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Romeo and Juliet Mini Project

Today and next Friday, I will not be in your lesson. You must
therefore use this time to create a mini project
on Romeo and Juliet. Any tass that are not
completed in lesson time must be completed for
!. "esi#n an in$itation to the %apulet &all.
'. (rite a letter to an a#ony aunt from either Romeo or Juliet just
after they meet at the &all. Your letter needs to include)
how you felt before you met Romeo * Juliet
how you feel now
what you thin you could now do
+. ,wap letters with another member of the class and write the
reply from the a#ony aunt.
-. (rite the script for a radio news report of the &all. You need to
include all of the #ossip. You mi#ht consider)
(ho was seen with who
(ho was wearin# what
(ho said what to whom
(ho did what to whom
/. 0roduce a newspaper front pa#e reportin# the death of
1ercutio and Tybalt. 2You should ha$e already done this for
4. (rite Juliet5s diary on the ni#ht Romeo is
6. (rite the letter Friar 7awrence sends to
Romeo to explain what he is helpin# Juliet
to do when she is supposed to be marryin#
0aris. 2thin poison8.3
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