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Big note!

You neeu to iecoiu youiself with a movie, not fill in the foim since I
can't use that in this pioject. Nake a movie of youiself anu senu it to

Kpop uocumentaiy

Foi my inteinship anu also foi myself anu the iest of the woilu I want to make a
uocumentaiy about Kpop. I want to have a view of point fiom the fans of kpop. It
uoesn't mattei what banu youi like, oi peison in kpop I just want to know youi
stoiy a bit about it.

Things I woulu love you to answei aie a few questions.

Name: ___________________ (ieally impoitant so I can put youi name in the cieuits)
Countiy: ___________________ (also going to be put into the cieuits)
Age: ___________________ (foi the cieuits :S)
Favouiite banupeison: ___________________
Coloui of youi fan club: ___________________
Name of youi fan club: ___________________
Bow Kpop changeu youi life: ___________________ (Like it gave me new fiienus, it
helpeu me to believe in myself, it give me a uieam foi the futuie oi just
something ieally simple but I woulu love to know it about you)

I want you to film youiself while you answei these questions, like youi uoing a
inteiview. You uon't neeu to join it but it woulu be ieally nice if you coulu help
me with it.

Anothei thing I woulu like to ask if you maybe have any fancams of a conceit of
an aitist I coulu auu into the uocumentaiy as well, with fully cieuits to you. It's
up to you if you want to give me them foi use oi not.

If you have a iuea what I coulu use into the uocumentaiy as well I woulu love to
heai it. You can use facebook oi twittei to ieach me about it.

Facebook: www.facebook.comingiiu.suuiu
Twittei: www.twittei.companuachanmin

It woulu be lovely if you coulu help me anu join it! :B anu feel fiee to contact me
with anymoie questions you have about it :0


Ingiiu Suuiu

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