Prince2 Versus PMBOK

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This comparison takes each part of the PMBOK and gives an opinion on what match there is with elements of the PRINCE method! It can "e
#sed in an$ disc#ssion of the level of compati"ilit$ "etween two approaches% or can "e #sed to identif$ where additional material is re&#ired to
"e added or changed to training in one or the other in order to cover "oth approaches!
The PMBOK is divided into ' sections( the Pro)ect Management framework% the Pro)ect Management knowledge areas% *ppendices and a
glossar$ and inde+! The first two sections are s#",divided into chapters! -ection III has . appendices and section I/ is "roken into glossar$ and
-ection I The Pro)ect Management 0ramework
Chapter 1 Introd#ction
Chapter The Pro)ect Management Conte+t
Chapter 2 Pro)ect Management Processes
-ection II The Pro)ect Management Knowledge *reas
Chapter ' Pro)ect Integration Management
Chapter 3 Pro)ect -cope Management
Chapter 4 Pro)ect Time Management
Chapter . Pro)ect Cost Management
Chapter 5 Pro)ect 6#alit$ Management
Chapter 7 Pro)ect 8#man Reso#rce Management
Chapter 19 Pro)ect Comm#nications Management
Chapter 11 Pro)ect Risk Management
Chapter 1 Pro)ect Proc#rement Management
-ection III *ppendices
*ppendi+ * The Pro)ect Management Instit#te -tandards,-etting Process
*ppendi+ B Evol#tion of PMI:s ;* g#ide to the Pro)ect Management Bod$ of Knowledge
' <an 99
*ppendi+ C Contri"#tors and Reviewers of PMBOK
*ppendi+ = Notes
*ppendi+ E *pplication *rea E+tensions
*ppendi+ 0 *dditional -o#rces of Information on Pro)ect Management
*ppendi+ > -#mmar$ of Pro)ect Management Knowledge *reas!
Each of these will "e s#mmarised and assessed against PRINCE!
Overall Compatibility.
There is a high level of compati"ilit$ "etween the two standards as one wo#ld e+pect! It is o#r view that the adoption of PRINCE wo#ld
enhance the implementation of the PMBOK standards "$ providing greater depth and str#ct#re to the esta"lishment of pro)ect
environments% and "$ providing a more rigoro#s approach to the setting #p% r#nning and closing down of individ#al pro)ects! *lso the
adoption of the PMBOK to a PRINCE "ased organisation will help to identif$ the additional areas which need to "e addressed in order
to give pro)ects the "est chance of s#ccess% s#ch as the soft skills needed! Below are some specific points regarding PRINCE and
PRINCE2 spei!i stre"#t$s.
There is no e&#ivalent PMBOK pre,pro)ect process to PRINCE:s ;-tarting #p a Pro)ect: ?-@A% so there is no disc#ssion of what or who sho#ld
"e in place at the "eginning of a pro)ect% nor of how to go a"o#t getting it if it is lacking!
PRINCE offers a complete change control approach% whereas PMBOK )#st talks of the need for it!
PMBOK sa$s little a"o#t config#ration management% and certainl$ offers no link "etween it% the Config#ration Bi"rarian role and change
' <an 99
The PMBOK onl$ talks a"o#t a Pro)ect Plan% whereas PRINCE offers -tage and Team Plans and disc#sses the advantages of "reaking the
Pro)ect Plan down% e!g! for easier planning and "etter control!
PRINCE offers standard roles for its pro)ect management team!
The PMBOK onl$ covers the creation of a CB-% and does not compare to the PRINCE Prod#ct,"ased Planning techni&#e in terms of the
latter:s Prod#ct =escriptions and Prod#ct 0low =iagram! Nor is there an$ real detail in the PMBOK Planning process to take a plan thro#gh to a
network plan and a >antt or "ar chart!
The Prod#ct =escription is far more positive a"o#t what information sho#ld "e provided to the prod#cer of a prod#ct! The PMBOK offers onl$
vag#e advice!
PMBOK spei!i stre"#t$s.
The PMBOK covers proc#rement!
The PMBOK covers the act#al proc#rement% pre,assignment or negotiation for team mem"ers for a pro)ect in some detail!
' <an 99
The PMBOK identifies needs to "e covered in h#man reso#rce management% and soft skills in general!
Section I The Project Management Framework
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
Ch1 Introduction No clash with PRINCE PMBOK goes into more detail
a"o#t its overlap with other
management areas% whereas
PRINCE simpl$ sa$s ;we don:t
tr$ to re,invent the wheel:
P#rpose of the >#ide This sa$s that the p#rpose is to
identif$ and descri"e that subset
of the PMBOK that is generall$
accepted% i!e! has widespread
consens#s a"o#t their val#e and
#sef#lness! There is no indication
of what else is in PMBOK o#tside
the s#"set! It also aims to provide
a common le+icon of pro)ect
management terms!
No contention with PRINCE!
Chat is a pro)ectD * general and familiar description
of a pro)ect:s characteristics
No contention with PRINCE!
Chat is Pro)ect ManagementD *fter a general description there is No contention with PRINCE!
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
a reference to the 1 chapters of
the g#ide in sections I and II!
The 1 chapters are disc#ssed in
greater detail later in the
Relationship to other Management
This to#ches ver$ "riefl$ on areas
where there is overlap "etween
PMBOK and >eneral
Management ?e!g! planning%
staffing law% logisticsA and
*pplication *rea Knowledge ?e!g!
software development%
government contracting%
PRINCE specificall$ avoids
most of these overlaps!
Related Endeavo#rs This is mainl$ a disc#ssion of the
relationship of pro)ects to
programs and s#",pro)ects
No contention with PRINCE!
PMBOK s#",pro)ects relate to
Cork Packages and the t$pical
division of work "etween the
Pro)ect Manager and a team!
Ch 2 The Project Management
Pro)ect Phases and the Pro)ect
Bife C$cle
=isc#ssion of phases linked to
decision points to review ke$
delivera"les and pro)ect
performance to date! -everal
e+amples are given of
Representative Pro)ect Bife
PRINCE #ses the word ;stage:
rather than ;phase: "#t same
concept! PMBOK makes the same
distinction "etween pro)ect and
prod#ct life c$cles as PRINCE!
The e+amples of life c$cles are
what PRINCE wo#ld call
;technical stages:% "#t these ma$
well match PRINCE
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
management stages in the
e+amples given!
Pro)ect -takeholders This defines the term
;stakeholder: and gives e+amples
of who the$ might "e! It makes
the point that stakeholders ma$
have different o")ectives
No ma)or difference to PRINCE%
altho#gh PMBOK incl#des the
Pro)ect Manager and team
mem"ers as stakeholders% whereas
the interpretation in PRINCE
sta$s at a higher level and gives
e+amples of stakeholders o#tside
the pro)ect management team!
OrganiEational Infl#ences This disc#sses the possi"le impact
of the overall organisation within
which the pro)ect operates!
-everal organisational str#ct#res
are descri"ed!
PRINCE has the same approach
"#t doesn:t go into it in the detail
of e+amples that PMBOK does
PMBOK "riefl$ disc#sses two
organisational c#lt#res and how a
pro)ect might "enefit from or
clash with its organisation:s
Ke$ >eneral Management -kills This descri"es ke$ general skills
that a Pro)ect Manager needs%
incl#ding Beading%
Comm#nicating% Negotiating%
Pro"lem -olving and Infl#encing
the Organisation
PRINCE does not attempt to
cover these skills!
The PMBOK simpl$ descri"es in
"rief terms what each of the skills
is% witho#t offering an$ approach
to them or relating them to the
PMBOK aspects where the$ will
"e #sef#l!
This simpl$ sa$s that a Pro)ect
Manager m#st "e aware of c#rrent
conditions and trends in -tandards
F Reg#lations%
InternationaliEation% C#lt#ral
Infl#ences and -ocio,Economic,
Environmental -#staina"ilit$
PRINCE does not cover these
PMBOK sa$s nothing a"o#t when
or how to handle the infl#ences%
)#st gives e+amples of what the$
might "e
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
Ch3 Project Management
This talks of the interactive
impact of changes and tradeoffs
Pro)ect Processes This is a "rief mention that a
pro)ect is composed of processes%
to "e e+panded in chapters ' G 1!
No contention with PRINCE!
The PMBOK terms of ;pro)ect
management processes: and
;prod#ct,oriented processes: relate
to PRINCE:s concept of
management and technical stages!
Process >ro#ps PMBOK talks of 3 gro#ps of one
or more processes each( initiating%
planning% e+ec#ting% controlling
and closing!
These relate to the PRINCE
processes pl#s some of the
Components% s#ch as Plans and
Controls% and the linkages
"etween them!
The PRINCE processes are more
clearl$ separated for
#nderstanding and the 5 processes
provide more detail than the 3
PMBOK gro#ps
Process Interactions This takes the 3 process gro#ps
and descri"es them in terms of
their inp#ts% o#tp#ts tools and
PMBOK also has a process for
Team =evelopment!
The Controlling process gro#p
covers change control%
performance reporting% &#alit$
control% risk monitoring and
control! *n #n#s#al process in this
gro#p is -cope /erification%
descri"ed as ;formaliEing
acceptance of the pro)ect scope!:
The Closing process gro#p covers
PRINCE provides the inp#ts and
o#tp#ts and also shows where
Components and Techni&#es are
#sed in the processes! The two
Planning processes are ver$
similar% and there are similar links
"etween Planning and the
Management of Risk!
The PMBOK E+ec#ting processes
contain several elements that refer
to proc#rement% s#ch as
solicitation% so#rce selection and
contract administration
PRINCE does not cover Team
PMBOK talks of initiating a
pro)ect or a phase! This e&#ates to
PRINCE:s initiation
stageHprocess and Managing -tage
Chilst proc#rement ma$ "e part
of man$ pro)ects% not all pro)ects
will want a method so specificall$
linked to proc#rement!
;-cope /erification: in PRINCE
wo#ld "e part of the initiation
process% which correctl$ places it
at the o#tset of a pro)ect% less
conf#sing than the PMBOK:s
placement of it!
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
Contract Closeo#t and
*dministrative Clos#re!
The Controlling process gro#p:s
work is covered "$ the C- and
MP processes!
The Closing process is ver$
similar to the CP process!
C#stomiEing Process Interactions * simple e+planation that the
standard processes sho#ld "e
tailored for a pro)ect:s needs!
No contention with PRINCE!
Mapping of Pro)ect Management
* matri+ is given% mapping the 27
pro)ect management processes of
the 3 process gro#ps to the 7
pro)ect management knowledge
This is similar to mapping
PRINCE processes to the
components and techni&#es
No ma)or difference% altho#gh
here again we see -olicitation%
-o#rce -election and Contract
*dministration coming in!
Section II The Project Management Knowledge Areas
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
Ch 4 Project Integration
This covers the processes re&#ired
to ens#re coordination of the
vario#s pro)ect elements%
specificall$ plan development and
e+ec#tion pl#s change control
Pro)ect Plan =evelopment There is a general disc#ssion on
creating a Pro)ect Plan and #sing
Earned /al#e Management%
altho#gh no detail is given here
a"o#t it!
This is ver$ similar to the
Planning process% altho#gh
PMBOK mentions a CB-% rather
than Prod#ct Breakdown
PMBOK talks of man$ s#"sidiar$
management plans% s#ch as scope
management plan% &#alit$
management plan%
comm#nications management
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
There is no mention in PMBOK at
this time of -tage or Team Plans%
nor an$ detail of how to create the
plan% )#st what it sho#ld contain
plan% risk response plan! Man$ of
these are covered in other sections
of the PI=
Pro)ect Plan E+ec#tion This takes the approach that a
pro)ect is managed against the
Pro)ect Plan on a da$,to,da$
"asis! Cork a#thorisation and
stat#s review meetings are
There is onl$ a "rief mention of
change re&#ests and gathering
information on work res#lts
PRINCE goes down to -tage and
Team Plan level for da$,to,da$
e+ec#tion! Cork Packages match
work a#thorisation% "#t far more
detail is given of the content of
the CP and the interface with
Team Managers! PRINCE has
Checkpoint meetings "#t
specificall$ s#ggests that the
Pro)ect Board manage "$
e+ception and receive 8ighlight
Reports instead of holding review
meetings% e+cept for end stage
The PRINCE C-H2H' processes
give far more detail a"o#t
gathering progress information%
capt#ring and e+amining change
PMBOK is vag#e here% sta$s at a
high level of plan for da$,to,da$
control% and still has reg#lar
progress meetings witho#t
separating Pro)ect Board from
Integrated Change Control This provides an overview to
change control and config#ration
management! No detail% no
method of how to do it is offered!
PRINCE offers a detailed change
control approach and far more
detail on config#ration
Ch Project Sco!e This covers the scoping of a PRINCE covers scoping in "oth The PMBOK states that this
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
Management pro)ect or phase and controlling
an$ changes to that scope!
the PI= and Cork Package chapter will cover the tools and
techni&#es re&#ired% "#t the onl$
one covered in an$ detail is the
CB-% and there is no effort to
contin#e from that planning point
into the other techni&#es needed
to act#all$ prod#ce a plan
Initiation Initiation is taken as the initiation
of a pro)ect or the a#thorisation to
contin#e into the ne+t phase! It
mentions tools and techni&#es%
s#ch as pro)ect selection methods%
"enefit meas#rement methods
mathematical methods and e+pert
)#dgement G no specific method is
offered% )#st a list of possi"le
The o#tp#t is a Pro)ect Charter!
PRINCE tackles this in three
areas% pro)ect initiation% Managing
-tage Bo#ndaries and =irecting a
Pro)ect! Pro)ect selection methods
e&#ate to the PRINCE Pro)ect
*pproach% "enefit meas#rement
wo#ld "e fo#nd in the PRINCE
B#siness Case and the list of those
offering e+pert )#dgement wo#ld
"e availa"le to an$ pm method!
The PI= e&#ates to the Pro)ect
Charter% "#t is wider in scope% e!g!
identif$ing the whole pro)ect
management team% not )#st the
Pro)ect Manager% incl#ding the
Pro)ect Plan% B#siness Case% risk
eval#ation and controls!
PMBOK talks of a Prod#ct
=escription as inp#t to initiation%
"#t this is not the same as a
PRINCE Prod#ct =escription! It
covers the prod#ct characteristics%
the relationship "etween the
prod#ct and the "#siness need%
and the ;form and s#"stance: of
the prod#ct description ma$ var$!
-cope planning This covers the ;progressive
ela"oration: of pro)ect scope! The
inp#ts are the Prod#ct
=escription% the Pro)ect Charter
PRINCE has this as part of the
PI=% "eing Pro"lem =efinition!
The management of scope change
is dealt with in PRINCE "$
It seems odd that this comes after
the Pro)ect Charter% whereas
PRINCE makes it part of the
information needed "efore
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
and the initial definition of
constraints and ass#mptions! The
o#tp#ts are the -cope -tatement
and -cope Management Plan! The
latter descri"es how scope change
will "e managed and incl#des an
assessment of the e+pected
sta"ilit$ of the pro)ect ?how likel$
to change% how fre&#entl$ and
how m#chA
change control% whose method is
descri"ed as part of the Pro)ect
6#alit$ Plan in the PI=! In
PRINCE an assessment d#ring
initiation of the vol#me of change
e+pected leads to consideration of
a Change *#thorit$ and Change
a#thorising the pro)ect! One of the
tools mentioned "$ the PMBOK is
"enefitHcost anal$sis% altho#gh
there is no specific o#tp#t of a
B#siness Case! PMBOK does not
enlarge #pon the scope
management plan to disc#ss what
to do if the assessment shows a
large vol#me of e+pected changes!
-cope definition This is the s#"division of the
ma)or pro)ect delivera"les into
smaller% more managea"le
components! The o#tp#ts are work
"reakdown str#ct#res! PMBOK
offers three e+ample templates
covering an aircraft s$stem% a
software prod#ct release and a
wastewater treatment plan! The
process stops at ;decide if
ade&#ate cost and d#ration
estimates can "e developed at this
level of detail for each
This e&#ates to part of the
PRINCE Prod#ct,"ased Planning
techni&#e% the Prod#ct Breakdown
-tr#ct#re% witho#t the &#alit$
aspect of writing Prod#ct
=escriptions or the transfer of the
prod#cts into a Prod#ct 0low
=iagram! The Planning process
contains m#ch more detail in
taking the Prod#ct Breakdown
-tr#ct#re thro#gh the Prod#ct
0low =iagram% estimating%
sched#ling% risk assessment and
writing a narrative!
Chen descri"ing other t$pes of
CB-% PMBOK refers to a PB-%
meaning a Pro)ect Breakdown
-tr#ct#re% as "eing ;f#ndamentall$
the same as a properl$ done
-cope verification This is descri"ed as ;the process
of o"taining formal acceptance of
the pro)ect scope "$ the
stakeholders:! It refers to the
This is dealt with in more depth
"$ the CP and =P3 processes!
PMBOK onl$ has formal
acceptance as an o#tp#t!
There is no mention in the
PMBOK process of an End
Pro)ect Report or a Post Pro)ect
Review Plan!
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
acceptance of the work res#lts% i!e!
occ#rs at the end of a pro)ect%
rather than agreement at the end
of initiation on what is to "e done
-cope change control This is a ver$ high level view of
the need for change control%
agreeing and managing scope
PRINCE has "oth a change
control component% a change
control techni&#e% processes ?C-2
and C-'A to capt#re and anal$se
change re&#ests and a series of
processes to o"tain decisions on
changes and manage their
implementation ?C-3% C-5%
E+ception Report% =P'% -B4%
E+ception Plan and =P2 G Pro)ect
Board decision on a revised planA
Both methods incl#de noting
lessons learned from changes and
setting a new "aseline!
Ch " Project Time Management This covers the development of
the pro)ect time sched#le
PB ?drawing a Prod#ct 0low
=iagramA% PB2 ?*ctivities and
=ependenciesA% PB' ?EstimatingA
and PB3 ?-ched#lingA cover this!
*ctivit$ =efinition Identif$ing and doc#menting the
specific activities re&#ired to
prod#ce the delivera"les shown in
the CB-! Part of the activit$ list
sho#ld "e descriptions of each
activit$ to ens#re that the pro)ect
team mem"ers will #nderstand
how the work is to "e done!
Covered "$ the second step of
PB and the first part of process
PB2! The activit$ description
e&#ates to a Prod#ct =escription
witho#t offering a disciplined
str#ct#re for it!
*ctivit$ -e&#encing The identification and Covered "$ the last step of PB
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
doc#mentation of interactivit$
logical relationships! This
s#ggests network planning as a
?drawing a Prod#ct 0low
=iagramA and the second half of
process PB2! PRINCE also
s#ggests network planning
software tools!
*ctivit$ =#ration Estimating Estimating "oth the work periods
re&#ired to complete an activit$
and the elapsed time!
This is covered "$ PB' PMBOK gives an overview of
fo#r methods of estimating% "#t
not eno#gh to "e a"le to #se them!
-ched#le =evelopment The iterative process of
determining start and finish dates
Covered "$ PB3 PMBOK has the risk management
plan as inp#t% "#t does not
consider #pdating risks as a res#lt
of planning
-ched#le Control aA Infl#encing the factors that
create sched#le changes to ens#re
that changes are agreed #pon ?"A
determining that the sched#le has
changed and ?cA managing the
act#al changes when and as the$
occ#r! It incl#des performance
meas#rement% i!e! tracking plan
changes that occ#r for other
reasons than change re&#ests!
Covered in greater detail in the
change control approach%
processes s#ch as C-H2H'H3H. and
5% and prod#cts s#ch as Pro)ect
Iss#es and E+ception Reports and
Both methods incl#de #pdating
Bessons Bearned!
Ch # Project Cost Management This incl#des the processes
re&#ired to ens#re that the pro)ect
is completed within the approved
"#dget! The first three steps are
part of the planning process! The
last process covers controlling
PRINCE sees the first three as a
minor part of PB3% -ched#ling!
The final part% Cost Control% is
handled "$ the PRINCE
approach to change control and
the C- processes% as descri"ed
PMBOK goes into more detail
than PRINCE in most of this
area with the e+ception of
handling tolerances% a topic that
PRINCE covers in m#ch more
detail in the Controls component%
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
changes to the pro)ect "#dget and
is almost a mirror image of 4!3
-ched#le Control% looking at cost
instead of time!
against -ched#le Control! -BH=P2 ?agreement with the
Pro)ect Board on stage tolerancesA
and C-3H. and 5!
Reso#rce Planning This covers determining what
ph$sical reso#rces sho#ld "e #sed!
PRINCE sees this as part of PB3%
Cost Estimating This covers the estimate of the
costs of the reso#rces needed to
complete pro)ect activities! One
o#tp#t is a cost management plan%
stating how cost variances will "e
PRINCE covers this ver$ "riefl$%
"#t does not separate this from the
other aspects of -ched#ling!
Cost variances are dealt with as
part of tolerances and their
control% and this area is dealt with
more thoro#ghl$ "$ PRINCE!
Cost B#dgeting This covers the allocation of the
overall cost estimates to
individ#al work packages
*gain this is part of PB3%
Cost Control Catching for the impact on cost of
proposed change re&#ests and
other reasons for plan slippage!
The process refers to Earned
/al#e Management as a tool for
meas#ring pro)ect performance!
Covered "$ C-% *ssessing
Progress% C-'% E+amining Pro)ect
Iss#es and the escalation process!
PRINCE does not incl#de E/M
or an$ other tool for performance
management% "#t works happil$
with an$ s#ch tools #sed! Both
methods mention #pdating
Bessons Bearned!
The process mentions that
processes sho#ld "e developed for
the closing or cancelling of
pro)ects! PRINCE provides s#ch
Ch $ Project %ua&ity This incl#des the processes Both methods recognise c#stomer
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
Management re&#ired to ens#re that the pro)ect
will satisf$ the needs for which it
was #ndertaken! This covers the
&#alit$ polic$% o")ectives%
responsi"ilities% &#alit$ ass#rance%
&#alit$ control and &#alit$
improvement within the &#alit$
s$stem! The chapter is intended to
"e compati"le with I-O 7999%
T6M and Contin#o#s
e+pectations% prevention over
inspection and management
6#alit$ Planning This involves identif$ing what
&#alit$ standards are relevant to
the pro)ect and determining how
to satisf$ them! The main o#tp#t
is a &#alit$ management plan!
This is f#ll$ covered in PB1%
Planning 6#alit$! PRINCE also
offers a process% -@'% where the
c#stomer:s &#alit$ e+pectations
are so#ght and recorded! The
Pro)ect 6#alit$ Plan is the
e&#ivalent of the &#alit$
management plan!
PMBOK does not formalise the
c#stomer:s &#alit$ e+pectations
6#alit$ *ss#rance PMBOK #ses the phrase to cover
;all the planned and s$stematic
activities implemented within the
&#alit$ s$stem to provide
confidence that the pro)ect will
satisf$ the relevant &#alit$
standards!: It covers reviews of
&#alit$ res#lts and a#dits of the
other &#alit$ management
PRINCE separates the
organisation,wide &#alit$
ass#rance role G setting and
monitoring the #se of standards G
from aspects of the Pro)ect
*ss#rance role% the planning of
reso#rces for &#alit$ work and
monitoring the res#lts for a single
pro)ect! PRINCE offers a &#alit$
PRINCE accepts that there ma$
"e a#dits from an organisation,
wide &#alit$ ass#rance gro#p%
independent of the pro)ect% "#t
also offers a role for this gro#p as
part of Pro)ect *ss#rance!
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
activities! file for all &#alit$ doc#ments%
which can "e #sed for &#alit$
6#alit$ Control This involves monitoring specific
pro)ect res#lts to determine if the$
compl$ with relevant &#alit$
PRINCE covers the need in
prod#cts and techni&#es s#ch as
the 6#alit$ Bog and &#alit$
Both cover the &#alit$ of prod#cts
and pro)ect management! PMBOK
does incl#de a description of
Pareto diagrams
Ch ' Project (uman Resources
PMBOK makes reference to s#ch
h#man factor skills as leading%
delegating% team "#ilding and
performance appraisal witho#t
going into detail or
recommending an$ specific
PRINCE does not cover this
OrganiEational Planning This covers identif$ing%
doc#menting and assigning
pro)ect roles% responsi"ilities and
reporting relationships
PRINCE covers this in -@ and
-@2% designing and appointing the
pro)ect management team!
PRINCE also offers a pro)ect
management organisation
str#ct#re with standard
descriptions for each role to "e
tailored for each specific pro)ect%
compared to PMBOK:s disc#ssion
of an organisation chart
PRINCE covers the area in far
more detail and is more specific
a"o#t the roles that sho#ld "e
considered! PMBOK sa$s that
roles ma$ "e assigned to
individ#als or gro#ps!
-taff *c&#isition This covers negotiation% pre,
assignment and proc#rement of
PRINCE does not cover this!
Team =evelopment This considers team "#ilding% PRINCE does not cover this PMBOK mentions the importance
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
personal training% reward and
recognition s$stems!
of these things and then points the
reader to ;a s#"stantial "od$ of
literat#re: on the topic as opposed
to detailing how the$ are to "e
Ch 1) Project Communications
This covers the timel$ and
appropriate generation% collection%
dissemination% storage and
#ltimate disposition of pro)ect
PRINCE descri"es the prod#cts%
offers Prod#ct =escriptions of
them and the processes where
each t$pe of comm#nication is
generated and #sed!
Comm#nications Planning This involves determining the
information and comm#nications
needs of the stakeholders!
This is covered "$ the
Comm#nication Plan% part of the
Both methods link
comm#nications to the
organisational str#ct#re!
Information =istri"#tion This covers the implementation of
the comm#nications management
plan as well s responding to
#ne+pected re&#ests for
The implementation is em"edded
in the relevant processes% s#ch as
reporting highlights% preparing
end stage reports! The Pro)ect
Iss#e proced#re covers an$
#ne+pected re&#ests for
Performance Reporting This involves the collection and
dissemination of performance
information% pl#s the maintenance
of the data in an organised
This is covered in s#ch processes
as C-% *ssessing Progress% and
C-4 Reporting 8ighlights!
PRINCE offers a filing str#ct#re
in which to keep the information!
PMBOK descri"es the Earned
/al#e *nal$sis techni&#e!
*dministrative Clos#re This covers the doc#mentation of
res#lts to formalise acceptance of
the prod#ct and the archiving of
This is f#ll$ covered in the CP
process% Closing a Pro)ect!
PRINCE is more specific a"o#t
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
pro)ect records! what the doc#ments sho#ld "e and
what the$ sho#ld contain!
Ch 11 Project Ris*
The s$stematic process of
identif$ing% anal$sing and
responding to pro)ect risk!
The Management of Risk
component f#ll$ covers this!
PRINCE can work e&#all$ well
with the risk approach that it
descri"es or an$ other risk
management method
Risk Management Planning This covers deciding how to
approach and plan the risk
management activities for a
PRINCE ass#mes that the same
approach to the management of
risk will "e #sed on all pro)ects!
One thing covered in the PMBOK
is risk "#dgeting! The new version
of PRINCE will incl#de this and
the #se of risk tolerance% also
mentioned "riefl$ in the PMBOK!
Risk Identification =etermining which risks might
affect the pro)ect and
doc#menting their characteristics!
It disc#sses techni&#es s#ch as
"rainstorming and =elphi!
Covered "$ the Management of
Risk component!
6#alitative Risk *nal$sis *ssessing the impact and
likelihood of identified risks
Covered as a"ove! PRINCE
offers the Risk Bog to assist in
monitoring risks!
6#antitative Risk *nal$sis The n#merical anal$sis of the
pro"a"ilit$ and impact of a risk!
-ensitivit$ and decision tree
anal$sis are "riefl$ descri"ed
PRINCE s#ggests high% medi#m
and low scoring% "#t is e&#all$ at
home with a scoring s$stem! No
anal$sis techni&#es are disc#ssed!
PMBOK goes into more detail in
identif$ing realistic cost% sched#le
or scope targets!
Risk Response Planning This covers the development of
options to co#nteract risks%
incl#ding the assignment to
individ#als to take responsi"ilit$
for each agreed risk response!
The consideration of options is
covered in Eval#ation! PRINCE
disc#sses the "alance of the
impact of the risk occ#rring
against the impact of taking the
Both methods offer the same t$pes
of risk action and mention the
appointment of risk owners! There
is a description of resid#al risks
and secondar$ risks in the
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
possi"le risk actions! PRINCE
covers the assignment of risk
actions as part of risk
management! PMBOK talks of a
Risk Register% PRINCE #ses the
term Risk Bog!
PMBOK% not covered in
Risk Monitoring F Control Keeping track of identified risks
and identif$ing new ones%
ens#ring the e+ec#tion of plans
and eval#ating their effectiveness
in red#cing risk!
Covered in the fo#r steps of risk
management( planning%
reso#rcing% monitoring and
control! PRINCE also links these
to the points in the vario#s
processes where the$ occ#r!
Ch 12 Project Procurement
This covers the processes to
ac&#ire goods from o#tside the
c#stomer organisation!
Most of this is not covered!
PRINCE regards this as a
specialist activit$% rather than a
generic part of pro)ect
Proc#rement Planning This is the process of identif$ing
which pro)ect needs can "e "est
met "$ proc#ring prod#cts or
services o#tside the pro)ect
organisation! It incl#des an
overview of make,or,"#$ anal$sis
and contract t$pe selection
This wo#ld "e part of defining the
Pro)ect *pproach in ;-tarting #p a
Pro)ect:% altho#gh PRINCE
keeps this at a high level!
-olicitation Planning This covers the preparation of
doc#ments needed in order to
approach prospective s#ppliers%
incl#ding eval#ation criteria!
Not covered
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
-olicitation This covers the o"taining of "ids
and other responses from
prospective s#ppliers% incl#ding
an$ &#alified seller lists% "idder
conferences and advertising
Not covered!
-o#rce -election This covers from the receipt of
"ids and the application of the
eval#ation criteria to the selection
of a provider% incl#ding contract
Not covered
Contract *dministration This is the process of ens#ring
that the seller:s performance
meets contract#al re&#irements
PRINCE covers all aspects of
this( the planning interfaces
"etween Pro)ect Manager and
Team Manager of Cork Packages
and Team Plans% performance
reporting ?Checkpoint ReportsA%
&#alit$ control ?the 6#alit$ BogA
and change control% e+cept for the
pa$ment s$stem% altho#gh
pa$ments can "e linked to prod#ct
approval or end stage
Contract Closeo#t This is similar to administrative
clos#re% descri"ed earlier! It
involves "oth prod#ct verification
and the #pdating of records and
their archiving
*s PRINCE considers
proc#rement is a specialist
activit$% it does not cover this as
s#ch! B#t all its re&#irements are
covered "$ the CP% Closing a
Pro)ect% and =P3% Confirming
' <an 99
Summary PRINCE2 Comments
Pro)ect Clos#re% processes!
Section III Appendices
*! The Pro)ect management
Instit#te -tandards -etting Process
This defines what the PMI
standard doc#ments are% the
handling of the development of
original works and adoption of
non,original work as standards!
These are PMBOK,specific and
do not concern PRINCE!
B! Evol#tion of PMI:s ;* >#ide to
the Pro)ect Management Bod$ of
* histor$ of the evol#tion of the
PMBOK pl#s lists of the
standards committee% contri"#tors%
reviewers and prod#ction staff!
C! Contri"#tors and Reviewers of
PMBOK >#ide 999 Edition
This lists the contri"#tors and
reviewers of the c#rrent edition!
=! Notes Chere applica"le this lists the
so#rces of information #sed in the
vario#s chapters% s#ch as The
*merican 8eritage =ictionar$ of
the English Bang#age!
E! *pplication *rea E+tensions *n *pplication E+tension *rea is
where there are generall$
accepted knowledge and practices
for a categor$ of pro)ects in one
application area that are not
generall$ accepted across the f#ll
range of pro)ect t$pes! The
*ppendi+ covers the need for
' <an 99
these% criteria for their
development% the p#"lication and
format of them and the process for
development and maintenance of
them! No e+amples are given!
0! *dditional -o#rces of
Information on Pro)ect
This lists a n#m"er of professional
and technical organisations% some
commercial p#"lishers% a
reference pointer to a we"site for
The PMI Registered Ed#cation
Provider Program and a ver$
vag#e mention that man$
ed#cational instit#tions offer
pro)ect management ed#cation!
>! -#mmar$ of Pro)ect
Management Knowledge *reas
This is a s#mmar$ of the topics of
sections I and II!
This holdsI
* description of the glossar$
incl#sions and e+cl#sions(
* list of common acron$ms(
=efinitions of pro)ect
management terms
PRINCE terminolog$ is not
incl#ded% e+cept where "oth #se a
common term!
' <an 99

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