Nathanbiles-Ef315-Unit8 Project

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Physical Assessment Diabetics

Physical Assessment Diabetics

Nathan Biles
Kaplan University
Physical Assessment Diabetics
Physical Assessment
This physical assessment is of Mr. Connor. As ith the previo!s assessments of the
yo!n"er chil#$ the el#erly la#y$ an# myself % have bro&en it #on into sections. The first co!ple
sections are '!estionnaires an# health screenin"s for any pre(e)istin" con#itions that o!l#
prevent an e)ercise or physical activity pro"ram. % ill also "o over the res!lts of a physical
e)amination from the *oley an# +ran&s ,-../0 te)tboo&$ Fitness Professionals Handbook.
After reviein" these res!lts % ill #isc!ss motivational strate"ies an# recommen#ations for
reachin" Mr. Connors1 "oals. % also "o over the rea#iness for chan"e mo#el as it pertains to Mr.
Connor. % also revie his bo#y composition.
The physical assessment rea#iness '!estionnaire ,Par(20 is a '!estionnaire that is #esi"ne#
to screen for any pre(e)istin" me#ical con#itions that o!l# hin#er yo! from performin"
physical activity. The '!estionnaire o!l# have yo! contact a physician before involvin"
yo!rself in a physical activity pro"ram if yo! anser yes to any of the '!estions in the
'!estionnaire. %n this case his #octor sent Mr. Connor to the facility so therefore he alrea#y has
permission from his #octor to enroll in a physical activity pro"ram.
Health Status Questionnaire
The health stat!s '!estionnaire is a more in #epth loo& at yo!r health stat!s an# is
recommen#e# before participatin" in fitness testin" ,+ran&s 3 *oley$ -../0. The
'!estionnaire is bro&en #on into 4 sections. These sections incl!#e$ me#ical history$ a ris&
factor assessment$ me#ications an# physical activity patterns an# ob5ectives. As ith the Par(2
the #octor has alrea#y recommen#e# enrollin" Mr. Conner in a physical activity pro"ram. There
Physical Assessment Diabetics
are some &eynotes that % ill "o over tho!"h as they can serve as preca!tions for activity
General Medical History
6eneral me#ical history consists of heart history$ symptoms an# a##itional health iss!es.
Mr. Conner ansere# yes havin" type - #iabetes$ fati"!e #!rin" e)ertion an# concern abo!t
safety for e)ercisin". There are preca!tions that sho!l# be ta&en for physical activity ith type(-
#iabetes an# fati"!e #!rin" e)ertion. Monitorin" bloo# s!"ar before an# after or&o!ts is
essential. Another note sho!l# be that e)ercise o!l# be set at a pace Mr. Conner is comfortable
ith to avoi# fati"!e$ hea#aches an# other safety concerns.
Risk Factor Assesment and Medications
7is& factor assessment an# me#ications are to separate sections in the health stat!s
'!estionnaire b!t they are #irectly relate# for o!r p!rposes. Mr. Conner ansere# yes to the
'!estions pertainin" to hi"her bloo# press!re$ cholesterol$ inactivity an# aist circ!mference.
*e is ta&in" me#ications for the bloo# press!re an# cholesterol. They ill not prevent
enrollment in an e)ercise pro"ram beca!se his #octor alrea#y cleare# him. *is inactivity ill
help "a!"e a startin" point for the e)ercise pro"ram.
Lifestyle Behaviors and !"ectives
Mr. Conner is physically inactive an# has hi"h stress. *e so!"ht o!t his #octor beca!se of
fati"!e an# hea#aches. These to thin"s co!l# contrib!te to his stress. *is "oals come from his
#octor1s recommen#ation to lose ei"ht in an attempt to loer his bloo# "l!cose. *e en5oys
atchin" football an# baseball. *e has a #o" that he really en5oys as ell.
Body #om$osition
Physical Assessment Diabetics
Mr. Conner is 419: an# ei"hs -;4lbs. This "ives him a BM% of abo!t 89. A BM% of 8. or
hi"her p!ts in#ivi#!als in the obese cate"ory. A normal ei"ht is less than -4. At Mr. Conner1s
hei"ht he o!l# nee# to ei"h less than 1/.lbs. This means he o!l# have to lose close to
1..lbs to be at a normal BM%.
Mr. Conner #oesn1t have a very "oo# #iet. *e #oesn1t eat brea&fast an# he "ets fast foo#
for l!nch beca!se he #oesn1t li&e to pac& a l!nch. The ma5ority of his eatin" comes from a lar"e
#inner an# after #inner snac&in" hile atchin" television. *e also eats a lot of foo# hile
atchin" football an# baseball.
Readiness for #han&e
Mr. Conner came to this facility per his #octors1 or#ers. *e is in the contemplation sta"e
tho!"h he is near the plannin" sta"e. *e is aare that he has a problem ith feelin" fati"!e# an#
havin" hea#aches b!t mi"ht not be completely convince# that e)ercise ill solve the problem.
*e is illin" to "o thro!"h ith the 8(month pro"ram beca!se his #octor tol# him to.
Assessment Results
Mr. Conner score# belo avera"e in all of the physical assessments !se# in the Thy"erson
3 Thy"erson ,-.110 te)tboo&$ Fit to be Well. These tests assess fle)ibility$ stren"th$ en#!rance$
an# a car#iorespiratory assessment. These tests ill help 5!#"e a startin" point for Mr. Conner.
+le)ibility as the first test an# it starte# ith the sit an# reach assessment. *e as more
than fo!r inches from his toes each time. *e faile# to "et ithin an inch of to!chin" his han#s
behin# his bac& for the sho!l#er fle)ibility test as ell. <e #i#n1t rate the other fle)ibility tests
b!t e #i# "o over them for teachin" p!rposes.
Physical Assessment Diabetics
<e #i#n1t perform a m!sc!lar en#!rance assessment beca!se of the strain from tryin" to #o
p!sh !ps. <e #i# hoever assess his stren"th thro!"h the bench press test. *e as able to press
1=.lbs. This as in the very poor ran"e b!t it is orth pointin" o!t that if he ere in a normal
ei"ht ran"e belo 1/. this o!l# be an avera"e score. +or the car#iorespiratory assessment e
#i# the step test. *e score# a 1-=$ hich as a poor ratin".
Motivational Strate&ies and 'echni(ues
Motivational strate"ies$ as ith all patients$ nee#s to be tailore# to a persons in#ivi#!al
rea#iness for chan"e. 7emin#in" Mr. Conner of the ne"ative health implications associate# ith
#iabetes an# obesity is &ey to &eepin" him on trac& ith or&in" toar#s ma&in" plans to live
healthier. >#!catin" Mr. Conner on the positive affects of e)ercise is &ey as ell. %n re"ar#s to
#iabetes e)ercise benefits in#ivi#!als by improvin" "l!cose tolerance$ improve# ins!lin
sensitivity$ ei"ht control$ re#!ction in bloo# press!re an# it has positive affects on stress
mana"ement as ell ,+ran&s 3 *oley$ -../0.
There are many recommen#ations that % have for Mr. Conner. The to main "oals are to
improve his n!trition an# physical activity levels. % ill "o over n!trition first !sin" the U?DA1s
MyPlate "!i#elines. % fin# them easy to !n#erstan# an# vis!ali@e. % ill also ma&e some
recommen#ations tailore# to Mr. Conners lifestyle. % ill then "o over his physical
activityAe)ercise "oals.
The U?DA1s MyPlate is the replacement for the U?DA1s foo# pyrami#. The #esi"n is
simple an# shos the pict!re of a plate #ivi#e# into fo!r sections. These fo!r sections hi"hli"ht
ro!"hly hat yo!r plate sho!l# loo& li&e. The fo!r sections are !neven b!t the ve"etable foo#
Physical Assessment Diabetics
"ro!p is the lar"est folloe# by the "rains "ro!p. The fr!it is a little bi""er than the protein
section an# there is also a c!p of #airy ne)t to the plate.
MyPlate."ov is the ebsite an# it provi#es information on #ifferent healthy foo#s from
each "ro!p. Bne thin" that % o!l# li&e to note is that the protein section is not strictly limite# to
meats. Another nice feat!re of the ebsite incl!#es a foo# trac&er if yo! "et serio!s abo!t
trac&in" yo!r foo#. % o!l# recommen# !sin" this trac&er to at least "et a vis!ali@ation of hat
yo! eat so yo! can compare it to hat yo! sho!l# eat.
As far as specific recommen#ations for Mr. Conner % have to specific ones. Bne
a##resses l!nch for or&. >atin" fast foo# may be convenient b!t it certainly isn1t healthy.
Tryin" to pac& a l!nch prepare# ahea# of time can help monitor calories an# help remove
temptation of eatin" fast foo#.
The other recommen#ation % have is tryin" to avoi# eatin" late at ni"ht an# over#oin" it
hen atchin" football an# baseball. Bne thin" that % fin# that or&s ell for most people is
"ivin" yo!rself one #ay or one meal a ee& that yo! can eat hat yo! li&e. % recommen# #oin"
this #!rin" the football "ames since they are once a ee&. This can "ive Mr. Conner somethin"
to loo& forar# to. Ma&in" small chan"es in the #iet help too. Try ba&in" rather than fryin"$ or
#rin&in" ater rather than so#a if possible.
The e)ercise that % o!l# recommen# o!l# be "ra#!al. ?tartin" off e nee# to or& on
bein" more physically active in "eneral. The U?DA recommen#s that a#!lts #o at least -.4 ho!rs
of physical activity a ee&. This can entail many #ifferent activities. <al&in"$ "ar#enin" an#
"olfin" are 5!st a fe e)amples. % o!l# recommen# tryin" to al& the #o" every ni"ht. This
co!l# ta&e some foc!s aay from eatin" late at ni"ht an# "et the physical activity in as ell.
Physical Assessment Diabetics
%n terms of mo#erate an# hi"her level physical activity % o!l# li&e to "et Mr. Conner into
#oin" an elliptical machine for 8. min!tes three #ays a ee& at mo#erate intensity ,U?DA$
-.1-0. Usin" an elliptical is lo impact so it ont bother the 5oints an# some elliptical machines
have b!ilt in heart rate monitors so e can monitor that for safety concerns.
As for stren"th trainin" % o!l# recommen# or&in" ith a physical trainer on "ettin"
starte# on resistance trainin" e)ercises. % o!l# li&e to try an# "et to of these sessions in a
ee&. These sessions ill foc!s on !pper$ loer an# core m!scle tonin". A"ain e nee# to be
"ra#!al as to not overhelm Mr. Conner.
The #octor or#ere# a three(month e)ercise pro"ram for Mr. Conner. %t is !n&non if Mr.
Conner ill contin!e an e)ercise re"imen after those three months. +eelin" the benefits of bein"
active an# eatin" better sho!l# motivate Mr. Conner to p!t more effort in the f!t!re for livin" a
healthier lifestyle.
Physical Assessment Diabetics
+ran&s$ B. D$ *oley$ >. T. ,-../0 Fitness professionals handbook (5
ed.), Champai"n %CD
*!man Kinetics
Thy"erson$ A. C$ Thy"erson$ ?. M$ ,-.110 Fit to be well (2
ed). ?!#b!ry$ MAD Eones 3 Bartlett
Cearnin"$ CCC
U?DA. ,-.1-0. How much phsical acti!it is needed" 7etrieve# from

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