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10/30/13 10:50-11:10 am, Conversation w/Regina Fink

1. Can I have raw data from survey?-->Regina will send the powerpoint presentation of the
house-wide data (entered so far)
2. Pts receiving information about pain treatment options: which options? Was not specified,
nothing changed by us. We told them that we meant education pre-surgically, a booklet
about pain management from RNs, med options lists.
File on AIP2 created to handout with lists of all the medication options to educate
patients with.

3. Which numbers are being focused on via HCAPS? Total numbers or broken down into
sections (pain well controlled & staff do everything to help)?
a. Should I be looking at improving pain control or at improving pts perceptions of
whether staff do everything they can to help with pain?

both questions are looked at separately
question #1 is more a MD question
question #2 is a RN type question

4. Lit search for why pts believe their pain is not well controlled; any suggestions?

no specific options
make an appointment with a librarian at the health sciences library to help narrow down my
to help find tailored search words for patient perceptions
last 3-5 years
Patient perceptions pain maybe throw in satisfaction

5. Regina feels EMPATHY may be the missing piece, validating their pain needs, indicating
that we believe them, scripting to help with this. Maybe a journal club on empathy.
Emotional intelligence. January 2013, Oncology Nursing Forum, Codier

Article in Oncology Nursing Connect about emotional intelligence, check in rounds, how to
develop it and utilize it.

6. Monique McCollum has a new WILDA card that has been developed and will be in the
admission booklet for patient education (Regina will email Monique about when the rollout
will be occurring). Maybe changing the whiteboards so that the patients can see if the RNs
are doing everything they can to manage pain.

Multi-prong approach: handouts on med options, new WILDA card (provide for RNs),
education on Emotional Intelligence, change whiteboards, make alternative therapy tubs

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