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Comprender textos en ingles
Instructor: Javier Mauricio Urrea
Date: 21
April 2014
TOPIC: Product W2, a woker profile.

Describe a pyme worker:

Think about his or her profile. Establish a type of worker you want to have for your company:

1. First find words of the job you are looking for and make a list, check the words and
memorize them:
VOCABULARY: duties, functions.
Assemble, package a product, picking and
packing customer order, stock shelves,
assist in shipping and in receiving

2. Look for the pronunciation and meaning:
Assemble: ensamblar
Package: empacar

3. Find an image for the activity.

4. Next describe the characteristic of a person who does this type of job; color the adjectives
in red and the nouns in blue.

The person is detail-oriented.

This person is concentrated.

She focus attention.

She has math skills.

She is sociable.

1. First find words of the job you are looking for and make a list, check the words and
memorize them:
VOCABULARY: duties, functions.
Design pictures of the company, creating
advertising campaigns, create internal
decoration of the company.

2. Look for the pronunciation and meaning:
Design: disaing: disenar
Pictures : pictuars: imagenes
Creating: crieting: crear
Advertising: advertisaing: publicitaria
Campaigns: campaingns: campaas
Decoration: decorecion: decoracion

The person is detail-oriented.

This person is concentrated.

He focus attention.

He has math skills.

He is sociable.

He is very creative

He has many ideas

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