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Kylie Gines
Contact Me
Kylie Gines
129 Viking Drive Apt. 304 Rexburg, Idaho 83440
Table of Contents
Event Ad
Business card
Indesign Flyer
Web Design
Description: Inspirational poster created as a
montage using multiple images and a quote.
Programs Used: Photoshop and Illustrator
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Objective: Blend two or more quality pictures
together using masks in photoshop.
Process ( Tools, Skills): First I found a quote
and then searched for pictures online that
would fit well with it. Then I uploaded the
images in Adobe Photoshop. I used masks to
make the images fade into one another. I added
the quote over the image and changed it to
an overlay. I added drop shadows to each of
the text items (quote and quote attribution).
I changed the color of the image of the girl so
it would blend better with the background images.
Event Ad
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Description: A full-bleed event ad made
to promote a fundraiser using only
Microsoft Word and a scanned image.
Programs Used: Photoshop, Illustrator.
Objective: Comprehend Image sizing, learn
how to scan an image and import a high-quality
image and create a full bleed design.
Process (Tools, skills): I searched for an image
in a magazine and scanned it to my flash
drive. Then I sketched up some possible flier
ideas and used Microsoft Word to create and
carry out those ideas. I organized text boxes
and rectangles with the scanned image and
layered them over one another.
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Description: Three different logos for
the same company.
Programs Used: Illustrator
Objective: Create three completely different,
original logos to fit a company or personal
image that will appeal to the audience.
Process (Tools, skills): First I looked at
images of ladybugs using Pinterest and
just a simple google image and I started
sketching the ones that I liked. I sketched
up a bunch of different logo designs and
design my favorite three on Adobe Illustrator.
I used the elipse tool to make the shapes of
the lady bugs, which I used in all three designs.
I also used the pen tool to draw the heart
on the second design. On the first design
used text and a circle. On the second design
I used the Elipse and anchor points tool.
The Third logo I used the elipse tool and line tool.
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Description: Matching letterhead
and business card designed for a
business using a personally
designed logo.
Programs Used: Illustrator and InDesign
Objective: Use the basic tools in both InDesign
and Illustrator to create a new logo and use
that logo on a stationary.
Process (Tools, skills): I used the ellipse and
type tools in Adobe Illustrator to create my
logo. I drew all of the images with the pen tool
and manipulated the type with the use of
outlines to fit it together. I then placed the
logo on documents in InDesign, which I used
to create the letterhead and business card.
There was a link from Illustrator to InDesign
for the logo and images, so I changed my logo
and images as I needed to in Illustrator to fit
to my design and updated the link in InDesign.
Business Card
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Description: Matching letterhead
and business card designed for a
business using a personally
designed logo.
Programs Used: Illustrator and InDesign
Objective: Use the basic tools in both InDesign
and Illustrator to create a new logo and use
that logo on a stationary.
Process (Tools, skills): I used the ellipse and
type tools in Adobe Illustrator to create my
logo. I drew all of the images with the pen tool
and manipulated the type with the use of
outlines to fit it together. I then placed the
logo on documents in InDesign, which I used
to create the letterhead and business card.
There was a link from Illustrator to InDesign
for the logo and images, so I changed my logo
and images as I needed to in Illustrator to fit
to my design and updated the link in InDesign
InDesign Flier
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Description: This is a black and white flier
to promote a leadership conference for
college graduates.
Programs Used: InDesign
Objective: Apply the design principles and
use appropriate typography. Also incorporate
basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout.
Process (Tools, skills): irst I sketched some
possible layouts for the flier. Then I went onto
InDesign and started mapping out the flier.
I then made sure that the title and the body
copy typefaces were good together, and that
the title was bold and threw the message out
there for the audience. I then made sure the
logo was there but not a huge prominent
element on the page. I was given the image,
logo and content for the flier.
Web Design
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Programs Used: Notepad++ and Photoshop
Objective: Size and optimize an original logo
as a .png for a web page so the long side is
300 500 pixels. Write content to describe
the process of creating your logo and how
it appeals to a target audience. Design a
web page using HTML to display the logo
and content.
Process (Tools, skills): I created this web page
using only notepad++. I learned the correct
codes for HTML and CSS so I could place the
text and images where I want them and format
the page. I used Photoshop to find the hex
codes for the colors that I needed by using
the eyedropper tool. Then I used CSS to style
the page, to format the text font and alignment
as well as the image placement.
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Description: A double sided brochure with
two panels on front, three sections on the
inside, and one section on the back.
Programs Used: Illustrator and Indesign
Objective: Set up and align a two-sided, folded
document. Create an original company logo
and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality
images. (Incorporate at least four quality images
(Not including the logo). One should be clipped in
Photoshop and text-wrapped in InDesign so
the text follows the cutout shape of the image.
Process (Tools, skills): I have made many logos
this semester for a potential photography
business called Lovebug Photography. I wanted
to make a brochure for this company and give
all the information on the business and services
they provide. I made sure that all of the sides
were used and the elements on the page went
well together. I used a very simple text to tie
the message all together throughout the brochure.
Comm 130 Section 3
Instructor: Brother Cory Kerr
Description: Demonstrate good
photography through image editing
skills and incorporate an original
photo into a poster with a designated
color scheme.
Programs Used: Photoshop, and Word
Objective: Learn basic photography skills.
Use a color scheme to bring the picture and
message together.
Process (Tools, skills): First I needed to
pick a color scheme, I had seen some
flowers in the gardens the day before
and the colors of the flowers together
posed a great color scheme. I originally
had a different triadic color scheme with
light pale colors and every time I showed it
to someone they always said it reminded
them of Easter, and i didnt want that. So
I changed the colors a bit, but stuck with
the triadic. My roommate had a canon rebel
and was kind enough to let me use it. She
taught me the basics of the camera and then
let me loose. Then I uploaded and edited them
on Adobe Photoshop. From those photos I chose
my favorite, those flowers I originally had seen.

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