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iewing the vast concourse of devotees from a vantage point during the concluding

celebrations of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi's 150th birth anniversary, one got the
impression that concluding was a misnomer and cont inuing was more
appropriate! "he celebrations had commenced last year at Holy Mother's t it hi pu#a
day at her home in $ayrambati! "his 'concluding ceremony' seemed #ust a highpoint
of the massive wave inundating the world% an inundation that saves, being spiritual
in content and maternal in instinct! "he &,000'odd devotees, rather Mother's
children, who had assembled at (elur Math from across the country, and a few also
from abroad, were united in their homage to Holy Mother in consonance with their
deepest feelings of what is true and good! )verything bespo*e Mother at (elur
Math+ her presence in the beautifully decorated temple temporarily made to loo*
li*e her $ayrambati home, the huge gate leading to the tastefully decorated pandal
and stage that hosted the celebrations, spruced'up grounds, decorated arches
depicting her triumph over human hearts, elevating music and perfect weather! ,ll
this added to the holy precincts of (elur Math with the -anga .owing close by was
an e/perience that made a deep impression on everybody's minds! "he
0ama*rishna Mission, sensing the need of the times, had decided on a year' long
celebration! During the past year la*hs of people in urban, rural and even remote
areas of the country had viewed, entertained and worshipped Holy Mother in her
image, carried on rat has 1chariots2! 3ultural programmes, elocution and essay
competitions, debates, 4lm shows, dramas, discourses, distribution of Holy Mother's
pictures and literature, programmes initiated for the welfare of women and children,
distribution of food and clothes to the needy, publication of literature
commemorating Holy Mother, launching of websites, and so forth were conducted
throughout the
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