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MHSHS 2014-2015

Senior English Summer Assignment

Ms. Walsh
Welcome to senior year English!
In just two quick blinks of a twinkling cat-eye, youll find yourself cozying up on the softly-cushioned
seats that reside in a windowless, dwarfish yet very enchanting basement classroom on the
unter campus! "s the cool autumn gusts begin to refashion the tree-leaves of summer, well be
working together to fill your metaphorical rabbit-hat with tricks that will magically bolster the creative
voice with which you write! #o prepare for this semester-long, intensive $but punchy%& course in
creative writing, Ive designed a summer assignment that intends to introduce you to the first two
lenses of semester one' identity and memory!
(our summer assignment consists of three parts, with five due dates spread throughout the sugary-
sweet lazy days of lemonade-bright-summer!
Part I: Brain on Fire Response
#o start on your semester-long e)ploration of identity and memory, you will read *usan +ahalans
memoir Brain On Fire this summer and write a ,-- page response that answers the following
question' ow does Cahalans story speak to the relationship between identity and memory? .(ou
are welcome to purchase the book, borrow it from the library, or email me a request to share with
you the pdf!
Part II: Three Memory Stories
aving already written first drafts of your personal statement $college essay&, you are already ahead
on the climb towards college applications! *ince well be revising these drafts until everyone is in
love with them, Im going to have you recall - memories from your life e)perience that speak to your
sense of identity! I want you to write these memories out as embellished stories ,-- pages each!
/y 0embellished,1 I mean that you have free creative license to e)aggerate, change the order of
things, or add in 0stuff1 that actually didnt really happen! #hey need only to be loosely rooted in
reality, and they should have a beginning, a middle, and an end!
Part III: Google Drive Doc
In an effort to reduce the impact of our environmental footprint on the earth, Ill be reading your
summer assignments $and some other assignments youll do throughout the year& online, via
2oogle 3ocs! #his means that youll need to create a 2oogle 3oc and share it with me so that I can
access your work! If you are unsure about how to do this, then email me and Ill send you a set of 4
easy steps!
Due Dates:
Assignment Due Date Points
2oogle 3rive 3oc 5riday, 6uly 78 79
Brain on Fire :esponse 5riday, 6uly ,; ,9
<emory *tory =7 5riday, "ugust 7 79
<emory *tory =, 5riday, "ugust 8 79
<emory *tory =- 5riday, "ugust 7; 79
Please feel free to email me with any inquiries, conundrums, or stumbling blocks at any point oer the summer!

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