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My company

Complete each of the following sentences with words from the list.
1 I work for a company called Kwikshoe.
2 Our main products are sports shoes.
3 Kwikshoe is a world leader in the tennis shoe sector.
4 It has a national market share of 23%.
It has 2!"" employees in this country.
# It has se$en su%sidiaries in fi$e different countries.
& Its main customers are young people and people who do sport.
' Its main competitors are in (ritain and the )*+.
, its main shareholders are %anks and pension funds.
1" Its last year turno$er was 1.2 %illion.
11 Its last year profit was -1# million.
12 Its share price today is -&.
share price
My job
Complete each of the following sentences with on / in / for. .here are two possi%le answers for num%er 2.
1 Olga (lanc is in computers.
2 *he has %een working for a %ig computer company for fi$e years.
3 *he is %ased in /aris.
4 *he works in the e0ternal communications department.
+t the moment she is working on the design of the company1s we%site.
# *he is responsi%le for the de$elopment of an important part of the site.
& *he is $ery interested in 2e%site design.
' *he depends on the we% and on personal contacts for new ideas.
, *he spends one or two hours e$ery day on the 2e% getting information on all the latest de$elopments.
1" *he is happy %ecause there is a %ig demand on good we%site designers at the moment.

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