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Based on the novel Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, the character that I like is
Phileas Fogg. I like Phileas Fogg because he is disciplined. He wants everything done with perfect
timing. For example, he wakes up at precisely eight oclock in the morning and has breakfast exactly
twenty three minutes later.
Furthermore, Phileas Fogg is patient. He does not panic easily if things are not done his way.
Although the ship falls behind schedule, he remains calm.
In conclusion, these are the reasons why I like Phileas Fogg. He is a role model. His discipline and
patience are admirable.
Based on the novel Around The World In Eighty Days by Jules Verne, the character that I admire is
Phileas Fogg. I admire him because he is kind. He wants everyone who travels with him to be
comfortable and safe. He makes sure that Aouda has her own cabin and provides everything she
needs. He also offers to pay Passepartouts bail of two thousand pounds so that Passepartout need
not go to jail.
Phileas Fogg is kind as he is willing to go all out to help anyone. For example, he saves Auoda when
she is kidnapped by the bandits. He had to cut open the wall of the hut to rescue her.
These are some examples of how kind Phileas Fogg is. Although he is engrossed with his own
problems, he still thinks of the safety of others and how to help them when they are in danger.
Based on the novel Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, the moral value I want to talk
about is gratitude. This moral value is shown in Passespartout and Aouda. Passepartout is grateful
when Phileas Fogg saves him from going to prison. Fogg has to pay two thousand pounds for his bail.
Passespartout is touched by this gesture because he knows that Fogg does not have to pay for his
mistakes. That is why he tries so hard to please Phileas Fogg all the time.
Aouda is grateful for things that have been done for her. She appreciates Phileas Fogg for rescuing
her from the bandits and being kind to her throughout the trip. Fogg provides a cabin for her and
makes sure she is safe. In return she is willing to marry Phileas even though she knows that he has
no money.

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Passepartout and Aouda are grateful for all the help they have received. We should always be
thankful when we receive help from others.
SAMPLE QUESTION 3: the important/interesting/significant event
I have selected the novel entitled Around the World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne in order to
answer the question. The novel tells about a gentleman named Phileas Fogg who goes around the
world in 80 days with his butler, Jean Passepartout as they embark on journey which is full of
adventures and surprises.
The most interesting event in the novel is Phileas Foggs adventures to save Aouda. This event is the
most interesting event because Phileas Fogg shows his bravery when he decides to save Aouda. He
has to risk his life and freedom to rescue Aouda but Phileas Fogg is willing to do whatever is within
his reach to free her from her kidnappers. First and foremost, Phileas Fogg waits until it is dark and
goes to the hut, he cuts open the hut and rescues Aouda who looks half-dead. In addition to
this, Phileas Fogg quickly runs and climbs onto Kiouni when the bandits chase after them. Phileas
Fogg safely tucks Aouda in one of the howdahs with her still sleeping soundly. Last but not least, to
make sure Aouda is safe, Phileas Fogg offers to take Aouda to Hong Kong, his next destination.
In conclusion, the most interesting event in the novel is Phileas Foggs adventures to save Aouda
because Phileas Fogg shows his bravery when he decides to save Aouda. Finally, the two of them get
married and live happily ever after.
Based on the novel Around The World In Eighty Days by Jules Verne, the theme of determination is
clearly shown by Phileas Fogg. He puts in great effort in everything that he does. Foggs
determination and perseverance led him to overcome many obstacles.
One of the examples of a difficult obstacle that Fogg overcomes is when he decides to rescue Aouda.
He and his companions cut through the wall of a hut to set her free. They almost lost their lives
when the bandits shot arrows at them.
Another example is when he goes to the extent of buying the ship from Captain Speedy just to reach
Liverpool on time. When they are short of coal, he orders the crew to burn parts of the ship to keep
the ship going.
The examples above show the determination in Phileas Fogg.
I have chosen the novel entitled Around the World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne. The novel
tells about a gentleman named Phileas Fogg who goes around the world in 80 days with his butler,
Jean Passepartout as they embark on journey which is full of adventures and surprises.
The most interesting setting is the hut where Aouda is imprisoned by the kidnappers. This setting is
the most interesting setting because it is the place where Phileas Foggs rescue actions start. First
and foremost, Phileas Fogg waits until it is dark and goes to the hut, he cuts open the hut and
rescues Aouda who looks half-dead. In addition to this, Phileas Fogg quickly runs and climbs onto
Kiouni when the bandits chase after them. Phileas Fogg safely tucks Aouda in one of the howdahs

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with her still sleeping soundly. Last but not least, to make sure Aouda is safe, Phileas Fogg offers to
take Aouda to Hong Kong, his next destination.
In conclusion, the most interesting setting in the novel is the hut where Aouda is imprisoned by the
kidnappers. This place is the most interesting place because it is the place where Phileas Foggs
rescue actions start. Finally, the two of them are safe. They get married and live happily ever after.
I have selected the novel entitled Around the World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne in order to
answer the question. The novel tells about a gentleman named Phileas Fogg who goes around the
world in 80 days with his butler, Jean Passepartout as they embark on journey which is full of
adventures and surprises.
The moral values that I have learnt from the novel are be organised, be brave and be persistent. The
moral values are portrayed by the main character in the novel, Phileas Fogg. First and foremost,
Phileas Fogg is an organized person who leads his life in a well organised way such as his shaving
water must be of a certain degree and he eats his lunch every time in the Reform Club at his usual
time. In addition to this, Phileas Fogg is a brave person when he decides to save Aouda. He has to
risk his life and freedom to rescue Aouda but Phileas Fogg is willing to do whatever is within his
reach to free her from her kidnappers. Last but not least, Phileas Fogg is a persistent person when he
accepts a bet to travel around the world and he finally succeeds in his quest.
In conclusion, the moral values that I have learnt from the novel are be organised, be brave and be
persistent. All the moral values have taught me to be a better person in my life.
SAMPLE QUESTION 7: the synopsis of the novel

I have selected the novel entitled Around the World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne in order to
answer the question. The story begins at England. Readers are introduced to Phileas Fogg, a very
precise man who regularly goes to the Reform Club every evening. He goes to the club to play cards
and gets into a conversation with his fellow card players as to whether it is possible to go around the
world in 80 days.
Phileas believes that it is possible and he is challenged to complete the quest. This is the beginning
of the entire plot and from then on we see how Fogg goes around the world and we witness the
amazing adventures that he has with his companions.
The main plot is based on Foggs travels. Fix, the detective follows Fogg all over. He believes that
Fogg is the bank robber of bank of England. He puts obstacles in Foggs path just so that he can
arrest him whenever he gets the warrant from England.
The plot moves ahead with Fogg striving through various obstacles to reach London in time. He goes
through Brindisi, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco, New York and finally
Liverpool. Fix arrests Fogg at Liverpool and this delay our hero. He thinks that he has missed the
deadline and has not reached London in time when in reality he reached a full day earlier. Thus Fogg
wins the wager and in the course of his travels, finds himself a worthy charming, beautiful wife,

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SAMPLE QUESTION 8: Do you like the ending of the novel? Why?

I have selected the novel entitled Around the World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne in
order to answer the question. The novel tells about a gentleman named Phileas Fogg who goes
around the world in 80 days with his butler, Jean Passepartout as they embark on journey which is
full of adventures and surprises.
I like the ending of the novel because Phileas Fogg succeeds in his quest to travel around the world
in 80 days and he finds a wonderful wife, Aouda. First and foremost, Phileas Foggs perseverance
leads him to accept a bet to travel around the world and he finally succeeds in his quest after a
series of challenges and obstacles. Phileas Fogg has won the wager and made a grand tour around
the world. He rides an elephant, buys a boat, takes many trains, sails on many steamers and has a
great adventure. In addition to this, he risks his life and freedom to rescue Aouda but Phileas Fogg is
willing to do whatever is within his reach to free her from her kidnappers. Last but not least, Phileas
Fogg confesses his own love for Aouda. Passepartout is called and asked to give due notice to the
Reverend at the Marylebone Parish, so that Phileas and Aouda may be married, they married two
days later.
In conclusion, I like the ending of the novel because Phileas Fogg succeeds in his quest to travel
around the world in 80 days and he finds a wonderful wife, Aouda. I am happy for both of them.
SAMPLE QUESTION 9: The character I Dislike the Most
I have selected the novel entitled Around the World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne in order to
answer the question. The novel tells about a gentleman named Phileas Fogg who goes around the
world in 80 days with his butler, Jean Passepartout as they embark on journey which is full of
adventures and surprises.
The character I dislike the most in the novel is Detective Fix. Detective Fix is one of the many
detectives who are on the trail of the infamous robber of the Bank of England. I dislike him the most
because he is a judgemental, hypocritical and suspicious person. First and foremost, Detective Fix is
a judgemental person. Since the portrait of the bank robber happens to resemble Foggs persona,
Detective Fix passes a judgement that Phileas Fogg is gulty for the robbery without further
investigation. In addition to this, Detective Fix is a hypocritical person. Detective Fix befriends
Passepartout with the sole aim of keeping a tab on Fogg. Last but not least, Detective Fix is a
suspicious person. He suspects that Phileas is the robber without any concrete proof and he asks
Stephenson not to stamp Phileas Foggs passport until he gets a warrant to arrest him.
In conclusion, the character I dislike the most is Detective Fix because he is a judgemental,
hypocritical and suspicious person. His negative traits make readers detest him the most.

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