Drchoithram Gidwani

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A short introduction
By Deepak Ramchandani
( A short introdution)
Th !irth cntn"r# o$ our %r"t &"dr '(ion
o$ )indh'. )indhu*"ti+ Dr. Choithr", Gid-"ni -"s
c&.r"td "&& o/r Indi" on 20th Dc,.r+ 1919.
Dr. Gid-"ni -"s .orn "t H#dr"."d 2)ind3 on
th 20th Dc,.r 1119 "nd rci/d his ntir
duc"tion thr. A$tr *"ssin% th ,"tricu&"tion
4",in"tion his s*irit o$ sr/ic i,*&&d hi, to
"cc*t " t"chr5s 6o. "t !u."7 in D"du District+
.ut 8ndin% &itt& sco* $or his "cti/itis thr h
chuc7d it u* rturnin% to H#dr"."d+ h 6oind
th Mdic"& )choo& thr+ "nd "$tr co,*&tin%
th cours h ntrd Go/rn,nt sr/ic "s "
Mdic"& O9cr.
Dr. Choithr", c", in cont"ct -ith M"h"t,"
G"ndhi "t th Con%rss )ssion h&d in !o,."# in
1910. In th $o&&o-in% #"r h "ttndd th
)ssion "t (uc7no- "s " d& %"t $ro, )ind. H
succss$u& &# or%"ni sd 'hartal' "t H#dr"."d in
M"rch 1919 in *rotst "%"inst th Ro-&"tt Act.
Dr. Choithr", -"s snt to 6"i& s/r"& ti,s+
8rst in 1922 -hn "s ditor o$ th 'Hindu' hi s
-ritin%s -r r%"rdd "s sditious: thn in 19;0
-hn h .ro7 th )"&t ("- "t <"r"chi: "%"in durin%
th Ci/i& Diso.dinc Mo/,nt o$ 19;2 "nd "&so in
19;; $or d$#in% th Go/t. ordrs not to &"/
H#dr"."d: in 1940 $or ,"7in% " 8r# s*ch "t
("hor: "nd 8n"&&# in 1942 $or 6oinin% th =uit Indi"
Mo/,nt &"unchd .# G"ndhi6i.
Whn/r outsid 6"i&+ .sids "ttndin% to
his *o&itic"& "cti/itis h did /"&u".&
hu,"nit"ri"n -or7 such "s runnin% " ch"rit".&
dis*ns"r#+ su**&#in% ,dicins to th *oor "nd
th nd# $r o$ ch"r%+ co&&ctin% don"tions $or
Pathshalas "nd Narishalas+ or%"nisin% r&i$ -or7
durin% >oods "nd "rth?u"7s "s "&so durin%
co,,un"& riots+ "nd t"7in% ,"surs to *r/nt
*rscution o$ on co,,unit# "t th h"nds o$ th
Dr. Choithr", -"s "n ,.odi,nt o$ sr/ic
"nd s&$@s"cri8c. W"# ."c7 in 1924 G"ndhi6i -rot
".out hi, in th Aoun% Indi" @ 'H h"s s"cri8cd
/r#thin% "nd turnd into " 'Faqir' "&& $or th
c"us o$ his countr#.'
Bor *ro,otion o$ s-"dshi duc"tion %uru7u&
-"s st"rtd in <"r"chi "nd in #"r 1910
!hr",ch"r#" Ashr", in H#dr"."d+ Ar#"7u& in
)u77hr+ "nd !hr",ch"r#" Ashr", in )hi7"r*ur
-r st".&ishd. In !hr",ch"r#" "shr", o$
H#dr"."d duc"tion s#st, "s *r H"rd-"r -"s
"do*td+ thr -r t-o scrt"ris o$ this "shr",
on -"s M"h"r"6 <"&id"s "nd scond -"s Doctor
Choithr", Gid-"ni. At th"t ti, Doctor Choithr",
Gidh-"ni -"s *ro$ssor o$ ,dic"& co&&% in
This "shr", -"s "&so sh&tr $or #oun% $rdo,
8%htrs. Ach"r#" <ri*&"ni "nd C"-"h"r M"nsu7h"ni us
to &i/ in this Ashr", durin% th &"/ *riods. Th
ti, -hn <"7" <"&7"r -"s &i/in% undr%round in
!"rod" h -"s in/itd .# Ach"r#" <ri*&"ni to sh&tr in
this "shr",. <"7" <"&7"r "nd Ach"r#" <ri*&"ni
.c", $rinds in Br%uson Co&&% durin% thir
studis. <"7"6i in this "shr", -"s introducd "s
)"ns7rit t"chr "nd -"s thn 7no-n "s s-",i.
In this "shr", n-s *"*r *u.&ishd .#
!hr",ch"r#" Ashr", o$ !n%"& usd to . r"d in this
"shr",+ ths n-s *"*r -r DE"nd M"tr",F "nd
D<"r",#o%i. This "shr", h"d $"ci&it# o$
"cco,,od"tion o$ 40@00 *rsons. Th "shr", -"s
"&so ?ui**d -ith .d+ $urnitur+ c&oths "nd $ood+ th
4*nditur -"s $undd .# rich *rsons o$ th )indh
"nd ,on# -"s co&&ctd "nd "ccountd .# Dr.
Gidh-"ni. M"n# rich *rsons us to .rin% $ood "nd
c&oths to this "shr",.
To *"# tri.ut to ,"rti"& o$ C"&i#"n"-"&" ."u%h
con%rss dcidd to 7* ;4th )",,&"n in A,ruts"r.
This -"s "&so to d,onstr"t $"r&ssnss. Bor
"ttndin% this /nt " s*ci"& tr"in -"s "rr"n%d $ro,
)indh to A,ruts"r. Dr. Choithr", Gidh-"ni "**"&d "&&
th con%rss su**ortr o$ )indh. Tr"in -"s dcor"td
-ith trico&or >"% "nd -ho& %rou* tr"/&&d sin%in%
*"triotic son%s "nd -"s -&co,d on /r# st"tion.
On r"chin% troo*s $ro, )indh /isitd "nd *r"#d
"t th *&"c o$ C"&i#"n"-"&" !"u%h. On th insistin% o$
Dr. Gidh-"ni /r# )indh ,"d his o-n "rr"n%,nt o$
$ood "nd othr $"ci&itis.
)indhis didnGt .c", .urdn on )-"%"t
co,,itt .ut th# h&*d in "&& th "cti/itis. Hndr
&"drshi* o$ Dr. Gidh-"ni ,ornin% *rocssion -"s
"rr"n%d in strts o$ A,rits"r .# sin%in% )indhi &o7
s"n%t "nd *"triotic son%s. In /nin% tri.ut -"s *"id
to s"hds "nd ntrd C"&&i"n-"&" !"u%h. Du to s*rit
o$ )indh othr r%ions -r "&so ,oti/"td.
Ch"ir*rson o$ )-"%"t )",iti Dr. <"ch&o "nd
Ch"ir,"n I"ndit Moti&"& Nhru *"id rs*ct to Dr.
Gidh-"ni "nd in/itd hi, to s*"7 $- -ords.
On th st"% h r"d th *o, o$ To&"r", <"&ch"
"nd &istnin% this+ -ho& "t,os*hr -r co/rd .#
nois o$ c&"**in% "nd shoutd -ith s&o%"ns DE"nd
M"tr",F "nd D!h"r"t M"t" 7i 6"#F. )o, *rsons &i$td
Dr. Gidh-"ni "nd -nt u* to st"% to s"t Dr. Gidh-"ni
.t-n M"h"t," G"ndhi "nd (o7,"n#" Ti&"7.
Grou* $ro, Iun6". "&so s"n% "nd d"ncd -ith
s-ords in thir h"nd. Dr. Gidh-"ni "&so d"ncd -ith
th, "nd "ddd on ,or &in in thir son%.
In this /nt thr "ros th diJrnc .t-n
M"h"t," G"ndhi "nd Ti&"7 r%"rdin% Monti%o Ch",s Bord
r$or,s+ du to this "&& con%rss,n -r di/idd into t-o
H did in th Northcot Nursin% Ho, "t
!o,."# on th ni%ht o$ th 1;th )*t,.r+ 1907.

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