900 Basic English Sentences 316

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900 Basic English Sentences

1 Hello.
2 Good morning.
3 Im John Smith.
4 Are o! Bill Jones"
# $es% I am.
& Ho' are o!"
( )ine% *han+s.
, Ho' is Helen"
9 Shes -er 'ell% than+ o!.
10 Good a.ternoon% /r. Green.
11 Good e-ening% /rs. Bro'n.
12 Ho' are o! this e-ening"
13 Good night% John.
14 Good 0e% Bill.
1# See o! tomorro'.
1& 1ome in% 2lease.
1( Sit do'n.
1, Stand !2% 2lease.
19 32en o!r 0oo+% 2lease.
20 1lose o!r 0oo+% 2lease.
21 4ont o2en o!r 0oo+.
22 4o o! !nderstand"
23 $es% I !nderstand.
24 5o% I dont !nderstand.
2# 6isten and re2eat.
2& 5o' read% 2lease.
2( *hats .ine.
2, Its time to 0egin.
29 6ets 0egin no'.
30 *his is 6esson 3ne.
31 7hats this"
32 *hats a 0oo+.
33 Is this o!r 0oo+"
34 5o% thats not m 0oo+.
3# 7hose 0oo+ is this"
3& *hats o!r 0oo+.
3( And 'hats that"
3, Is that a 0oo+"
39 5o% it isnt.
40 Its a 2encil.
41 Is it o!rs"
42 $es% its mine.
43 7heres the door"
44 *here it is.
4# Is this 0oo+ his"
4& 7hat are these"
4( *hose are 0oo+s.
4, 7here are the 0oo+s"
49 *here the are.
#0 *hese are m 2encils.
#1 7here are o!r 2ens"
#2 *here o-er there.
#3 Are these o!r 2ens"
#4 $es% the are.
## *hose are mine.
#& *hese are o!r 0oo+s% arent the"
#( 5o% the arent.
#, *here not mine.
#9 *hese are mine% and those are o!rs.
&0 *hose arent o!r 2ens% are the"
&1 7ho are o!"
&2 Im a st!dent.
&3 7ho is that o-er there"
&4 Hes a st!dent% too.
&# Is that lad a st!dent"
&& 5o% she isnt.
&( *hose men arent st!dents% either.
&, Am I o!r teacher"
&9 $es% o! are.
(0 *hat man is a teacher% isnt he"
(1 $es% he is.
(2 7ho are those 2eo2le"
(3 /a0e there .armers.
(4 Arent the st!dents"
(# I reall dont +no'.
(& 7hats o!r name"
(( / name is Jones.
(, 7hats o!r .irst name"
(9 / .irst name is Bill.
,0 Ho' do o! s2ell o!r last name"
,1 Jones. J83858E8S.
,2 7hats o!r .riends name"
,3 His name is John Smith.
,4 John and I are old .riends.
,# Are o! Johns 0rother"
,& 5o% Im not.
,( *his is /r. Jones.
,, Ho' do o! do"
,9 /rs. Jones% this is /r. John Smith.
90 9er 2leased to meet o!.
91 7hat da is toda"
92 *oda is /onda.
93 7hat da 'as esterda"
94 $esterda 'as S!nda.
9# 7hat da is tomorro'"
9& 7hat month is this"
9( *his is Jan!ar.
9, 6ast month 'as 4ecem0er% 'asnt it"
99 $es% it 'as.
100 7hat month is ne:t month"
101 I 'as in the hos2ital .or se-eral 'ee+s.
102 7here 'ere o! on *!esda"
103 $o! 'ere here in )e0r!ar% 'erent o!"
104 5o% I 'asnt.
10# $o!r .riend 'as here a 'ee+ ago% 'asnt he"
10& 4o o! ha-e a 0oo+"
10( $es% I do.
10, $o! ha-e a radio% dont o!"
109 5o% I dont.
110 I dont ha-e a 2honogra2h% either.
111 4oes this radio 0elong to o!"
112 $es% I thin+ it does.
113 Ho' man sisters and 0rothers do o! ha-e"
114 4ont o! ha-e m hat"
11# $es% I ha-e 0oth o!r hat and o!r coat.
11& 4oes John ha-e a ello' 2encil"
11( $es% he does.
11, He has a radio% doesnt he"
119 5o% he doesnt ha-e one.
120 He alread has a 2honogra2h% 0!t he doesnt ha-e a radio et.
121 7hat time is it"
122 Its t'o ocloc+.
123 Its a .e' min!tes a.ter t'o.
124 / 'atch is .ast and o!r 'atch is slo'.
12# E:c!se me. 1an o! tell me the correct time"
12& 5o% I cant.
12( I dont +no' 'hat time it is.
12, I dont thin+ its .o!r ocloc+ et.
129 It m!st 0e a0o!t three thirt.
130 I get !2 0e.ore si: ocloc+ e-er da.
131 *he resta!rant doesnt o2en !ntil se-en .ort .i-e.
132 7ill o! 0e here at ten ocloc+ tomorro'"
133 $es% I 'ill.
134 7ell 0e on time% 'ont 'e"
13# I ho2e so.
13& 7hats the date toda"
13( *oda is 5o-em0er .irst% nineteen si:t8three.
13, 7hen 'ere o! 0orn"
139 I 'as 0orn on 5o-em0er .irst% nineteen thirt8.i-e.
140 *oda is m 0irthda.
141 / sister 'as 0orn in nineteen thirt8eight.
142 I dont +no' the e:act date.
143 7here 'ere o! 0orn"
144 I 'as 0orn in a little to'n not .ar .rom here.
14# 7hat do o! +no' a0o!t the tenth cent!r"
14& I dont +no' anthing a0o!t that.
14( 6ets tal+ a0o!t something else.
14, 7here 'ere o! d!ring the month o. A2ril last ear"
149 I dont remem0er 'here I 'as then.
1#0 7here 'ill o! 0e ne:t ear at this time
1#1 7hat do o! 'ant"
1#2 I 'ant a c!2 o. co..ee.
1#3 7hat 'o!ld o! li+e to eat"
1#4 ;lease gi-e me a 2iece o. 2ie.
1## 7hich one 'o!ld o! li+e < this one or that one"
1#& It doesnt matter to me.
1#( Id li+e to tal+ 'ith /r. Jones or /r. Smith.
1#, Im sorr% 0!t 0oth o. them are 0!s right no'.
1#9 7o!ldnt o! li+e some co..ee"
1&0 Id rather ha-e some tea% i. o! dont mind.
1&1 4o o! +no' an o. those 2eo2le"
1&2 *'o or three o. them loo+ .amiliar.
1&3 All o. those 2eo2le are .riends o. mine.
1&4 7hich one o. those men is /r. *alor"
1&# Is he the tall man on the le.t"
1&& 4o o! s2ea+ English"
1&( $es% a little.
1&, 4oes o!r .riend s2ea+ English"
1&9 $es% he s2ea+s English 2er.ectl.
1(0 7hats his nati-e lang!age"
1(1 I dont +no' 'hat his nati-e lang!age is.
1(2 Ho' man lang!ages do o! s2ea+"
1(3 / .riend reads and 'rites se-eral lang!ages.
1(4 Ho' 'ell do o! +no' )rench"
1(# He s2ea+s )rench 'ith an American accent.
1(& / 2arents s2ea+ English .l!entl.
1(( /r. Jones can read )rench 2rett 'ell.
1(, Sometimes I ma+e mista+es 'hen I s2ea+ English.
1(9 I ha-e a lot o. tro!0le 'ith 2ron!nciation.
1,0 Ho' is her accent in )rench"
1,1 7hat are o! doing"
1,2 Im reading a 0oo+.
1,3 7hats o!r .riend doing"
1,4 Hes st!ding his lesson.
1,# Im not doing anthing right no'.
1,& 7here are o! going"
1,( Im going home.
1,, 7hat time are o! coming 0ac+"
1,9 Im not s!re 'hat time Im coming 0ac+.
190 7hat are o! thin+ing a0o!t"
191 Im thin+ing a0o!t m lesson.
192 7ho are o! 'riting to"
193 Im 'riting to a .riend o. mine in So!th America.
194 B the 'a% 'ho are o! 'aiting .or"
19# Im not 'aiting .or an0od.
19& Ho' old are o!"
19( Im t'ent8one ears old.
19, / 0rother is not =!ite t'ent8.i-e.
199 John is not .ort8.i-e et% is he"
200 /r. Smith is still in his .i.ties.
201 Im t'o ears older than o! are.
202 / 0rother is t'o ears o!nger than I am.
203 Ho' man are there in o!r .amil"
204 *here are se-en o. !s altogether.
20# / sister is the oldest.
20& Im the o!ngest.
20( G!ess ho' old I am.
20, Id sa o!re a0o!t t'ent8three.
209 I 'as thirt on m last 0irthda.
210 Im going to 0e si:t one ne:t *!esda.
211 7hat time do o! get !2 e-er da"
212 I !s!all 'a+e !2 earl.
213 I get !2 at & ocloc+ e-er da.
214 / 0rother gets !2 later than I do.
21# A.ter I get dressed% I ha-e 0rea+.ast.
21& >s!all% I ha-e a 0ig 0rea+.ast.
21( I ha-e ?!ice% cereal% toast% and co..ee .or 0rea+.ast.
21, I lea-e the ho!se at eight a.m. each da.
219 I get to 'or+ at nine ocloc+ e-er morning.
220 I 'or+ hard all morning.
221 I go o!t .or l!nch at a0o!t ( ocloc+.
222 I .inish 'or+ing at #@4# 2.m.
223 I eat dinner at a0o!t ( ocloc+.
224 Be.ore I eat dinner% I read the ne's2a2er .or a 'hile.
22# I !s!all go to 0ed at a0o!t ( ocloc+.
22& 7hat time did o! get !2 esterda morning"
22( I 'o+e !2 earl and got !2 at & ocloc+.
22, / 0rother got !2 earlier than I did.
229 4id o! get dressed right a'a"
230 $es% I got dressed and had 0rea+.ast.
231 7hat +ind o. 0rea+.ast did o! ha-e"
232 7hat time did o! get to 'or+ esterda morningA
233 I le.t the ho!se at , ocloc+ and got to 'or+ at ,@30.
234 4id o! 'or+ all da"
23# $es% I 'or+ed .rom earl morning !ntil late at night.
23& At noon I had l!nch 'ith a .riend o. mine.
23( I .inished 'or+ing at #@30 and 'ent home.
23, A.ter dinner I read a magaBine and made some tele2hone calls.
239 I 'ent home to 0ed at 11@30 2.m.
240 I 'ent to slee2 immediatel and sle2t so!ndl all night.
241 7here did o! go esterda"
242 I 'ent to see a .riend o. mine.
243 4id o! see /r. Jones esterda"
244 I didnt see /r.Jones% 0!t I sa' John Smith.
24# 7hat did o! tal+ a0o!t"
24& 7e tal+ed a0o!t a lot o. things.
24( I as+ed him a lot o. =!estions.
24, 7hat did o! as+ him"
249 I as+ed him i. he s2o+e English.
2#0 He said he s2o+e a little English.
2#1 *hen I as+ed him i. he +ne' an0od in 5e' $or+.
2#2 He said he +ne' a lot o. 2eo2le there.
2#3 )inall% I as+ed him ho' old he 'as.
2#4 He said he 'o!ld rather not tell his age.
2## He ans'ered almost all o. m =!estions.
2#& 7hat time did o! !se to get !2 last ear"
2#( I !sed to 'a+e !2 earl and get !2 at ( ocloc+.
2#, I !sed to set m alarm cloc+ .or e:actl ( a.m.
2#9 I ne-er !sed to o-erslee2.
2&0 I !sed to get dressed =!ic+l e-er morning.
2&1 I al'as !sed to lea-e .or 'or+ at ,@30.
2&2 I !sed to start 'or+ing at 9@00 ocloc+ e-er da.
2&3 I !sed to ha-e l!nch e-er da at the same time.
2&4 I !sed to 'or+ !ntil nearl &@00 ocloc+ each da.
2&# I !sed to ha-e dinner at (@30 and go to 0ed earl.
2&& / 0rother and I !sed to go a lot o. 2laces together.
2&( 7e !sed to go to the mo-ies a0o!t once a 'ee+.
2&, 7e !sed to ha-e a lot o. interesting .riends.
2&9 / 0rother !sed to s2ea+ )rench to me all the time.
2(0 I al'as !sed to as+ him a lot o. =!estions.
2(1 7here do o! li-e"
2(2 I li-e on 7ashington Street.
2(3 7hats o!r address"
2(4 I li-e at 1203 7ashington Street .
2(# Im /r. Smiths ne:t door neigh0or.
2(& $o! li-e here in the cit %dont o!"
2(( Im .rom o!t o. to'n .
2(, Ho' long ha-e o! li-e here"
2(9 I li-ed here .or .i-e ear.
2,0 Hes +no'n me .or o-er ten ear.
2,1 I-e s2o+en English all m li.e.
2,2 I-e alread read that 0oo+.
2,3 Has he st!died )rench -er long"
2,4 Ha-e o! had 0rea+.ast alread"
2,# $es% I had 0rea+.ast t'o ho!rs ago.
2,& 7here 'ere o! esterda a.ternoon"
2,( I 'as at home all a.ternoon.
2,, I 'as 'riting some letters to .riends o. mine.
2,9 7hat 'ere o! doing at a0o!t 4 ocloc+ esterda a.ternoon"
290 I 'as listening to the radio .
291 7hat 'ere o! doing 'hen I called o! on the tele2hone"
292 7hen o! called me% I 'as eating dinner.
293 7hen I sa' /r.Jones% he 'as tal+ing 'ith John Smith.
294 7hile o! 'ere 'riting letters% I 'as reading a 0oo+.
29# 7hile 'e 'ere ha-ing 0rea+.ast% John 'as tal+ing on the tele2hone.
29& 1an o! g!est 'hat I 'as doing this morning"
29( I cant remem0er 'hat John 'as doing esterda a.ternoon.
29, I-e .orgotten 'hat he said his address 'as.
299 I-e .orgotten 'hat time he said he had dinner last night.
300 *he called !s ?!st as 'e 'ere ha-ing dinner.
301 7hat color is o!r 0oo+"
302 / 0oo+ has a dar+ 0l!e co-er.
303 Ho' m!ch does that t2e'riter 'eigh"
304 Its not too hea-% 0!t I dont +no' the e:act 'eight.
30# *his ro!nd ta0le 'eighs a0o!t .ort8.i-e 2o!nds.
30& 7hat siBe s!itcase do o! o'n"
30( 3ne o. m s!itcases is small% and the other one is medi!m siBe.
30, I li+e the sha2e o. that ta0le.
309 Ho' long is Jones Bo!le-ard"
310 *hat street is onl t'o miles long.
311 7ill o! 2lease meas!re this 'indo' to see ho' 'ide it is"
312 *his 'indo' is ?!st as 'ide as that one.
313 *he 'alls are three inches thic+.
314 *his material .eels so.t.
31# *his 2encil is longer than that one.
31& 7o!ld o! 2lease tell /r. 1oo2er that Im here"
31( *a+e these 0oo+s home 'ith o! tonight.
31, ;lease 0ring me those magaBines.
319 7o!ld o! hel2 me li.t this hea- 0o:"
320 ;lease as+ John to t!rn on the lights.
321 ;!t o!r 0oo+s do'n on the ta0le.
322 Get me a hammer .rom the +itchen% 'ill o!"
323 Hang !2 m coat in the closet% 'ill o! 2lease"
324 ;lease dont 0other me no'. Im -er 0!s.
32# 7o!ld o! mind mailing this letter .or me"
32& I. o! ha-e time% 'ill o! call me tomorro'"
32( ;lease 2ic+ !2 those c!2s and sa!cers.
32, 7ill o! do me a .a-or"
329 ;lease co!nt the chairs in that room.
330 ;lease 2o!r this mil+ into that glass.
331 E:c!se me% sir. 1an o! gi-e me some in.ormation"
332 1an o! tell me 'here ;each Street is"
333 Its t'o 0loc+s straight ahead.
334 7hich direction is it to the theater"
33# *!rn right at the ne:t corner.
33& Ho' .ar is it to the !ni-ersit"
33( Its a long 'a .rom here.
33, *he school is ?!st aro!nd the corner.
339 *he resta!rant is across the street .rom the hotel.
340 $o! cant miss it.
341 4o o! ha22en to +no' /r. 1oo2ers tele2hone n!m0er"
342 1o!ld o! tell me 'here the nearest tele2hone is"
343 Sho!ld I go this 'a% or that 'a"
344 Go that 'a .or t'o 0loc+s% then t!rn le.t.
34# I 0eg o!r 2ardon. Is this seat ta+en"
34& Are o! married"
34( 5o% Im not married. Im still single.
34, $o!r niece is engaged% isnt she"
349 / sister has 0een engaged .or t'o months.
3#0 / grand.ather got married in 1921.
3#1 7hen is o!r grand2arents 'edding anni-ersar"
3#2 Ho' long ha-e the 0een married"
3#3 *he-e 0een married .or =!ite a .e' ears.
3#4 7ho did George marr"
3## 4o the ha-e children"
3#& *he had a 0a0 last month.
3#( / son 'ants to get married in J!ne.
3#, *he dont +no' 'hen the 'edding 'ill 0e.
3#9 *heir grandchildren are gro'n !2 no'.
3&0 Shes a 'ido'. Her h!s0and died last ear.
3&1 7here did o! gro' !2"
3&2 I gre' !2 right here in this neigh0orhood.
3&3 / .riend s2ent his childhood in 1ali.ornia.
3&4 He li-ed in 1ali.ornia !ntil he 'as se-enteen.
3&# *here ha-e 0een a lot o. changes here in the last 20 ears.
3&& *here !sed to 0e a grocer store on the corner.
3&( All o. those ho!ses ha-e 0een 0!ilt in the last ten ears.
3&, *here 0!ilding a ne' ho!se !2 the street .rom me.
3&9 I. o! 0! that home% 'ill o! s2end the rest o. o!r li.e there"
3(0 Are o!r neigh0ors -er .riendl"
3(1 7e all +no' each other 2rett 'ell.
3(2 A o!ng married co!2le mo-ed in ne:t door to !s.
3(3 7ho 0o!ght that ne' ho!se do'n the street .rom o!"
3(4 An elderl man rented the 0ig 'hite ho!se.
3(# 7hat 0ea!ti.!l trees those areC
3(& 7hat time are o! going to get !2 tomorro' morning"
3(( Ill 2ro0a0l 'a+e !2 earl and get !2 at &@30.
3(, 7hat 'ill o! do then"
3(9 A.ter I get dressed% Ill ha-e 0rea+.ast.
3,0 7hat 'ill o! do then"
3,1 A.ter 'ill o! ha-e .or 0rea+.ast tomorro' morning"
3,2 Ill 2ro0a0l ha-e eggs and toast .or 0rea+.ast.
3,3 A.ter 0rea+.ast% Ill get read to go to 'or+.
3,4 Ill lea-e the ho!se at ,@00 and get to the o..ice at ,@30.
3,# Ill 2ro0a0l go o!t .or l!nch at a0o!t 12@30.
3,& Ill .inish 'or+ing at #@30 and get home 0 & ocloc+.
3,( Are o! going to ha-e dinner at home tomorro' night"
3,, Ill 2ro0a0l sta home and 'atch tele-ision.
3,9 7hen I get slee2% Ill 2ro0a0l get read .or 0ed.
390 4o o! thin+ o!ll 0e a0le to go to slee2 right a'a"
391 Ho' is the 'eather toda"
392 *he 'eather is nice toda.
393 7hat 'as the 'eather li+e esterda"
394 $esterda it rained all da.
39# 7hat 'ill the 'eather 0e li+e tomorro'"
39& Its going to sno' tomorro'.
39( Its =!ite cold toda.
39, Its 0een clo!d all morning.
399 Is it raining no'"
400 Itll 2ro0a0l clear !2 this a.ternoon.
401 *he das are getting hotter.
402 *oda is the .irst da o. s2ring.
403 7hats the tem2erat!re toda"
404 Its a0o!t se-ent degrees )ahrenheit this a.ternoon.
40# *heres a cool 0reeBe this e-ening.
40& Ho' are o! .eeling toda"
40( I dont .eel -er 'ell this morning.
40, I 'as sic+ esterda% 0!t Im 0etter toda.
409 / .e-er is gone% 0!t I still ha-e a co!gh.
410 / 0rother has a 0ad headache.
411 7hich o. o!r arms is sore"
412 / right arm h!rts. It h!rts right here.
413 7hats the matter 'ith o!"
414 I-e got a 2ain in m 0ac+.
41# 7hich .oot h!rts" Is it the le.t one"
41& Ho' did o! 0rea+ o!r leg"
41( I sli22ed on the stairs and .ell do'n. I 0ro+e m leg.
41, $o!r right hand is s'ollen. 4oes it h!rt"
419 Its 0leeding. $o!d 0etter go see a doctor a0o!t that c!t.
420 I ho2e o!ll 0e 'ell soon.
421 I get o!t o. 0ed a0o!t ( ocloc+ e-er morning.
422 A.ter getting !2% I go into the 0athroom and ta+e a sho'er.
423 *hen% I sha-e% 0r!sh m teeth and com0 m hair.
424 A.ter 0r!shing m teeth% I 2!t on m clothes.
42# A.ter that% I go do'nstairs to the +itchen to ha-e 0rea+.ast.
42& A.ter eating 0rea+.ast% I go 0ac+ !2stairs again.
42( *hen% Its !s!all time to 'a+e !2 m little 0rother.
42, He cant dress himsel. et 0eca!se hes too o!ng.
429 I 'ash his .ace and hands% and then I dress him.
430 He tries to 0!tton his o'n shirt% 0!t he cant do it.
431 / little 0rother ta+es a 0ath 0e.ore he goes to 0ed at night.
432 He al'as .orgets to 'ash 0ehind his ears.
433 Im al'as tired 'hen I come home .rom 'or+.
434 At 0edtime% I ta+e o.. m clothes and 2!t on m 2a?amas.
43# I get into 0ed at a0o!t 11@30% and go right o.. to slee2.
43& 7hat do o! thin+" Is that right"
43( 1ertainl. $o!re mista+en a0o!t that.
43, I thin+ o!re mista+en a0o!t that.
439 I li+e hot 'eather 0est.
440 ;ersonall% I 2re.er 'inter 'eather.
441 4o o! thin+ its going to rain tomorro'"
442 I dont +no' 'hether it 'ill rain or not.
443 In m o2inion% thats an e:cellent idea.
444 7h is /r. 1oo2er so tired" 4o o! ha-e an idea"
44# Hes tired 0eca!se he 'or+ed hard all da toda.
44& 7hat do o! thin+ o. m children"
44( I thin+ o! ha-e -er attracti-e children.
44, ;lease gi-e me o!r .ran+ o2inion.
449 4o o! reall 'ant to +no' 'hat I thin+"
4#0 3. co!rse I 'ant to +no' 'hat o!r o2inion isC
4#1 7hat do o! 2lan to do tomorro'"
4#2 I do!0t that Ill do anthing tomorro'.
4#3 ;lease e:c!se me .or a little 'hile. I 'ant to do something.
4#4 I imagine Ill do some 'or+ instead o. going to the mo-ies.
4## 7ill it 0e con-enient .or o! to e:2lain o!r 2lans to him"
4#& *heres nothing to do 0eca!se tomorro' is a holida.
4#( 7hats o!r 0rother 2lanning to do tomorro'"
4#, He cant decide 'hat to do.
4#9 Its di..ic!lt to ma+e a decision 'itho!t +no'ing all the .acts.
4&0 7ere tring to 2lan o!r .!t!re.
4&1 *hats a good idea.
4&2 Im ho2ing to s2end a .e' das in the mo!ntains.
4&3 7o!ld o! consider going north this s!mmer"
4&4 I. theres a chance o!ll go% Id li+e to go 'ith o!.
4&# A.ter o! thin+ it o-er% 2lease let me +no' 'hat o! decide.
4&& Im an:io!s to +no' 'hat o!r decision is.
4&( Im con.ident o!-e made the right choice.
4&, I 'ant to 2ers!ade o! to change o!r mind.
4&9 7ill o! acce2t m ad-ice"
4(0 7hat ha-e o! decided"
4(1 I-e de.initel decided to go to 1ali.ornia.
4(2 He didnt 'ant to sa anthing to in.l!ence m decision.
4(3 She re.!ses to ma+e !2 her mind.
4(4 I ass!me o!-e decided against 0!ing a ne' car.
4(# It too+ him a long time to ma+e !2 his mind.
4(& $o! can go 'hene-er o! 'ish.
4(( 7ere 'illing to acce2t o!r 2lan.
4(, He +no's its incon-enient% 0!t he 'ants to go an'a.
4(9 According to /r. Green% this is a com2licated 2ro0lem.
4,0 She insists that it doesnt ma+e an di..erence to her.
4,1 Are o! going to go an2lace this ear"
4,2 I. I ha-e eno!gh mone% Im going to ta+e a tri2 a0road.
4,3 Ho' are o! going" Are o! going 0 0oat"
4,4 Its .aster to go 0 2lane than 0 0oat.
4,# 7hats the =!ic+est 'a to get there"
4,& Altogether it 'ill ta+e ten das to ma+e the tri2.
4,( I ho2e o! ha-e a good time on o!r tri2.
4,, Im lea-ing tomorro'% 0!t I ha-ent 2ac+ed m s!itcases et.
4,9 Im going 0e air. I li+e .ling.
490 / 0rother too+ a tri2 to /e:ico.
491 It 'as a si:8ho!r .light.
492 Ho' man 2assengers 'ere on the train"
493 His .riend 'as in?!red in an air2lane crash.
494 7o!ld o! li+e to go .or a 'al+"
49# 6ets go o!t to the air2ort. *he 2lane landed ten min!tes ago.
49& Im going sho22ing 0eca!se I need to 0! some clothes.
49( I. this shirt doesnt .it% ma I 0ring it 0ac+ later"
49, 7hat siBe shoes do o! 'ear"
499 *hat s!it loo+s -er good on o!.
#00 *his dress is made o. sil+% isnt it"
#01 Id li+e to tr on this s'eater.
#02 Im interested in 0!ing a ne' car.
#03 7hats the 2rice o. that electric iron"
#04 Ho' m!ch is this r!g"
#0# Is this tooth2aste on sale toda"
#0& *hats a 0ea!ti.!l leather 'allet% 0!t it costs too m!ch.
#0( Ho' m!ch do I o'e o!"
#0, *hat 'ill 0e eighteen dollars and se-ent8.i-e cents.
#09 4o o! ha-e change .or a t'ent8dollar 0ill"
#10 *he cler+ hel2ed me .ind 'hat I 'anted.
#11 7hat 'o!ld o! li+e to eat"
#12 Id li+e a 0o'l o. tomato so!2% 2lease.
#13 *he 'aiter seems to 0e in a h!rr to ta+e o!r order.
#14 7hich 'o!ld o! rather ha-e stea+ or .ish"
#1# I 'ant m stea+ 'ell done.
#1& 7hat +inds o. -egeta0les do o! ha-e"
#1( Ill ha-e mashed 2otatoes and green 0eans.
#1, 7o!ld o! 2lease 2ass the salt"
#19 *he ser-e good .ood in this resta!rant.
#20 Are o! read .or o!r dessert no'"
#21 *his +ni.e is dirt. 7o!ld o! 0ring me a clean one% 2lease"
#22 /a I ha-e the chec+% 2lease"
#23 $o! ha-e o!r choice o. three .la-ors o. ice cream.
#24 7e ha-e -anilla% chocolate% and stra'0err.
#2# 7e in-ited t'o g!ests to dinner% 0!t the didnt come.
#2& Ho' long did the mo-ie last"
#2( *he .eat!re started at 9 ocloc+ and ended at 11@30.
#2, *he sa the ne' .ilm is an ad-ent!re stor.
#29 A gro!2 o. !s 'ent o!t to the theater last night.
#30 *he ne' 2la 'as good and e-er0od en?oed it.
#31 B the time 'e got there% the 2la had alread 0eg!n.
#32 *he !sher sho'ed !s to o!r seats.
#33 *he cast o. the 2la incl!ded a .amo!s actor.
#34 A.ter the 2la 'as o-er% 'e all 'anted to get something to eat.
#3# *here 'as a 0ig cro'd and 'e had di..ic!lt getting a ta:i.
#3& *he resta!rant 'as .illed% so 'e decided to go else'here.
#3( / 0rother 'ants to learn ho' to dance.
#3, 7e dont go dancing -er o.ten.
#39 7hich 'o!ld o! rather do go dancing or go to a 2la"
#40 Im not acc!stomed to going o!t a.ter dar+.
#41 Id li+e to ma+e an a22ointment to see /r. 1oo2er.
#42 7o!ld o! li+e to arrange .or a 2ersonal inter-ie'"
#43 $o!r a22ointment 'ill 0e ne:t *h!rsda at 10 ocloc+.
#44 I can come an da e:ce2t. *h!rsda.
#4# He 'ants to change his a22ointment .rom /onda to 7ednesda.
#4& She .ailed to call the o..ice to cancel her a22ointment.
#4( Im going to call the em2loment agenc .or a ?o0.
#4, ;lease .ill in this a22lication .orm.
#49 Are o! loo+ing .or a 2ermanent 2osition"
##0 Im going to call a 2l!m0er to come this a.ternoon.
##1 I co!ldnt +ee2 the a22ointment 0eca!se I 'as sic+.
##2 Im a ne' em2loee. I 'as hired esterda.
##3 ;lease call 0e.ore o! come% other'ise 'e might not 0e home.
##4 6ets ma+e a date to go sho22ing ne:t *h!rsda.
### 7ill o! 2lease loc+ the door 'hen o! lea-e"
##& I 'ent to see m doctor .or a chec+!2 esterda.
##( *he doctor disco-ered that Im a little o-er'eight.
##, He ga-e me a chest D8ra and too+ m 0lood 2ress!re.
##9 He told me to ta+e these 2ills e-er .o!r ho!rs.
#&0 4o o! thin+ the 2atient can 0e c!red"
#&1 *he o2erated on him last night.
#&2 He needed a 0lood trans.!sion.
#&3 / !ncle had a heart attac+ last ear.
#&4 *he had to call in a heart s2ecialist.
#&# 7hat did the doctor sa"
#&& *he doctor ad-ised me to get 2lent o. e:ercise.
#&( *he doctor said I loo+ 2ale.
#&, I. I 'ant to 0e health% I ha-e to sto2 smo+ing cigarettes.
#&9 *he 2hsician said smo+ing is harm.!l to m health.
#(0 Its ?!st a mos=!ito 0ite. *heres nothing to 'orr a0o!t.
#(1 $o!re 'anted on the tele2hone.
#(2 7hat n!m0er sho!ld I dial to get the o2erator"
#(3 I 'ant to ma+e a long distance call.
#(4 ;ic+ !2 the recei-er and de2osit a coin in the slot.
#(# I tried to call /r. 1oo2er% 0!t the line 'as 0!s.
#(& $o! m!st ha-e dialed the 'rong n!m0er.
#(( I dialed the right n!m0er. B!t no0od ans'ered.
#(, *he tele2hone is ringing. 7o!ld o! ans'er it% 2lease"
#(9 7o!ld o! li+e to lea-e a message"
#,0 7ho is this" I dont recogniBe o!r -oice.
#,1 7o!ld o! 2lease tell /r. 1oo2er I called"
#,2 Is this Em2ire #84093"
#,3 I ha-e to hang !2 no'.
#,4 ;!t the recei-e closer to o!r mo!th. I cant hear o!.
#,# 7o!ld o! mind calling 0ac+ sometime tomorro'"
#,& Ho' long has it 0een since o!-e heard .rom o!r !ncle"
#,( 7hen 'as the last time he 'rote o!"
#,, I cant recall ho' long its 0een.
#,9 Im al'as disa22ointed 'hen I dont get an mail.
#90 I .eel g!ilt 0eca!se I ha-ent 'ritten her latel.
#91 7hat time is the mail deli-ered on Sat!rda"
#92 *he 2ostman al'as comes at 2 ocloc+.
#93 I 'rote to m !ncle last night. I co!ldnt 2!t it o.. an longer.
#94 I enclosed some 2hotogra2hs in m letter.
#9# I didnt +no' 'hether to send the letter airmail or not.
#9& Ho' long does it ta+e .or a letter to get to 1ali.ornia"
#9( 4ont .orget to 2!t stam2s on the letter 0e.ore o! mail it.
#9, He 'ent to the 2ost o..ice to mail a letter.
#99 I dro22ed the letter in the mail0o: on the corner.
&00 Ho' did o! sign the letter" 4id o! 'rite% ESincerel o!rsF"

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