Joshua Jones Resume 2 0

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Joshua Aaron Jones (EMC) Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown

!"#$%"&9! Hei'h(: !)%*+ei'h(: ,!-
.oice: Bari(enor
/e'ional01ro2essional 3hea(re
Snoopy!!! Linus The Old Creamery Theatre
How I Became A Pirate Pierre The Old Creamery Theatre
The Sunshine Boys Eddie The Old Creamery
The Light in the Piazza Giuseppe Naccarelli Haywood Arts Regional
Dutch onderland Theme Par! Per"ormer R# $ Associates
Pathway to Freedom George %estal #now Camp Outdoor Theatre
Bye, Bye Birdie Ensem&le #ummer#toc! at the 'ni( o"
Educa(ional 3hea(re
Les Misera!es En*olras estern Carolina 'ni+ersity
Dir( Terrence ,ann
The "rowsy #haperone Ro&ert ,artin estern Carolina 'ni+ersity
Dir( Terrence ,ann
$e%t to $orma! Henry u-s estern Carolina 'ni+ersity
Dir( Terrence ,ann
Is!and Song #oloist estern Carolina 'ni+ersity
or!shop w- Carner and Gregor
Be Here $ow Lead #hort )ilm .Atlanta/
B!ac&, 'hite, and B!ue Cameo #enior Thesis )ilm .C'/
0)A ,usical Theatre 1 estern Carolina 'ni+ersity
%oice2 3 years o" training .4risten Hed&erg5 Dr( illiam ,artin5 Craig Richardson/
Dance2 6 years o" training .7a885 0allet5 Tap5 ,odern5 0allroom/
Acting2 6 years o" training .Theatrical5 )ilm5 9mpro+/
,aster Classes with2 4oresh Dance Company: Ga+in Creel: 0rent 0arrett: Owen 7ohnston:
Terrence ,ann: Charlotte d;Am&oise: #econd City 9mpro+: )lamenco %i+o: Peggy #chwart8:
Heit8man $ Reid: #a+ion Glo+er: 'pright Citi8ens 0rigade
56ecial 57ills
Trom&one .< years/: '!elele .= year/: 0asic Piano: histling: Cartwheels: 7ump Rope:
Dialects: 0alloon Animals: Pro>cient #ight?reader: Great with !ids: 0a!ing: @oga: NC
Dri+er;s License(

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