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THE RELIEF BUS! took the floor. Angel wet the bed and
his clothes so Steve bought him a
Now he knows that we are new outfit. The next day at church
coming back. Angel kept apologizing. Angel gave
his life to Christ and comes every
Angel wasn’t able to take week to The Relief Bus.
care of himself well, so
Steve jumped right in and Steve said, “He taught me a lot
had volunteers do his about grace. My friendship with
laundry every Thursday. Angel has changed my life. I used to
According to Steve, the be so selfish. God uses him to work
clothes were really filthy. patience in me because he can’t be
Sometimes they would rushed. I truly have to serve him,
wash them four times and even when he doesn’t smell good.
they still would be smelly. Sometimes he asks me the same
Pastor question a dozen times, like “Are we
Angel and Steve A friend of Steve’s heard about An-
gel and bought him a new wardrobe! still going to the Yankee’s game?”,
Steve Pastor, Relief Bus Out- Volunteers cut Angel’s hair and manicured because so many have let him down
reach Director, met Angel in his nails that were 1 1/2 inches long. in the past. Angel has an incredible
Harlem. Angel was born with a smile that brightens up the room
learning disability and lives in even though he’s missing a couple
the projects. When he was only of teeth. Every time Angel meets
14, his brother who was a crack someone, he touches their life and
addict, hit him in the head. He they can’t forget him.”
was so badly injured that he
ended up in the hospital for 3 Just one more story of how The
months and his mental abilities Relief Bus is bringing help and hope
were slowed down even more. to the poorest of the poor. It’s also
He ended up with a speech dis- another example of how God uses
ability and obsessive compul- the poor as a portal to His heart and
sive disorder. keeps changing us to become more
like Him.
Angel came to The Relief Bus Angel gets a haircut at The Relief Bus
for soup, and at first would only
stand at a distance and watch. Each week Steve would pray with Angel,
Steve felt led by God to go and slowly trust was built.
and connect with him. He soon
learned that Angel was very Steve began to do lots of fun stuff with
lonely and had no friends. Dur- Angel like take him to the movies, a pizza See a video interview of
ing the first couple of months, party and even a Yankee’s game. Steve Angel at
Angel would cry each time the had Angel sleep over at his apartment one thereliefbus!
bus left for the day. night let him have the couch while Steve
Relief Bus Volunteer Street Stories


Even I, just a volunteer, was treated new and exciting things. One of these
like “family”. things was working at the prayer station.
I’m NOT an “out loud pray-er” and so I
I’ve been suffering with clinical de- was quite nervous about trying this out.
pression since January and I wasn’t But, as I worked with other encouraging
sure that I was going to be able to members on the team, I became more
make the long trek from Canada confident and when I was ready, I was
again this summer. If you’ve had the able to step out and try it for myself.
unfortunate encounter with depres- I’m glad that God listens to my “little
sion, you know how hard the simple out loud” prayer of faith. These times of
tasks of life can be. But, with God’s talking with people and sharing in our
help and the incredible support of the sufferings became my FAVORITE part of
The Relief Bus staff, I was not only going out on the bus!
able to go for one week, but I ended
gel It’s almost like things backfired. I went
nd An up going back for an additional two
Jenn a out to bless others, but at the end of
Amazingly, a super shy girl, from the day I ended up going home feel-
a small “hick” town on the Cana- ing “filled up”. At the end of my trip,
dian prairies, fell in love with the despite working hard, I came back to
people of New York during many Canada refreshed, filled with joy,
urban missions trips there. I had motivated, energized and ready to
many opportunities to work with share God in my own community
other ministries, but I was ex- where I live.
cited to finally come across The
Relief Bus. Finally, an organiza- For these MANY reasons, I have
tion that kept “the main thing, the ended my search, looking for a minis-
main thing”. try to work alongside. I’m sticking with
the The Relief Bus! I’m counting down
Anyone can serve a cup of soup, the days until I’ll be able to go back.
but this staff shows God’s (241 days!)
love to the hurt and the bro-
ken. This extends far beyond the Jenn Metruk :)
last drop of the soup! The hard
working staff connect with the
people that come across the bus weeks! As I’ve been announcing to
with UTMOST love and respect. everyone, I had the best summer of
This includes those coming for my life!
See Jenn’s photos and many
food, the communities in which
they serve and the volunteers The staff allowed me opportunities to others at
that come to help out. step out of my comfort zone and try thereliefbus!

Please join our monthly support team today for $25, $50, $100 or more so that The Relief Bus can continue for
another 20 years, working to transform the communities we serve in. All gifts are tax-deductible. Make your check
out to “New York City Relief” and mail in the enclosed envelope or give online at
Thanks for caring.
The Relief Bus, P.O. Box 64 times Square P.O., New York, NY 10108-0064

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