Amway India Distributor Application Form 2014

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Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.,

First Floor, Elegance Tower, Plot No. 8, Non Hierarchical
Commercial Centre, Jasola, New Delhi - 110 025
Contact No. : 080-3941-6600
DISTRIBUTOR APPLICATION Please ll in English. Applicants should be 18 years of age and above. All Sections in red colour are mandatory. The application form shall not be accepted without complete information & documents.
(Mandatory information)
How would you be operating your Amway Distributorship?
(not for individual joining) Kindly give the entity name formed solely for Amway Business.
Distributor Name Distributor Number Country
Do you, the principal applicant, have your primary Amway business in another country. If (yes) please ll the following information.
Date of Birth of Primary Applicant Date of Birth of Co-applicant
Name of the Primary Applicant / First Authorised Representative (in case of entity)
First Name Surname
Name of the Co-applicant / Second Authorised Representative (in case of entity)
First Name Surname
Name of the Primary Applicant as desired on ID card (max. 20 characters including space) Name of the Co-applicant as desired on ID card (max. 20 characters including space)
Photo Identity Proof (Attach photocopy. Should include your address)
Election Card Driving License Passport Ration Card UID / Aadhar Card Any other
ADDRESS DETAILS (Mandatory information)
Please provide your complete address with pin code and attach address proof along with this application form. Your application form will not be accepted without the address proof.
Mailing Address
Mailing Address / Locality
City / Town / Village (Mandatory)
Post ofce (In case of village, Mandatory)
PIN Code (Mandatory)
Telephone (Residence)
E-mail address:
Telephone (Ofce) Mobile No.
State (Mandatory)
STD Code & Phone Number STD Code & Phone Number
(*Please provide relevant documentation.) Please tick ( ) your category. Individual Partnership rm* Private Limited Company* Sole Proprietorship*
1. This form has no cash value.
2. Please Do NOT send this Application Form by post. The form should be personally submitted at any of the Amway ofces by the applicant, sponsor or any authorised person.
3. All the copies of the application form should be signed and stamped by the Distributor Services Executive. The application will not be entered without the stamp.
This application constitutes the contractual ofer of the undersigned individual(s)/ authorized signatories of the legal entity addressed to Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., to
enter into the distributor Agreement under the terms and conditions specifed on the reverse side. The Applicant hereby certify that they are legally qualifed to do business in
India and not bound by any legal requirements restricting or prohibiting their appointment as Amway Distributors. If the application is being signed by two individuals, both
Applicants accept full responsibility for each of their actions connected with the Amway Distributorship for which application is made.
I/We have read the Contract of Distributorship specifed on the reverse & agree to be bound by the terms & conditions mentioned therein. I/we certify that the information provided
herein is correct to the best of my/our knowledge.
Date Signature / Thumb Impression* of Primary Applicant
(Authorised signatory of proprietary concern / Partnership / Company)
/ /
Date Signature / Thumb Impression* Co-Applicant
/ /
2012 Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. All right reserved. Printed in India.
*Thumb Impression needs to be placed in presence of an Amway Executive.
Please turn over for Contract of Distributorship. SA-88-ID
(Personal PAN Details of the Primary Applicant) (PAN Details of the entity formed solely for the Amway Business)
Applied for
(mandatory information)
Sole Prop. / Partnership / Pvt. Co. PAN No. Individual PAN No.
(mandatory information) RESIDENCY STATUS
Primary Applicant / First Authorized Representative. Please tick ( ) one
A citizen of and resident in India A foreigner* An NRI/ PIO/ OCI* A citizen of and resident in India A foreigner* An NRI/ PIO/ OCI*
*If either of boxes is ticked, provide relevant documentation & proof of entitlement to do business in India.
Co-applicant / Second Authorized Representative. Please tick ( ) one
(mandatory information) LINE OF SPONSORSHIP
Identify the local Distributor who will be your Sponsor
Distributor Number of your Immediate Sponsor
First Name of the Immediate Sponsor Surname of the Immediate Sponsor
Identify the person (if any), living outside India who is sponsoring you to Amway.
Distributor Number of the International Sponsor
First Name of the International Sponsor Surname of the International Sponsor
Has the applicant or the co-applicant previously been an Amway Distributor in India? Tick one ( )
If yes*, your Previous Distributor number
Is/was your spouse an Amway Distributor ? Tick one ( )
If yes*, your Spouse Distributor number
* Please attach a copy of inactivity statement which is available from nearest Amway ofce or can be download from our website.
Yes No
Yes No
Bank Address:
A/c details of the Primary Applicant only.
Branch Code
DETAILS OF BANK ACCOUNT (Mandatory Information)
Your Account Number
Bank Name
Please provide cancelled cheque which should have the account holder's name, bank account number and IFSC code of the bank. In case the cheque does not have the
account holder's name, additionally please provide any other attested bank document which verifes the account holder name, bank account, and IFSC code of the bank.
This document including the Distributor Application overleaf, if fully completed, signed by the applicant(s) when duly accepted by Amway India
Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. ("Amway India"), constitutes the Distributor Agreement (Agreement) between Amway India, and the applicant(s) whose
signature and other identication data appear overleaf.
1. Amway India appoints the overleaf - identied applicant(s) as a distributor of AMWAY products and the applicant(s) (herein after
individually and collectively referred to as the Distributor) accept(s) such appointment. Distributor may, on a non-exclusive basis,
purchase AMWAY products from Amway India, to resell, distribute and market in the territory of India.
2. Distributor hereby conrms that he/she has entered into this Agreement as an independent contractor. Nothing in this Agreement shall
establish an employment relationship, or any other labour relationship between the Distributor and Amway India, and nothing shall
establish the Distributor's position as procurer, broker, commercial agent, contracting representative or other representative of Amway
India. When purchasing and selling AMWAY products, the Distributor shall act as an independent vendor, acting in his/her own name, at
his/her own responsibility and for his/her own account.
3. Distributor shall not sell any AMWAY product for a price exceeding the Maximum Retail Price. Distributor may charge, at his discretion,
any price that is lower than the Maximum Retail Price indicated on the label of any product or in any, then applicable, price list issued by
Amway India.
4. Relation between Amway India and the Distributor and all his/her activities hereunder shall be governed, in addition to this Agreement,
by the rules contained in the Amway Business Starter Guide which includes the a) Amway India Sales and Marketing Plan and b) Code of
Ethics and Rules of Conduct (hereinafter collectively referred to as Ofcial Documents. The Distributor conrms that he/she has
received a copy of Ofcial Documents and has read the terms and conditions thereof and agrees to be bound by them in addition to this
Agreement. Amway India may amend from time to time, any of the terms and conditions of the Ofcial Documents through notice on its
website If any Distributor does not agree to be bound by such amendment he/she may terminate this Agreement within
45 days of such publication by giving a written notice to Amway India. Distributor's continued relationship with Amway India would
constitute an afrmative a) acknowledgment by the Distributor of the amendment and b) Agreement by the Distributor to abide and be
bound by this Agreement, Ofcial Documents and its modications.
5. This Agreement becomes effective from the date of acceptance by Amway India of the Applicant's contractual offer in the form of this
fully completed Distributor Application form. Such acceptance shall be communicated by sending to the Distributor, a Distributor
Identication Card or upon entering the particulars of the Distributor in Amways Distributor Database, whichever is earlier. The
Distributor Identication Card is and shall remain the property of Amway India and Distributor shall return it to Amway India without
any delay upon termination or expiration of this Agreement.
6. The Co-Applicant/Second Authorized Representative acknowledges that Amway India will deal exclusively with the Primary Applicant/
First Authorized Representative in respect of all business matters, and also pay commission and / or any other incentives to and in the
name of the Primary Applicant/Entity.
7. Amway India will make all payments on account of Commissions, Discounts, Returns or Refunds etc. through Bank transfer in favour of
the Primary Applicant / Entity only as per the details provided overleaf or as may be updated by the Primary Applicant / Entity in writing
from time to time.
8. The Distributor hereby expressly authorizes Amway India to make available, release and disseminate all or part of the information set
forth herein to other Amway Distributors & Customers within or outside of India. The Distributors agrees that he/she has read and
understand Amway Indias Privacy Policy as published on in respect of the information set forth herein or any other
information provided by the distributor to Amway India. The Distributor agree to receive SMS & Email notications from Amway & its
afliates concerning their Amway Business.
9. The Distributor needs to activate the distributorship within 60 days of joining by doing 50 PV of personal purchases of Amway products
for retailing. Failure to activate the distributorship will result in automatic termination of this agreement.
10. The distributor will be allowed to sponsor a prospect into the Amway business only after activating his/her distributorship.
11. This Agreement is effective for an initial denitive period of one (1) year, from the date of acceptance hereof by Amway India. However,
incase of acceptance by Amway India of the Applicants contractual offer on or after September 1, this Agreement will be effective till
December 31 of the following year.
12. All Distributors are required to renew their distributorships for the following year on or before December 31 of each year. Amway India
reserves the right, at its complete discretion, to reject any application for renewal.
13. The Distributor may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving a written notice to Amway India. Amway India may terminate this
agreement by giving a written notice (a) pursuant to the provisions of the Rules of Conduct; (b) for reasons of non-performance and (c)
for the breach of any terms and conditions of this Agreement.
14. Amway India may reject this application for any reason, at its discretion, including if the application contains incomplete, inaccurate, false
or misleading information. Any alteration or modication will be subject to verication.
15. This Agreement is entered into on a personal basis and neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or obligations of Distributor arising
under this Agreement may be assigned or transferred without the prior written consent of Amway India.
16. Amway Indias liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise arising out of or in connection with this agreement and/or relationship
arising therefrom shall not exceed the lesser of a) actual damages or loss assessed by the arbitrator or any other dispute resolution
mechanism adopted by the parties or; b) the total commission earned by the distributor during the preceding six months of the date of
17. Any dispute, differences or claim arising out of as in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to binding arbitration and shall
be referred to the sole Arbitrator appointed in accordance with the rules and regulation of International Center for Alternate Dispute
Resolution as a fast track arbitration. The venue of such arbitration shall be at New Delhi and the award of the Arbitrator shall be nal
and binding on all parties. The courts at New Delhi shall alone have jurisdiction in relation to this Arbitration Agreement and any award
arising therefrom.
The Distributor agrees to comply with Amway Indias Customer Product Refund Policy as laid down in the Code of Ethics & Rules of Conduct
for Amway Distributors which are part of the Amway Business Starter Guide.
Contract of Distributorship

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