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by J ack Tips, ND, PhD, CCN, CHom
Presented at:
Systemic Skyline Seminar
J uly 26-28, 2001
Park City, Utah
You can master vibrant health with the
Insights on the Liver Triad,
the Legacy of Dr. Alexander Stuart Wheelwright.
2001 by Apple-A-Day Press.
Excerpts reprinted from Your Liver Your Lifeline by permission.
Table of Contents
The Healing Triad ....................................................................................7
Back to the Basics ..................................................................................8
The Toxic Stress Cycle ...........................................................................9
Total Digestive Mastery
Step One to Correct the Toxic Stress Cycle.......................................10
The Pancreas - Two Organs in One ................................................................ 10
Food Combining and The Pancreas ............................................................... 11
The Pancreas Link to Disease ......................................................................... 11
Protocol for Hypertension ............................................................................... 12
Protocol for Elevated Cholesterol ................................................................... 12
Protocol for Stroke, post occurrence .............................................................. 12
Protocol for Heart / Cardiovascular Disease ................................................... 12
Symptoms of Pancreatic Insufficiency ............................................................ 12
Protocol for Pancreatic Insufficiency .............................................................. 13
Hypoglycemia: Low Blood Sugar Conditions ................................................. 13
Hypoglycemia Questionnaire .......................................................................... 13
Protocol for Hypoglycemia ............................................................................. 14
HyperglycemiaHigh Blood Sugar Conditions .............................................. 14
Hyperglycemia Questionnaire ......................................................................... 15
Protocol for Hyperglycemia............................................................................. 15
Do Pancreatic Enzymes Function Beyond the Digestive System? ................. 16
Parasites, Candida and the Pancreas ............................................................. 16
Protocol for Worm Parasites, hook worm,
tape worm, round worm, pin worm, etc. ...................................................... 17
Protocol for Micro-Parasites
(any G.I. tract based microscopic parasite) ................................................. 17
Protocol for Traveling Parasites (Flukes, Giardia, etc) .................................... 17
Protocol for Blood Traveling Parasites (Microfilaria, Amoeba, etc.)................ 17
Protocol for Gastritis: ...................................................................................... 17
Protocol for Candida ....................................................................................... 17
Food Allergies and the Pancreas .................................................................... 18
Protocol for Food Allergies .............................................................................. 18
Total Intestine Mastery
Step Two to Correct the Toxic Stress Cycle.......................................19
The Colons Function ...................................................................................... 20
The Colon as a Source of Disease .................................................................. 21
Colon Symptoms ............................................................................................ 22
Self Test for Colon Toxicity .............................................................................. 23
Total Intestinal Mastery Program .................................................................... 23
Protocol for Basic Bowel Improvement .......................................................... 23
Arthritis starts in the Intestines ........................................................................ 24
Protocol for Arthritis, Rheumatoid .................................................................. 25
Diabetes linked to the intestines ..................................................................... 25
Leaky Gut Syndrome ...................................................................................... 25
Nutrients to Heal a Leaky Gut ......................................................................... 26
Protocol for Leaky Gut Syndrome ................................................................... 27
Protocol for Asthma ........................................................................................ 27
Protocol for Psoriasis and Eczema ................................................................. 27
Protocol for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ......................................................... 27
Total Liver Mastery
Step Three To Correct The Toxic Stress Cycle...................................28
The Livers Vital Influence ................................................................................ 28
Detoxification: Your Personal Environmental Agency ..................................... 30
Liver Toxicity Questionnaire ............................................................................ 34
An Herbal Breakthrough.................................................................................. 34
The Basic Liver Triad Program ........................................................................ 38
The Liver Lifeline Program .............................................................................. 38
Protocol for Hepatitis C Concerns .................................................................. 38
Accell (Total Mastery Blend).................................................................39
Rice Protein Nutrient Analysis ......................................................................... 39
Appendix: Accell (Total Mastery Blend) .............................................. 42
The Healing Triad
Dr. A.S. Wheelwright taught that the foundation of our health rested on three
pillars - Digestion, Elimination, and Liver function. This is the famous Liver Triad or
Healing Triad that involves the Stomach /Pancreas/Small Intestines (Digestion);
the Colon (Elimination); and the Liver (Detoxification, Metabolic Regulation). The
book, Your Liver Your Lifeline (Tips, 1986) discusses this Liver Triad in detail.
These three pillars are the foundation of our health. If any pillar is weak, shaky or
broken, then our health is not supported, disease is the result, and our health
comes crashing down.
When energy is less than optimal or there is a symptom of pain, people often turn
to a Natural Health Practitioner for help in restoring their most precious gift their
health. It is the Natural Health Practitioner who has the insights to restore the
foundation of health. It is unfortunate when practitioners forget about the basics
and spend their patients time and money pursuing the patients symptoms without
first addressing the foundation. This is like putting a new roof on a house that sits
on a shifting foundation. Its only a matter of time before the roof cracks again.
Remember, health is not everything; but everything is
nothing without health!
Dr. Bernard Jensen
Back to the Basics
Often in natural health, its the basic knowledge and fundamental programs that
are the basis for our patients successes in overcoming very serious health con-
cerns. It is always a big mistake to overlook the basic programs that establish the
foundation of health. Yet, most practitioners today do overlook the basics in their
search for deeper issues and therapies.
Why is it easy to overlook the obvious? In the Nutrition field, there is so much to
know, and so many fascinating theories, practitioners often forget or skip over the
simplicities upon which our craft is based. In the perpetual quest for more knowl-
edge and more sophisticated treatments, the basics can be forgotten and effec-
tiveness decrease.
A practitioner who is a master of the basics, is a master of healing. This is one of
the many strengths of Systemic Formulas. The Systemic herbal formulas provide
the balanced base of tissue support upon which we can build both simple and
comprehensive programs to restore health and optimal tissue function.
Thus, an easily observable pattern arises. When the Systemic Formulas are ap-
plied as the basic nutritional and tissue support, results are quicker, more lasting,
and more effective. When the Systemic base is forgotten or overlooked, the com-
plete healing results we and our patients desire are less likely to occur. Further,
when the fundamental foundation of health and the primary cause of symptoms is
neglected, the true cure cannot be realized.
Naturopathic medicine is really a back to the basics movement. Because the
ailing body has drifted away from its basic, inherent balance, symptoms occur. So
often, the obsessive focus on minutia causes us to overlook the simple and the
obvious. Such is the case when practitioners neglect the Healing Triad in their
The Toxic Stress Cycle
Dr. Wheelwright taught that weaknesses with the Stomach, Intestines, and Liver
were the anchor in the Toxic Stress Cycle - the domino effect of how toxicity and
stress affects the entirety of a persons health. The Liver Triad support provided by
the appropriate Systemic Formulas is the way to break this self-feeding cause of
degenerative diseases. The book, Your Liver Your Lifeline goes into detail re-
garding the toxic stress cycle and how to break it.
A Typical Toxic Stress Cycle in the Human Body
Systemic Formulas is pleased to present TOTAL MASTERY of the number one
cause of health misery in the world. When a persons Digestion is good and the
proper foods are eaten, the dietary foundation of optimal health is established.
When the Intestines function properly the person can absorb their nutrition, and
when the Bowel is not plagued by toxic debris and harmful bacteria, the person is
free of the cesspool breeding ground of disease. When the liver is freed from both
digestive stress and bowel stress, it can better perform its vital detoxification pro-
cesses that separate people from diseases such as cancer, heart and cardiovas-
cular disease.
Systemic Formulas provides the practitioner TOTAL MASTERY over these three
key systems that comprise the Healing Triad.
Total Digestive Mastery
Step One to Correct the Toxic Stress Cycle
Doc Wheelwright used to say, Poor health starts on your plate. Here he was refer-
ring to the poor foods and food choices that people based their nutrition on. The
book, The Pro-Vita! Plan for Optimal
Nutrition (Tips, 1987), and its tangent-
s equel The Weight Is Over (Tips ,
1999), delve into the optimal diet for
optimal health.
Beyond the dietary principles that
form the bas is of our nutritional
health, Systemic Formulas provides
unsurpassed restorative formulas for
the Digestive processes D (Diges-
tive), Ds (Digestive Stimulant), P (Pan-
creas), and Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer).
Of paramount importance to the di-
gestive system is pancreatic function.
For the past 120 years, the pancreas
has been under attack by the post in-
dustrial revolution refining of sugar and
grains. Lets take a brief look at the
pancreas and the leverage pancreas
support provides over some of the
chief health complaints people have
Dr. Wheelwright taught that reduced
or poor digestion, or anything that in-
terferes with proper digestion, was STEP ONE of the TOXIC STRESS CYCLE, or
the domino effect of how chronic degeneration of health begins.
The Pancreas - Two Organs in One
The pancreas is a banana-shaped organ located below the stomach with most of
it to the left of midline. It is an organ with responsibilities to two major systems: the
digestive and the endocrine.
In its digestive capacity, the pancreas
produces enzymes for the break
down and absorption of food. In its
endocrine function; the pancreas pro-
duces hormones such as insulin and
glucagon that have regulatory power
over blood sugar, fat storage, and in-
flammatory processes.
The pancreas secretes over a liter of
pancreatic juices into the small intestine daily. This flood of fluid contains the en-
zymes that break down food molecules for absorption into the blood stream. These
enzymes digest all three macronutrient categories and include:
Amalases for carbohydrate (starch/sugar) digestion
Proteases for protein digestion
Lipases for fat digestion
Amalase is a class of enzymes that is also secreted by the salivary glands to ini-
tiate carbohydrate digestion. Then, later, the pancreas can help finish the job on
the more complex carbohydrate molecules.
Proteases produced by the pancreas include carboxypeptidase, trypsin, and chy-
motrypsin. These enzymes complete the complex break down of proteins that
began with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to small-molecule amino acids that
the body can actually use at the cellular level.
Pancreatic lipases work with the liver/gall bladders bile to manage fats. Without
good fat digestion, the body is unable to absorb the critical essential fatty acids
needed for good health.
For its endocrine responsibilities, the pancreas secretes insulin to lower elevated
glucose (blood sugar), and glucagon to prevent glucose from falling too low, and
somatastatin that helps regulate digestive enzymes.
The hormones insulin and glucagon play other important metabolic roles such as
fat storage and fat burning as well as a role in inflammatory processes. The pan-
creatic hormones exert a deeply profound regulatory control over many body pro-
cesses. Thus, an imbalance in the pancreatic hormones is responsible for many of
the diverse symptoms and diseases affecting millions of people.
Food Combining and The Pancreas
The basis for food combining rests on the fact that the different pancreatic diges-
tive enzymes do not work at the same pH (acidity/alkalinity), and the theory that
the pancreas will produce the easier enzyme, amalase, to the exclusion of pro-
tease and lipase when the digestive signal shows a lot of carbohydrate in the diet.
The key here is protein digestion. Carbohydrate and fat digestion have back up
systems from other organs. But protein digestion is dependent on hydrochloric
acid in the stomach initiating the release of protease enzymes from the pancreas.
The protease enzymes do not have a back up system. Thus, protecting this sys-
tem and keeping it functioning optimally is essential to good health.
While the validity of this concept is passionately debated, it cannot be denied that
people following the diet book The Pro-Vita! Plan for Optimal Nutrition and the
principles set forth by Dr. Wheelwright, reap tremendous benefits when they sepa-
rate concentrated proteins from concentrated starches and allow the pancreatic
enzymes to work more efficiently.
The Pancreas Link to Disease
Many peoples pancreases show the signs of stress (overwork) and the result is
lower production of enzymes. This lower production sets off a chain of events that
leads to many other symptoms and health conditions.
In Nature, the body would not be exposed to refined sugars that demand instant
response from the pancreas. Instead, the diet would contain complex carbohy-
drates, ones that take longer to digest. Yet today, people often start their day with
soda pop, donuts, sugared breakfast cereals, sugared coffee, and pancakes. These
foods contain refined sugars and cause the metabolism to burn jet fuel . This
creates a lot of work for the pancreas not only in its enzyme activities, but also in
its endocrine function of insulin production.
Thus , the average diet contains many elements that tax the pancreas .
Not only as a digestive organ by the lack of enzymes in the diet, but as an endo-
crine organ with the perpetual demand for insulin to counter the sugars introduced
into the blood stream.
This is the beginning of many diseases classified as Syndrome X or Metabolic
Obesity and includes Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, El-
evated Cholesterol, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and Obesity.
Protocol for Hypertension
Before Breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in 6 oz. water, 2 Hcv, 2 Ks
With each meal: 2 Ps, 1 P, 1 Min, 1 EZV, 3 Nutri-Fiber
Protocol for Elevated Cholesterol
Before Breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in 6 oz. water, 2 BFO, 2 Hcv
With each meal: 2 Ps, 1 P, 1 EZV, 2 LEV, 2 Lb, 3 Nutri-Fiber
Before bed: 2 D (away from food)
Protocol for Stroke, post occurrence
Before Breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in 6 oz. water
With each meal: 2 Ps, 2 LEV, 2 FLX
Mid Morning & Mid Afternoon: 2 B, 2 I, 2 OXCC, 2 Hcv, 2 #6 (Healer)
Protocol for Heart / Cardiovascular Disease
Before Breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in 6 oz. water, 2 LEV, 2 FLX
With each meal: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 2 Hcv, 1 H, 1 #6,1 EZV, 2 Ps
Mid Afternoon: 2 Tbsp. ACCELL in 6 oz. water, 2 LEV, 2 FLX
Before Bed: 2 D (away from food)
Symptoms of Pancreatic I nsufficiency
When does the pancreas become insufficient? This will vary with each individual
and her or his genetics. Just like mileage on a car the life of the pancreas de-
pends on the driver, how well it was built, how hard it is used, the terrain, the fuel,
and the maintenance.
For the clinician, there are many ways to gain insight to the condition of the
1. Lab tests include comprehensive digestive/stool analysis for the enzyme
functions, and diabetes/hypoglycemia glucose blood tests for the endocrine
2. Systemic Healthware Pro, the software program that analyzes symptoms by
questionnaire is designed to pick up pancreatic stress. [Available from
Systemic Formulas.]
3. Dr. Wheelwright taught that pancreas stress could be quickly detected in the
sclera (white of the eyes) by the formation of a red line in a certain zone. [For
information about the Sclerology Certification Course contact the Interna-
tional Sclerology Institute, 512.328.3996.]
4. Kinesiologists and electro-acupuncturists have developed the ability to
determine digestive and endocrine pancreatic stress.
5. Included here are self-test questionnaires that practitioners can give their
clients to screen for pancreatic problems.
Protocol for Pancreatic Insufficiency
Early in the day: 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer), 2 scoops ACCELL in 6 oz water.
With each meal: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 2 P (Pancreas), 1 #2 Builder)
Hypoglycemia: Low Blood Sugar Conditions
Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is indicative of a weak and over-reactive pan-
creas. It is diagnosed by a medical test known as a Glucose Tolerance Test. The
test is rough on people with hypoglycemia because, after fasting, they must drink
sugar syrup with artificial food coloring in it to challenge their glucose metabolism.
Although the following questionnaire is not diagnostic, it is accurate in showing if
a person has a tendency toward hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemia Questionnaire
Condition Y or N
1. Crave sweets _______
2. Anxious edge to personality, nervous _______
3. Sleepy shortly after a meal _______
4. Pulse races after eating sweets _______
5. Vision fades when standing up suddenly, dizziness _______
6. Eating starch or sweets relieves headaches _______
7. Irritable, jittery, shaky, if meal is missed _______
8. Appetite increased, frequently hungry _______
9. Calmer after eating _______
10. High carbohydrate diet (vegetarian, low protein) _______
11. Forgetful, weak memory _______
12. Restless mind, poor concentration _______
13. Hungry 1-3 hours after a meal _______
14. Falls asleep easily if activities stop during day, drowsiness _______
15. Fatigue is a chief complaint _______
16. History of low thyroid _______
17. High stress lifestyle for extended periods (worry a lot) _______
18. Wakes at night to eat _______
19. Desires sweets right after eating _______
20. Heart palpitations after eating sweets _______
21. Needs caffeine to get day underway _______
If you answered 3 or more Yes, there is a possibility that
hypoglycemia may be occurring.
It is interesting to note that hypoglycemia can mimic depression. Here is a list of
mental and emotional states often associated with depression that are also key
indicators of hypoglycemia:
Apathy Forgetfulness Moodiness
Appetite loss Headaches Nervousness
Crying easily Heart irregularities Sadness
Detached, disconnected Irritability Speech difficulties
Disorientation Judgement poor Suicidal thoughts
Dizziness Low or absent libido Vision, Blurred
Exhaustion Memory poor Weakness
Fatigue Mental confusion Worry, excessive
Protocol for Hypoglycemia
Before Breakfast: 2 scoops ACCEL (Master Blend) in 6 oz water,
With Breakfast: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer), 2 P (Pancreas)
With Lunch: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 2 Ga (Adrenal), 2 Gf (Thyoid)
With Supper: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 2 Pancreas Stabilizer 2 P (Pancreas),
Often helpful is the Ls Liver Stimulant formula.
HyperglycemiaHigh Blood Sugar Conditions
Hypoglycemia is the forerunner of Diabetes (Hyperglycemia.) It is the first, early
warning symptom that the glucose metabolism system is under dietary stress.
How fast will a person with hypoglycemia develop diabetes? Factors determining
how fast hypoglycemia may develop into hyperglycemia include:
the rate at which sugars and starches are consumed in the diet (how
often the pancreas is shocked with a rush of sugar,)
the rate at which the three other hormones that play a role in glu-
cose metabolism (glucagon, human growth hormone, cortisol) be-
come ineffective or over-dominant, and
a persons genetics.
As the hypoglycemic problem continues over time, the pancreas exhausts itself
and cannot produce insulin, blood sugar rises too high and spills out in the urine.
There are other reasons for pancreatic failure to secrete insulin, including genetics
and viral damage, but, when the pancreas cannot produce insulin, the disease is
called sugar diabetes, hyperglycemia, or Type I Diabetes. If the pancreas is pro-
ducing insulin, but its not enough to stimulate the cells to receive glucose, then
the blood sugar rises too high. This is called Diabetes Type II. Below is a question-
naire to determine if a person has a tendency toward the blood sugar rising too
Hyperglycemia Questionnaire
Condition Y or N
1. History of diabetes in ancestry _______
2. Night sweats _______
3. Deteriorating eyesight (rapid failing) _______
4. Craves sweets, but no relief after eating them _______
5. Increased thirst _______
6. Cuts and bruises heal slowly _______
7. Frequent infections, simple cuts easily infected _______
8. Weight gain, fat gain, over-weight _______
9. High carbohydrate, low protein diet _______
10. Passes sugar in the urine _______
11. Itchy skin, no apparent cause _______
12. Leg sores, boils, skin eruptions _______
13. Fatigue is an ongoing concern _______
14. Mental confusion _______
15. Better energy after exercise _______
If you answered 4 or more Yes, elevated blood sugar may be a
Insulin has a partner in regulating blood sugar. Its the pancreatic hormone, gluca-
gon, which prevents the blood sugar from falling too low after insulin is secreted.
Thus, insulin is the hormone that prevents hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar),
and glucagon is the hormone that prevents hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). To-
gether, they make a team of checks and balances so the blood sugar is main-
tained in the range that supports life. Too much or too little blood sugar results in
death, so the body takes the job of maintaining correct levels of blood glucose
very seriously.
A persons diet is the chief regulator of the pancreas hormones. If the diet fre-
quently forces the pancreas to secrete insulin to counter the excessive intake of
refined sugars and starches, insulin begins to dominate the metabolism. Insulin
dominance is linked with obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, edema, and
inflammatory diseases.
Thus, many people are taking drugs to lose weight, when what they need to do is
stop eating refined sugars and starches and rebuild the pancreas with formulas P
(Pancreas), Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer), and #2 (Builder).
Protocol for Hyperglycemia
Before Breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in 6 oz water, 2 Ps, 2P, 1 #5, 2 Gb
With each meal: 3 Nutri-Fiber
Mid Afternoon: 2 scoops ACCELL in 6 oz water, 2 Ps, 2P, 2 1 #5, Gb (Pituitary)
Many people are taking blood pressure medications and diuretics to control hy-
pertension. Many practitioners recommend Hcv (Heart Cardiovascular), but miss
out on the more profound effects of establishing a Pro-Vita! Plan diet along with
ACCELL, P (Pancreas) and Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer).
For swelling of the ankles, practitioners often reach for KDIR (Diuretic), but miss
the opportunity to establish the basic fundamental change that the Pro-Vita! Plan
diet and pancreas support can bring.
Finally, for the inflammatory diseases, the pancreatic enzyme family called, Pan-
creatin, holds great promise for reducing inflammation. Combined with the Pro-
Vita! Plan dietary adjustment, the pancreatin in the Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer) and D
(Digestive) formulae can start that the beginning of the immunological imbalance.
Do Pancreatic Enzymes Function Beyond the
Digestive System?
It used to be believed that digestive enzymes only functioned in the Gastro-Intes-
tinal (GI) Tract, and that belief was taught for many years. However, it is erroneous.
Beginning with Dr. Edward Howells book, Enzyme Nutrition, we now know that the
body conserves some of its precious enzymes by reabsorbing them.
Now, there are numerous studies that show oral administration of trypsin and chy-
motrypsin enter the bloodstream and eventually come back to the pancreas for
reuse. Thus, the pancreas is actually involved in a circulatory system just like the
liver/gall bladder recycles bile salts.
The pancreas secrets enzymes into the small intestine. The enzymes do their job
to digest food. Extra enzymes can be reabsorbed. These enzymes can then effect
a beneficial activity in the body such as the reduction of inflammation and the
breakdown of fatty deposits, and then work their way back to the pancreas for
another tour of duty.
Why is this so important? Because here is the basis for the effectiveness of supple-
mentation. If we provide the ailing body nutritional enzymatic support, then it not
only helps the body accomplish the digestion it needs to accomplish, but it also
gives the pancreas a rest of its enzyme bank and restoration of its function.
On this positive note of supplementation, lets look at symptoms of pancreatic
insufficiency and how herbal/enzymatic therapies can have a dramatic impact.
Parasites, Candida and the Pancreas
People who have intestinal parasites, a condition that is considered pandemic in
America and the world) have a pancreas insufficiency! Why? Because the pancre-
atic protease enzymes, as they pass through the intestines, help rid the GI Tract of
bacteria, worms, protozoa, candida and fungi.
Now, think about all the millions of dollars that American consumers have spent
buying herbs like green black-walnut, and expensive parasite cleanse programs,
and building zappers , all which have helped many people, but have never gone
back to the root-cause of the problem a protease pancreatic enzyme insuffi-
Here the wisdom of Doc Wheelwright shines. Its why he put the high level of
protease enzymes (bromelain) in the VRM-1 parasite formula along with natures
vermin-ridding herbs.
Protocol for Worm Parasites, hook worm, tape worm, round worm, pin
worm, etc.
Upon arising: 2 VRM-1, 7 drops WO in capsule
Before or with breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in water
With each meal: 2D (Digestive), 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer), 3 Nutri-Fi
Before Bed: 2 VRM-1, 7 drops WO in capsule
Follow with Pancreas Building program: Pancreatic Insufficiency Protocol.
Protocol for Micro-Parasites (any G.I. tract based microscopic parasite)
Upon arising: 2 VRM-3, 7 drops WO in capsule
Before or with breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in water
With each meal: 2 D (Digestive), 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer), 3 Nutri-Fi
Before bed: 2 VRM-3, 7 drops WO in capsule
Follow with Pancreas Building program: Pancreatic Insufficiency Protocol.
Protocol for Traveling Parasites (Flukes, Giardia, etc)
Upon arising: 3 VRM-3, 7 drops WO in capsule
Before or with breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in water
With each meal: 2 D (Digestive), 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabliizer), 3 Nutri-Fi
Before bed: 3 VRM-4, 7 drops WO in capsule
Follow with Pancreas Building program: Pancreatic insufficiency Protocol.
Protocol for Blood Traveling Parasites (Microfilaria, Amoeba, etc.)
Upon arising: 2 VRM-2, 7 drops WO in capsule, 1 VIVI, 1 BLDB
Before or with breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL in water
With each meal: 2 D (Digestive), 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer), 3 Nutri-Fi
Before bed: 2 VRM-2, 7 drops WO in capsule, 1 VIVI, 1 BLDB
Follow with Pancreas Building program: Pancreatic insufficiency Protocol.
Protocol for Gastritis:
Before breakfast: 2 scoops ACCELL, plus 2 oz. AO in 6 oz. Water,
2 #3 (Bactrex), 1 ABC
With Meals: 2 D (Digestive), 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer), 3 Nutri-Fi,
2 #3 (Bactrix), 1 GOLD
Maintain with ACCELL and Nutri-Fi Blend.
Protocol for Candida
Upon Arising: 2 scoops ACCELL in water, 1 ABC, 2 Gt (Thymus)
With each meal: 2 D (Digestive), 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabilizer), 2 #4 Corrector
Mid morning, and Before Bed: 20 drops Tai Ra Chi
The first issue with parasites is susceptibility. This means that to retain your natural
defense against parasites you must preserve your bodys natural defense mecha-
nism (protease enzymes) and maintain the proper terrain (probiotics,) and of course,
avoid detrimental foods that cause an imbalance in the terrain. This back to the
basics approach, simple as it may seem, is often more effective than the expen-
sive and sophisticated programs health professionals entertain themselves with.
The shortsighted or allopathic practitioner only focuses on how to kill or purge
parasites. The insightful practitioner focuses on the cause of the susceptibility.
Thus, with Systemic formulas, we have the ability to remove the parasites as well
as correct the terrain and restore the natural preventative mechanismprotease
enzymesby restoring pancreatic function.
Food Allergies and the Pancreas
Most food allergies are based on improper digestion. Some digestive problems
will be inherited (genetically predetermined as in hives from strawberries), but most
are acquired because of a weakening of the digestive process, or inability to pro-
cess a genetically-altered, hybridized food such as modern wheat, corn, and soy,
or a man-altered food such as milk.
Even good foods such as broccoli or carrots are become allergenic when the di-
gestive system fails to properly digest them. This is a two-fold problem. First, if a
macro-molecule of food enters the bloodstream, the immune system will attack it
because it cannot be converted to a molecule compatible or humanized with the
body. This is called the leaky gut syndrome because the intestines allowed the
large, poorly digested molecules to pass into the body. Why does this occur. Gen-
erally, the problem is blamed on micro-parasites damaging the intestinal lumen,
causing lesions that allow the macromolecule foods to bypass the intestinal villi
and absorb directly into the blood stream. Second, poorly digested foods ferment
or putrefy in the bowel inflicting a stress on the liver and poisoning the blood-
stream. Both these consequences impact the immune system.
The ACCELL formula addresses the leaky gut issue simultaneously with the diges-
tion/bowel cleansing issue.
Many great Naturopaths have claimed that all disease starts in the bowel.
Dr. Wheelwright used to say, all disease starts on the plate. He would then em-
phasize the importance of proper digestion and protection of the pancreatic en-
zymes for optimal health.
Back in 1935, research articles were published regarding the effective treatment of
food allergies with pancreatic enzymes. Something so simple does not have much
appeal for people who want to test hundreds of allergens and patients, scratch
and bleed them, and ponder the antibody response. But for the humble and in-
sightful natural health practitioners, many peoples problem is as simple as cor-
recting the diet and restoring the pancreas. Best wishes in your programming en-
Protocol for Food Allergies
Before Breakfast: 2 scoops ACCEL in water with 2 oz. AO (Aloe Vera)
With meals: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 2 Ps (Pancreas Stabliizer), 2 Ga (Adrenal),
1 CHL (Chlorophyll)
Follow with Liver Triad Program.
Total I ntestine Mastery
Step Two to Correct the Toxic Stress Cycle
Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the
intestinal system.
When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty, and so
are the organs and tissues.
It is the intestinal system that has to be cared for first
before any effective healing can take place.
Dr. Bernard Jensen
Every Natural Health Practitioner knows that bowel problems are rampant in this
world. People are eating an unnatural diet in unnatural circumstances. They are
eating synthetic foods in a rush, heedless of proper combinations and the veg-
etables that form the foundation of our intestinal health. A host of diseases and
symptoms rush forth, many which begin in the intestines and bowel. When the
Small Intestine is stressed, assimilation of nutrition is impaired resulting in ill health.
When the Colon is stressed the toxic bowel puts toxic stress directly on the liver.
The intestinal tract is teeming with life, and a war is raging between the beneficial
bacteria that protect health and the destructive bacteria that cause disease. Who
is winning the war?
If a person uses alcohol, antibiotics, sugar, soft drinks, processed foods, and par-
tially-hydrogenated oils, they are encouraging the destructive parasitic bacteria
proliferate. When this dysbiosis occurs, the entire body suffers under their toxic
wastes. According to Doc. Wheelwright, over 90% of all diseases begin in the
Thus, Stage Two of the Toxic Stress Cycle is stress in the Intestines, and most
specifically the Colon. Here are some of the disease names that all relate to intes-
tinal distress.
Allergies Fistula Leaky Gut Syndrome
Colon Food Allergies Loose stools
Colitis Hemorrhoids Parasites
Colon Cancer Indigestion Prolapsed colon
Constipation Inflammatory Bowel Spastic colon
Crohns Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ulcers
The Colon follows the Small Intestine and with that change the primary purpose of
the tissue changes. The Small Intestine is concerned primarily with Digestion and
Assimilation. The Colon is concerned primarily with water balance, detoxification,
and Elimination.
The colon is about five feel long and is comprised of three segments:
The Ascending Colon receives the food from the ileocecal valve on the right side
of the abdomen into it lower portion called the cecum where the appendix resides.
From here, the food mass, chyme, must travel upwards to the transverse colon.
The Transverse Colon runs horizontally across the abdomen beginning at the
hepatic flecture near the liver until it turns downward at the splenic flecture.
The Descending Colon runs down the left side of the abdomen to the sigmoid
colon, and rectum. Here the feces containing putrifying bacteria and waste prod-
ucts is held pending convenient evacuation.
The Colons Function
The Colon serves three primary functions. 1) It is the bodys final management of
water balance in the body, 2) serves to detoxify the blood and lymph, and 3) elimi-
nates waste products from the body-system.
When digested food enters
the colon, it is in a simi liquid
state. This chyme consists of
undigested foods and secre-
tions from the liver, gall blad-
der, pancreas, small intes-
tines , and water. In the
cecum, the body will with-
draw precious water to be
used in other areas of the
Bacteria that dwell here take
over to process the chyme to
derive further value from the
food and complete digestion
of the material. Billions of
friendly bacteria such as aci-
dophilus, bulgaricus, benefi-
cial strains of streptococcus,
and bifido bacterium synthe-
s ize valuable nutrients by
diges ting the chyme as it
becomes the fecal mas s .
Vitamin K and several B vi-
tamins are produced here. Some proteins are converted to amino acids here as
well. The colon does not secrete any digesive enzymes but utilizes the beneficial
bacteria for the job of decomposing substances. The colon does secrete an mildly
alkaline substance to provide the environment for decomposition.
The peristaltic wave of muscle contractions move the chyme matter through the
colon. During this process, the body has the ability to release toxins from the
bloodstream and the lymphatic system so they can exit the body in the fecal mat-
ter. The amount of time it takes to move the chyme into fecal matter and out of the
body is directly related to the amount of fiber in the diet. Thus constipation is often
an issue of an exhausted parastalsis and low fiber diet.
When the fecal matter arrives at the sigmoid region, it should be formed into large,
soft stools for regular and easy evacuation. Here it contains toxic waste, putrefac-
tive elements and should be discharged regularly to prevent prolonged exposure
to toxins and the resulting ill health.
The Colon as a Source of Disease
When the New York garbage strike occurred, the city soon became a true cess-
pool of rotting waste. The citys health was a major concern due to the potential
increase for the vermin that feed on waste material - cockroaches, rats, worms,
and microbes such as cholera. If the colon is underfunctioning, then the body is
subject to toxic wastes and increase in deadly microbes.
Thus the colon is a major part of the bodys sanitation department. If it is on
strike , it plays a major role in the fatigue, illnesses, mental confusion, bad breath,
stress, apathy, and countless other symptoms that are presented to the natural
health practitioner.
When a person claims to eat well, take supplements, exercise, and yet feels tired;
there is often a condition called auto-intoxication . Dr. Bernard Jensen wrote:
. . . the result of faulty bowel functioning which produces undesirable conse-
quences in the body and is the root cause of many of todays diseases and
illnesses. Auto-intoxication simply means that people are living in their fecal matter.
In his writings on the colon, Dr. Wheelwright cited the pioneering work of Dr. Harvey
Kellogg who stated, Of the 22,000 operations I have personally performed, I never
found a single normal colon and of the 100,000 performed under my jurisdiction,
not over 6% were normal.
Dr. Norman Walker, a pioneer in bowel health practices, stated: The bulk which is
so essential for the proper and complete digestion of our food is needed inn the
colon just as much as in the small intestine. When these fibers pass through the
intestines they become, figuratively speaking, highly magnetized, and in this con-
dition are very helpful in the functions involved in the various parts of the intes-
tines. In addition to receiving the residue of that part of our food which is not
digested, the colon also accommodates itself the fiber - the roughage in the
food upon which it depends for its intestinal broom. When the mineral elements
which compose the foods we eat are saturated with grease, the digestive organs
cannot process them efficiently and they are passed out of the small intestine into
the colon as debris. In addition, the body has a great deal of waste to dispose of
through the colon in the form of used up cells and tissues. When demagnetized
food passes through the body system with little or no benefit, eventually these
foods leave a coating of slime like plaster on a wall. In the course of time this
coating may gradually increase its thickness until there is only a small hole through
the center, and the matter so evacuated may contain much undigested food from
which the body derives little or no benefit. The consequent result is a starvation of
which we are not conscious but which causes old age and senility to race towards
us with the throttle wide open.
Colon Symptoms
The colon does not have many pain receptor nerve endings and can withstand
considerable abuse without causing an alarm. Thus, abnormal bowel symptoms
can develop quietly until they are further advanced. Here are some of the condi-
tions that can occur with the colon and negatively impact a persons health :
Ballooning - is a stretching of the colon. Fecal matter can back up into such an
area and poison the entire body.
Colitis - a general term referring to inflammation of the colon. It occurs when there
is a rupture of the lining or an area of impacted fecal waste that putrefies.
Crohns Disease - an auto-immune disease of unknown origin that results in a
chronic inflammation and deterioration of the intestines.
Diverticulitis - is an inflammation of small hernias in the colon. This often occurs
when the stool is too hard the prolonged forcing of the stool causes pockets to
erupt on the sides of the colon. These pockets collect fecal material that putrifies
and inflames the colon.
Diverticulosis - chronic diverticulitis. Refers to a colon marked with numerous
Prolapsus - of the transverse colon can occur when the colon sags or collapses.
This falling down can occur due to an overload of accumulated fecal matter and
the muscle tone fails. The prolapsed part will come to rest on other abdominal
organs, and can then interfere with the function of the uterus and bladder.
Spastic Colon - just like a charley horse, the overworked colon can spasm when
it over exercises and does not get rest. The spasm interferes with the parastaltic
wave and cause pain.
Stricture - is a narrowing of the colon pathway, and results in inflammation. The
feces collected in front of the stricture can develop a balloon. The colon after the
stricture can collapse and atrophy.
Total Intestinal Mastery startes with Fiber. This is provided automatically to people
who follow the diet information in The Pro-Vita! Plan for Optimal Nutrition. For
people who do not eat at diet of 75% vegetables, a fiber supplement is essential
to lower the overall toxicity of the body and protect intestinal integrity. For people
who have taken antibiotics in the past, a replacement probiotic (Formulas ABC) is
necessary to help re-inoculate the bowel with beneficial bacteria.
Self Test for Colon Toxicity
Condition Yes/No
1. Diarrhea _______
2. Recurrant infections or colds _______
3. History if kidney/bladder infections _______
4. Yeast Infections (Vaginal yeast) _______
5. Frequent abdominal cramps _______
6. Fingernail/toenail fungus _______
7. Diarrhea and constipation alternate _______
8. Chronic constipation (less than 2 BMs/day) _______
9. Used antibiotics in past year? _______
10. Meat eater and few vegetables in diet _______
11. Vision rapidly deteriorating _______
12. Stool has foul odor _______
13. Frequent gas _______
14. Restless sleep _______
15. Rectal, anal itch _______
16. Sexual dysfunction _______
17. Slow reflexes _______
18. Pain, back thighs, shoulders _______
19. Lethargy, fatigue, apathy _______
20. Numbness, tingling in hands, feet _______
21. Drink chlorinated water _______
More than 5 Yes answers is indicative of bowel toxicity concerns.
Total I ntestinal Mastery Program
Protocol for Basic Bowel Improvement
Before Breakfast: (or in lieu of breakfast) 2 scoops ACCELL, 4 Nutri-Fi, 1 ABC
With every meal: 3 - 5 Nutri-Fiber, 1 C (Colon), 1 CLR (Chlorophyll Plus), 1 FLX
Mid Afternoon: 2 scoops ACCELL, 4 Nutri-Fi
Can enhance protocol with 1 APHA with each meal.
Systemic Formulas provides mastery over many conditions such as these listed,
either preventatively or therapeutically. The program that serves as the hub of these
issues is the Total Intestinal Mastery Program.
Total Intestinal Mastery begins with
Formula C (Colon) the only for-
mula available today that addresses
the colon as a tissue both herbally
and bio-energetically. Dr. Wheel-
wright designed this formula to be
supportive of the colon as a tissue,
not just to be a mild, non-habit-
forming laxative.
Coupled with the C (Colon) Formula
new formula was designed by Drs.
Timothy Kuss and Jack Tips in the
Wheelwright tradition. It provides
the Intestines the fiber and nutrients
for proper assimilation, nourish-
ment, and cleansing.
Other formulas that support the Total Mastery of the Intestines include ACCELL
Master Blend, ABC (Acidophilus, Bifidus Complex) and CHL (Chlorophyll).
Arthritis starts in the I ntestines
Think of all the people suffering from arthritis. Think of all the people using Glu-
cosamine and Chondritin to rebuild the joints without doing anything to stop the
CAUSE of arthritis!
As natural health practitioners, we are commissioned to identify and treat the cause!
A primary cause, if not THE CAUSE, of arthritis is dysbiosis and altered bowel
anatomy. Forty-five years ago, Dr. Wheelwright taught that arthritis was primarily
an infectious disease, not strictly a metabolic disease. He found that giardia and
strept mutants were involved in the joint inflammation and subsequent deteriora-
tion of the joint by the immune system. Thus, he included factors to address those
pathogens in his ARTA formula.
But where do the infectious pathogens come from? Research continues to link
poor digestive processes, especially altered bowel anatomy and chronic patho-
logical bowel bacteria and rheumatoid arthritis. Pathogenic bacterial overgrowth
in the bowel directly leads to the formation of circulating immune complexes and
joint inflammation (synovitis). When bowel permeability is altered by chronic in-
flammation resulting in a leaky gut, it exposes the inner body to both the patho-
genic microbes (bacteria, virus, protozoa, fungus), especially Clostridium difficile,
and to macro-molecule food antigens as well. The resultant immunological con-
cern plays a direct role in the induction of arthritis via the immunological reaction
and over-reaction.
When the intestines allow pathogens and macro-molecule food particles to enter
the blood stream, the immune system must activate and fight a war. This auto-
immune-induced inflammatory process reaps destruction throughout the body and
preys on the individuals weak links the bowel, the nerves, the joints, the allergy
processes (histamine release).
The immunlogical mechanisms of rheumatoid arthritis
probably begin when antigens cross an excessively
permeabel intestinal mucosa.
Carli, P.; Press Med, 1995.
Protocol for Arthritis, Rheumatoid
Morning: 2 scoops ACCEL in 6 oz water, 2 ARTA, 1 SENG
With every meal: 3- 6 Nutri-Fiber; 2 D (Digestive), 2 Ps (Pancreas-s),
1 C (Colon), 1 CLR (Chlorophyll), 2 Mpr (Prostata/Ovata)
Mid-Afternoon: 2 scoops ACCEL in 6 oz water, 2 ARTA, 1 SENG
Before Bed: 2 VRM-2
Note: many practitioners use CAL and glusocamine/condritin with meals in
their arthritis protocols. The Mpr formula provides benefits to the synovial
fluid in the joints.
Diabetes linked to the intestines
The genetic link to Diabetes cannot be denied, but takes that genetic potential and
allows it to manifest? Some people have a high T-cell count that can attack the
tissues in an auto-immune disease state. Research presented by Hoorfar, J, et al,
Diabetes Research, 1992, implicated the immune reaction to the induction of macro-
food proteins as a cause of beta cell destruction in the pancreas. some dietary
proteins escape the enzymatic digestion in the gastrointestinal tract, and could
possibly launch a polyclonal activation of the resting T lymphocyte in susceptible
individuals. The diabetes protocol is listed as Hyperglycemia.
Leaky Gut Syndrome
If we think of a human being like a donut, we find the outside skin is exposed to
external elements, but be also find the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract is also exposed
to external elements. Because the GI tract is an area where the outside meets the
inside, it not only is involved with the absorption of nutrients, it is a first-line im-
mune defense barrier against invading pathogens.
Confirming what the Natural Health research has been saying for 15 years, Newsweek
Magazine, November 17, 1997 published an article entitled, Gut Reactions in which
they confirmed that tiny leaks in the lining of the small intestine and bowel play a
FATIGUE, and numerous other issues. This brings a new awareness of the fact that
the first-line immune system in the human being is the intestinal lining.
The intestinal lining serves two major functions: 1) absorb nutrients from the exter-
nal environment, and 2) prevent invading pathogens from entering the body. When
the diet lacks in the necessary fiber, and contributes to fermentation, contains
pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, preservatives, and chemical additives, this as-
sault on the intestinal lining weakens the integrity of that tissue.
In addition to being a barrier to invading pathogens, the GI lining is a major part of
our immune systems attack mechanism via an antibody called Secretory IgA
and white blood cells. Susbstances that can disrupt the immune barrier include:
Alcohol Inflammation (food allergies)
Aspirin Non-steroidal
Antibiotics anti-inflammatory drugs
Bacteria Partially-hydrogenated oils
Drugs, prescription Pesticides
and recreational Preservatives
Free radicals Protozoa
Food additives Sugar
Hormones, prescription Virus
and in food
The inflammation of food allergies can increase the permeability of the intestinal
lining and allow food allergens to enter enter thebody and where they cause an
immunological reaction as reported in Gastroenterology, 1974 by Walker and
Isselbacher. This unnatural aggravation of the immune system is what is often
behind the various diseases that puzzle western medicine including the before
mentioned: celiac disease, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, irritable bowel syn-
drome, Crohns disease, chronic fatigue, myalgias, environmental illness, fevers of
unknown origin, skin rashes, memory deficit, shortness of breath, and so forth.
Leaky gut plays a role in auto-immune disorders by its combination with an im-
mune system that genetically has a predisposition to excessive T cells. It is these
T-cells that can go awry and attack the bodys own tissues when they are over-
stimulated by the leaky guts inability to hold back macro-molecule proteins.
In Diabetes Research, 1992, Hoorfar wrote, It is thought the some dietary pro-
teins escape the enzymatic digestion in the gastrointestinal tract and could possi-
bly launch a polyclonal activation of the resting T lymphocytes in scuceptible
individulas. This is a possible basis of rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease, mul-
tiple sclerosis, and diabetes, plus many other auto-immune diseases.
One of the more damaging proteins that can leak through a leaky gut is beta casein
protein from Cows milk. Antibodies that attack the milk proteins are thought to
cross react with the beta cell proteins in the body and destroy them. Thus, the
body may develop an auto-immune attack on the beta cells of the pancreas, and
once destroyed, diabetes is the result.
Nutrients to Heal a Leaky Gut
Glutamine - is the main fuel of the intestinal cell and is used for repair and mainte-
nance. Glutamine reinforces the immune system and research by Hall and Surg,
1996 showed that glutamine enhances the intestinal barrier of the G.I. tract against
virus, bacteria, protozoa, and food invasion. The ACCELL formula provides an
abundance of L-glutamine.
Anti-Oxidants - prevent free radical damage to the G.I. lining. ACCELL abounds
in anti-oxidants. Vitamin C binds heavy metals; Vitamin E maintains the integrity of
cell membranes. Zinc helps with clearance of infections, increase levels of brush-
border enzymes, regeneration of epithelial tissue and improved absorption of wa-
ter and electrolytes as reported in JAMA, 9/95.
N-acetyl glucosamine - in addition to its ability to heal the extracellular tissue
surrounding the intestinal cells (tissue integrity), it has the unique ability to decrese
the binding of some of the inflammatory lectins to the intestinal lining. NAG is a
rare nutrient that can bind the wheat lectin that so often activates the T cell re-
sponse and influences the auto-immune response in many people.
Cats Claw - is an herb renowned for its ability to cleanse the intestinal tract and
help people with numerous intestinal disorders including Crohns Disease, gastri-
tis, ulcers, parasites, candidiasis, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, leaky gut and flora
imbalance as reported in DC Wellness by Dr. Brent Davis.
Pro-Biotics - Acidohilus, Bifidus, Bulgaricus help offset the pathogenic bacteria
and help maintain proper pH in the intestines.
Protocol for Leaky Gut Syndrome
Before breakfast: 2 scoops ACCEL in water, plus 2 oz. AO, 1 ABC
With each meal: 4 Nutri-Fiber, 2 D (Digestive)
Before supper: 2 scoops ACCEL in water, plus 2 oz AO, 1 ABC
After 10 days on the above protocol, add for three weeks:
Mid-morning: 2 #4, 1 VRM-3, 1 GOLD, 1 DSIR
Mid-afternoon: 2 #4, 1 VRM-3, 1 VIVI, 1 DSIR
Then follow with the first 10 day program for 2 months.
Now, take the Leaky Gut Syndrome protocol and use it as a foundation for deeper
healing of chronic complaints as follows:
Protocol for Asthma
Apply the Leaky Gut Syndrome protocol plus
With each meal add: 1 R, 1 Ga, 1 Gf, 1/2 capful ZNC, 1 ACX
Protocol for Psoriasis and Eczema
Apply the Leaky Gut Syndrome protocol plus
With each meal add: 1 #4, 1 ACX, 1 Gf, 1 Lb
Mid-morning: 2 Ls (Liver Stimulant)
Mid-afternoon: 2 L (Liver)
Protocol for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Apply the full Leaky Gut Syndrome Protocol
With each meal add: 2 Ga, 2 Gf
Total Liver Mastery
Step Three To Correct The Toxic Stress Cycle
The Livers Vital I nfluence
The liver is an intricate and complex organism. It produces some 13,000 chemi-
cals for the bodys use, and some 50,000 systems of enzymes, along with thou-
sands of synergists that aid the bodys essential functions. This four-and-a-half
pound organ is a marvel of ingenuity beyond any degree of comprehension. It is
the operational center of
body functions , actions ,
growth, and repair. The
bodys inherent hierarchy of
organs rates the liver higher
than the eyes, brain, and
other organs we deem vi-
tal. This fact can be seen
by the livers ability to bor-
row or rob vitamin A from
the eyes. It also demon-
strates that many eyesight
difficulties are liver-related.
In clinical practice, I have
seen numerous examples where improving the liver improves the eyesight. Also,
another example of the bodys value of the liver, in cases of oxygen deprivation
(drowning), the body will first allow the brain to suffer before allowing the liver to be
cut off from oxygen. Thus, when people quit breathing, the brain can be damaged,
but the liver can hold on allowing life to continue.
A vital function of the liver is the humanizing of nutrients. Practically every vita-
min, mineral, and protein taken into the body must first be enzymated by the liver
before it can be used. Otherwise these nutrients are not usable and contribute to
the overall burden on the body systems along with toxins. Except for vitamin C,
the vitamins and minerals in supplements are not even usable until they first pass
through the liver and become humanized.
One facet of the Wheelwright research in supplementation is concerned with the
enzymation of vitamins and minerals with herbs. According to Wheelwright, this
process greatly increases the bioavailability of the nutrients. Once enzymated with
the proper herbs, such as cinnamon, clove, red root, and Irish moss; nutrients can
become pro-enzymes, and thus require much less work by the liver, which then
has only to add an element (amino acid, mineral, lipid) and biological warp on the
electron field s o that nutriments are compatible with a pers ons individual
Since the concept of the biological warp is new to many people, lets discuss it a
bit more. Wheelwright taught that every living thing has an energetic signature
unique unto itself. It is the impression of the Life Force through an individual matrix
organized to function as a living thing. This is basically a concept of bioenergetic
individuality. Theres only one of you and you are unique. Many people are already
familiar with the concept of biochemical individuality due to the writings and re-
search of Dr. Roger Williams. Few people realize that the basis for biochemical
individuality rests on bioenergetic individuality.
One reason for the crisis in medicine today and the loss of confidence of the people,
is that medicine has denied the very uniqueness of the individual from the start.
For years the science of medicine has attempted to lump all people into a single
test tube. A drug is to force predictable results, time after time. The inconsisten-
cies of individuality do not fit into the precise system of evaluate, confirm a diag-
nosis, give a drug out of the text book, get a predictable result, collect the bills and
put it in the bank.
The biological warp concept explains some of the difficulties medicine has re-
cently encountered as their science advances to new frontiers. Regarding the
mystery of the bodys incompatibility with donated organs, medical scientists have
had much difficulty with the recipient bodys rejection of organ transplants. One
completely overlooked reason is that the newly implanted tissue lacks the bioen-
ergetic warp that is unique to the recipient. All medicine can do at this time is
suppress the recipients immune system so the host body is unable to reject the
foreign tissue. Fortunately, it is being found that after a certain period of time, a
recipients body can learn to accept the new tissue, and thus the immune-sup-
pressive drugs may be discontinued. A scientific understanding of bioenergetics
could bring a quantum leap to our understanding of health and healing.
Bioavailability is the reason the body accepts nutrients, but the liver is responsible
for making the nutrients work. Its not what you eat or what supplements you take
that determines your nutritional level, its what the liver processes.
Many supplement companies try to market their products by saying they are more
bioavailable than their competitors. It is true that certain forms of nutrients are
more readily absorbed, but thats only part of the picture. The real issue is whether
or not the liver can process the nutrients. It may be too congested to do much
work even if the supplements are bioavailable, or the nutrients may not be com-
patible with the individuals system.
The search for bioavailability in supplements prompted Wheelwright to locate herbal
enzymators for each vitamin and mineral he used in nutrient formulas. Supple-
ments like his AZV (A to Z Vitamins) formula provide nutrients that are low-po-
tency, natural, proenzymated, and, in his terms, truly bioavailable. This is why
Wheelwrights research is years ahead of the biochemists who are still debating
whether calcium oratate or calcium citrate is a more available source. Its the work
with living energies as found in herbs that allows the quantum leap in nutrition
that Wheelwright brought forth. Until the biochemists understand bioenergy and
living energetic blueprints (herbs) that provide life-compatible nutrients, theyll con-
tinue to lag behind in providing nutritional supplements that are bioavailable and
supportive of health both biochemically and bioenergetically.
To the biochemist, a vitamin E molecule that rotates clockwise synthesized by
Eastman Kodak from toxic byproducts of photochemicals is the same as the natu-
ral vitamin E found in wheat germ. Molecularly they look the s ame, but
bioenergetically theres a big difference. Kirlian photography was the first science
to record the striking differences in the apparently identical structures. The ener-
getic pattern of the chemically-derived molecule was flat and harshly geometric,
but the vegetable-derived molecule was vibrant, variable, artistically geometric.
Now the case for nature-based (as opposed to synthetically-derived) nutrients is
well established. Life begets life!
It is estimated that the human body can function on just 20% of the total capacity
of the liver. This capacity is measured electronically (nutritional electro-acupunc-
ture) with EEG-type or piezo-electric equipment. It is also estimated that few people
function on more than 35% of liver capacity, particularly after age 38. And people
with a 35% liver capacity feel, react, think, see, and perform many times better
than those who have only a 20% capacity. Imagine how you would feel if your liver
were to operate at 70%! You would not only feel many times more energetic and
vital, you would live longer and do so with more abundant health.
In China, they refer to the liver as the lifeline. How right they are. One common
Chinese expression translates as Good morning. How is your liver? That greet-
ing demonstrates the importance of the liver in overall well-being from the per-
spective of a five-thousand-year old tradition.
Detoxification: Your Personal Environmental Agency
Many people today are concerned about the accumulation of toxins in the body.
More and more we hear of poisonous chemicals that get into our bodies. The
following is an outline of toxins that interfere with liver function:
Agricultural crop poisons
Pesticides Chemical fertilizers
Herbicides Dormant sprays
Agricultural animal chemicals
Growth hormones Vaccinations
Food processing chemicals
Ripening sprays Pesticide gasses
Chemical additives Preservatives
Live virus
Foreign proteins introduced to the body abnormally
Prescription drugs



Chemotherapy Acetaminophen

All medicinal drugs (see Physicians Desk Reference)

Recreational drugs
Marijuana XTC
Cocaine Crack
Amphetamines Barbiturates
Opiates (Heroin, Dilaudid, Morphine, etc.)
Environmental pollutants
Industrial wastes - waterways, air (PCB)
Chlorine and fluoride in municipal water
Auto exhaust (lead, cadmium, heavy metals)
Solvents (benzene, trichlorethylene (dry cleaning fluid),
methylene chloride (decaffeinating chemical),
household cleaners
Household bug sprays, garden sprays, etc.
Dental fillings (silver-mercury amalgam)
Addictive foods and detrimental consumables
Alcohol Chocolate
Sugar Coffee
Tobacco (primary and secondary smoke)
Soft drinks (caffeine, phosphoric acid, caramel coloring)
Mega-vitamins (yes, too much is harmful)
Fried and fatty foods
All fried foods Rancid oils
Excessive fatty foods Hydrogenated Oils
Radiation treatments
Police radar, at the transmitter
Microwave transmitters
ELF radiations from computer screens, etc.
Cellular phones
Irradiated foods (unknown by-products)
Body products Deodorants (aluminum)
Hair spray Eye drops (mercury)
Cosmetics Baby oil (mineral oil)
Others too numerous to mention
All these, and so many more things, add to the toxic stress on the body. Why is
environmental illness a growing health concern? Just look at the toxic accumula-
tion of health concerns facing our bodies every minute of every day.
To combat this, many people buy bottled water, install air purifiers, take antioxi-
dant nutritional supplements (vitamins A, C, E, selenium, stabilized oxygen prod-
ucts, beta carotene, silymarin herb, dl methionine, etc.), undergo fasts and colon
cleanses, and try their best to avoid contaminated and preserved foods. Such
efforts are all well and good, but people often overlook the most basic and most
important area of personal protection a healthy, well-functioning liver. Without a
healthy liver, all the other protectors are mere drops in the bucket.
A healthy liver means the body can detoxify environmental pollutants better.
Building the livers ability to function is the first step people must take in order to
live safely and healthily in the world today. Then, periodically, it may be beneficial
to undergo a more aggressive or specific detoxification program to maintain a
more pollutant-free body. Unfortunately, people are taking megavitamin nutritional
supplements erroneously thinking that more is better, but their livers are too slug-
gish to process the supplements effectively. Thus more is worse. However, vita-
mins that work directly in the bloodstream (vitamin C) help, but they are only su-
perficial help and must be repeated daily. High levels of vitamin supplements can
tax a weak liver even more, as well as create biochemical imbalances. Take care of
the liver triad first, then use low-potency, natural, herb-based vitamins and supple-
ments for environmental protection. Dr. Wheelwrights AZV (A to Z Vitamins) For-
mula was designed with these guidelines in mind.
For an example of the importance of the livers role in environmental protection,
suppose two people eat pesticide-sprayed vegetables. One retains the toxins, the
other excretes them. The difference between the two people is primarily one of
liver function. The one who retains the toxins has a congested, weak liver; or per-
haps an inhibited liver function due to other causes such as anger or use of pre-
scription drugs known to effect liver function. The one who passed the poisons
out of the body has a well-functioning liver which is not overburdened with exces-
sive detoxification of putrefactive matter from the bowel, alcohol, caffeine, drugs,
and large molecule proteins. Thus the healthy liver is able to cleanse itself and the
body, as well as maintain proper metabolic functions based on a proper supply of
nutrients. Your liver is your own environmental agency - provided it is functioning
Nutritional scientists have known about the livers self-cleaning process for de-
cades, but the various liver-cleansing methods available to help the process along
were either too slow to help people quickly, or they were drastic undesirable thera-
pies. Some programs took nearly two years to produce significant changes in the
liver. Eighteen months of strenuous, regimented work became the standard for the
most effective programs (such as Dr. Royal B. Lees, the renowned nutritional sci-
entist). Thus the idea that a person must do one month nutritional work for every
year the liver had been congested was considered both practical and optimal.
The Chinese herbalists have been looking for ways to promote liver health for
4000 years. Even they, with the help of acupuncture, admit that thorough liver
improvement takes many months or years of work. Even with the Western practice
to stimulate the liver with coffee enemas, a therapy still actively promoted to shock
the liver into cleansing itself, results are hard-won. With coffee enemas there is the
risk of serious damage if they are taken over a prolonged period of time. It only
makes sense that if coffee is harmful to health applied orally, it is still harmful to
health if applied rectally. Even though opposed to coffee enemas, it is only fair to
mention that some people have experienced benefits from them. And there are
certain conditions where such a therapy could be used. For example, coffee en-
emas are part of the Gerson Clinics cancer therapy. In such circumstances where
the liver must be cleansed and brought back on line without delay, the coffee
enema is a useful therapy. The best perspective on this is that it is a therapy, to be
used only if necessary, and only for a short period of time. Wheelwrights develop-
ment of the liver triad program helps eliminate the need for radical therapies for a
majority of people.
It seems the liver has so much to do to maintain the bodys energy, metabolic
processes, and house-cleaning, that revitalization of its tissues can be a slow pro-
cess. Yet the self-revitalization process is well established with the liver, meaning
that the liver can repair and reestablish itself very well. So, in a normal, healthy
state, the liver does all its work and still has time to take care of itself.
Unfortunately, as we see today, the liver is overworked and does not effectively
maintain optimal health for itself and the body. Since most people wont or cant
significantly reduce the overall burden on the liver without supplementation, some
type of program or regimen is needed to help regain the health people could expe-
rience if the liver functioned better. The lack of nutritional programs or tools that
could consistently enhance the inherent cleansing, rebuilding, and supportive ca-
pabilities of the liver was the driving force for Wheelwrights research. In the 1950s
when he began his research, there was no simple and effective plan that could
address the livers complex energies and Wheelwright believed fundamentally, that
in the relationship between human beings and nature, there should be a more
effective way to nourish the liver. Now, due to his quest and research which spanned
thirty years, and with the development of the comprehensive Liver Lifeline Pro-

presented in this material, the liver can respond energetically in a matter of

days and substantial results obtained in just two to four months. In my and many
others opinions, the liver triad program is one of the major nutritional discoveries
of the 20th century.
Please understand that it takes longer than four months to rebuild the millions of
cells in the entire liver, but noticeable improvement is often seen in just 21 days,
with consistently noticeable improvement experienced in 45 days. This rapid im-
provement has been observed by our research with dark-field microscopy, electro-
acupuncture, SMAC-26 blood tests, and reports from hundreds of health profes-
sionals. By examining the blood with a dark field microscope, spicules (fibrin),
chylous material (poorly proces s ed dietary fats , s uch as triglycerides ), and
anulocytes (low iron, trapped cholesterol) seen prior to the program was found to
be significantly improved in as little as three weeks. In electro-acupuncture evalu-
ation, the high or low readings would often normalize within three weeks, and
indicator-drops minimize within six weeks. While such improvement is exciting
and significant, the program should be followed for a longer period of time to bring
lasting results.
For example, a 27-year-old man showed a high level of chylous material (fats from
food yet to be processed) as well as low iron levels in his blood on his first exami-
nation. Five hours earlier he had eaten a breakfast of strawberries, banana, yogurt,
and granola. These test results indicated poor digestion (the introduction of di-
gested foods into the bloodstream was probably retarded) and poor liver function.
The liver should clear chylous material from the blood within four hours of eating.
Electro-acupuncture evaluation revealed a low liver meridian energy and
biokinesiology (muscle testing) also revealed a weak liver circuit. A liver function
test ordered from a medical lab showed that the SGOT and SGPT enzymes were
slightly elevated to 48 and 39 respectively, indicating some liver stress.
A dietary regimen with liver triad nutritional therapy began the following day. Fifty-
six days later the blood was tested again. This time the test was conducted 3 1/2
hours after a breakfast of scrambled tofu with olives and jalapenos, feta cheese,
soaked sunflower seeds, a large vegetable salad with light vinaigrette dressing,
and steamed asparagus.
The chylous material was not present, showing improved digestion and improved
liver function. Also, the low iron condition was completely gone though no iron
supplementation was given. A follow up lab test showed SGOT was normal at 25
and SGPT was optimal at 22.
Electro-acupuncture and biokinesiology showed the liver meridian to be in optimal
bioenergetic balance. The liver triad program was continued for another two months
as maintenance.
In the words of the patient, the heavy feeling in my head is gone. I am clearer and
more energetic. My fast-paced lifestyle leaves a lot to be desired, but my nutri-
tional work has made a gigantic improvement in my health.
Liver Toxicity Questionnaire
Condition Y or N
1. Abdominal pain after eating fatty food _______
2. Pain in the side under the right rib cage _______
3. Painful or tender big toe _______
4. Hard dry stool, painful to pass _______
5. Stool color is grayish (light in color) _______
6. Headaches following meals _______
7. Recurring sour, bitter taste in mouth _______
8. Stool has foul odor _______
9. Yellow sclera (white of eyes) _______
10. Bad breath or body odor _______
11. Tired, sleepy after meals _______
12. Dandruff _______
13. Retain water _______
14. Dry skin and/or hair _______
15. Eat a fast food restaurants _______
16. Impatient, impulsive, easy to anger _______
17. Vision problems, red or dry eyes _______
18. Have had jaundice or hepatitis _______
19. High blood cholesterol and/or low HDL _______
20. Allergies _______
Yes answers indicate excessive toxicity. More than 5 yes answers
indicate the need for liver improvement.
An Herbal Breakthrough
Managing the liver as improving liver function was called in the 1950s, had al-
ways been difficult. As we have already discussed, improving the liver nutritionally
required a great deal of time and effort. The ineffectiveness of many programs and
the extreme therapies (enemas, fasts, strong herbs) required, caused Wheelwright
to know that there must be a better way. He felt, philosophically, that nature had a
simple and effective way to rejuvenate the liver with foods and herbs. He devoutly
believed that human beings and plants lived in a special relationship with the natu-
ral order, and that plants were the true medicines for healing. Therefore, he sur-
mised that the method to manage the liver had not yet been discovered.
As a biochemist and researcher, Wheelwright worked for years with numerous
herbal programs for liver management. His search optimistically lead him to China
just prior to the communist regime. He felt that answers must surely be found in
China since the Chinese have such a deep respect for the liver.
During his stay in China, he traveled
thousands of miles and hiked the by-
ways to remote areas seeking answers
for the liver. While witnessing the won-
ders of natural cure with the barefoot
doctors and acupuncturists, he gradu-
ally grew discouraged regarding his
personal project to find a great liver
therapy. He developed the opinion that
China has so much knowledge about
liver because so many people have liver
ailments from eating a diet of too many
cooked foods and too much rancid oil.
Therefore they have to support the liver,
but optimal health was not being
Although he learned a lot and devel-
oped a great respect for Chinese herbal medicine, and he shared a lot of his knowl-
edge with Chinese herbalists, he left disillusioned because he had not found an
answer to his quest for an effective liver program. He also found a great deal of
difference in the vitality of the wild-crafted Chinese herbs and the cultivated ones.
He felt the cultivated herbs which were being exported had lost a significant por-
tion of their vitality due to being farmed on the same soil with the same fertilizer
(human) for hundreds of years.
It wasnt until several years later in his research with Brazilian herbs, that Wheel-
wright found what he termed miracle herbs . He termed them miracle herbs not
so much because they worked wonders individually, but because it was a miracle
in his life that he was led to find herbs that matched the unique, energetic proper-
ties of the liver. For him it was confirmation of a Divine Plan and proof that herbs
are Gods medicines for the human being.
After all, who says that the only way to help the body cure its aliments is to take a
poisonous, chemical compound by prescription, or inject it with chemicals, or ex-
pose it to deadly chemicals and radiations? It is important to know that there are
many ways to help the body restore health.
To fully understand this awe-inspiring experience, Ill have to explain the type of
research Dr. Wheelwright was conducting at that time. Wheelwright built a very
sophisticated instrument he called a biosynsizer , which was basically a piezo-
electric, radionic device whereby he measured the energy fields of living things. In
his early research, he measured tissues, living and cadaverous, and catalogued
their bioenergetic signatures. He learned that different tissues in the body had
different numeric ratings or unique s ine-waves which he obs erved on his
equipments oscilloscope.
From this research he constructed tables of optimal tissue readings and knew the
organs and tissues of the body by their numeric signatures. For instance, the kid-
neys were cataloged at 13,850 bvw (bio-valent Wheelwright). Any substance that
has that value is either a kidney, kidney-like, or supports the kidneys.
Now it occurred to Wheelwright, that the way to nourish or heal a tissue was to
construct an herbal formula that had the same vibratory rate as the healthy tissue.
Thus, a kidney formula should measure 13,850 bvw. So he set to work cataloging
herbs by their energetic signatures.
Soon, he realized his great plan had a problem. After measuring numerous herbs,
he found that plant energies assembled in the 600 to 1200 bvw range. Now body
tissues ranged from 11,000 to 5,233,000 bvw, but plants were not anywhere near
that refined vibratory rate. So evidently it was up to the liver to help boost up the
foods and alter them to be accepted into the body. But his theory of matching
herb-energies to body-energies was suffering.
After several attempts to devise a mathematical scale to size up the herbal ener-
gies to tissue standards, he discovered an amazing principle. When he took two
herbs, mixed them together, dissolved them in triple-distilled water, and measured
the change in surface tension, he learned that suddenly the energy was raised
beyond the sum total of the two herbs. He mixed one herb of 626 bvw with another
herb of 682 bvw and came up with a blend that measured 12,125 bvw a tenfold
quantum leap. Thus, Wheelwright discovered the mathematics of herbal syner-
gism. And he learned that he could indeed construct herbal formulas that would
have an energetic rate approximate to the rate of a specific healthy tissue. This
became the basis for his next 30 years of herbal research. [For additional informa-
tion on the numeric ratings of herbal synergism, see Tim Kuss A Guidebook to
Clinical Nutrition For The Health Professional listed in the catalog at the back of
this book.]
But the story goes on from here. In taking the readings of the liver, Wheelwright
found something unique and unusual. Unlike other tissues that have a single ener-
getic reading, he found three distinct energies with the liver. He speculated that
this was the reason that managing the liver with herbal therapies was so difficult.
No therapy addressed the whole liver and its three levels of energy. Now, all he had
to do was build a liver formula that addressed the three energies and hed have his
Basically, Wheelwright found that the liver was a lot more complex than anyone
had imagined, and that its sphere of influence for the body was very comprehen-
sive. The lower liver lobe measured 580 bvw. The left lobe measured 6200 bvw,
and the main lobe measured 61,040 bvw. These complex energies were testimony
to the livers incredible ability to alter molecules, break down toxic chemicals, make
food nutrients accepted by the immune system, and destroy and reuse bacteria.
It is certainly true that worthwhile endeavors do not come easily. And Wheelwrights
liver formula project was no exception. He could not find herbs that were compat-
ible with the livers different energies. He tried to build three separate formulas, but
they were no more effective than prior formulas. So the research came to a halt.
It came to a halt until he found a Brazilian herb that had three distinct energies all
to itself. And this is when Wheelwright felt humbled by this insight into the great
plan of life. There was indeed an herb that was made by nature for the liver. In-
spired by this breakthrough, he found three other herbs in Brazil that met this
criteria. With new insight, he re-examined some the herbs hed already cataloged
such as Utahs mountain mahogany, and finally found seven herbs that were suit-
able for complete liver support.
According to Wheelwright, three of the seven miracle herbs are catatonic (they
ionize with a positive electrical charge called cationic) and work to cleanse, detoxify,
and enhance the livers function. Four are anabolic (they have a negative electrical
charge called anionic) and work to build, reconstruct, and support the liver.
The three catabolic herbs are included in a comprehensive liver stimulating for-
mula (Ls - Liver Stimulator) best used early in the day to improve liver function and
detoxify. The four anionic herbs form a separate liver building formula (L - Liver
Builder) best used in the afternoon or evening to rebuild. This allows for the natural
cycles of the liver: Cleanse in the morning, build in the afternoon. As a Zero X or
MT (mother tincture in dry form) formula, the bioenergetic factors begin working
within a few minutes after taking the formula. The herb chemistry usually becomes
available within 15 to 45 minutes. Wheelwright designed his formulas to provide
both bioenergetic and biochemical properties.
By working with herbs that had three energies, Wheelwright was able to expand
them energetically by combining other nutrients with them so the resulting formula
would fall in the 580-6200-61,040 bvw range simultaneously. Thus, he was able to
construct a formula that worked with the whole liver and brought forth a new di-
mension of herbal effectiveness.
Unique to the liver is an interesting set of circumstances based on the fact that the
liver has a very strong self-rebuilding capability as well as a strong self-cleansing
mechanism. If you build the liver, you also enhance its cleansing capability. If you
stimulate the liver to cleanse, you also enhance its rebuilding capability. So heres
an interesting case of a function contained within its opposite. The Chinese were
particularly intrigued with this phenomenon of life where deep within the yang, yin
can be found; and deep within yin, yang can be found. This is a key principle in the
law of balance. So, the point to this discussion is that Wheelwrights two formulas,
L-Liver Builder and Ls-Liver Stimulant, which can appear to be at opposite polari-
ties, are actually allies, and to a great extent, accomplish the same results the
management of the liver.
To further facilitate the removal of toxic residues characteristic of the left liver
lobe, Wheelwright designed formula ACX (Vitamin Detox) as specific support for
By working with separate formulas, the cleansing effort does not get too far ahead
of the building effort, so the liver is not forced into a severe cleansing reaction a
condition where an overload of toxins is dumped into the bloodstream causing
illness and kidney congestion. Thorough detoxification can occur gradually with-
out a massive cleansing crisis that could result in severe headaches, colds, flu,
diarrhea, redistribution of toxins, and so forth.
For these reasons this detoxification program is heralded by many natural health
practitioners as one of the major nutritional breakthroughs of the 20th Century.
This unique cleansing program is based on building and activating the liver. Since
the liver has a natural cleansing cycle, as its function is built up it automatically
includes cleansing but its a body-directed cleansing, not a forced cleansing.
Wheelwright was brilliant in his perspectives on natural healing. He held a deep
res pect for the bodys innate wis dom. Thus he s ought to encourage the
bodys own mechanisms with his formulas so they would work gently, deeply, and
Having found his dream effective herbal nutrition for the liver, Wheelwright went
the next step to outline the liver triad program to break the toxic stress cycle.
Before going on to the toxic stress cycle, lets look at the relationship between the
colon and the liver as these two organs make up two thirds of the liver triad.
The Basic Liver Triad Program
Heres how many health profes s ionals des ign a bas ic Liver Triad Program.
Dosages vary with the individuals sensitivity.
Time Systemic Herb Formulas
Upon Arising 3 Ls (Liver Stimulator), 2 scoops ACCEL
With Breakfast 1 D (Digestive), 1 C (Colon), 3 Nutri-Fiber
With Lunch 1 D (Digestive), 1 C (Colon), 3 Nutri-Fiber
With Supper 1 D (Digestive), 1 C (Colon), 3 Nutri-Fiber
Before Bed 3 L (Liver Builder)
The duration of this program depends on the individuals situation and goals. A
minimum tune-up program is for three weeks. A basic program for most people
with no specific liver-related health concerns is for six weeks. For people with
concerns regarding the liver such as a history of excessive alcohol use, history of
smoking, history of prescription or recreational drug use, or with clinical indica-
tions such as elevated GGT, SGOT, SGPT, (blood test results) twelve weeks is
The Liver Lifeline Program
The Liver Lifeline Program starts with the basic Liver Triad and adds the nutritional
power of The Pro-Vita! Plan, the energy of endocrine supplementation, and the
enhancement of additional detoxification support. Dosages vary with the individuals
Time Systemic Herb Formulas
Upon Arising 3 Ls (Liver Stimulant), 2 scoops ACCEL
With Breakfast 1 D (Digestive), 1 C (Colon),
Pro-Vita! 5 + 5 1 ACX (Vitamin Detox), 3 Nutri-Fiber
Mid Morning 3 Ga (Adrenal)
With Lunch 1 D (Digestive), 1 C (Colon),
Pro-Vita! 5 + 5 1 ACX (Vitamin Detox) 3 Nutri-Fiber
Mid Afternoon 3 Gf (Thyroid)
With Supper 1D (Digestive), 1 C (Colon),
1 ACX (Vitamin Detox), 3 Nutri-Fiber
Before Bed 3 L (Liver Builder)
Protocol for Hepatitis C Concerns
Before Breakfast: 2 scoops ACCEL in 6 oz water, 1 ABC
With Breakfast: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 1 CLR, 2 D, 1 C, 2 Lb, 2 Ps
Mid-morning: 3 Ls, 2 ATAK, 2 VIVI, 2 #4
With Lunch: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 1 CLR, 2 D, 1 C, 2 Lb,
Mid-afternoon: 3 L, 2 ATAK, 2 #3 (Bactrix)
With Supper: 3 Nutri-Fiber, 1 CLR, 2 D, 2 Lb, 2 Ps
Within the family of Systemic formulas, a practitioner can now have total mastery
of the most important and powerful aspect of natural healing - the very foundation
of body function and the dividing line between health and disease. The basis of
this is found in the healing triad and complete mastery of the three pillars that
make up the foundation of health. Practically every one needs to improve their
digestion, elimination and liver function, and if done routinely, a greater health and
longevity with freedom from chronic disease can be realized.
Accell (Total Mastery Blend)
Formulated by Drs. Tim Kuss and Jack Tips for Systemic Formulas, Inc. in the
Wheelwright tradition.
Base is Natural Rice Protein Concentrate rich in essential amino acids.
Rice Protein Nutrient Analysis
Nutrient Content
Protein ........................ 69.08%
Carbohydrate ............. 6.29%
Fat .............................. 11.43%
Fiber ........................... 3.03%
Ash ............................. 3.97
Moisture ..................... 6.2%
Calcium ...................... 0.08%
Phosphorus ................ 0.68%
Magnesium ................ 1120 mg/kg
Potassium .................. 550 mg/kg
Sodium....................... 425 mg/kg
Sulphur ....................... 0.69%
Chlorine ...................... 0.21%
Silicon ........................ 1.11%
Iron ............................. 0.03%
Copper ....................... 5 mg/kg
Manganese ................ 1120 mg/kg
Zinc ............................ 30 mg/kg
Cobalt ........................ < 1 mg/kg
Vitamin B1 .................. 0.16 mg/kg
Vitamin B2 .................. 0.41 mg/kg
Nicotinic Acid ............. 18 mg/kg
Vitamin B6 .................. 0.25 mg/kg
Folic Acid ................... 0.25 mg/kg
Nutrient Content
Pantothenic Acid ........ 6.5 mg/kg
Biotin .......................... 0.022 mg/kg
Choline Chloride ........ 4417 mg/kg
Vitamin B12 ................ < 0.002 mg/kg
Inositol ........................ < 0.05%
Iodine ......................... 2.7 mg/kg
Aspartic Acid .............. 6.65%
Threonine ................... 2.30%
Serine ......................... 3.55%
Glutamic Acid ............. 12.20%
Proline ........................ 3.90%
Glycine ....................... 3.25%
Alanine ....................... 4.10%
Cystine ....................... 1.65%
Valine .......................... 4.50%
Methionine ................. 2.25%
Iso-leucine .................. 3.00%
Leucine ....................... 6.05%
Tyrosine ...................... 3.35%
Phenylalanine ............. 3.55%
Histidine ..................... 1.60%
Lysine ......................... 1.90%
Tryptophan ................. 0.83%
Arginine ...................... 6.05%
In addition to the rice protein base, Accell contains:
Natural Vitamin Complexes
Natural mixed carotenoid (beta carotene)
Vitamin A (natural source)
Vitamin D (natural source)
Vitamin E (mixed plant tocopherols)
Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine HCl)
Coenzyme Vitamin B2 (riboflacvin 5-phosphate)
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)
Coenzyme Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5-phhosphate)
Coenzyme Vitamin B12 (adenosylcobalamine)
Choline (bitartrate)
Folic Acid
Panthothenic Acid (Calcium Panthonate)
Inositol hexaphosphate
Trimethyl Glycine (Betaine)
Beta 1,3 Glucan
Natural Mineral Chelates
Calcium (citrate, ascorbate, phosphate)
Chromium GTF (polynicotinate)
Copper (citrate or gluconate)
Germanium sesquioxide
Iodine (potassium iodide)
Magnesium (130 mg each taurinate and citrate)
Manganese (glycinate)
Molybdenum (citrate)
Potassium (dipotassium phosphate)
Selenium (selenomethionine)
Silica (dioxide)
Sodium sulfate
Zinc (mono-methionine)
Trace Mineral Complex (aluminum & Na removed)
Natural, Vegetarian Amino Acids
L-Camitine (Tartrate)
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Natural Nutrients / Anti-Oxidants
Co Enzyme Q10
MSM (Methylsulfornylmethane)
FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)
Grapeseed Extract (95%)
Rice Bran Fiber
Plant Enzymes (Protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase, lactase)
Pancreatin 4x
N-acetyl glucosamine
Herbal Nutrition
Ho Shou Wu (Fo Ti)
Pau DArco
Milk Thistle
Mountain Mahogany
Horse tail
Gum guggul (Commiphore mukul)
Artichoke extract
Cats Claw
Uva Ursi
Rose Hips
Green Tea Extract (Decaffeinated)
Broccoli Sprout extract
Key Ingredients in Systemic Formulas
Accell (Total Mastery Blend)
For the I ntestines:
L-glutamine - an amino acid that is conditionally essential. Used by the intestines
mucosal cell (enterocyte) as its respiratory fuel. L-glutamine supports the G.I. tract
integrity and plays an important role with the immune system as it prevents bacte-
ria from invading the body and inhibits intestinal inflammation. Oral L-glutamine
supplementation is associated with elevated levels of circulating human growth
hormone - the hormone that is heralded as a fountain of youth for its ability to
convert fat to muscle and inhibit the hormonal decline of the aging processes. Oral
L-glutamine supplementation improves the immune system with an increase of
interleukin-2 concentration.
N-acetyl glucosamine - an amino-saccharide molecule. A lack of this nutrient is
associated with pathologies of the intestinal epithelium. Has been used to speed
the healing of ulcers. A reduction of N-acetyl glucosamine coupled with a reduc-
tion of its associated enzyme, glucosamine synthetase, is noted concurrently with
atrophy of the intestinal mucosa leading to the leaky gut syndrome or a lack of
intestinal integrity. N-ag is a constituent of the intestinal immunoglobins and secre-
tory IgA antibodies thus it supports the bodys first line immune defense. A short-
age of this nutrient is linked with inflammatory bowel disorders such as colitis and
Crohns disease. N-ag helps protect the intestines from their contents. It helps
reduce gluten-based reactions (sprue) in the small intestine by blocking macroph-
age over-activation.
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) - Sulfur plays a critically important role in human
nutrition, particularly regarding detoxification, anti-oxidant, enzymatic, and syn-
thetic metabolic pathways. Studies indicate that MSM can enhance protection
from stress responses, reduce gastro-intestinal inflammation, prevent allergic re-
actions to foods, and reduce pain. MSM helps prevent adhesions and enhances
tissue flexibility and resilience.
Inulin - a soluble dietary fiber that is broken down by intestinal bacteria to short-
chain fatty acids which are reabsorbed in the colon. Inulin increases fecal volume,
decreases transit time (helps avoid constipation), and normalizes intestinal pH. It
helps bifidus (beneficial bacteria) populations flourish, and helps decrease elevated
blood pressure and lower elevated blood sugar. Inulin is associated with increased
levels of beneficial colon butyrate molecules that provide energy to the colon cells.
Plant Enzymes (Protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase) - help the body break
down nutrients and thus reduces potentially inflammatory molecules to their sim-
pler, more manageable components. Recent studies link poor digestion of certain
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats with chronic inflammatory conditions, both in
the bowel, and in the body. Amylase attacks starch and glycogen by hydrolyzing
glucosidal bonds to dextrins. Cellulase helps degrade vegetable cell walls giving
the body access to the nutritionally valuable nucleic acids inside the cells. Pro-
tease enzymes help the body break down proteins into non-allergenic amino ac-
ids. Lipase breaks down complex fats into fatty acids. Lactase - digests lactose in
milk products rendering them less allergenic and more manageable.
N-acetyl cystine - an amino acid that works with glutathione synthesis and pro-
tects the intestines (and body) against reactive oxidative agents such as hydrogen
peroxide that can form lipid hydroperoxides often associated with cancer. In addi-
tion, glutathione is an important detoxifier of foreign toxins as well as metabolic
waste products.
Rice protein concentrate - is a protein of low allergy potential, fortified with the
inherently limited amino acids L-lysine and threonine making a complete, bio-avail-
able, digestible vegetarian protein.
Vitamins A, C, E, mixed Carotenoids, grape seed extract, manganese, sele-
nium, and zinc - serve as anti-oxidants in addition their countless other functions
in human chemistry and metabolism. Inflammation and allergic reactions in the
intestines are associated with free radical activity, which leads to cellular damage
and altered cellular processes. Anti-oxidants protect the intestines from cellular
damage that can lead to leaky gut and abnormal cellular activity (cancer).
Rutin / Quercetin - are plant-derived anti-oxidants that work synergistically with
Vitamins C and E to protect the cells from oxidative damage. They inhibit pro-
inflammatory prostaglandins and thus help maintain normal G.I. tract tissue.
Rosemary - the garden herb has been shown to neutralize free radicals and pro-
tect the cells from xenobiotic toxins as well as serve as an excellent detoxifier.
Limonene / Hesperiden are bioflavonoid complexes from citrus fruit. Limonene
induces the phase two detoxification processes of glutathione. Hesperidin con-
tains anti-inflammatory agents that inhibit arachidonic acid inflammatory pathways
and histamine release.
Fructo-Oligo-Saccarides - is a food for the beneficial, non-dairy probiotic cul-
tures that serve symbiotically in the intestines to maintain proper pH, synthesize
nascent B-vitamins, and inhibit the growth of pathological bacteria.
Curcumin - is the phyto-active component of the herb turmeric. It is a powerful
anti-inflammatory agent, scavenger of nitric oxide, anti-oxidant, inhibitor of tumor
necrosis and destructive enzymatic activities. It helps activate the bodys inherent
detoxification mechanism. Beyond the intestines, Curcumin can help reduce in-
flammatory processes such as rheumatoid arthritis and infections.
Cats Claw - the herb uncaria tomentosa known for its ability to strengthen the
immune system and relieve a broad range of digestive disorders. It exhibits anti-
tumor, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and it stimulates the phagocyte
to perform it debris-cleansing activity.
Pancreatin - a pancreatic enzyme necessary for digestion and absorption. Also
rids the intestines of candida, parasites, protozoa, and inflammatory agents. Help
prevent and correct leaky gut syndrome.
Beta 1, 3 D Glucan - a powerful, highly-researched immune system modulator
proven helpful regarding virus (herpes simplex), bacteria (staphylococcus aureus,
Eschericia coli, pneumocystis carinii), fungus (candida, albicans),). It is also an
anti-neoplastic agent (anti-tumor, anti-cancer). It replenishes the macrophages
Vitamin C content, which is akin to re-loading an empty shotgun for another round.
One of the most effective and powerful natural enhancements to the overburdened
immune system.

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