Online Instructor Time Management Organizer

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eLo 2014-15

Online Instructor Time Management Organizer for the Week of .

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
eLo Prep Period




Time Management Quick Reference Codes
(C) Content Creation and Revision (M) Managerial Tasks (Entering Grades, Organizing Files, etc.)
(D) Discussion Board Responses (S) Student Contact (E-mailing or calling students)
(G) Grading and Evaluating Student Work (P) Parent Contact (E-mailing or calling parents)

Use this space to record notes, goals, or comments for the week:

Additional Tips:
Create sets of pre-designed responses to use for informal student feedback on discussions, e-mails, and other activities. This will save time as you may copy
& paste standard responses as needed.
Consider leveraging audio or screen recording tools to provide students with other forms of feedback. As you become more familiar with these approaches
you may soon realize they are sometimes more efficient then typed responses.
Encourage students to clearly identify the purpose of their e-mail messages in the subject line. Consequently, you may accurately distinguish your need for
an immediate or delayed response.
Consider establishing the same day each week for student assignments to be turned in. Consequently, you will then have a better idea of your grading
responsibilities for the week and may plan accordingly in your weekly schedule.

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