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Sri Rama's route From Ayodya to Rameswaram & Lanka as per Ramayana

) The road from Ayodhya to Janakpur, which was the route, used by the brideroom and his
!baraatis" #fami$y) to reach Ayodhya after the Ram%Sita marriae in Janakpur ac&uired the name
!Ram%Sita 'ar" $on ao(
Shri Ram and Rishi )ishwamitra, howe*er, took another route to reach Janakpur after the s$ayin
of Tadaka in Tadaka*an #Forest of Tadka)(
The route of the !baraatis" is known as Ram%Sita 'ar and it is now a proper road( 'i$$ions of
pi$rims actua$$y co*er the distance on foot ti$$ today to enact the marriae of Ram and Sita(
1) Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh
Shri Ram was on$y fifteen years o$d when he and Lakshman set out with Rishi )ishwamitra to
annihi$ate the demons that were po$$utin and obstructin the sacred ritua$s of his +ana #fire
sacrifice)( Their first ha$t was on the banks of the Ri*er Sarayu, twenty ki$ometers from Ayodhya(
)a$miki,s Ramayan describes the tran&ui$ settin aainst which, )ishwamitra tauht the princes
the art of !ba$" and !atiba$" which endowed them with immunity from disease and eterna$ ood
hea$th besides freein them from pans of huner and thirst(
)a$miki,s Ramayan describes the tran&ui$ settin aainst which, )ishwamitra tauht the princes
the art of !ba$" and !atiba$" which endowed them with immunity from disease and eterna$ ood
hea$th besides freein them from pans of huner and thirst(
2) Balliya, Uttar Pradesh
-a$kin past A.amad, Shri Ram, Lakshman and Sae )ishwamitra reached /a$$iya where Ri*er
Sarayu meres with the ho$y ri*er 0ana( This ha*en on the banks of the Sarayu was the chosen
p$ace for saes who spend $on hours in meditation( Shri Ram rested here in the niht before he
set out at dawn crossin ri*er 0ana to reach )ishwamitra,s Siddhashram( At niht, before the
princes went to s$eep, )ishwamitra narrated to them the story of 1amdhenu #0od of Lo*e) who
was burned to ashes there by Lord Shi*a(
A) Tadka )adh2 /u3ar, /ihar(
After crossin the ho$y 0ana, Shri Ram and Lakshman reached a dense forest where demoness
Tadka $i*ed( The dreadfu$ forest was known as Tadka*an( Shri ram ended Tadka,s rein o*er the
forest by s$ayin her and freein its inhabitants from terror( The forest stretched between /haro$i
and /aksar in /ihar( Shri Ram performed the first task of his !a*taar" #incarnation) here by
destroyin the e*i$ demoness(
/) Siddhashram2 /u3ar, /ihar
Rishi )ishwamitra,s Siddhashram was $ocated not too far from /aksar( Siddhashram, accordin to
Adhytma Ramayan was a socia$ ashram where re$iious instruction was imparted to peop$e( Shri
Ram and Lakshman so4ourned in the ashram for three days after Shri Ram ki$$ed 'areech and
Subahu, the demons who were tormentin Rishi )ishwamitra by dirtyin his +ana #fire sacrifice)
with bones and b$ood( Lakshman destroyed an entire demon force brouht by Subahu whi$e Shri
Ram took on the miht 'areech, son of Tadka, the demoness he had done away with ear$ier(
There are *i$$aes e3istin today on the banks of the Ri*er 0ana with the names 'areech and
5) Ahi$ya 6ddhar2 Ahro$i, /u3ar, /ihar(
Three ki$ometers from /u3ar in the northern direction is the *i$$ae Ahro$i( Rishi 0autam had his
ashram here( Accordin to Ram 5harita 'anas it was here that Shri Ram de$i*ered Ahi$ya, the
beautifu$ wife of Rishi 0autam, from a curse of her husband, which had turned her into stone(
-hen Shri Ram and Lakshman $eft Siddhashram they crossed Ri*er 0ana and Ri*er Sonbhadra
and set foot on the soi$ of Ahro$i *i$$ae, which sti$$ e3ists in /u3ar district(
4) Sonhadra Ri!er" Patna, Bihar
7are* and Triama are two p$aces of sinificance( They ha*e a distance of fi*e ki$ometers
between them( -hen Shri Ram and Lakshman crossed Ri*er Sonbhadra, they reached a p$ace
before 7atna where they spent a niht before mo*in on to Janakpur(
#) $ishala %agri" Ha&i'(r, Bihar )near Patna)*
)isha$a 8ari is in the district )isha$i( Ram and Lakshman crossed Ri*er 0ana and reached this
town with Rishi )ishwamitra who uided them to a arden to rest for a whi$e in its frarant
+) Ahilya Ashram )Ahiyari)" ,aranga, Bihar*
)a$miki,s Ramayan says 0autam Rishi,s ashram was in 'ithi$a( Ahi$ya resided there as Shi$a(
The p$ace was therefore named as Ahiyari after her( Thaiya*a$k #Ja*an), Shrini #Srinya),
/hrini #/haira*) and 0autam Rishis $i*ed there(
-) A) )ishwamitra Ashram2 /isau$, 'adhubani, /ihar(
/isau$ was Rishi )iswamitra,s p$ace of residence( After reachin Janakpur Rishi )ishwamitra
stayed there and he set up his ashram in a arden(
/) 7hu$har )i$$ae #Jamuni), 'adhubani, /ihar(
7hu$har *i$$ae was situated in one of Ra4a Janak,s prime ardens( 9t was in Jamuni #'adhubani)
and was ce$ebrated for a 0auri Temp$e where Sita prayed reu$ar$y( After payin obeisance to his
0uru )ishwamitra when Shri Ram entered the f$ora$ section of the arden, Sita, who was present
there, ot her first $impse of Shri Ram(
1.) A) 'atihani2 Janakpur, 8epa$(
9n the *icinity of Janakpur was 'atihani from where, accordin to fo$k$ore, mud was co$$ected
and taken to create the *enue for the marriae of Shri Ram and Sita( 'atihani has become a
sacred p$ace as e*en today maidens for their marriae take mud from here(
/)Janakpur, 8epa$(
Janakpur was the capita$ of Ra4a Janak,s kindom( 9t $ies :; ki$ometers from 9ndia,s border and is
known for a temp$e of 'a Sita which attracts pi$rims round the year(
5) Ranbhoomi2 Janakpur, 8epa$(
9t is be$ie*ed that the <hanush +aya #competition for $iftin of the bow) or Sitaswayam*ar, as is
popu$ar$y understood was announced before an in*ited roya$ atherin in a hue maidan #fie$d)
c$ose to the present Janaki 'andir( 9t was here that Shri Ram picked up the Shi* <hanush and
broke it into two ha$*es with ease(
%ote" The important p$aces in Janakpur inc$ude 'atihani, Ranbhoomi, <hanusha 'ani 'andap( A$$ of them are associated with the $eend
of Shri Ram and Sita,s marriae(
11) Sita /arhi, Bihar*
Accordin to be$iefs, 'ithi$a, one of the principa$ities of Ra4a Janak,s 1indom was passin
throuh the tria$ of drouht and famine( Fo$$owin roya$ tradition, Ra4a Janak took out the o$den
p$ow and went to an arid fie$d to p$ouh the soi$ and appea$ to the ods for rain( -hi$e performin
the ritua$, the p$ow ot stuck in a deep ro*e in the soi$( The kin,s men rushed to pu$$ the p$ow
out of the depth of the soi$ and $o and beho$d there was a ir$ chi$d waitin for he$p( The chi$d$ess
kin happi$y adopted her as his dauhter and named her !Sita", the Sanskrit term by which the
cuttin side of the p$ow is known(
The name of the *i$$ae, Sitamarhi, is deri*ed from the name Sita as a resu$t( Tra*e$ers oin to
Janakpur in 8epa$ in*ariab$y stop at Sitamarhi for a !darshan" #sihtin) of the $and where Sita
manifested in the soi$(
12) SI0A1U%," /20IHARI, BIHAR
A) Sitakund2 'otihari, /ihar
9t is said that the !baraatis" #procession of the brideroom,s fami$y) whi$e returnin to the
kindom of Ayodhya after the Ram%Sita marriae stopped at Sitakund 'otihari for a $itt$e rest(
They bathed and freshened themse$*es in the Sita 1und( =ne of Sita,s ban$es fe$$ in the kund
#pond), it is be$ie*ed( The baraatis #/rideroom,s fami$y) offered a pu4a #worship) to Lord Shi*a
Sitakund is $ocated :; kms from 'otihari in the South <irection( 9t is a we$$%known p$ace in the
8orthern 9ndian /e$t(
/) <erwan, 0orakhpur, 6ttar 7radesh(
<earwan which $ies ahead of Sitakund is not far from Sitakund( The baraatis #/rideroom,s
fami$y) had camped at this p$ace and hence the name <erwan( The word !<e*" in >indi means
13) ,ohri 3hat, /ho4, Uttar Pradesh*
The true meanin of <ohari is <o >ari, i(e( Two >aris( =ne common$y used name in the worship
of Lord )ishnu is >ari( As per )a$miki Ramayan, the baarat was on the way to Ayodhya when the
ear$ier A*taar #incarnation) of )ishnu, 7arshuram, stopped the baaratis at this p$ace on the banks
of the ri*er Sarayu( 7arashuram tested Shri Ram and rea$i.ed who he was( /oth the >aris
#7arashuram and Ram, the two )ishnu a*atars) met here and 7arashuram returned to 'ahesiri
'ountain after offerin his respects to Ram( Ra4a <ashrath and the !baraatis" then continued their
4ourney back to Ayodhya with Shri Ram(
Shri Ram5s $an!as 6o(rney
9t is more difficu$t to chart a route for Ram,s 4ourney durin his period of e3i$e( First$y this is pan%
9ndia 4ourney, second$y, Ram, Lakshman and Sita a$so wandered in the <andaka Forest for more
than ?; years( This mihty forest wou$d encompass in today,s date a$most the entire state of
'adhya 7radesh inc$udin parts of 0u4arat and 'aharashtra on the -est and 1arnataka on the
South( >ence this makes it e*en more difficu$t( Sti$$ we ha*e charted a basic route, which can be
seen here in this map(
There are many p$aces that Ram *isited durin this ?@ year period durin which he had the ood
fortune of meetin with some of most en$ihtened saes and beins of that period( They were of
course *ery de$ihted to meet with Ram themse$*es with many of them ha*in been foreto$d the
comin of Ram, they waited for years conductin se*ere penance for that fortunate time to arri*e(

1) A72,H7A, U00AR PRA,8SH
Ayodhya was the capita$ city for the 9s*aku <ynasty #Surya*anshi) of 1ins( This was a$so the
city where Son of <asrath, Shri Ram was born #appeared)( 9n twe$*e ki$ometers *icinity of
Ayodhya there e3ist ho$y p$aces $ike )edi 1und, Sita 1und, Janaura etc( that are a$so part of the
4ourney of Shri Ram,s !*an*as" #e3i$e) route( 9t was a$so from Ayodhya that Shri Ram started his
4ourney a$on with Sita and Lakshman(
Ayodhya was a ma4estic city comparab$e to any internationa$ city of modern times a$most e$e*en
ki$ometers in $enth fu$$ of parks, ardens, theatres and modern infrastructure and faci$ities for its
citi.ens( The citi.ens of Ayodhya $o*ed their 1ins(
/) Tamsa Ri*er, 6ttar 7radesh(
9t was here that Shri Ram a$on with Sita, Lakshman and Sumantra 'inister #'antri) rested on
their first niht( The modern name for Tamsa Ri*er is 'adhar Ri*er and the p$ace from where she
f$ows is ca$$ed 0ora 0hat( This p$ace is about twenty ki$ometers from Ayodhya( =n the banks of
the Tamsa Ri*er there is a p$ace known as 7ur*a 5hakiya( The citi.ens of Ayodhya fo$$owed Shri
Ram unti$ this spot after their dearest Ram departed from Ayodhya( Shri Ram, Lakshman and Sita
disuised themse$*es and $eft this spot in the midd$e of the niht so that none of the peop$e wou$d
be ab$e to fo$$ow him(
2) S(ltan'(r, Uttar Pradesh
A) 0omti Ri*er, Su$tanpur, 6ttar 7radesh
=n the banks of the 0omti ri*er, Sae )a$miki had an ashram( 9t was from here that Shri Ram
crossed the 0omti ri*er( The o$d name of Su$tanpur was 1ushannathpur, which was named after
the son of Ram, !1ush"(
/) )adrathi Ri*er, 7rataparh, 6ttar 7radesh
The present day name of the )adrathi Ri*er is Sarkani Ri*er( This p$ace is situated around A
ki$ometers from 7rataparh in the Bastern <irection( Shri Ram had crossed this ri*er near the
town of 'ohanan4, as per )a$miki Ramayan(
5)Sandika Ri*er #Sayi Ri*er), 'ohanan4, 7rataparh, 6ttar 7radesh
The current day name of the Sandika Ri*er is Sayi Ri*er( This p$ace is situated at a distance of
twe$*e ki$ometers from 7rataparh( This is p$ace is a$so common$y known as <e* 0hat( Shri Ram
has crossed this ri*er from this spot( There is a$so a Shi* Temp$e here that was estab$ished by
/harat( This p$ace has been mentioned in the )a$miki as we$$ as Tu$si Ramayan(
<)/a$ukini Ri*er, 7rataparh, Ramka$e*a, 6ttar 7radesh
The current name of this ri*er is /a$ukatti( This p$ace is appro3imate$y ?C ki$ometers from
7rataparh in the Southern <irection( Shri Ram had crossed this ri*er here as has been mentioned
in the )a$miki Ramayan(
3) PRA7A3 )A99AHABA,), U00AR PRA,8SH
A)Shrin*erpur, 7raya #A$$ahabad), 6ttar 7radesh
Sinrora is the current name of Shrin*erpur( This was the capita$ of 8ishad Ra4 0uha( This p$ace
is situated around twenty ki$ometers 8orth of A$$ahabad( Shri Ram has rested on a bed of rass
here( The ne3t mornin he crossed the 0ana Ri*er from here and proceeded to the /haradwa4
Ashram( The incident of !1e*at 7rasan" took p$ace here(
/) Sita 1und, Shrin*erpur, 7raya, 6ttar 7radesh
This ho$y pond is around two ki$ometers from Shrin*erpur( 9t was from here that Shri Ram sent
back their be$o*ed minister Sumantra to Ayodhya(
5) Sanam, 7raya, 6ttar 7radesh
This is the di*ine meetin p$ace of the three ho$y ri*ers of 0ana, +amuna and Saraswati( Shri
Ram himse$f has praised this spot for its spiritua$ powers, which can up$ift mankind( /haradwa4
Rishi had his ashram here( Shri Ram had rested in this ashram for a niht( Ram 5harita 'anas as
we$$ as )a$miki Ramayan i*e a $ot of importance to this p$ace(
<) +amuna 0hat, Simri, 7raya, 6ttar 7radesh
Shri Ram a$on with Lakshman and Sita crossed the +amuna Ri*er( 9n the )a$miki Ramayan the
reference to Lakshman constructin a boat to cross the ri*er has been made for this p$ace(
After restin o*erniht on the Simri 0hat Shri Ram crossed the ri*er usin the boat made by
Lakshman( There are many p$aces on the banks of the +amuna re$ated to the e3i$e period of Shri
Ram $ike Akshay )at, Sita Rasoi #Jasra /a.aar), Rishiyan #the abode of Rishis), 'urka #>anuman
4) :HI0RA1220, U00AR PRA,8SH
A) Ramnaar, 5hitrakoot, 6ttar 7radesh
Shri Ram wa$ked a$on the banks of the +amuna Ri*er in his onward 4ourney( After crossin the
+amuna Ri*er, he reached what is known in today,s time as Ramnaar( This is p$ace is birthp$ace
of Tu$si <as, the reat poet who has written Ram 5harita 'anas(
/) )a$miki Ashram, La$a 7ur, 5hitrakoot, 6ttar 7radesh
After *isitin Sae /haradwa4,s Ashram, Shri Ram reached )a$miki,s Ashram and he spent the
niht here( 9t was here that Sae )a$miki himse$f suested to Shri Ram to make 5hitrakoot his
home for a few days(
5) 5hitrakoot, 6ttar 7radesh
As suested by Sae )a$miki, Shri Ram reached 5hitrakoot <ham( Shri Ram made his ashram
on the 1amadiri 'ountain near the 'andakini Ri*er( There were many saes, ho$y men and
rishis who had made their ashrams #abodes) near the 1amadiri 'ountain(
9t was this di*ine spot where Shri /harat met with Shri Ram and took his padukas #s$ippers) with
him to Ayodhya to p$ace on the throne(
5hitrakoot has many p$aces of pi$rimaes in its *icinity $ike 'adakini Ri*er, /haratkoop, =n the
banks of the 'andakini Ri*er D Spatik Shee$a, >anuman <hara and Atri Ashram, 0upt #Secret)
0oda*ari( A$$ these sacred p$aces strenthen the p$ace of 5hitrakoot as a one of the most
important p$aces of pi$rimaes whi$e tracin the footsteps of Shri Ram,s 4ourney of e3i$e(
After the *isit of /harat to 5hitrakoot, many citi.ens of Ayodhya had started to *isit this p$ace(
'any of the ho$y men and saes in this area started to fee$ disturbed by the presence of so many
peop$e and it then that Shri Ram decided to $ea*e this p$ace( >ence a$$ in a$$ Shri Ram wou$d ha*e
stayed in 5hitrakoot for on$y about one or two years on$y( The ma4ority of his e3i$e period he
spent in the <andak Forest(
<) Amra*ati, 5hitrakut, 6ttar 7radesh
Around E ki$ometers from Atri Ashram, in the midd$e of the 4un$e, there is a beautifu$ p$ace
ca$$ed Amra*ati(
=ne of the ancestors of Shri Ram ca$$ed Ambrish had conducted an intense penance here for
many years( After $ea*in 5hitrakut, Shri Ram came to Sae Atri,s Ashram( 9t was here that the
Sati Anusuya #pure and chaste wife of Sae Atri) a*e the sermon of !7ati )rata <harma"
#ser*ice to husband) to 'other Sita(
After restin in Sae Atri,s Ashram for one niht, Shri Ram spent the ne3t niht at the p$ace of
penance of Ambrish #his ancestor)( 9t was in this forest that Shri Ram ki$$ed the Rakshas named
9n the *icinity of Am*arti there is a *i$$ae ca$$ed Jamunihayi( There is a *ery dark and danerous
$ookin pit ca$$ed !)iradh 1und" #pond)( This pit is situated three ki$ometers from Amra*ati(
After ki$$in the demon )iradh, Shri Ram had buried him here(
;) Sharang Ashram, Satna, /adhya Pradesh
Around ?F ki$ometers from current day 5hithara Station, Satna, 'adhya 7radesh is probab$y
where the Shabran Ashram of the Ramayan is situated( After the s$ayin of )iradh, Shri Ram
*isited this ashram( 9t was here that he had the di*ine !darshan" #sihtin) of the 0od 9ndra(
After ha*in the !darshan" #sihtin) of Shri Ram, Shabran Rishi with the he$p of his +oic Fire
destroyed his body and attained sa$*ation(
<) Ramte=, %ag'(r, /aharashtra
Ramtek is a beautifu$ mountain near the city of 8apur( Shri Ram stayed here for some time( This
mountain is a$so connected with the writer 1a$idas who wrote the famous poem !'ehdoot"
accordin to some historians(
Appro3imate$y G ki$ometers from here there is a p$ace ca$$ed Sa$bardi near which there is a p$ace
of pi$rimae ca$$ed Sita 8ahani( Accordin to popu$ar $eend, Shri Ram proceeded to the ashram
of Sutikshan 'uni from here(
#) %ASI1, /aharashtra
A) Sutiksha 'uni Ashram2 SaptaSruni, 8asik, 'aharashtra
After meetin with Sharban Rishi, Shri Ram reached the ashram of Sutikshan 'uni( >e had
spent ?; years in the <andaka Forest before reachin here( Sutikshan 'uni was the discip$e of
Aastya Rishi( Shri Ram rested here for some time( >e ki$$ed many of the demons residin in this
area and a$so took a *ow that he wou$d rid this area of a$$ the e*i$ inf$uences( There is an ancient
temp$e of 0oddess SaptaSruni here, which attracts many pi$rims( 9t is said that 'arkandaye
Rishi wrote the <ura Saptastuti at this ho$y p$ace( Accordin to popu$ar $eend, <ura 'a ki$$ed
the demon 'ahisasur at this p$ace, which is represented by a ho$e in the mountain, which can be
seen ti$$ today( The demon was hidin behind the mountain when <ura attacked him(
/) Aastya Ashram2 7imparner, 8asik, 'aharashtra
Appro3imate$y ?H ki$ometers 8orth of 8asik there is an ashram ca$$ed Aasteshwar Ashram(
Sutiksha 'uni had uided Shri Ram to his 0uru Aastya Rishi( Sae Aastya presented Ram with
many di*ine weapons and powers here( >e a$so ad*ised Ram to make his Ashram on the banks of
the 0oda*ari Ri*er and $i*e there(
5) 7ancha*ti2 8asik, 'aharashtra
=n the banks of the 0oda*ari Ri*er there is p$ace popu$ar$y known as Tapo*an, which is the
actua$ 7anch*ati of the Ramayan era( 9t was here that Shri Ram, Lakshman and Sita resided here
in a sma$$ hut( The incident of the cuttin off the nose of <emoness Shupnaka took p$ace here( 9t
is from here that !8asik" deri*ed its name as the Sanskrit name for nose is !8asika"( 1har,
<hooshan, Trishara and ?@,;;; other <emons were s$ain by Shri Ram in this area after they
attacked Shri Ram on hearin about this incident from their sister(
The kidnappin of Sita by Ra*an, The s$ayin of 'areech and the S$ayin of Jatayu by Ra*an a$$
took p$ace in a forest known as Jansthan in this area( 9n the ancient times, the ashram of 0autam
Rishi was in the ho$y town of Trimbakeshwar #one of the twe$*e Jyotir$ins) nearby( 9n order to
re$ease himse$f of the burden of a curse on him, 0autam Rishi had created the 0oda*ari Ri*er(
+) 0(l&a'(r, /aharastra
There is ancient temp$e of <e*i #0oddess) Tu$4abha*ani here( 9t is be$ie*ed that Shri Ram and
Sita roamed in the forests near the temp$e( 9t is a$so here that Lord Shi*a and his wife Sati came
for the !darshan" #sihtin) of Shri Ram and Sita( Sati took the form of Sita and tried to et c$ose
to Ram in order to test his purity(
-) RA/,UR3, B893AU/, 1AR%A0A1A
A) 1aband Ashram2 1ardiud, 8ear Ramdur, /e$aum, 1arnataka
9n the 9ndian state of 1arnataka there is a *i$$ae ca$$ed 1ardiud where it is be$ie*ed that 1aband
Ashram was situated( Shri Ram and Lakshman s$ayed the demon 1aband here( After he was
ki$$ed, 1aband became a !0andhar*a" #e&ui*a$ent of ane$) and $eft for his hea*en$y abode(
/efore $ea*in he had re&uested Shri Ram to *isit the Ashram of Shabri(
/) Shabri Ashram2 Sureban, 8ear Ramdur, /e$aum, 1arnataka
Around ?@ ki$ometers in the 8orthern direction from Ram <ur, near the town of 0una is p$aced
ca$$ed Sureban( This is p$ace where Shabri, who was a discip$e of Sae 'atan $i*ed( She had
waited $on years for her dear Ram to arri*e, and on his arri*a$ she fed him berries which she had
tasted herse$f to make sure that they were sweet( This anered Lakshman but Shri Ram pacified
him because he cou$d see her intense $o*e and de*otion towards him( 9t was Shabri who then
instructed Ram to approach Suree* in the search for his be$o*ed wife(
1.) HA/PI, 1AR%A0A1A
A) >anuman >a$$i2 1oppa$, >ampi, 1arnataka
This was the p$ace where >anuman met Shri Ram and Lakshman for the first time( 9n fact
Suree* had sent >anuman to meet with them in order to make sure that they were not the spies
of his brother and archenemy /a$i( The miht >anuman $ifted Shri Ram and Lakshman on his
shou$ders and took them on Rishimukh 7ar*at to meet with Suree*( The capita$ city of Suree*
!1ishkinda" is a$so near by(
/) /i$$ari, >ampi, 1arnataka
8ear the ancient 1ishkinda, around four ki$ometers from the town of >ampi, there e3ists a
'ountain ca$$ed 'a$bha*ant #7rastra*an) where Shri Ram has spent the monsoon season(
The p$aces to see around this area inc$ude /a$i /andara, An4ani 7ar*at #mountain), 'atan Rishi
'ountain, Spatik Shee$a( 9t was on the Spatik Shee$a that the )aran #monkey) Sena #army) had
co$$ected for the first time( >anuman had i*en the news of Sita to Shri Ram at this p$ace(
11) 0ri>(lla'alli, 0amil %ad(
The o$d name for this town is Trishirapa$$i( This was the abode for Ra*an,s brother Trishira and so
named after him( =n the banks of the 1a*eri Ri*er here there is a beautifu$ Shi* Temp$e, which is
said to destroy sins(
Accordin to popu$ar $eend, Shri Ram had prayed to Lord Shi*a here in order to free himse$f of
the sin of s$ayin 1har and <ooshan( =n his way to Lanka, Shri Ram had stayed here(
12) Ram'ad, 1odi=arai, $edrandyam, 0amil %ad(
A$on with the entire )anar #money) Sena #army), Shri Ram had proceeded towards the Southern
direction from this town( 9t was a$so from this p$ace that Shri Ram had the first *iew of the sea(
The footprints of Shri Ram are sti$$ found in the forests of this area(
13) Ramanath'(ram, 0amil %ad(
Ramnathpuram is on the shores of the waters bodies on the Southern tip of 9ndia( 9t is on the way
to ho$y pi$rim town of Rameshwaram( 9t is be$ie*ed that the foundation stone of the Ram%Setu
/ride constructed by Ram and the entire army to cross o*er to Sri Lanka is p$aced here in a
sma$$ *i$$ae ca$$ed !5hedu 1arai"( =ne can sti$$ see the foundation stones of this architectura$
wonder ten feet be$ow the waters of the ocean( )ibhishan, after ha*in been insu$ted by Ra*an
had come to seek the he$p of Ram at this p$ace( The entire stratey for the war was a$so de*ised in
this town(
7$aces worth to *isit in the neihborhood inc$ude )i$undi Tirth, Bkanth Ram, Ani Tirth, Ram
Jaroka, 1odand Ram 'andir, Jata Tirth and <arbashainam( 9t is be$ie*ed that it was in
<arbashainam, that Shri Ram made a <arbasan #a seat of rass) and prayed to )arun <e*ta #0od
of the Sea) for three continuous days for i*in him passae to Lanka( )arun <e*ta #0od of the
Sea) appeared after three days and ad*ised Ram to bui$d a bride across the sea to Lanka(
14) Ramesh4aram, 0amil %ad(
Rameshwaram is one of the twe$*e Jyotir$ins in 9ndia( Shri Ram had estab$ished a Shi* Lin in
the temp$e here usin the sand from the sea( Appro3imate$y one or two ki$ometers from this
temp$e, 8a$ *anar #monkey) a$on with the other *anars #monkeys) had made the bride to Lanka(
This bride was constructed in fi*e days on$y( Shri Ram crossed o*er to Lanka with his entire
army usin this bride and camped at Su*e$ 7ar*at #'ountain)(
8ASA has used modern sate$$ite techno$oy to photoraph this bride and they ha*e actua$$y
unearthed an ancient bride connected 9ndia to modern day Sri Lanka(

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