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, , 30 -

Robin Lakoff Language and Womans Place (H )

(1973, 1975),

, , ,
: ,

Ardener (1975, . ramarae 1981, Spender 1980)
(muted group), ,
, ,
, .
/ , , 2003,
, ,
, , ,
, !!!

(womens language),
(1975: 7),
, o (: 7),


, ,
, ,
, , ,
(. iller & Swift 1976, 1980,
Kramarae & Treichler 1985).
Lakoff , ,
, ,
, , ,
. ,
, Lakoff ( , )
(1975: 8):
, .. - - - - .
: ,
(25+ ) ,
/ (empty adjectives),
/, sweet, divine, lovely.
, : , /, ,
, , , ,
: /,
/ . , :


, Panda, /
(. - 1986).
, .. , , , , , ,
( ,
, , Alpha TV,
2003). , : / x, !,
( : , /
/!) , -----!,

/ , , ,
, ! !
, , ! .

, : !, !

, ..
o - (tag-questions), , :/ ;
o ,
o , ,
/ , ;


, , , , ,

, .. , /gos/
/gos/ , .
, /

, ,

, ,

(double bind, Bateson

1972, Lakoff 1975: 61),

. : a woman is damned if she does and damned if she doesnt,
Lakoff (1975: 61),

, West &
Zimmerman (1983), Zimmerman & West (1975) Fishman (1983)


.. ; !

( , . akri-Tsilipakou 1991a/b, 1993, 1994a/b/c, M 2002).

, , (genderlect), /
, , Lakoff)
(.. Zimmerman & West 1975, Fishman 1983)
, (Maltz & Borker 1982, annen 1990),

, Lakoff
(Cameron 1996: 39, Wodak & Benke 1997: 130)
(. 2002:


(.. , Tannen 1990)
. ,
(ing & Bergval 1996: 4),

, ,
, , .,
. , , , ,
, /
. ,
/ /
(. James & Clarke 1993).
, , ,

Lakoff -

(.. annen 1990),
. 1970
nn Oakley (1972, Talbot 1998: 6),
Giddens (1989: 58, Wodak & Benke 1997: 128).
, sex, female/male (/?)
, gender, feminine/masculine (/?)
sex gender , ,

(. 2002: 17).

, / & /,
. .., /
(.), (.),
(.), (.),
(.), (./.;),
(./.;), (./.;),
(.) .
, , , ,
, , .
/ ,
, , ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
, , , , , , ,
, . (. , 1986: 544545).

, .. , ,


, 1975 Thorne & Henley

Language and Sex, , , Thorne,

Kramarae & Henley, Language, Gender and Society, 1983,

gender (. 2002: 27).

, ,

/ , .. Labov
. (1963, 1966), Trudgill
(1972) , , ,

-, .


, Cameron (1996: 42),

( , ,
, , , ,
), ,
. ,
/ ,

(..). ,
Cameron (..),
, .
To , ,
(nature/nurture, , ).
Chambers (1992, 1995), o

, (James 1996: 118). ,
, ,
, - ,
(Bohan 1993). M ,
(Crawford 1995: 8),
, ,
, (Cameron 1998: 951).

(. Bing & Bergvall
1996), ,


, ..
, (.
Bing & Bergvall 1996,
, .. ). ,

, , , ,
, , , , , ,
, . (. Bing & Bergvall 1996: 2).
A ()
, ,
(womens language) (. Johnson
& einhof 1997) ,

(. Gal 1995: 171).
, (womens language)
language used by women), (Cameron 1998:

, ,
, .
/ ,
( ), , ,

(, )!
, (Bohan 1993);


a priori
, ,
, , , ,
, , ., ..
, Labov
, ,
, (1990). ,
Milroy & Milroy (1985)
Clonard Belfast .
( Labov),
, Milroy
(1980). ckert (1997),
(/ Jocks, Burnouts)
/ ,
, ,
Labov), ,
, , . , ,
, ,

, ckert (1997: 226). Labov, ,

(1990: 218).
, ,

( ),
. ,
, , Ochs
(1992: 340),

, (annen 1998, akri-Tsilipakou 1991a, 1994b/c).
, ,
(akri-Tsilipakou 1991a, 1994a)
(interruptions) ,
, ,
/ (
, ).
(1998, 2002), ,
( .
), ,


(2002: 247).
, ,

(Cameron 1998: 953); ;

(Cameron ..),


, , , );
Lakoff (1975) Tannen (1990),



(all 1995).
/ , , ,
, , ,

, .

(akri-Tsilipakou 2003), ,
, ,

, , ,

, ..


The Wall, ANT1, 2003.
, ,

(Cameron 1997: 28),
, (: 32).
, ()
, ,

/ ,
/ .
, ,
, ,
, ..


, , , .

/ , (), ,
, ,
, , , !
(all & O Donovan 1996),
, ,
, ,



, Margaret Mead (1921) , ;

, /,
. , ,
(think practically and look locally),
ckert & McConnell-Ginet (1992).
(community of practice)
, ,
( ) , , , ,









/ (o Palco, ),

), ( 1992), (akriTsilipakou 1997), ..

(Cameron 1997:
34), ,

Butler (1990)
(speech acts) Austin (1962). Butler,
, (1990:
(Cameron 1997: 29). ,
, .
, (discursively)
, , Goffman (1977),
/ (institutional reflexivity):
, , ,
. Kotthoff & Wodak
(1997: xi), (institutionalization),
xx) , ,
(: xi),
, ,
, ,
(: x). M ,
(: xii).


, , Butler Goffman,
Harold Garfinkel (1967),

(reflexivity of accounts and actors), (accounts)

(enson & Hughes 1983: 102), /
Agnes :
(1967: 128-9, 178)

, ..

// (
, , -
, , Garfinkel, /
(cultural dopes), , ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
(Fairclough 1992: 238),
(1972: 49, systematically form the objects of which they
(. Wetherell 1998, Schegloff 1997, 1998, 1999a/b, Billig 1999a/b,
Kitzinger 2000, Makri-Tsilipakou 2003), , ,



- - ,
/ , ,
- (Barrett 1994: 99)
(tthoff & Wodak 1997: x) ,

trendy ,
, , ,

, , ,
, -

, .
Cameron (1997: 954-5),
, ,
. A,
, ,
, , ,
, .

. , ,
, ,
, ,

(Cameron 1997: 955).
, , , ichlle


[ ]
(1994: 99).
, .

Barrett, Michle (1994). :

. . (.), , , .
, 85-102. , ,
, (1986).
. 2 . .
M-T, M (1986). M
. M E : 7 E
, 12-14 M, 1986. : A K. 261-77.
M-T, M (2002). /: A
. .-. (.),
, , , 97-144. : .
, (2002).
. .-. (.), --, 20748. : .
, (1992). .
. . & .
(.), . :
& .
, - (.) (2002). --. :

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