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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development

Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
Community Irrigation Project
Project Coordination Unit
Shreemahal, Pulchowk, Lalitpur

Notice No: CIP/01/070/071
(First Date of Publication: - 21 J une, 2014)

Notice of Shortlisting of Consultants for Preparation of FAR

As per notice of invitation for EoI published in "The Kathmandu Post" and Consulting Services
Recruitments Notice (CSRN) of Asian Development Bank (ADB) dated 21 April, 2014, for the
purpose of short listing of consultants as qualified, eligible and experienced firms for Detail
Feasibility Study and Report Preparation of Irrigation Sub Projects.

It is hereby informed to all participated consultants that this package is considered responsive and it
is notified to the selected Firm/J V for the short listing as per clause 30 sub clause 5 of PPA 2063 &
clause 70 of PPR 2064, it is requested to visit Community Irrigation Project (CIP) website
for further details.

List of Shortlisted Consultants
Shortlisted Consultants Firms/J V Name and Address
1 PRECAR-FBC-IDRS J V, Kathmandu
2 SIDeF-CMS J V, Kathmandu
4 MULTI-CIS-MASINA-Nepal Consult J V, Kathmandu
5 ERMC-RIDC J V, Kathmandu
6 GEOCE-TMS-Aviyan J V ,Kathmandu

Project Coordinator

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