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By : The Bangladesh
 Indonesia is a series of islands in-between Asia
and Australia
 In Indonesia there is not a specific cuisine
that is the same everywhere you go. There
are the popular items that are used in
different ways throughout the islands.
 Rice is a key food for all of the people. They
eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even
snacks. You can make it any way you want by
adding different ingredients.
 nasi goreng
The Land-Michelle
 Indonesia is made up of more than 17,000
 Only 6,000 of these
islands are inhabited.
 The largest islands
are Java, Sumatra,
Kalimantan, New Guinea,
and Sulawesi.
 The weather consists of
being hot and humid all
year round especially
The People-Rachel
 Government- republic government. A
legislature and president are elected during
the given election time.
 With 238 Million People it is the fourth most
populated nation.
 The island of Java is one of the most densely
populated areas in the world. 130 million
reside here. Religion
 Dialect-Bahasa Indonesia86% Islam
8% Christian
5% Animists
1% Hindu
The Struggles-Cassie
 Education-It is required that every citizen
completes nine years of education. Six years
in elementary and the other three in middle.
 Every sub district of Indonesia has at least
one health center or clinic with a doctor
heading it. Then each usually two or three
branches that hold sub centers.
 Indonesia has the largest economy in all of
Southeast Asia. It’s government is market
based. Their currency is the Rupiah.

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