HJplace orphaned children in good homes rather than
comply 1ith a legal mandate that it place children in sameFsex
households in /iolation o( Catholic moral teachingKI.

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