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Formative Grammar Exercise

A. Complete the following irregular verb table.

Infinitive Past Past Participle

1. grow

2. wear

3. drive

4. catch

5. wake

6. ring

7. fly

8. draw

9. tell

10. feed

11. stand

12. speak

13. get

14. hurt

15. take

16. fall

17. be

18. send

19. win

20. write

20. think

21. have

22. sit

23. lend

24. spend

25. find

26. buy

27. feel

28. build

29. steal

30. eat

31. go
B. Fill in the spaces below with the correct verb tense: Simple Present; Simple Past; Present
Continuous; Past Continuous; Present Perfect; Past perfect; Future – will.

1. Yesterday we ________________ (speak) about Andy and his new car.

2. I ________________ (usually wake) up at 7:45 and ________________ (have) breakfast half
an hour later.
3. She ________________ (do) her homework, when the television ________________ (come) on.
4. While they ________________ (have) a bath, the dog ________________ (drink) their coke.
5. Look! Jane ________________ (dive) into the swimming pool.
6. The twins ________________ (play) the piano at the moment.
7. One day, we ________________ (live) on the Moon.
8. They ________________ (just arrive) from Paris.
9. When we arrived at the doctor’s, he ________________ (leave).
10. I ________________ (eat) at the school canteen, everyday.

C. Transform the statements into the Reported Speech.

1. “Ann is working at the moment, but she will be here in half an hour.”
Mrs. Baker said___________________________________________________

2. “I won´t go with you now because I´m waiting for my father.”

Tom told Peter ___________________________________________________

3. “We don´t want to go to the cinema today because we want to go tomorrow.”

They said _______________________________________________________

4. “My father gave me this present yesterday.”

Anna said ________________________________________________________

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