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LAB: Qualitative Analysis Flame Test

Background: The ions of many common metals impart a characteristic

color to a flame. Often these ions are used commercially in fireworks and color
producin !los." The characteristic color can #e used to identify the presence of
an unknown ion. $hen ions or vapors of metals are heated in a flame% some of their
electrons ain enery. These electrons move to hiher enery levels. As they
return to their previous state% these electrons lose this enery in the form of
liht. &ifferent metal ions produce uni'ue spectra and thus distinct colors. (n this
la# you will investiate the colors produced #y ions from roups ) and *. The data
will #e used to identify unknown ions.
Safety: $ear chemical splash oles% loves and an apron. +old the #urnin splint
over your ceramic plate. ,se caution when initin the Bunsen #urner. Be sure to
wet all splints #efore placin then in the non-ha.ardous waste container.
Materials :
* co#alt lass plates
Bunsen #urner
Flint lihter
/eramic plate
)0 splints 1)-Li% *-2a% *-3% )-Ba% )-/a% )-/u% )-4r% )-2a536
* splints- unknown )% unknown *
). (nite your Bunsen #urner and ad7ust the flame to produce a non- luminous
*. 8lace your ceramic plate ne9t to the #urner
:. 8lace the lithium splint in the flame and o#serve the color% then view the
flame throuh a piece of co#alt lass
;. <epeat 4tep : with 2a% 3% Ba% /a% /u% and 4r
=. O#serve the splint flames throuh two pieces of co#alt lass
>. O#serve the flames enerated #y the two unknowns. ,sin the data
recorded in you &ata Ta#le% identify the metal ion1s6 present in the flame
(on 8resent Flame /olor /olor throuh
co#alt lass
3 ? 2a
,nknown @)
,nknown @*
Analysis Questions:
). $hat were the different flame colors that you sawA Any discrepanciesA
*. $hat was the identity of unknown @) and unknown @*A
:. An alien comes to visit you and #rins alon some crystals. +ow could you identify
the elements in these crystalsA
;. $hen a pan of milk #oils over onto the stove% the flame turns orane. B9plain why.
=. A firework contains copper chloride and strontium sulfate. $hat colors will this
e9plosive produceA
>. Q,B4. @) pae )*=
C. Q,B4. @* pae )*=

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