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First at all, give thanks for God's love and grace for us. Thanks to God for helping me
and give me chance to finish this assighment timely. And I would like to say thank you to Mr.
yamsul. , .!d as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge a"out how
to practice #nglish well.
This assignment is the one of #nglish a"out $%& interview T#'()I*+#. i reali,ed
this assignment is not perfect. &ut I hope it can "e useful for us. 'ritics and suggestion is
needed here to make this assignment "e "etter. (opefully we as a student in -!olytechnic
'ountry .hokseumawe/ can work more professional "y using #nglish as the second
language whatever we done. Thank you.
Meulaboh, 8 July 2014
Haris Aus!ia"syah
#i$ % 1&20'0102(
1+1 ,a-.rou"/ o0 !he S!u/y
In the classroom students do their educational activity 0 learning 0 "ut they also do
another activity like playing and sociali,ing with their friends. 'lassroom is a small
miniature of wide society filled in with many elements. 'lassroom is a real social conte1t
where its elements 2.ecturer and tudent3 enter into e4ually real social relationship each
other, "ut, in the sense of education, it's an artificial environment for teaching, learning, and
using a foreign english language.
The process of teaching and learning is the most common element in the english
language classroom. .anguage teaching, in a simple word, can "e defined as the activities
which are intended to "ring a"out english language learning. It is assumed that english
language teaching is proposed to help people to learn and use the english language.
According to 5ewey in 6isk 2789: ; <3, english language teaching is the direction or the
guidance of learning. .earning, as every"ody knows, refers to the ac4uisition of knowledge
and skill. &ased on these definitions, then, english language learning will "e placed in
appropriate definition as the learning to have knowledge and skill in english language.
The process of teaching and learning almost occurs in the classroom. Tsui 2788: ; 73 defines
classroom as a place where more than two people gather together for the purpose of learning,
with one having the role of the teacher. 'lassroom is not a place where the teacher =ust
carries out predetermined routines, "ut rather than a place where various elements interact
one another. These elements are the lecturer with their educational "ackground, the students,
e1perience, knowledge, and e1pectation and also the activity in the classroom.
1+2 *is-ussio"
Interview #nglish in the field of work does provide its own pressure for the
implement. As an applicant, you are re4uired to have to trust yourself and answer a variety of
4uestions in a clear and perfect. Techni4ues answer of course is not easy, it takes a powerful
a"ility that all things can "e accomplished with either.
In addition to the usual used "y applicants when they want to get a =o" from a foreign
commpany, it is also very important interview learned "y the student and the student.
>nowing the ins and outs of the interview, they will make it easier in the future and make
them no longer have to deal with awkward when the interview te1t. &elow, there are
e1amples of #nglish interviews complete and given tips on how to answer well.
2+1 Job )"!er1ie2 Te-h"i3ues
7. 'larification *uestions from the Interviewer
Many of us sometimes feel afraid to clarify the 4uestions of the interviewer or
interviewers. This happens "ecause we are worried that the interviewer will think you do not
pay attention to the 4uestions they ask. And with clarifying 4uestions, the aim is to clarify the
4uestion. %f course, no one e1pected you to answer. In addition, it also can help you more
6ela1 in providing relevant and wise response.
?. Thinking .oud
%ne mistake that many e1perienced at the time of the interview is stalling when you
do not have the right answer. #ven sometimes we spontaneously respond with the phrase @I
do not know.@ Although you do not have the right answers to the 4uestions asked, it's good to
try to think out loud a few minutes. It is a good tactic to anticipate this pro"lem.
@The "est approach is to stay hum"le,@ said hon &urton, '#% (iringolved. @6epeat the
interviewer's 4uestions, and start thinking hard. Interviewer will pro"a"ly give a hint if you're
not actively thinking deli"erately stalling. @
A. )onver"al communication
&y the time you go to an interview, if you find yourself in a state of agitated and stare
at the floor or ta"le when answering a 4uestionB If so, you may miss the opportunity that is in
front of you.
@Good )onver"al communication speaks volumes a"out the =o" applicants,@ said $onna
Myers, coordinator of career services at outhwestern %klahoma tate +niversity. @This is
something that most people do not practice it, "ut it makes it very clear when you are
Myers suggested that doing practice interviews with a friend or learn to answer 4uestions in
front of the mirror. It aims to train the eye contact, "ody language and other language
indicators that will affect =udgments a"out you. 5o not forget to shake hands closely "oth
"efore and after the interview. 6emem"er, do not move away or avoiding eye contact during
the interview.
C. +nderstand 6esume Dou Alone
>nowing your own resume inside out is a very important part in order to succeed in
an interview. As we know that many =o" seekers today, customi,e their resume to fit the
specific company or position. Therefore, make sure you take the time to understand your
own resume. 5o not get your resume written in A "ut when you actually answer the given
4uestion &. This will prove that you do not understand me.
:. 5ig Information A"out the 'ompany
#ach =o" seeker will certainly "e contacted in advance "y the local company "efore
attending the interview session. It is "etter you take advantage of the dig for more
information a"out the position that you apply. And most importantly is looking for
information a"out the company you are going to go. This will give a plus for you. That is,
you will seem to understand a"out the position you apply for and also have knowledge as to
what the company is. The interviewer will "e impressed with your answers related to the
position you want.
%ne of the easiest ways to get information is to use a local company .inkedIn. Find also
information a"out people who have the same position with which you apply. Typically, on
.inkedIn you can also get information a"out events that are "eing undertaken "y the
2+2 The Ty4es O0 Job )"!er1ie2 Te-h"i3ues
Tra/i!io"al )"!er1ie2
,eha1orial )"!er1ie2
7. Traditional Interview
This type of test is also called an open0ended test. The 4uestion posed could also
reflect what might "e done in the future applicants and 4uestions may "e "asic stuff. The
following list is a sample 4uestion traditional interview;
Tell me a"out yourself
Tell me a"out your education "ackground
Ehy should we hire youB
Ehat's your short and long term planB
Ehat are your strengths and weaknessesB
Ehat do you say a"out people around youB
Ehy did you 4uit the =o"B
?. &ehavorial Interview
In an interview using "ehavioral =o" interview techni4ues, the a"ove 4uestions are
often added to the following 4uestions;
Tell me F us when you are having a very unpleasant situation and how you managed
to get out of the situation.
Tell me F us how you convince your clients when you are doing a presentation.
.et you tell me how you cope with situations where you have to perform a lot of
tasks and you must make a priority task which should take precedence.
'an you tell me what is the most difficult decision you've made in the last yearB Ehy
is thatB
Tell us why your team failed to reach the target in the previous year and how do you
motivate the team so that they can achieve success in the ne1t year.
(ow do you resolve the conflictB 'an you give an e1ampleB
'an you tell me an event where you try to complete the task and it failedB
Tell me what you do when forced to make a rule that is not pleasant for the
employees "ut profita"le for the company.
As a process that involves the interaction "etween the two sides, in a =o" interview
the applicants are also usually given the opportunity to ask 4uestions. Therefore, it would "e
very good if the applicant prepare some 4uestions, for e1ample;
Ehat is e1pected of me if I am accepted for this positionB
According to the e1perience here, what is the "iggest challenge for the incum"entB
Is there training 2internal and e1ternal3 that can help me to contri"ute more if I
accepted to work in this companyB
Are there special things outside of =o" descriptions that I have to finish within a
certain timeB
2+& 5ues!io"s Tha! Are Usually As.e/ )" The )"!er1ie2 A"/ A"s2ers6
7. Ice &reaker *uestions
Ice "reaker 4uestion is a simple 4uestion given "y the interviewer that aims to open
up the conversation and at the same time to dilute the tense atmosphere. In an interview, the
thing you need to remem"er is to never dominate a =o" interview, either in this session or the
other. Dou as a candidate should "e a"le to make an interviewer interested in you without you
having to dominate the course of the interview.
Interviewer ; (ello, good afternoon. I hope you are in a good condition for todayGs
interview. (ave a seat, please.
'andidate ; Thank you, ir. I am in my "est condition.
Interviewer ; I am glad to here that. &y the way, you are Ms. $essyca, rightB
'andidate ; Des, ir. My name is $essyca >umala 5ewi.
Interviewer ; %k. Are you applying for the accounting positionB
'andidate ; Des, ir. I am applying for the accounting position.
Interviewer ; %h, I see. oHany difficulties in finding this companyB
'andidate ; %hHitGs easy to find this "ig company, ir. Most people know a"out
this company.
Interviewer ; 6eallyB I think we work really hard to achieve that. EellHIGll found
your 'I Ms. $essyca. %k, where do you live Ms. $essyca >umala 5ewiB
'andidate ; I live in &ekasi. &y the way =ust call me $essyca, ir.
Interviewer ; Iery well.
!oint To 5iscuss;
#ven if you are not familiar with the interviewer, do not ask her name 2e1cept at the
end of the interview3. &esides the use of which or greeting Ms., Mrs. or Mr. 2to "e followed
"y the name3, if you do not know the name of the interviewer. Ee recommend using said
Madam or ir. If you already know the name, make it a ha"it to call their names with the last
name F their families ..
5o not ask a"out the interviewer 2interviewer3. 6emem"er a"out who dominates. 5o
not use the word @Thank's.@, Dou must use the words @Thank you, sir F madam.@
In essence, let the interviewer start the ice "reak 4uestions. 5o not forget to give feed"ack
2responses3 were enthusiastic. ince this session, you need to show a firm "ut polite attitude
for the interviewer to hire someone, JKL "ased on their attitude during the interview. o do
not "e shy to start shaking hands with the interviewer and do not forget to always with a
friendly smile.
?. !ersonal M #ducation &ackground *uestions
)ow we are talking a"out yourself and your educational "ackground you have.
Things to consider is whether you are the character you have, as well as the activities that
you do, matched with =o"s that will "e your field.
Interviewer ; %k. Are you applying for the accountant positionB
'andidate ; Des, ir. I am applying for the accountant position.
Interviewer ; oHI suppose you are still single, arenGt youB
'andidate ; Des, ir. I am still single.
Interviewer ; %kHso you donGt have a dependent, rightB
'andidate ; Des, I donGt have, ir.
Interviewer ; 5o you have any driving licenses or passport, Ms. $essycaB
'andidate ; I have IM A. As a"out my passport, it is still on a process, ir.
Interviewer ; All rightHnow tell me a"out your self.
'andidate ; I graduated from Gunadarma +niversity and I took accounting as my
ma=or. 5uring my time at =unior high school, I =oined in %I as the %I leader,
where I learnt a lot a"out leadership. I also took #nglish course since I was in
elementary school until I graduated from university. %n many occasions, I =oined
Accounting, Math and &ank of Indonesia contests and for Math contest I got the third
trophy. And I was a delegation of my senior high school for friendship gathering
A#A) $apan >orea tudents in Al0A,har. My "est skills are at accounting and
Interviewer ; %k, that great. .etGs talk a"out something else. o do you have any
'andidate ; Des. I like reading articles on human psychology and sport, like tennis,
swimming, fitness, many more.
Interviewer ; &y the way, do you think that your education "ackground will make a
good implication for this =o"B
'andidate ; A"solutely. &y learning accounting, I learnt a"out accounting system.
The knowledge on accounting will help a lot in =ournalism, account, posting and
many more. And I can use #nglish for the result. And then after I =oining many
organi,ation I learnt a"out pro"lem solving,leadership, and many others.
!oint To 5iscuss;
)ame one or two of your ho""ies that support what you are applying. +sually companies
re4uire someone who is not married "ut is no less important is the professionalism so for
those who are married do not "e discouraged. 'heck the completeness that you have. !eople
who have passports and work visas a"road would "e more credi"le if your =o" re4uires you
to live a"road, though the company is a"le to finance you.
If there is a re4uest @Tell me a"out your self@, tell me the relationship "etween educational
"ackground you with the type of =o" you are applying. In addition to school education F
university, or a variety of skills mastered, you might "e a"le to mention;
The courses you will ever follow.
'ompetition de"ate.
Eork e1perience.
Achievement achieved.
Training F internship.
A. *uestions %n >nowledge A"out The 'ompany
&efore conducting a =o" interview, look for information a"out the company that you
want. Is the company in accordance with the character and personalityB 'ompany national F
internationalB 'ompany pu"lic F privateB !roducts F services whatever "e their mainstayB
Ehat are their strengthsB !eople like what they are looking forB The more knowledge a"out
the company you seek then you are more confident with what you have to say during a =o"
Interviewer ; All right, how did you know a"out this companyB
'andidate ; I knew a"out this company from the Internet.
Interviewer ; Ehat did the internet sayB
'andidate ; The internet said, -This company is a futures company. et up in
789? and it deals with stocks and foreign e1change. The head office
is in ingapore and have "ranches all around the world. ItGs a fast
growing since it gives the customers "ig advantage.
Interviewer ; ThatGs true, Ms. $essyca. &ut this not the only company which deals
with stocks and foreign e1change. o why do you apply and to work
for this companyB
'andidate ; From what I know, this is the "iggest futures company in Indonesia. I
"elieve that "eing the "iggest, you will need people with attitude and
those who are willing to work in team. Dou have a lot of "ig things to
"e accomplished. Must "e very challenging to "e a part of your team.
!oint To 5iscuss;
Dou can learn a"out the company you are interested in via the internet 2engines;,, Eise),, etc.3 or through newspapers,
maga,ines, and "ooks 2EA, #ntrepreneur, &ank info, Financial Times, and &usiness
Things we need to convey;
These types of companies.
Ehen will they stand.
!roducts F services as what they produce.
.ocation of company "ranches.
Ehat makes them successful.
Things do not need to "e su"mitted;
5o peaking a"out the weaknesses of the company.
5o not talk a"out ethnicity, race and religion you profess.
5o not talk a"out politics if you do not apply to political institutions.
C. 'areer %"=ective *uestions
'areer o"=ective is what you want in life career you.They want to know if you are
someone who has a specific target in the career "ecause they assume that people who have
more targets will generate for the company and have high morale so that it can "e easier to
work with, more productive and more en=oya"le.
Interviewer ; %k thenHMs. $essyca, what is your o"=ective for your careerB
'andidate ; IGd like to give my contri"ution and to add good values to the
company I am working for. IGve always thought, -DouGll get what
you put in./
Interviewer ; ThatGs a mature answer Ms. $essyca.
'andidate ; Thank you, ir.
Interviewer ; &ut it does not answer my 4uestion. Anyway, if we hire you how
long will you work for usB
'andidate ; I always want to work at this company. o I will work at this
company as long as we "oth have mutual achievement.
Interviewer ; #1plain to us what you will give to this company.
'andidate ; I learnt that team work is not only for the people in the same level or
in the same department. o IGll make the team work as a company
team. ince I am good in managing people and making close relation
towards other employees, I am sure that I can create a company team.
Interviewer ; Good to hear it from a young girl like you, Miss. o tell me what you
should have to achieve your goalB
'andidate ; To achieve my goal, self0determination is really important. If you
want something then you have to try to get it and give all that you
!oint To 5iscuss;
Tell them that you will give you slight positive value for the work that you can. Ee
recommend that once you reveal a common thing, you "egin to reveal specific things in
accordance with what you want to do.
:. *uestions A"out Eorking #1perience
In this section, I will only write a"out the e1perience of working for you who do not
have e1perience working with an agency official, as an intern, a teaching assistant or la",
keep the family0owned store, or =ust help in an organi,ation, etc..
Interviewer ; I read from your 'I that you are a fresh graduate, Ms. $essyca.
'andidate ; Des, I am, ir.
Interviewer ; 5id you have any e1perience =o" "eforeB
'andidate ; Des, ir. I "ecame a teacher in my =unior high school as an #nglish
and Math teacher for free school in that school.
Interviewer ; (ave you ever had difficulty with your headmaster or instructor
"eforeB (ow did you solve the conflictB
'andidate ; Actually, I didnGt have any difficulties when I "ecame a teacher in
that school.
Interviewer ; 6eallyHB
'andidate ; &ut I had a pro"lem with my students. I had a little "it difficulte to
teach them "ecause they were an urchin. o they had a pro"lem with
their attitude. I tried to "ecome their friend to "e closer with them and
then I could teached them easly.
Interviewer ; Then, could they take the lessonsB
'andidate ; Des, they could take slowly.
Interviewer ; Eas your headmaster satiefied with the resultB
'andidate ; Des, ir. (e was proud of my effort.
!oint To 5iscuss;
Eork e1perience does not mean you paid e1perience. May"e you've apprenticeship and
training when your college or school. #1perience working with other people is one of the
added value for you.
<. *uestions %n A"ilities M Achievements
In a =o" interview, sometimes we also have to reveal your own weaknesses. It was not
a "ig pro"lem, "ecause every human "eing has a weakness .. The interviewer wants to know
is whether this deficiency would interfere with your work and the e1tent to which you can
turn that weakness into a strength. For e1ample, you people are hard to understand, how it
can "e a strengthB If you are difficult to understand and you are trying to understand and dig
deeper you will generally "e more diligent and the result will "e more o"servant.
5o you not have any work e1perienceB It is at once the strength of weakness, "ecause
someone who has not had work e1perience easily trained. In contrast to those who have work
e1perience and have "een doing his =o" according their ha"its. Eeakness or strength,
depending on how you use it.
(ow do you know your weaknessesB 5are you e1amine yourself weaknessesB Ask the
people closest to you who know more a"out you, they would tell the truth.
Interviewer ; %k, let me tell you a"out the =o" descri"tions first. As an accountant
you must entry the data transactions in the right post. Dou must work
accurately. Dou will have many responsi"ilities to many department
so you will have one assistant to help you.
'andidate ; Des, ir. IGm well0e1perienced with those tasks.
Interviewer ; IGm glad to hear that. o IGm sure that you are familiar with this =o".
)ow tell me a story that shows your strengthB
'andidate ; Then was a day when my lecturer gave me a pile of task to do, and I
had to finish it that day. The tasks were making A papers and one
financial report.
Interviewer ; (ow did you handle thatB
'andidate ; Things that I have learnt from my last =o"s were "eing organi,ed in
time and the tasks. I distinguished "etween the most important tasks
and the least one.
Interviewer ; 5id you finish all the tasksB
'andidate ; Des, ir. #ven though I had to miss my lunch for the retype tasks.
Interviewer ; ohH I hope you didnGt get ill "ecause of that.
'andidate ; )o, ir. ItGs not everyday.
Interviewer ; Ehat makes you different from the other applicants, Ms. $essycaB
'andidate ; I donGt know a"out the other applicants, "ut I meet all the
re4uirements you have asked, and IGm ready to take order and advice
from you.
Interviewer ; I wonder, do have any weeknessB
'andidate ; MmmH I donGt think that I have any weaknesses in this =o". May"e
my only weekness was that I couldnGt stop until I have finished it.
That way IGm forced to organi,e the time and the tasks.
!oint To 5iscuss;
In e1pressing your power, you need to identify and reveal things that relate to the
type of =o" you are applying. The thing to remem"er is, @There in no need to "e
arrogantN &e polite @. Dou do not need to say that you are the "est candidate and has a
perfect skill in such work. Dou simply show that you have what they need, a serious
attitude in work and ready to accept peker=aan.ada three things you need to convey,
such as;
@Des, I am a"le to work under pressure.@
@It makes me work harder.@
@I can avoid it "ecause I had a good time management.@
5o not hesitate to convey that your success is thanks to the contri"ution of your team.
%ne plus again "e etched into the minds of the interviewer team, namely @Teamwork
J. *uestions %n The !osition &eing Applied
Ee arrived almost at the end of an interview that re4uires you to answer foresight. (ere you
will learn a"out your work. Most of the considerations made "y the company that is
interviewing you will end up here, whether or not you will fit the =o" and the environment
that will "e your field. After that, we will discuss the salary issue.
Interviewer ; Ehat is your ideal =o"B
'andidate ; ItGs "een my dream to "ecome an accountant. And "eing a good
accountant is something that anyone can "e proud of, and especially
for the company that IGll =oin will "e satisfied with my =o".
Interviewer ; Are you interested in a fill time or part0time =o"B
'andidate ; #ither is fine with me.
Interviewer ; 5o you like to work alone on in a teamB
'andidate ; I can do "oth. I en=oy "oth "ut it all depends on what I do. I usually
need time "y myself to calculate, to plan, and to analy,e things. &ut
afterwards, IGd "e ready to discuss things with others.
Interviewer ; (ow long do you want to workB
'andidate ; First, I would "e very happy if I could work here. I am going to work
here as long as we "oth have a good mutualism relationship.
Interviewer ; Ehy do you want this =o"B
'andidate ; This is a perfect =o" for me. I have passion for it, so things "ecome
easier for me, even if you have different styles from what IGm doing
now. That is a start. Ehen I know what I do, I will like it, I will "e
improving fast, and this will give you "enefit. I donGt have to "other
my colleagues a lot, either. This way they will like me, and why we
like each others, things will get easier for the whole team. Tasks will
get more interesting.
!oint To 5iscuss;
Generally at this stage, you "etter tell specific things you can do in the near future, "etter for
the price and for your own company. &e carefulN May"e you'll get a trick 4uestion. .ook at
the work that meets these demands are applying, whether inclined to team work or notB 5o
not show your weakness that you can not work alone or work together with other people. ay
when you have to work alone and when you have to work with the team.
There are two things that you should "e pointed out, namely;
Dou have the skillsN
Dou have the spiritN
9. *uestions %n alary
'onsideration of salary is not only seen from your a"ility, "ut also the a"ility of the
market price that you have. Factors affecting the standard of which is given "y the standard
of government and owned "y the company itself. Another factor that may have contri"uted to
the @price@ of your "usiness is the trend of today.
Interviewer ; Tell me how much do you want for your salaryB
'andidate ; !erhaps you could help me on this. (ow much salary that is
appropriate with my e1pertiseB
Interviewer ; %k, for your position we give 6p ?,: million monthly.
'andidate ; I love this =o" and I have skills to do the =o" well. o, I think I need
to have more on the salary. hall we have a talk on thisB
Interviewer ; %f course, Ms. $essyca. (ow much salary that you e1pectB
'andidate ; I was e1pecting 6p A million monthly.
Interviewer ; Fine with me, for a start we can have you take that 6p A million per
month. And "elieve me, IGm e1pecting your capa"ilities in return.
'andidate ; Dou have my promise..
!oint To 5iscuss;
&eyond these factors, we canGt avoid the presence of rat0average standard of wages. &ut
often times we do not have information how much the salary range that can "e o"tained for
the work we do. Iulnera"le salary can "e seen from the standard of government salaries,
standard of regions, as well as of the award you ever got "efore. 'onducting salary surveys
"efore the interview can help you get a lot of picture of vulnera"le salary you re4uested.
2+4 Pro-e/ures A"/ E!i3ue!!e )" )"!er1ie2s
)oteworthy in the interview are;
#ti4uette and #thics.O manners and eti4uette we confront the person interviewing you.
It is also synonymous with our morals. If we have the manners and morals then we
will "e hated "y a lot of people and easy to work with in a company. In this ethic you
have to know the words or deeds done something inappropriate. o in your
interactions do not offend other people.
!roviding an answer or an e1planation of each 4uestion with an honest, solid and
clear. 5o not give a convoluted e1planation. In case you do not know the answer you
should "e honest to the giver of the interview. And to say sorry to them that you did
not know the pro"lem.
!refera"ly you are looking for general information a"out the company is going to
interview you serve targeted. uppose a company produces whatB Eho heads the
companyB etc.. +sually these things are asked in the interview. (opefully you have a
clear reference that one of the employees or the management company you already
Maintain courtesy and ask permission "efore you,.. for e1ample, wants to enter the
room or sit in a chair that has "een provided. 2related to num"ers; 73

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