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1.Psychology is the study of behavior and

Your answer: mental processes.
2. The processes involved in learning, memory, sensation, perception, and cognition are investigated
by which type of psychologists?
Your answer: experimental
3. The scientific method is
Your answer: an approach to gaining knowledge that relies on collecting data and hypothesis
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the enduring issues in psychology?
Your answer: the Nature-Nurture issue.
The correct answer: the Chicken-Egg problem.
5. An hypothesis is
Your answer: a testable prediction derived from a theory.
6. The basic units of experience and their combinations were the foundation of
Your answer: structuralism.
7. Functionalists emphasize that
Your answer: individual differences are the basis of human behavior.
The correct answer: consciousness is a continuous flow.
8. Consciousness as a continuous flow is an important concept to
Your answer: structuralism.
The correct answer: functionalism.
9. What research method was used by Freud?
Your answer: case study method
10. Freud believed that adult problems usually
Your answer: can be traced back to critical stages during childhood
11. Which describes the Behaviorist school of thought?
Your answer: Studies observable and measurable actions.
12. According to Freud, which of the following has the most control over our behavior?
Your answer: unconscious desires
13. Gestalt theory emphasizes
Your answer: our tendency to see patterns.
14. Which of the following was a prominent woman early in the history of psychology
Your answer: Christine Ladd-Franklin
15. What do you call research that records behavior in its actual setting without controlling
Your answer: naturalistic observation
16. In an experiment to test the effects of stress on performance, the independent variable is
Your answer: the age of the person.
The correct answer: stress.
17. The amount of association between two or more variables is
Your answer: correlation.
18. In an experiment, which group does not receive the treatment and is used for comparison?
Your answer: control
19. Subjects in Milgram's studies were TOLD they were taking part in studies on
Your answer: learning.
20. Which of the following is specifically trained to assess and treat mental, emotional, and
behavioral disorders?
Your answer: Psychiatrist
The correct answer: Clinical psychologist

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