Inpage-Course Out Line

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Islamic Academy of Communication Arts

Inpage 2000 & 2004Xp

Course out line
1. Introduction and Basic information
2. Creating New Page
3. Setting the page layout
. !ocument Preferences
". #ey $oards Preferences
%. Basics of &rdu typing
'. &ser !efined (ey$oard
). Aligning and *ormatting the te+t
,. Creating new color for te+t and $orders
1-. .e+t $o+ and .itle te+t $o+
11. *ormatting the page
12. /or(ing with 0aster page
13. A$out the tool Bo+
a. Arrow .ool 1&sed to select !rawing 2$3ects4
$. IB5A0 .ool 1.e+t and picture editing tool4
c. 6otating 2$3ects 1&sed to 6otate o$3ects at any angle4
d. lin( and delin( tool 1&sed to 7in( and delin( te+t $o+es4
e. .e+t Bo+ and .itle te+t $o+
f. Picture Bo+ 1used to insert pictures in document4
g. Basics of !rawing tools in inpage
1. 0a(ing ta$le in inpage
1". 0a(ing style sheet1Ctrl8.4
1%. Printing the documents
1'. 29er 9iew

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